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The death of books?

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 7:01 pm
by Jonathan
I don't know if anyone has heard of this, but their is a new device on the market called the Amazon Kindle. I first heard about this in the paper this morning.

Anyone think this is a good idea? Or is technology becoming too pervasive in our lives?

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 8:24 pm
Heh, reminds of E-Book ;)

I doubt this will catch much attention in the market today. It's bad product assessment if you ask me :-

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 9:16 pm
by Danielle Abigail Maxwell
AH! Don't mention that thing!!! *runs for cover*

I was forced to read the whole article in NEWSWEEK. Class assignment.

Okay, my opinion, not that bad, but could get annoying. It can only hold 200 books, a bookshelf full apparently. I would have to buy two, 'cause I have way more than 200 books. And the idea of holding a device to read books, not really a good idea to me. I like the feel of the actual book, the smell of a new one, the look of seeing them on my bookshelf, makes me happy. I love to read.
But if it came to my school books, yeah, I would so go for it. my school books are heavy, and on one little thing, yeah, I could dig that. BUt for my other books, no.

That's my thoughts, same as I said for my class assignment (or close enough). THank you, good day, Love, Marisol.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 8:07 am
by Laurie
I would not buy one and for many of the same reasons Marisol mentioned in her post. I have well over 200 books, so I would have to buy more than two probably. Owning one of those would not give me the wonderful feeling that I get when I am holding and reading an actual book.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 8:26 pm
by ComputerGeek
Even though I love working on compuyers I can't read a book on one. It makes me dizzy and hurts and strains my eyes. give me a regular book any old day.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 2:52 pm
by ObiWan Kenobi Girl
oh, man, yeah, i could never read whole novels on the internet or such, it would just hurt too much. don't they make special computer reading glasses lenses?

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 4:15 pm
by Clodius Albinus
Books aren't going to die out, thankfully, but I'd love to see this sort of technology advance. The key here is that the screen is not backlit, so it can be read in direct sunlight, unlike a computer screen, and there is no glare or, presumably, much eyestrain. Also, while 200 books can fit on the device at one time, you can always store the rest on your hard drive, thumb drive, CD, whatever...

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 12:40 pm
by Movieman
I think books will be here to stay for the simple fact that some people just like to have them (me, for example). Whether their a collector of antiquated books (me again :D ) or just like the "smell" of a good book, I don't think books will ever die. :noway: