What do you think?

I've written a script.

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What do you think?

Post by Ruthie »

Here is a script I've written. (DEFINITLY not the best I've ever done!) Tell me what you think of it!

Star Wars:
End of an Era

Scene ONE:

A: (warningly) Be cautious.

R: (mock horror) Aren’t I always?
(A looks at R with a look of ‘humph….. You wish!’)
(Seriously) I hear something. (Edging forward impatiently)

A: (holding R back and calmly saying) Don’t jump to conclusions, be ready, but don’t attack unless necessary.

R: I have a bad feeling about this.

(Something in the shadows is getting closer, and then attacks, two creatures leaping forward with blasters.)

A: Look out!

(They dodge to the side and R realizes that his lightsaber is gone, and then he uses the force to disarm one of the creatures. Meanwhile A rolls to the right and uses her lightsaber to cut off the end of the blaster.)

Creature 1: We surrender!

Creature 2: Please don’t harm use!

A: Alright! Let’s all go back to the temple and have something to eat.

(R looks VERY confused)

R: Master? Are you alright?

A: Oh, (mysteriously) I forgot to tell you…..this was a test. Master Skywalker wanted to see how well you responded with the force when put to the test. Since you had no weapon, you had to use the force,

R: But where is my lightsaber? I know I put it in my belt when we left, it hardly ever leaves my side.

A: (pulling another lightsaber out of her cloak) You were so excited about the mission that you didn’t even notice, in that you need to learn.

R: Thank you master. Who are they? (Looking toward the 2 creatures)

A: I’m surprised you didn’t recognize this one. (Pointing to creature 2)

(Creature 2 giggles, then removes her hood)

R: Zena? My own sister was in on this? (Look of ‘oh no, not my sister’)

A: Yes, and she did very well.

Scene TWO:

In a room , two people are standing talking. One a tall menacing man, the other is a smaller but evil looking woman. Both armed well.

RK: When will the tournament begin?

Kaft Uzama: When I have found someone (looks at her mysteriously) or something worthy enough to fight you.

RK: (raising one eyebrow and turning her head) I’m getting impatient, do not think that I will stay here forever because I fought and killed your huge wookie. For my entertaining Sporka the Hutt for you by fighting in the Great Arena, I expect to be paid in a very large sum, that is…..if I win.

Kaft Uzama: (cruel laughter) You certainly won’t want to have the money if you lose! You’ll be dead! My next plan will bring in a very worthy opponent and it shall not take long.

RK: Good. (Smiling smugly)
Scene THREE:

A and R walking out side through a path way of pine trees.

R: Why is this mission so important?

A: Because there is a Jedi on Novus III in disguise, trying to prove that Sir Charles De Gobanes is Kaft Uzama. No one except Master Skywalker and select few know who that Jedi is. Even I don’t. So it is of the utmost importance that his identity remains hidden. We are going there to try and make contact. Master Skywalker has lost contact with him, and the Jedi on Novus III knows that if he is unable to make contact with Coruscant that a Jedi will come to his aid. In this case, a Jedi and a Padawan.

R: How wonderful! This is going to be very exciting. (Starts walking fast)

A: R, this isn’t a test. This is going to be the real thing.

R: (seriously) I know (pauses, and looks down, looking up says) I will do my best. And I will follow your lead.

A: I know you will. I foresee you will become a great Jedi. IF you learn to be patient! (Smiles) Come, let us begin.

(They walk away.)

A and R are in a field.

R: So this is it? Novus III. Not a bad place, for what it is.

A: Yes, it really is quite pretty.

R: Now, you said you had some instructions for me once we reached the planet.

(A looking into the distance, preoccupied)

R: Master?

A: What? Oh, I’m sorry. (Dazed) I just sensed something strange.

R: Really? I don’t feel anything.

A: Never mind, what were you saying?

R: Oh, well you said that you had instructions for me once we reached the planet.

A: Ah, yes. Well, Master Skywalker said that he was able to contact the disguised Jedi to tell him that we were coming, all the Jedi could say was “Yes”. Master Skywalker said that some strange things may happen to us here, but not to panic. He also said that things are not as they appear to be.

R: Strange words for Master Skywalker to say.

A: Yes, very strange. But I want you to know that if something happens to me, try and discover who the disguised Jedi is, go to him and he will help you. But above all, try to not be afraid.

R: Yes master. Your words are wise. I shall try my best.

