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The Children of Hurin

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 8:07 pm
by Dr. Watson
Has anyone heard of this or read it? It sounds pretty interesting. Apparently J.R.R Tolkien started writing this as more "novelized" form for part of the Silmarillion but never finished it. His son Christopher finished it, and it was just published. The artwork looks pretty cool too; done by Alan Lee.

Link Here

Fixed the link for you, it works now.- MJ

edit:Never mind- I'm trying to fix it..

edit: Got it!

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 10:08 am
by Ruthie
Wow, that looks awesome. I must get it from the library. :)

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 6:34 am
by Lord_Kappa
I have heard of this, and very much want to read it.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 10:48 am
by Ferder
Hopefully it's better than the Simarillian. The only good thing about that book was that it was easier to get all the references to ancient Middle Earth history in LOTR. Also the end chapter about Sauron's rise to power and the creation of the ring is moderatly interesting.
I might read this new one. I've heard some of the writing isn't very good (very awkward and archaic) but the story is OK. You'd think the people in charge of marketing could've thought of a more interesting/less boring title, though.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 12:11 pm
by Lord_Kappa
The Silmarillion was an excellent book! Through and through. :noway:

The title, hmm, it is kind of bland. What would you suggest though?

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 7:11 pm
by Thursday Next
Ferder wrote: You'd think the people in charge of marketing could've thought of a more interesting/less boring title, though.
It's quite possible that was the working title when Tolkien started writing it.

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 7:26 pm
by StupendousMan
Yeah I think I'm gonna try and grab it to read.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:40 pm
by Mrs. Maxwell
I'm so excited about this book! I'm asking for it for my birthday in May. I'm such a big Tolkien geek, and just the idea of a "new" book from Tolkien gets me really excited.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 9:44 pm
by Dr. Watson
I put it on hold from my library, but since there are like five people in front of me, I don't see myself reading it until the summer. :(

Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 11:44 pm
by Ferder
Thursday Next wrote:
Ferder wrote: You'd think the people in charge of marketing could've thought of a more interesting/less boring title, though.
It's quite possible that was the working title when Tolkien started writing it.
Yes, but remember the publishers were the one who called the last installment of LOTR "The Return of the King". I heard that Tolkien didn't actually like the title because he thought it was a spoiler.
You've got to feel a little sorry for Tolkien's son, though. He's going to be peering over those scratchy notes of his father until the day he dies.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 9:53 am
by Mrs. Maxwell
Ferder wrote:
Thursday Next wrote:
Ferder wrote: You'd think the people in charge of marketing could've thought of a more interesting/less boring title, though.
It's quite possible that was the working title when Tolkien started writing it.
Yes, but remember the publishers were the one who called the last installment of LOTR "The Return of the King". I heard that Tolkien didn't actually like the title because he thought it was a spoiler.
You've got to feel a little sorry for Tolkien's son, though. He's going to be peering over those scratchy notes of his father until the day he dies.
Man, I don't feel sorry for him. If that's what he likes, more power to him! And I don't think the scratchy notes would be bad to pour over, Tolkien was a genius, who knows what you might find! I know millions of Tolkien fans who would die for that chance! (Well, not die, but you know what I mean...) I do see what you mean, that interest in Tolkien's writings wont ever die, and he definitely has a full time job doing that, but if he likes it, that's great for him. And he gets to be in the movie documentaries, and probably get an invite to any nice gathering of Tolkien fans, and just feel the love. I'd love to meet him. And if he ever wants to write a book himself, I bet he can get it published pretty much instantly. I can see what you're saying, but I have a hard time really pitying him, it sounds like a fun life to me... :D

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 8:52 pm
by Thursday Next
Ferder wrote:
Thursday Next wrote:
Ferder wrote: You'd think the people in charge of marketing could've thought of a more interesting/less boring title, though.
It's quite possible that was the working title when Tolkien started writing it.
Yes, but remember the publishers were the one who called the last installment of LOTR "The Return of the King". I heard that Tolkien didn't actually like the title because he thought it was a spoiler.
You've got to feel a little sorry for Tolkien's son, though. He's going to be peering over those scratchy notes of his father until the day he dies.
But that's entirely different again because the publishers told Tolkien he had to break it into three separate books when Tolkien wanted to publish one big book. The reason was that paper was scarce after the war and a book that big would be way to expensive for the average person and the book wouldn't be the success it is today. But this is different part of the story had already been published.

From Unfinished Tales: Narn I Hin Hurin (The Tale of the Childern of Hurin) I just found my copy.