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635: Accidental Dilemma, Part 2

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 8:19 am
by J-man
Review the newest episode of AIO! \:D/

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 8:30 am
by Mrs Jason Whittaker
I liked it. I like the adventurous stories, and this one didn't seem too complicated to me.

I love the Whisperer. He's such a comic book villian, he's melodramatic, can't quite pull off an evil laugh, and uses his birthday for a password. I like the serious villians, but he was just a refreshing change.

But seriously, did anyone really believe that both Whit and Jason, two intelligent men, had forgotten the code? That was obviously an act.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 8:37 am
by DaveyHolcomb
I didn't really care for this episode. The Whisperer was too comical to be an intriguing bad guy, and the plot was very predictable.

That said, during those few minutes in the tunnel, it really held my interest, even though I was pretty sure how it was going to end.

Did anyone else notice that the laptop Applesauce runs on is a Mac?

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 9:52 am
by Arla
I am a comletely obsessed with Odyssey intrigue. It ended differently that I had anticipated. But I'm sure it will give opportunity to "secret agent" episodes. Which I hoplessly love.

"Do you have a potato?"

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 10:54 am
by Samitude
I, for one, was almost in tears saying, "No! No! You can't kill Jason off!" Part of me was saying, "They wouldn't really do that. Would they?" The other half of me was saying, "Oh, yes they could for some unknown evil reason of their own!" Then when I heard him at the end I wondered if the whole thing had been a dream.

About the password thing. Jason told his dad he didn't know the password not that he forgot it. I'm wondering if some trusted, government individual knows the password, but Jason wasn't given it on purpose in case something like this would happen. Kind of like Jason's fingerprints being the only way the Whit's End safe could open on A Name Not A Number.

One thing I am confused about it that I thought Jason quit the NSA all together. Why do Mr. Whitaker, Jason, and Tasha keep saying that he is currently a NSA agent? He has been going on real mission trips hasn't he?

One of my favorite parts.

Carson- "I don't care about your cane when I have my fists!" POW! Connie- "Why didn't someone think of that before?!"

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 1:23 pm
by V-lady
I loved it! Predictable, but good. There were also lots of hilarious quotes! :lol:

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 1:31 pm
by totustuus
This episode was intriguing, although the "Whisperer" really annoyed me with his stupid cane and everything.

It was very suspicious when Jason knew about the explosives, but didn't know the code.

I liked how Whit's French left something to be desired. He said "Je cherche pour quelqu'un," while grammatically it should just be "je cherche quelqu'un." Plus, he just sounded very awkward, as if he weren't trying to pronounce everything entirely correctly. He can't be perfect at everything.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 1:42 pm
by Jimmy Barclay Fan
Excellent episode. I knew jason was faking, and would meet up with Whit again. Cool, though. I enjoyed it a lot.

I wonder if we will ever hear from Jason again, or if they were writing him off.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 1:48 pm
by crosskritters
I'm not a huge fan of Jason. Actually, in general I don't like him as a character. However, this ep I liked. I liked the way it mixed old and new characters. It was kind of missing a moral. 4 stars

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 2:38 pm
by Mrs Jason Whittaker
totustuus wrote:It was very suspicious when Jason knew about the explosives, but didn't know the code.
Exactly! In my opinion, Jason wouldn't have been stupid enough to press the button if he didn't know the code (if indeed the button really would destroy the machine). Which is why I think that part was an act.

The Whisperer should have figured it out when Jason said, "In the wrong hands, this program is powerful enough to--dare I say it--let you 'rule the world.' I'm trying not to let that happen, and the collateral damage of my father and my friends is worth it. They understand I'm sure." This is in direct contrast to Jason's earlier statement to the Whisterer: "It's an old program, Shermie, it's not worth anyone suffering over."

Jason wouldn't have put his father, his friends, or even the villian in more danger than was neccessary.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 3:03 pm
by Jonathan
I have found it interesting that the most common complaint was Jason's actions and how they should've tipped the Whisperer off. I've been thinking about it, and for me it makes perfect sense. The Whisperer clearly wasn't willing to accept the fact that Applesauce--whatever format it was in 18.5 years after it was erased--was useless. Jason, who we find out at the end had a plan the whole time, was merely playing off the Whisperers faulty perceptions of what the program was.

Speaking of the Whisperer, in my review of last week's episode I mentioned him as a concern. I was much more comfortable with him this week and thought he acted far more consistently in part 2 than part 1. So that concern was relieved.

My second concern was Applesauce. I still think it was corny to bring Applesauce back, but given what we learned at the end of the episode it makes sense. So I was pleased there as well.

As for the episode overall I thought it was genius. The scenes in the tunnel and with the gun and the bomb and what-not was very intense. People have used the word "predictable" to describe it, but I'm not sure I agree. The only thing that was predictable was that good wins--how exactly good would win this time wasn't predictable for me.

Because I didn't know what to expect I was absolutely floored when Jason seemed to die. As I mentioned in my review last week it seems like the writers hasn't really known what to do with Jason since Whit came back, and especially since Malachi's Message. I'm willing to speculate that that's the reason they sent him away back then--they simply had nothing for him to do in Odyssey.