A: No, there is no ‘try’ there is only ‘do’ or ‘do not’.

R: (grinning) Then I shall DO my best.

A: (smiling) Much better!

Kaft and R are in a dark control room, R is at a console looking at something.

RK: Kaft, there are two unidentified humanoid beings in squadron 34. Shall I call the droids on them? (Looking expectedly at Kaft)

Kaft: (A look of evil joy on his face) Yes, but have them brought back alive. One of them is your opponent in the Great Arena.

RK: Perfect! (Types on the keyboard.) Droids are sent out and are surrounding the intruders.

Kaft: I’m going to see to them myself, nice comfortable cells in the dungeon! (evil laughter)

(Kaft leaves the room)

(R leans back in her chair, closes her eyes. Then her eyes flash back open, shakes head as if waking up from a dream.)

RK: No……
(a voice from the background says, “I just sensed strange……strange…..strange…..)

RK: Quickly goes to the keyboard, types something and then clicks enter, Computer, give me the descriptions of the intruders, A droid voice saying “Intruder number one, human, female, blonde hair, blue eyes, 5 foot 5 inches, communication device and Lightsaber. Intruder number two,” Computer, Stop, that’s enough. (Sighs) oh, no.

In a dungeon cell, A and R are sitting on the hard cold floor.

R: (sighs) This is horrible, we come to help someone and we get out numbered by droids, humiliated by them, locked up and now don’t know what to do.

A: (smiles sadly) Don’t give up hope, no matter where you go, there will always be hope.

R: You’re right, but there still isn’t much hope down here.

A: Remember, there is still the hidden Jedi on our side, we will get out somehow, and he will find a way.
(sound of a door closing and footsteps.)

I: Come on, (A and R both get up) NO! Not you (pointing to R) the master wants you (pointing to A)

(I moves out and up the stairs with A, I keeps R at bay with a blaster.)
(A and I leave)

R: Now what?

RK is standing next to the sitting Kaft, next to them is Sporka the Hutt.

Kaft: (to Sporka) I believe you will find our entertainment most enjoyable.

Sporka: Humph, nothing could be as great as my palace!

Kaft: With all due respect Great One, yours is the greatest, but mine may chance come in a far second?
For the Great Arena is quite amazing. (Trying to be humble, but not succeeding!)

Sporka: We shall see.

I brings in A and puts her in the arena, then I goes up to Kaft and says)

I: all is ready my lord, the prisoner is prepared.

Kaft: R has already chosen the weapons, they shall fight will the sword! (turning to R) Are you ready?

RK: Yes! On one condition! I may do whatever I wish with the prisoner after I win, that is to say, IF I win?

Kaft: (shrugs his shoulders) Bah! Why not? Agreed!

RK: (bows) thank you, my lord.

(R walks toward the arena, hooded and cloaked, as she enters the arena, I comes and takes her cloak, A shows shock when she sees R, R tosses A an sword, and gets one for herself.)

A: RK?

RK: Silent! (Turns to I) Leave us!
(I leaves the arena)

RK: (quietly while circling A) I’m sorry A, I must fight you. But, I can save your life if you make it look good.

A: Master Skywalker sent his own daughter? (smiles) I’ll make it look good!

(RK and A fight for a while.)

RK: Let me knock the sword out of your hand.

A: Alright, do a spin attack to the left and catch me off guard.
(R does a spin attack to the right, the sword drops from A’s hand, A looks shocked.)

I: The winner!

Kaft: R, What do you wish to do with the prisoner?

RK: I wish to keep her as my slave! So that I can use her to practice my fighting skill.

Kaft: As you wish, you have earned it. Take her away.
(R leads A out of the arena and out.)

Sporka: A most enjoyable evening! I commend you Kaft on your choice of warriors.

Kaft: Good, than I can count on your support with the mining pirates?

Sporka: Full support!
R and A are in R’s room.

RK: (handing A some bread) Here, eat this.

A: Thank you, master. (bows and takes the food)

(RK raises her eyebrow)

RK: Master? Don’t worry, My room is not under surveillance, we can speak freely.

A: Good, I don’t know how much more of calling you ‘master’ I can take.

RK: (mysteriously) I thought it would come natural to you….. (A “punches” R’s arm and they laugh)

A: I told you to do a spin attack to the left! You did one to the right? Why?

RK: I really did catch you off guard! I knew that I had to really beat you for Kaft to believe it. (smiles) and he did.

