7 Phases of a Godly Courtship

What I like to call the "right" way to date

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7 Phases of a Godly Courtship

Post by GuRuGuY »

:-k OK, sorry about my last post people. I totally screwed up the voting thing. Allow me to try this again!

7 Phases of a Godly Courtship:

If you haven’t read my previous blog on a “worldly courtship,” I suggest that you backtrack a little before you continue here.

God’s order of friendship, courtship, and marriage is first to emphasize spiritual oneness in friendship, then oneness of soul in engagement, and finally physical consummation in marriage. This same order is given by Paul as he prays for our complete sanctification: “…I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it” (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24).

The following are seven phases of a Godly Courtship. It’s what I like to call the “right way” to go about dating.

1. Eye 2 Virtue

In the book of Ruth, Boaz was attracted to Ruth before he ever saw her. He heard good reports about her character. He was impressed with the loyalty she demonstrated to her widowed mother-in-law and the diligence she demonstrated in unselfishly caring for her needs.

* Developed by financial freedom

“A gracious woman retained honor: and strong men retain riches” (Proverbs 11:16).

Boaz learned the disciplines of character that go with achieving financial freedom by maintaining a successful farm while others fled the country because of drought.


A prerequisite for Godly courtship is to purpose not to look lustfully at a woman or a man. This includes not forming sensual pictures in your mind. Job tells his secret in controlling his eyes.

“I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then should I look upon a maid?” (Job 31:1).

[Now, some of you may not know how to go about making that covenant and sticking to it, but I promise we will talk about that and more later on.]

* Interest in her family

The person should have a lot of interest in the other person’s family. You can tell a lot about a person by looking at their family sometimes. Also, when you marry someone, you are also marrying their family. You must win the family over if you are going to get the girl.

2. Eye 2 Leadership

* Work through her authorities

The father has the final authority in the marriage decision of his daughter.

“If her father utterly refuses to give her to him, he shall pay money according to the bride-price of virgins” (Exodus 22:17).

“So then he who give her in marriage does well, but he who does not give her in marriage does better” (1 Corinthians 7:38).

The father is the guardian of his daughter, and he has been protecting her since her birth. So, you better believe that he is going to be extra cautious about who he will hand her over to. If says you ain’t right, then you ain’t right, buddy.

You must remember that adults have been around far longer than you have. They know when something isn’t right about another person, and if they don’t like you being with a certain person, you better cut the relationship off immediately. If your feelings are extremely great for this person, ask your parents what it is you both need to work on so that you can stay together. Although, sometimes your parents may not know what it is about the person they don’t like, they just know something isn’t right. Take that instinct seriously.

Obviously if you parents are prejudice only about the other person’s skin color, deformity, or nationality, that is something that you should ignore. It has no baring on whether the person will make an adequate mate.

For those of you who do not have a father, or he is struggling with a serious sin issues and is not in a position to decide who is right for you, then you must then look to your grandfather and mother to make the decision.

3. Spirit 2 Spirit

* Praise

Praise focuses on character qualities which a woman has already developed in her life, while flattery focuses on features and abilities which were not of her doing.

Your goal should be to focus on the character qualities of the person rather than their physical qualities. Is she kind? Is he compassionate? Is she grateful? Is he wise?

I was in the gym one day doing some bicep curls when I noticed a group of girls chatting over by the calve machine. Each one of them was wearing a skimpy T-shirt that showed their bellybuttons and shorts that were way shorter than short. Immediately I looked away from them. It did not matter to me that they were tan, thin, beauties. Although I do like a pretty girl just like the next guy, I was turned off by their immodesty. What I want is a girl that is modest. A girl that is careful about the sort of clothes she is wearing. Not someone that flashes everything for the world to see. That is an example of looking at character rather than looks.

4. Love 2 Give

* Give

Unlike lust, which focuses on getting what you want when you want it, we should seek to give. The basic element of love is giving. Whereas lust can’t wait to get, love can always wait to give.

5. Recognize Marriage Responsibilities

* Discern God’s timing
The worst, most terrible mistake you can make is to get married before you are ready and before you have found the right person. Now it’s time to figure out what God wants you to do. Spend time reading His words in the Bible and in deep prayer. Wait for Him to give you an answer on what your next move will be. Allow Him to decide when it is time to make the “marriage move.”

