stupid things

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stupid things

Post by dancer02248 »

i think we all do stupid things, and the best part is laughing about them later. So in this thread you can post about stupid things you've done lately...or ever.
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Post by beka8910 »

I was sitting at the lunch table with my friend and she said something and I was like, "oh-oh-oh the cares gone" and she was like "oh-oh-oh the gays still there" and then I got kinda mad, but we laugh about it now
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Post by Jessicado »

I had a huge essay , that as most of you know I have been putting off lately in lou of spending time here.....Well, last night was the night I HAD to do it, and as I sat down fully intending to finish it, a friend called and needed a ride home from work. So I went and took him home and then a couple of us got pizza...then another friend called me up and invited me over to hang out with him and some friends cuz he had just gotten off work, so I figured "oh a little while longer won't hurt........I stayed out until 5 this morning.......not only was my essay not anywhere close to being done, I hadn't done my homework for another class! So I set my alarm for 7 figuring I would get up early and do it before class.

:hilarious: That plan didn't wuite work. Then I slept so late, I got up when I was supposed to already BE at class. Plus I stunk because I had been around people who were smoking (EWWWW) last night and my hair smelled like an ashtray, so I had to take a shower, and then I tried cramming in the first 4 chapters of Antony and Cleopatra off, hoping I could manage to sound like I knew what I was talking abot in class.....I was a half hour late to class, and I missed a pop quiz worth 10 points..... ](*,) As for my next class....the essay I handed in was TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!

Now today, I am so exhausted I can barely keep my eyes open, and I spent all day after work scrambling to finish my homework for tonight's class which I have to leave for in a few in conclusion: last night I was incredibly stupid.....

I am not laughing yet......
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Post by Jonathan »

beka8910 wrote:I was sitting at the lunch table with my friend and she said something and I was like, "oh-oh-oh the cares gone" and she was like "oh-oh-oh the gays still there" and then I got kinda mad, but we laugh about it now
And I'm confused.

My stupid story:

Shortly after my 17th birthday, my friend got in a car crash. That night, while driving as I shouldn't, I decided that would never happen to me. The next day, I was at one of the larger county librarys (right next to the courthouse) doing homework, when I realized I was late to leave. I had to get home by 6 to say goodbye to my Dad who was going to his sister's house for a night or two, and it was ten to six. After that, I was going to work at a warehouse for school.

Now I was driving the family Astro Van. The driver's door was facing the library, and on the other side of the van was a big round yellow post (some of you in the Twin Cities might know what library I'm talking about) that was made of concrete. Because it was on the other side and under the mirror, I couldn't see it, and since I was parked far from anyone else, I pulled out of the spot pretty fast, and turned into the concrete post.

After I stopped the van, my first thought was "This did not just happen. I got out of the van, ran to the right side, and was horrified at what I saw. The entire right side was, um, damaged. Badly. I could barely close the sliding door and the passenger door wouldn't open. I literally screamed.

Don't worry, the dumb stuff is coming.

I went into a full-fledged panic attack. My house was south, I turned north. I wasn't planning on going home. At a stop light, I reached over and tried to open the passenger door again. It wouldn't, and I blacked out.

The next thing I remember was driving south on a freeway back towards my house. How I got there to that freeway is beyond me, but there I was. By this time I had stopped panicking, and had started to think (this is where I decided to do something stupid). My train of thought went something like this:

Dad's leaving at's almost 5 after...if I park on the other side of the street, he won't see it...then I can tell him on the phone tonight and live another day!

As if he wouldn't find out before then. Ha. Boy, what was I thinking?

I got home about 10 after. To my horror, he was still there. So I went in (and was quite jumpy and impatient). 6:10 became 6:15, which became 6:25. And I was beginning to panic again. I didn't know what he hadn't left yet, especially since he hates leaving late and had a three hour drive ahead of him. So, to calm my nerves, I decided to go to the warehouse, despite no one would be there until 7ish.

To condense the next hour or so, I wound up telling a lot of kids there what happened, as they could see the van. By qaurter to 8, the freshman finally noticed, and right after I got to the part of "and since he's out of town, I can tell him over the phone" I heard a familiar noise, although I didn't realize what it was until a friend of mine said "Hey Jon, guess who's here?"