A: My Padawan is in the cells in the dungeon. We must get him out.

RK: Don’t worry, we will. But first we must get to Coruscant.

A: Coruscant?

RK Yes, and to my Father. I have evidence that proves that Sir Charles De Gobanes IS Kaft Uzama.
After that we can come back with the support of the government and arrest Kaft. Then we will get your Padawan, don’t worry he will be safe.

A: How will be getting off the planet?

RK: Oh, that’s easy; we can take my personal star ship. I got that from a deal with Kaft. I took a lot to get where I am now; I had to be the evil bounty hunter that he thought I was.

A: You have everything planned, don’t you?

RK: (looking sly) Well…….with a brilliant mind like mine, I just can’t but help have every thing planned out! (smiles, then laughs) Come on. (they leave the room)

Sign saying “one week later”.

A and RK are leading Kaft out and into a guard transport to jail.

RK: Now that he is finally put away, let’s get your Padawan!

A and R go into the dungeon the guard stops them,

I: Stop, what do you want. (sees who it is) Oh, I’m sorry Lady R; I didn’t realize who it was.

RK: We are here for the prisoner, and you’re set free.

I: Me? Set free? How can this be true?

RK: Kaft is safety on a security transport on his was to Coruscant, for his trial. All his slaves and servants are now set free. You may go!

I: (bows) Thank you! Thank you! (Hurries off) Good bye!
(R and A go down the stairs and find *R*)

(He leaps up and runs to A). I’m so glad you’re here, I thought you’d never come back. But then I thought about what you said, about never giving up hope, and that made it easier. (Notices R) Who are you?

A: She’s the Jedi we came here to find. When we get back to the Temple, you’ll recognize her more.

RK: Come; let’s get out of this place!

They all walk up the stairs and out.

At the pine tree path.

A: R! We have another mission.

R: really?

A: Master Skywalker said that he liked how we handled the last mission, so he has another one for us.

R: that’s wonderful. But Master Skywalker doesn’t usually give out mission to a Padawan team…..I wonder why now?

(coming up behind them)

RK: You don’t really think that my father would do that without a bit of persuasion by a certain family member?

A: There you are, I was wondering when you would show up.

R: Thank you very much for getting us the new mission.

RK: Oh, that’s fine.

R: I do have one question, about Novus II, Why couldn’t you contact your father? When we got there, it didn’t seem like you really needed our help.

RK: Well, I didn’t, You see, Kaft Uzama was suspecting that there was a spy on Novas III so he cut all communication from the planet. When someone (my father), contacted me saying that he was sending a Jedi to help me, Kaft intercepted it. My father didn’t say my name, so Kaft didn’t suspect me. But I didn’t know that he sent a message saying ‘Yes’ to my father. He wanted someone I could fight with in the arena to impress Sporka the Hutt. He needed Sporka’s support in an illegal mining franchise with space pirates.

R: Oh, I see. It all seems very complicated.

RK: It WAS very complicated! I’m glad it’s over though. Well, I have to go, and you two need to get on to your next mission. May the Force be with you.

A and R: goodbye.

RK: Oh! A, Tell dad that I’m going to go to the Senate Chamber. Ok?

A: Sure! Tell Aunt Leia hello!

RK: Ok.

R: (puzzled) Wait, ‘Aunt’ Leia? And tell ‘Dad’?

A: (smiles) Oh, yes, another reason RS didn’t want to fight me is because we are sisters, although, we bicker enough at home.

R: Do you enjoy not telling me important facts?

A: No, I just like for you to try and figure things our on your own. It builds character.

R: (sigh) Another, character builder?

A: Yes. They are good for you.

R: Can we go now?

A: (laughing) Yes.


How was it? Please tell me the truth. I don't think it was one of my best.....so tell me what you think!


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Post by Catspaw »

Interesting...it was all right, but not fabulous, in my opinion.

Who are R, A, and RK? That was one thing that I didn't like - I didn't know what era I was jumping into, or what the characters were named at the beginning.
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Post by beka8910 »

very nice very nice
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de lah rutheh rank
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Post by Ruthie »

Catspaw wrote:Interesting...it was all right, but not fabulous, in my opinion.

Who are R, A, and RK? That was one thing that I didn't like - I didn't know what era I was jumping into, or what the characters were named at the beginning.
I know..... ](*,) I still need to work on it.

Ok, the era is after RotJ. R, A and RK are just letters to signify unamed characters.
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