* Be decisive

At this point in the relationship, it is time to put an end to the whole dating process. You have now been together long enough to know how you feel about each other. Your next step should be to decide whether you are right for each other, or if it is time to part ways. If you are following the Godly courtship rules, it shouldn’t take long to get to know this person. It is time to make your decisions quickly, firmly, and clearly.

6. Full Approval First

* Avoid all appearance of evil.

“Abstain from all appearance of evil” (1 Thessalonians 5:22).

You must make absolutely sure that God approves of this person. If there is anything that seems evil about him or her such as a very prominent sin problem, you must stay away until it has been settled.

Also, make sure your parents are in agreement that this is in upstanding person who is pure in heart.

7. Heart 2 Heart

* Now it’s time for you to “get hitched”

(AKA: Get Married)
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Post by The Top Crusader »

I still won't see your movie, Love Guru. :noway:
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Post by Danielle Abigail Maxwell »

Yeah, and who's going to have not sinned in the world? Well, that leaves me out of ever getting married... ah, and that's sad. I'm still going to get married. Does that mean Teresa and Brian's marriage shouldn't have happened (or should I say be happening... they haven't even been married a week! WOW!)? Brian has sinned, as has Teresa. Brian doesn't know what he wants in life, for that matter. How's that supposed to work?

I don't think that will always work, my dear. There are happy marriages out there. And I'm going to bet that they dated and all long before they got married... oh, yeah, Bob and Kathy... Penny and Doug... MY PARENTS! Am I making a point? I hope so. And they didn't follow that way either...
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Post by SivartM »

Danielle Abigail Maxwell wrote:Yeah, and who's going to have not sinned in the world? Well, that leaves me out of ever getting married... ah, and that's sad. I'm still going to get married. Does that mean Teresa and Brian's marriage shouldn't have happened (or should I say be happening... they haven't even been married a week! WOW!)? Brian has sinned, as has Teresa. Brian doesn't know what he wants in life, for that matter. How's that supposed to work?

I don't think that will always work, my dear. There are happy marriages out there. And I'm going to bet that they dated and all long before they got married... oh, yeah, Bob and Kathy... Penny and Doug... MY PARENTS! Am I making a point? I hope so. And they didn't follow that way either...
I hope you don't think that courtship is wrong. I might be reading your posts wrong, but I seem to be getting that impression. I'm sure both ways can work, including dating, but nobody's can say that 'their way' is perfect. Nobody is also saying that Brian and Teresa's marriage can't work because they dated, either. ;)
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Post by Dr. Watson »

Who is Bob and Kathy? :anxious:
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Post by SivartM »

Dr. Watson wrote:Who is Bob and Kathy? :anxious:
They must be in the next season of AIO, and therefore we must not speak of them. *erases Dr. Watson's memory of Bob and Kathy*
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Post by The Top Crusader »

Bob and Kathy are the couple who live next to Lou and Jenna.
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Post by Danielle Abigail Maxwell »

The Top Crusader wrote:Bob and Kathy are the couple who live next to Lou and Jenna.
Sure, why not. No, Bob and Kathy would be Teresa's parents. Lovely people. Love them loads...
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Post by Stubborn »

GuRuGuY wrote:Obviously if you parents are prejudice only about the other person’s skin color, deformity, or nationality, that is something that you should ignore. It has no baring on whether the person will make an adequate mate.
Mmm, I think I disagree with this point. If a parent is against their child marrying into another nationality, they probably have a good reason. More than just racism, too.