The follow-up scenes were very nice too, with Whit and Connie and Tasha. At this point my mind was thinking along two different proverbial trails--they could either have him really, in fact, die, with the purpose of writing him off the show. The second was that he really wasn't dead. The second possibility concerned me--if they made it clear any later than the end of this episode that he wasn't dead, well, than Jason's new nickname is Mitch ;) Or, they could make it clear he was alive at the end of this episode, and it would have to be carefully handled.

Obviously they went with option number two, and I think it was handled well. Assuming that this show was meant to write Jason off the show--which I believe was the purpose of the show--then the faking of his death and those intense scenes in the tunnel were worth it. It works.

Personally, I think if he ever comes back now the power of this episode will be lessened.

And on that note, while this was an incredible episode, it's also a sad day. We're having to say goodbye to one of my personal favorite characters. As I said last week (it seems as if I've been using this phrase a lot in this review) Jason has always been a lot of fun, and has been of the more unique, interesting, and developed main characters we've had on the show. It's disappointing he won't be around anymore, but the ending, given the episode, works well and I'm satisfied with it.

Another thing worth mentioning is Connie's involvement--in my last review I said I was wishing we could have heard what she and Whit were working on. With the great final scene--which provided a wealth of information--we now know she was helping with the plan. I really did enjoy her role here, in both parts.

And a final note--that last scene was genius. It wrapped up the two parts very nicely and gave us information on what happened, and it still remained believeable.

So, in summary, I thought both parts were just terrific. I don't want to speak too soon--after all, we've got several episodes left this season--but this may just be the best of the season. I'm giving both parts an enthusiastic five stars.

And I hope that we get more thought-provoking and engaging episodes such as this. Not necessarily action ones, but ones where I'm inspired to actually write a review. Thanks to my ever increasing work-load at school it's rare that I'm willing to take the time out to give more than a one or two sentence review, and quite honestly, I like being inspired with these longer ones.

Which is just that much more of a testament to how much I thoroughly enjoyed these episodes.

-Jonathan far

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 3:06 pm
by zmster
this season is leaving me dissappointed. Voice recasting continues to be a problem. If they can't use someone from the past, why is it necessary to use the characters (Bart/Tasha)? Just rewrite. The original actress (sorry, I don't remember her name) had such a unique (ok, smoky) voice that even though the new actress does a great job acting is isn't close to sounding like Tasha.
(Preparing for disagreement) And...well, there's a difference between homage/honoring what came before and just lifting every little bit you can from old episodes and putting them in a blender: the tunnel, AppleSauce, explosions, cane/tazer, faked death (Mitch) and many more that are slipping my mind. I'm really not looking forward to the almost certain I fear references to Dr. Blackgaard's resurrection and Malachi. "I Slap Floor" worked well as an in joke and acknowledgement of all the failures of the Al Jansen years but this season so far almost seems like one long "April Fools!" The one exception for me is the reappearance of Jack Allen/Alan Young which I welcome whole heartedly.
Also, I know AIO isn't grounded in reality, but Mr Whitaker just happened to have a potatoe with him in his vehicle? Hm, when would that come in handy? And again it was just a substitue/echo of Bernard syphoning the gas out from "The final Conflict." Just my opinion/perspective. I know Paul M. has been credited of late. Is Nathan still writing for AIO?

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 3:42 pm
by jasonjannajerryjohn
Well now, it is hard to review a 2nd part because it just continues the same story, so I will have to refer you to my previous review for Accidental Dilemma, Part 1:

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 5:15 pm
by Boswell
totustuus wrote:I liked how Whit's French left something to be desired. He said "Je cherche pour quelqu'un," while grammatically it should just be "je cherche quelqu'un." Plus, he just sounded very awkward, as if he weren't trying to pronounce everything entirely correctly. He can't be perfect at everything.
I'm thinking that's just a writer's goof. Whit's the kind of guy who would know his French from earlier days, you know? Then again, he didn't remember his Spanish in The Cross of Cortes, either... :-k

I liked this episode quite a bit. I loved the Whisperer, no matter what most of you think, and never tired of him. I did have two big gripes about this episode, though.

Number one: the believability of Jason's death. I don't think anyone was ever fooled. Maybe if they'd had Jason screaming in the explosion, or had Whit yell out when they heard it, it could have had more of an impact, but I didn't feel anything the whole time. I knew it was a ruse and that he was alive, and I wish I hadn't. I would have loved to be shocked, have to come to grips with it and have a good cry: I enjoy those moments in drama. But the transparency of the whole thing kept me completely calm the whole time. I wanted to feel something, but didn't. (Except for "When are they going to stop acting and just show Jason already?")