My head turned so fast my neck cracked.

In my Chevy Celebrity, my whole family had come. Someone who happened to have a keyboard out there started playing taps. Of course, I was trying to be cool and collected and didn't notice that. I walked to the car and blocked his exit when he opened the door. I then said:

"Hey Dad, what're you doing here?"

"Oh, I decided to see what you guys are selling this year, and then I'm leaving. I'm also dropping your Mom off so she can go fill up the van."

"Oh. Well. In that case, I need to show you something." *parents get out of car* "You see, there's a something wrong with the van."

We walked over, and after a nasty glare that scared away the freshman who were trying to watch my doom, my parents saw the damage. Both were speechless-my Mom b/c she was expecting something little. My Dad b/c he was mad b/c I had tried to pull something over on him.

Luckily, my Dad had to go out of town (as he'd put that off as long as he could), and left after only saying "We'll discuss this when I get home." I was hoping that would be one night instead of two.

Thankfully, my Dad had cooled off when he returned (only one night later), and I had calmed down too. My punishment was grounded from driving until the van was fixed (a good month), paying for whatever insurance didn't cover ($100) and taking care of the rental car fees (over $500). I was also told that my punishment wouldn't have been quite that harsh if I had fessed up immediately.

Moral-don't try to pull stuff over on your parents. They will find out. Whether or not they let on, they do know what you're up to.

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Post by Me »

We were shooting a scene for our first short ever. We were short on time, so were weren't really prepared. We shot one scene in the control room at the school's tv studio. Halfway through, we realized that the scene needed to be green screen. In my infinite wisdom, I uttered the famous words (another story in and of itself) "We'll just fix it in post." Little did I realize what that short sentence would bring about. Christmas break was looming, and I was looking forward to relaxing. I ended up spending the first week of it working full time at my computer, developing workflow and processing the shots. I spent over 40 hours doing a digital set replacement for two frames, that ended up with less than a second of screen time.

As a side note, let me explain exactly what I mean by a digital set. The essential elements of the scene were a computer, a countertop, and the actor. These elements had to remain. Unfortunately, we didn't notice that we left our slate on the counter, and you could see all the shot information on it. That, along with an audio mixer, had to be removed from the scene. I also decided to leave the wood trim that surrounded the equiptment racks in the scene. I had to remove everything in them, the sides of them, walls, wires, etc. The final composite was over 150 layers, with all the countertop segments, different equiptment in the racks, different walls with different lighting, different content rotoscoped onto the computer screen, etc. It was pure torture, and on top of that, the short was a total failure.

We laugh about it a lot now.
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Post by Evil Chick »

Oh yeah, I just thought of something. It's really, really funny!! :hilarious:

It happened on TH chat. I was talking to Jared about making Mac&Cheese. And I was saying how I had just figured out how to make it from scratch. He said that he didn't know how to. So, I wanna say "Poor Jared!". But, as so often happens when one types too quickly, I misspelled the word, and wrote "Poop Jared!". Of course, as soon as I had hit the return key, I realized what I had done. I stared at the screen in horror, unable to move for a split second. And then, I burst out laughing. I was laughing so hard, I could barely type out an apology, which I was trying desperately to do. That was a very humiliating experience, but also very funny!! I laughed all night about that one, and all of the next day. And, I still laugh about it, everytime I think about it! :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious:
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Post by Ruthie »

Evil Chick wrote:Oh yeah, I just thought of something. It's really, really funny!! :hilarious:

It happened on TH chat. I was talking to Jared about making Mac&Cheese. And I was saying how I had just figured out how to make it from scratch. He said that he didn't know how to. So, I wanna say "Poor Jared!". But, as so often happens when one types too quickly, I misspelled the word, and wrote "Poop Jared!". Of course, as soon as I had hit the return key, I realized what I had done. I stared at the screen in horror, unable to move for a split second. And then, I burst out laughing. I was laughing so hard, I could barely type out an apology, which I was trying desperately to do. That was a very humiliating experience, but also very funny!! I laughed all night about that one, and all of the next day. And, I still laugh about it, everytime I think about it! :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious:

:hilarious: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :thud: My jaws hurt from laughing so much! That was funny! (especially since it was Jared)
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Post by gimp80995 »

So many stupid things I've little time

I guess one of the stupid things I've done (that I can share) was about a year ago when I got a new car (oximorn as it was a '89).........I noticed that when the car was off, the gas gague said I had half a tank.........but when it was running sometimes it would go waaaaaay down.

