Your room

nice and neat or disaster area?

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Your room

Post by boneablaze »

Well, do you keep your room nice and clean or is it eligble to be considered a disaster area?

Mine is somewhat a combination. The floor area is actually quite clean. A few dog toys and such and some things under my desks that have fallen, but for the most part the floor is clean.

However my two desks (one for computer work the other for other homework, on the other side of the room so I'm not distracted to play online instead of studying) are iffy. My computer desk has stuff piled all over it so that the only thing that is clear is the computer itself. My homework desk is a bit better, but still has tons of stuff that really dosen't belong there. And the top of my chest of drawers has a variety of things piled up on it, as does the floor of my closet.

I fine it rather amusing as my bedroom is the only room in the apartment that looks this way. I keep the living room, kitchen, hallway, etc fairly clean (again dog toys and such on the floor, but nothing that makes my apartment look like a city dump or anything).

So what does your room look like?
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Post by Kait »

My bedroom is neat as a pin 3 days out of 5. That's because I let it get messy, then I pick it up, let it get messy, then pick it up etc.

But if I'm REALLY busy for a week or two, my room can get to look like a Goodwill truck exploded >_>

However, this is slightly strange, because even though I still live with my family and everything, I can't stand to go to bed if the rest of the house is messy. So I'll usually clean up the living room, computer room/craft room, bathrooms, kitchen and dining room before I go to bed...and my room will still be a complete disaster o_O

My poor mom thinks my future house will be a disaster because she bases it on how messy my room is :(

But room is the only place that I allow to get really messy O_O
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Post by EK »

My room is generally messy...clothes on the floor and such- but it doesn't inconvenience me- in fact it's easier for me to just pick up a shirt off the floor than rummaging through my meh.
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Post by jasonjannajerryjohn »

My room is generally messy.
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Post by Jonathan »

My bedroom at home---it's been a long long time since that was clean. Getting it to that state has been an ongoing project.

My dorm room, on the other hand, is very clean. The only problem I have is piles of paper tend to...appear. They are in neat tidy places, but I wind up with more than I need. Or with more than what I know I have. Or something.
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Post by boneablaze »

Christina wrote:
But if I'm REALLY busy for a week or two, my room can get to look like a Goodwill truck exploded >_>
Ah. So you have seen my closet! I've got dog food, clothes that I haven't felt like putting away, Christmas presents I'm collecting to mail in a little over a month, shoes, some school books, stuffed animals, clorox wipes (which go with me everywhere so I can wipe surfaces before touching them), a big bottle of hand sanitizer to refil the little one I keep in my backpack, extra backpacks, my dirty clothes basket, and a bunch of other miscellaneous junk piled up on the floor of my closet. I keep saying "on the weekend" I'll clean it, but I'm always overwhelmed with homework for most of the weekend and then want to relax and enjoy myself for the rest of it, so needless to say, it dosen't get cleaned. Maybe for the two weeks between me comming home from Christmas vacation and the start of the next semester I'll have time to pick through all of that stuff and get it organized. In fact just going home to my family for Christmas will clean it out a little bit (actually a couple weeks before leaving) as the Christmas presents I'm collecting will be gone.
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Post by Stubborn »

My room is not really neat and organized, but it's not too messy. There's usually just books laying all over the place. Books and sheet music. And maybe sneakers, or something... \:D/

I like a clean room, especially since it's so small. If the floor is cluttered, I can't get from my door to my bed. :anxious:
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Post by Abigail »

My room is messy at the moment, because I haven't had the time (or maybe i'm just to lazy) to clean it, but I try to keep it at least half way clean most of the time. :)
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Post by JesusIsAlive »

Eh, my room is fine (to me)... There is a walkway... *smirks* :p
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Post by STRYPER »


...that being said, my room is generally messy most of the time :(
My main problem is laundry :(
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Post by Angel »

My room is a dissaster right now, but that is only because I have had a lot going on. But usually, when it gets so messy I can't stand it, then I'll go in and clean it all up (or if someone is coming to visit). I find it very easy to do work, as long as I wasn't asked to do it.
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Post by boneablaze »