Last edited by Stubborn on Mon Jul 07, 2008 11:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Homeward bound »

Lucy wrote:If a parent is against their child marring into another nationality, they probably have a good reason.
I would say they have a good reason for their not wanting their children to "mar" another nationality... :anxious:

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Post by Stubborn »

Haha... Thanks, HB. I'll go edit that. :-
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Post by Clodius Albinus »

A good reason? Can you come up with a good reason for not marrying someone of another race or ethnicity? I'm sorry, but opposition to a relationship on those grounds is called racism, it is despicable, and any advice, parental or otherwise, predicated on those grounds should be summarily rejected.
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Post by V-lady »

Nationality should not be made a big deal, but there are things to consider. For example, you or your parents could be worried about culture differences. This may not always be much of a concern, but it is something to consider. So, in my opinion, just because you have a reserve about marrying someone of a different culture doesn't automatically make you racist.
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Post by Jonathan »

I know people who have married inter-culturally, and I am hard pressed to think of reasons in which that should effect ones love for ones spouse.
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Post by Iron and Light »

Lucy wrote:
GuRuGuY wrote:Obviously if you parents are prejudice only about the other person’s skin color, deformity, or nationality, that is something that you should ignore. It has no baring on whether the person will make an adequate mate.
Mmm, I think I disagree with this point. If a parent is against their child marrying into another nationality, they probably have a good reason. More than just racism, too.

There are two ways to look at this- on the one hand, you could say that Jesus said 'obey your parents IN THE LORD'. In the Lord are the key words there. Judging someone JUST by their skin color isn't 'in the Lord.'

Buuut, you could look at it like Laura said- maybe your parents have a good reason. Maybe you want to marry a muslim-converted-Christian, however they realize that since he has been raised muslim, even though he has converted to Christianity, he MAY still have the male-chauvinism deeply embedded in him. BTW- that's just an example I thought of, not saying it's the case, or that it couldn't happen a different way with a different race ;).
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Post by Dr. Watson »

And whatever you do, do NOT marry a Canadian. :shame:
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Post by Catspaw »

Dr. Watson wrote:And whatever you do, do NOT marry a Canadian. :shame:
I feel like that comment was directed specifically to me, and suddenly it all makes so much sense! Yes, Dr. Watson, I will marry you! :inlove: Laura will make a great sister-in-law, and she can even bake our wedding cake! O:)
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Post by Lord_Kappa »

Catspaw wrote:
Dr. Watson wrote:And whatever you do, do NOT marry a Canadian. :shame:
I feel like that comment was directed specifically to me, and suddenly it all makes so much sense! Yes, Dr. Watson, I will marry you! :inlove: Laura will make a great sister-in-law, and she can even bake our wedding cake! O:)
Oh! How sweet! OH! I'm so excited about this, congratulations you two! Let us all know when the date is!

“Among the attributes of God, although they are all equal, mercy shines with even more brilliancy than justice.” —Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

By the way, Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, was a racist.
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Post by Dr. Watson »

Catspaw wrote:
Dr. Watson wrote:And whatever you do, do NOT marry a Canadian. :shame:
I feel like that comment was directed specifically to me, and suddenly it all makes so much sense! Yes, Dr. Watson, I will marry you! :inlove: Laura will make a great sister-in-law, and she can even bake our wedding cake! O:)
Congratulations on decoding my cleverly disguised proposal! \:D/

But...we haven't even followed the seven steps yet! :noway:

*proceeds to ram Catspaw in the eye with his nose* \:D/

There. O:)
Lord_Kappa wrote: Oh! How sweet! OH! I'm so excited about this, congratulations you two! Let us all know when the date is!

Henry Fernbank says this Saturday! :yes:
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Post by Catspaw »

Dr. Watson wrote:
Catspaw wrote:
Dr. Watson wrote:And whatever you do, do NOT marry a Canadian. :shame:
I feel like that comment was directed specifically to me, and suddenly it all makes so much sense! Yes, Dr. Watson, I will marry you! :inlove: Laura will make a great sister-in-law, and she can even bake our wedding cake! O:)
Congratulations on decoding my cleverly disguised proposal! \:D/

But...we haven't even followed the seven steps yet! :noway:

*proceeds to ram Catspaw in the eye with his nose* \:D/

There. O:)
Lord_Kappa wrote: Oh! How sweet! OH! I'm so excited about this, congratulations you two! Let us all know when the date is!

Henry Fernbank says this Saturday! :yes:
*clutches eye* Oh, he really does love me! *swoons*

*revives* So, moving on to step two, I guess you and my dad need to have a little chat. :-k I'm sure that he'll be very understanding about your desire to marry somebody you've never even met! \:D/

I work this Saturday, and since Henry Fernbank has been known to adjust his dates, we may need to move it to Sunday. :-k
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