Number two, and this is the big one: there was NO wrapping-up between Grady and Carson. Carson came in, announced he was here to save his son, and then...nothing. After the explosion we NEEDED to hear something from the two of them, some "I"m so glad you're safe," "Thanks for rescuing me," "I love you," "I love you, too," stuff. I mean, he just helped save his son's LIFE. But we never heard from them again after the potato in the exhaust pipe (which, again, everyone saw coming from a mile away). A very important moment was entirely ignored.

We're halfway through the known episodes of this season, guys!

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 6:07 pm
by Danielle Abigail Maxwell
I have one word: JASON!!!!

I'm laughing, okay?

So, this was an alright episode. I'm saying: THe villian needs DESPERATE help, Jason needs help, and I think this all just needs HELP!

No, that is not what I really wanted to say, except the villian part. Jason could do better, with that computer stunt...I had sooo many flashbacks to... I wanna say Waylaid, but I can't remember right now. It's been a few days since listening to it. I can't remember much.

Great, NOW WE'LL NEVER HEAR FROM JASON AGAIN! He's considered dead, unless somehow someone bumps into him, even with his "New Name" (they'll FIGURE IT OUT! I CAN!), and then everything comes loose...again.

The double agent? Okay, this seriously started to sound like a bad SOAP OPERA! Really, and that is what my parents call the show. Oh, and Kathy, but we talk about the show all the time, as with the twins and Phillip, sometimes Tim, Sharayah will talk with me about, so Brittni.

Everything seemed to Soap Operish. Like I haven't seen enough of those this Spring Break. Ah!

Yeah, let's hope that was my thoughts... I give it a 3. Yeah, the first one was good... end it horribly, why don't we?

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 11:07 pm
by Taq
The two 10-year-olds liked the show, but they had questions about the plot (the Whit/Jason plan and what really happened in the tunnel) afterwards. I was pretty skeptical of Jason's death and not too surprised to hear him alive at the end. Good plot, good use of characters, especially Carson (potato, punch, father). Like Jonathan, I also think this is Jason's exit from the show. The Whisperer is not my favorite type of villain, but he works in this story. Very good two-parter: 4.5/5.

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 5:01 pm
by fatlooy
I liked this episode...
But it was kinda predictable it reminded me of when witch "died"... So at first I was all nooooo they cant take him off the show but as it went on I was all nooo.... He’s gunna fake he dies...
But other then the predictableness of this episode I liked it.

But I dough Jason will be on very often now because he's "dead".
But I’m not a huge fan of him any who.

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 8:31 pm
by Mrs Jason Whittaker
Jonathan wrote:I have found it interesting that the most common complaint was Jason's actions and how they should've tipped the Whisperer off.
For me, it wasn't so much Jason's actions, but his quote:
"In the wrong hands, this program is powerful enough to--dare I say it--let you 'rule the world.' I'm trying not to let that happen, and the collateral damage of my father and my friends is worth it. They understand I'm sure."
Maybe I'm giving the Whisperer too much credit in assuming he would have known that Jason wouldn't really have risked lives for the sake of a computer program.

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:01 am
by Woohoo4Wooton
I enjoyed this two part episode, but it didn't evoke the same feelings of anxiousness and excitement that previous adventure stories have (Novacom and Blackgaard series adventures, Last Great Adventure of the Summer). I love any episode featuring Jason, but the characters of the Whisperer and Tasha were distracting for me.

I'd rather not have a new actress filling in for the original voice of Tasha. I'm glad they're trying to keep some characters around for continuity, but it's becoming a bit tiresome to resign to hearing a new voice for our favorite characters. This new girl did her best to imitate the original actress, but for me, she lacked the believability and fluctuation of her voice that the original actress naturally gave to the part.

Secondly, the Whisperer's character seemed a bit forced to me. If you're going to have an villian, don't try to make him a comedian during his first introductions to the listener. The joke of his continuous coughing became very forced and a little annoying to me. Jason's bantering comments are what make the interactions humorous, but if both characters are trying to evoke laughter, the wittiness and impact of Jason's comments become muddled.

The final fault I'd give the episode is at the end. Both Connie and Tasha seemed to not believe that Jason had died, despite their dialogue. While I'm sure it's expected that Tasha would be skeptical, it seemed to be a scene that could have been excluded in favor of a more well written interaction between other characters.

I'm sure that this is the way for Jason to permanently leave the AIO series, but I'll still keep hoping that he returns. He's one of my favorite characters and my Odyssey crush! He'll be missed by many.

Overall, I enjoyed these 2 episodes and hope for more action adventure stories in the future!

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 6:51 am
by Katrina
I think this was a good episode but I liked the first one better. I'd give the first part 5 stars. This was a very exiting episode. And the bad guy was funny. His laugh was hilarious. :hilarious: He would laugh and then caugh. And he kept doing it. The really cool thing is that Tasha was back. I loved that. But I started to think Jason had died. I was like no there not gonna make him die, there not gonna make him die they can't he is one of the best Charicters in Odyssey. But then I started to believe he was axtially dead. And I realized. He didn't die he escaped. I was so smart. I just new he had escaped. :proff: some of it didn't make sence to me but over all I think was a good Odyssey. Jason is my favorite Odyssey charicter