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639: The Triangled Web, Part 2

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 7:39 am
by J-man
Yay, we can finally "officially" review the second part of the Triangled Web! Post your thoughts and reviews. \:D/

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:01 am
by crosskritters
I liked this a lot better than Part I. Part I was really just the set up anyway. The Imagination Station part was so funny, although I wish we could have actually learned something about Lewis and Clark, but the ep was so jam packed, I see the difficulty in fitting that in.

WodFamChocSod :-) 4 Stars

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:31 am
by V-lady
Another great episode from this season!!!!! I was pleased with the way things worked out, and relieved that Jimmy and Curt took it well. :D And the end was absolutely hilarious! Definitely five stars. \:D/

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:32 am
by DaveyHolcomb
Fantastic Episode!

Bringing all the suitors together in the Imagination Station was brilliant and hilarious.

I think Lucy should just hyphenate her name when she gets married so that she can be Lucy Cunningham-Schultz-Davis

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 10:57 am
by King Butter Turtle
I was equally disappointed with part two as I was with part one. It just didn't meet my expectations. It was o.k. I guess, but probably the worst episode this season. I gave it three out of five stars. Total averageness. To sum it all up, what I'm trying to say is that I was expecting a :bounce: episode and I got a :) episode.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 10:57 am
by Skid
Somebody name one time that there has been a fireworks display in Odyssey without them lighting something on fire. Is that a running joke of some sort?

Four stars.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 11:19 am
by DaveyHolcomb
Interesting note:

At the end of the episode during Candid Conversations with Connie, Connie mentions that the city is planting flowers in McCalister park. Didn't Whit buy McCalister park? Why is the city doing maintenance on private land? It is possible Whit re-leased the land to the city, but I would doubt that he would do that without the "Give Glory to God" clause.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 12:11 pm
by JD
Great Episode the way that Jack and Lucy r getting married which fixed the Lucys last name instead of two last name now its going to be Lucy Davis all around a great episode 5 STARS

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:29 pm
by Angel Bob
Although it was fun listening to this episode, I couldn't help but cringe at all the moments where characters said things like:

"Jimmy's up there? Oh no!"
"Where's Lucy? I thought she was with you!"
"Where's Curt? Has he talked to Lucy yet?"

It feels like the whole first half of Part 2 was filled with these kinds of lines. I'm glad we got to hear from the old characters, and the ending was fun (although probably a bit predictable for us fans :)). But for characters who have grown older since we've last seen them, the whole thing was somewhat immature. I'm glad Jimmy and Curt were okay with Lucy and Jack's relationship at the end, though.


Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:31 pm
by Arla
I wished we could have spent more time with Lewis and Clark as well. They should go back sometime and do that. The episode was pretty good. Nice and happy at the end with just enought confusion. :D

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 3:35 pm
by Jonathan
DaveyHolcomb wrote:Interesting note:

At the end of the episode during Candid Conversations with Connie, Connie mentions that the city is planting flowers in McCalister park. Didn't Whit buy McCalister park? Why is the city doing maintenance on private land? It is possible Whit re-leased the land to the city, but I would doubt that he would do that without the "Give Glory to God" clause.
I noticed that too--and then found it quite funny. To think, after all these years, we thought that the land goof was finally solved :lol: Oh, the irony, the cruel irony ;)

*note: this is a review of both parts*

This episode, like the above-mentioned, was something we as fans have been waiting for for a long time. Someone--who exactly, I can't remember, Taq maybe?--called it ear candy for us long-term fans.

While that sums it up perfectly, I suppose I'll continue writing ;)

Those who know me well, know that I am not a huge fan of romantic stories. As a result, I was anxiously waiting to see how this would play out. Thankfully, this episode didn't disappoint. While the whole crush thing--brought up by Laura Ingalls last week--also tends to annoy me, it didn't here. I suppose it may be because the characters never got too caught up in it, and quickly regained their senses. And never went too far off the deep end ;) In other words, they never seemed to abandon their intelligence--except Curt, by hey, the juries always been out on him ;)

Two things felt weird to me, though never detracted from the episode. First was Jack--I know this makes me seem hypocritical of me since I just said I'm not really a fan of romance, but I always imagined him and Donna possibly having a future together. Though before I fully embrace the title of hypocrite, I'll use "Modesty is the Best Policy" as my defense ;)

The second was any of these characters contemplating marriage. I mean, in a sense we saw them grow up to an extent. Sorta. Point is, this can serve as my feel old moment of the day, I guess.

There were also interesting tidbits about Jack and Lucy. Not only in that they were the ones who wound up engaged (as the two actors are married), but because they are going to school together in Texas (which, if I remember correctly, is where the Longs reside).

Alongside the romantic story there were lots of laughs. Bernard and Curt were hilarious together :lol: I don't think Bernard really had a clear-cut plan and was just having fun being along for the ride. Jack at the end was funny too "Oh, I don't know, sometime this summer, maybe" *ahem from Lucy* "June." I found that funny.

Jared and Lawrence were also funny. Jared for still getting caught up in his theories and how that came into play in his conversation with Connie was classic. Lawrence too: "Well, yeah, it's like a stationary exercise bike, but one that costs three million dollars." heh, sounds like something that would happen to me.

All this to say, I enjoyed this one. It was nice to have all these old characters back, get caught up with them, have a romantic story that didn't drive me up the wall, and plenty of laughs along the way (seriously, Bernard needs to be on more!).

5/5 stars. Good work folks.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 4:20 pm
by amyinodyssey
I really liked this episode. I had a feeling that Lucy would choose Jack because of the fact that they were married in real life. I just wasn't going to believe it until I heard it. I thought it was so romantic how Jimmy and Curt made it such a memorable moment with the fireworks, doves and the kazoo choir. I thought that it was rather funny the imagination station adventure with Lewis and Clark. I was thinking today about how that isn't the only boat that has been sunk in the imagination station. Remember how so many kids crammed into the imagination station in "The Y.A.K. Problem" sank George Washington's boat crossing the Delaware river. I would definitely give this episode a 5!

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 11:55 am
by King Butter Turtle
Three more things;

I think there was another boat sunk in the Imahination Station, I can't remember the name of the episode, but it's the one where their working on Whit's End Connelsville and Nick is left alone with a whole bunch of kids.

Second, I loved the Kazoo Choir. It was a reference to Welcome Home Whit, along with the fireworks display. That was really cool. :D

Finally, I was just thinking, will they continue this story line? Will the wedding be in Texas or Odyssey? Will we hear the from the wedding? Will Jack and Lucy move back to Odyssey? (I kind of got the idea that they were just going to school in Texas, probably living in the dorms and didn't really have intentions of remaining in Dallas.) Probably we won't hear from them again, but it's just something to think about.

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 12:33 pm
by Crazy 4 Pugs
It was okay. 3.5/5 stars.

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 6:35 pm
by Danielle Abigail Maxwell
2 Stars...I coudn't hold my attention to it very well, I thought Lucy and Jack going to get married was...2 words: IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?!!!!!!! Okay, more than 2 words. I hate the idea. Yes. And Sharayah would never be happy about Lucy having her last name (Davis). Sharayah doesn't like Weddings on specific dates. I think the last name may be a problem..I haven't told her yet.

When Jack was talking to himself, and then Lucy, I thought it sooo funny! I ALWAYS talk to myself. At School, home, around everyone and anyone. Especially my denomination of Christian...and Oydssey, my stories, ANYTHING RANDOM! It was just to funny listen to it.

Other than that, I hope next week is better... though, I'm anxiously awaiting The Imagination Station, Revisited part 1 & 2.

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 8:48 pm
by H Tide
I thought this was a great conclusion to the two-parter. :D The romance wasn't overdone and the whole runaround between Curt, Jack, and Jimmy was pretty funny. I laughed pretty hard when both Lucy and Jack repeated each other's lines at the gazebo. I must say, the scene where Jack proposed was really memorable, with Jimmy and Curt lighting the fireworks and all. Again, not that heavy plot-wise, but still an excellent episode. Five stars! =D>

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 12:14 am
by Taq
The Triangled Web is a strong two-parter. As noname mentioned, there were some less-than-memorable runarounds with Connie in the middle, but then again, this part was constrained by having to wrap up the story. I loved the main thrust of the episode, the proposal. There were some good conversations between Jack and Whit and Jack and Jimmy and Curt.

The episode had strong lessons. I thought the affirmation of marriage was the biggest one, so I was somewhat surprised when Connie and Chris talked about Christian friendship. Then again, this is a kids show, maybe the affirmation of marriage was supposed to be the side lesson, just as the sanctity of life was a side lesson in A New Era. Connie’s line, “The Christian ones [friendships] feel more…permanent,” was wishy-washy and could stand to be firmed up, but the message still got through. Within Christian friendship, I liked that we learned that Lucy had forgiven Curt a long time ago. I also liked the good-natured attitudes of all three suitors at the end. Jimmy’s comment about being able to stand in for Jack at the wedding was hilarious.

About the future of Odyssey—I don’t know how available the actors are, but I can see these characters serving as solid bases for post-hiatus Odyssey. They’re young and have a lot to learn, but are mature enough that they could mentor kids. I doubt this would happen, especially since the characters are entrenched in jobs and school elsewhere, but it’s an idea. :pray:
Jonathan wrote:This episode, like the above-mentioned, was something we as fans have been waiting for for a long time. Someone--who exactly, I can't remember, Taq maybe?--called it ear candy for us long-term fans.
That was Mable. :)
King Butter Turtle wrote:Finally, I was just thinking, will they continue this story line? Will the wedding be in Texas or Odyssey? Will we hear the from the wedding? Will Jack and Lucy move back to Odyssey? (I kind of got the idea that they were just going to school in Texas, probably living in the dorms and didn't really have intentions of remaining in Dallas.) Probably we won't hear from them again, but it's just something to think about.
I also doubt we will hear a continuation of this storyline. I think it is a Living in the Gray-type episode where we catch up with old characters, one of which gets his life back on track, and return to normal Odyssey storylines.

Living in the Gray : Jimmy :: The Triangled Web : Jack

And to my delight there was no one analogous to Felicia. =D>

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 12:28 am
by Chandler
The whole Lewis and Clark scene was hilarious. :lol:

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 12:33 am
by Taq
I agree with you, Chandler. I loved the capsizing and also how Jimmy kept forgetting if the guy was Lewis or Clark.

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 3:22 pm
by Mrs Jason Whittaker
I loved this story--plot or no plot, it was great to hear from familiar characters. It was a little too predictible in the beginning with all three of them falling for Lucy, but it turned out to be a great story. I have to admit, after the first part I was afraid Lucy wouldn't choose any of them. The best part was Whit's encouragement to Jack to make a commitment. It may be a kid's show, but we all know enough adults listen to make the lesson worthwhile. Plus it's never too early to teach children the importance of marriage and committment.

I agree with Taq that Connie's line about Christian friendships was wishy-washy. It's also not true. Even Christian friends drift apart. It's not a bad thing, just part of life.

The Imagination Station scene was great! I loved that they were all having a discussion about relationships while Lewis (or was it Clark?) was trying to explore the land.