JesusIsAlive wrote:Eh, my room is fine (to me)... There is a walkway... *smirks* :p
Sounds like my room when I still lived with my parents. There was a walkway between the door and my bed, and one between my bed and my closet. The rest of the room had junk all over the floor.
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Post by JesusIsAlive »

boneablaze wrote:
JesusIsAlive wrote:Eh, my room is fine (to me)... There is a walkway... *smirks* :p
Sounds like my room when I still lived with my parents. There was a walkway between the door and my bed, and one between my bed and my closet. The rest of the room had junk all over the floor.
Yeah... :- It wouldn't take more than 15 minutes to clean my room. I just never feel motivated to... :p
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Post by boneablaze »

JesusIsAlive wrote:
boneablaze wrote:
JesusIsAlive wrote:Eh, my room is fine (to me)... There is a walkway... *smirks* :p
Sounds like my room when I still lived with my parents. There was a walkway between the door and my bed, and one between my bed and my closet. The rest of the room had junk all over the floor.
Yeah... :- It wouldn't take more than 15 minutes to clean my room. I just never feel motivated to... :p
That's where we're different. If I'm going to clean my room I get really detailed and thus it would take me at least one whole day to completely clean my room when I had walkways. *glances at the pile in her closet* If I get at least one more chest of drawers in here, or at least a bunch more hangers I could probably have my closet fairly clean in about two hours or so, and the stuff piling up on my computer desk and one chest of drawers would probably take another hour and a half or so if I were to just go through it quickly. Since I'm just about to pull ahead in the homework for my hardest class, I might actually get to kinda-sorta cleaning the room up a bit next weekend (when I shouldn't have quite as much homework to do).
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Post by Jennifer Doyle »

It takes me a good portion of time to clean my room, which it usually needs. Most of my problem is laundry, in various stages of clean or dirtiness. Right now, it's sorted into about 3 piles of dirty. That is directly in front of my door, so I step on or over that to get into the rest of my room. THe rest of the room is covered in papers or books, computer stuff, shoes, and anything else that is odd.

I'm lucky I don't have a roommate. Haha.
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Post by Sherlock »

My room at home isn't a problem - it was promptly turned into a guest room when I moved out but it still retains a bit of its 'charm' from when I lived there. ;)

My condo is another story. Some days it manages to stay clean while others are not so fortunate. I have one of those walk-in closets, however and I generally pile everything in there when I have an attack of conscience. The biggest mess for a while was my bicycles - I had two of them stored in my room and they cluttered things up until I arrived at the perfect solution: suspending them from the ceiling - it looks like it is perpetually raining bikes now!
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Post by Mr.Whit »

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Post by The Top Crusader »

A horrible, glorious mess! \:D/

Out apartment is fairly small so we basically don't have room for everything... so it basically gets randomly thrown into the bedroom so the rest of the house is tidy when people are over! \:D/
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Post by V-lady »

Well, I share a room with my sister, and I'm neat she isn't, but it happens to stay on the neat side. ...Definitely better than it was when four of us were in my room, and two of us were neat, and two messy. ...Ugh. :)
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Post by Danielle Abigail Maxwell »

It's half clean right now. I have my treasure box/scrapbook out and I'm painting it. It's all over my floor because of all the supplies. Usually you can see my whole floor (unless it's homework time. THen it's covered, unless I'm in my sister's room on my computer). I cleaned my room so well this summer that I don't have much on the floor anymore. I literally cleaned out my room. I don't have much left (apart from what I HAVE to keep because you can't get them anymore, and all my books and games and pictures.)
My walls are covered in posters and pictures, Art, from friends notes, and a Casting Crown Poster, with two pirates posters on the ceiling (Got to love my sister for those. Now all my friends are jealous I don't understand why...)
I wish I didn't have bunk beds(and it is only me), because under my bed it's all dirty (as is my top bunk, because my cat got fur all over it. Sleeping up there again...)
Love, Marisol. THat's my room.
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