At one point I got the extremely bright idea to see which reading was correct.........half a tank that showed when the car was off, or empty like it showed when it was running

I found out (about a mile from the closest gas station) that the reading when the car was running was the correct reading...........ooops

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Post by Ruthie »

Here my stupid thing (or one of them...):

It was last year during VBS, we (me, my mom and two friends) were doing the drama/skit section. That night my mom was dressed as an angel, my friends were shepards and I was normal (b/c I had done sound). It was at the end of the night and we were getting ready to pose for a picture. My mom had gone off stage for a friends had staffs (b/c they were shepards!) and I took one and started playing as if it were Darth Mauls lightsaber. Behind me (I couldn't see her) my mom came back on stage. At that exact moment, I had decided to whirl around in a sweeping motion..............onto my moms head.
SHE WAS MAD! :evil: (in the angelic costume with halo....) She had a big red spot on her forhead the next day :bolt: . Unfortunetly.......a boy who is REALLY annoying (he also likes me, which is really gross) was right there and saw the whole thing. So he told EVERYONE! My mom didn't talk to me the rest of the night (even though I said I was sorry about 100 times).....on the way home she said she forgave me......but I could tell that she was still mad. (her grandma and mom have an anger problem, she used to get angry at EVERYTHING! But she is doing better now.)

A couple days later she was cracking up with laughter about it.
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Post by Jonathan »

I have a stupid thing my brother did that still makes me laugh.

It was at a friend's of mine graduation party. We were getting ready to leave, so my brother went to the bathroom. He was in there a long long time. Finally he opened the door, and with a sheepish look on his face, asked for a plunger. Getting one, he retreated in the bathroom, and was once again in there for a long long time. I finally decided to see what was going on, so I went over, knocked on the door, and asked if he was ok. I then looked down, and saw a river coming out from under the door. I opened it, only to see him bent over the counter laughing, kinda. At this point my friend rounded the corner, and seeing the mess went "*gasp* Joe! What did you do!?!?"

Maybe you needed to be there, but I thought it was halirious, and still do.

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Post by dancer02248 »

Jonathan wrote:I have a stupid thing my brother did that still makes me laugh.

It was at a friend's of mine graduation party. We were getting ready to leave, so my brother went to the bathroom. He was in there a long long time. Finally he opened the door, and with a sheepish look on his face, asked for a plunger. Getting one, he retreated in the bathroom, and was once again in there for a long long time. I finally decided to see what was going on, so I went over, knocked on the door, and asked if he was ok. I then looked down, and saw a river coming out from under the door. I opened it, only to see him bent over the counter laughing, kinda. At this point my friend rounded the corner, and seeing the mess went "*gasp* Joe! What did you do!?!?"

Maybe you needed to be there, but I thought it was halirious, and still do.

deffinitely didn't have to be there. that's hillarious :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl:
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Post by Evil Chick »

Simbelmyne34 wrote:
Evil Chick wrote:Oh yeah, I just thought of something. It's really, really funny!! :hilarious:

It happened on TH chat. I was talking to Jared about making Mac&Cheese. And I was saying how I had just figured out how to make it from scratch. He said that he didn't know how to. So, I wanna say "Poor Jared!". But, as so often happens when one types too quickly, I misspelled the word, and wrote "Poop Jared!". Of course, as soon as I had hit the return key, I realized what I had done. I stared at the screen in horror, unable to move for a split second. And then, I burst out laughing. I was laughing so hard, I could barely type out an apology, which I was trying desperately to do. That was a very humiliating experience, but also very funny!! I laughed all night about that one, and all of the next day. And, I still laugh about it, everytime I think about it! :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious:

:hilarious: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :thud: My jaws hurt from laughing so much! That was funny! (especially since it was Jared)
I know. If it had been anyone else, it wouldn't have been half as bad. But, Jared... :rofl2:
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Post by EK »

One time at camp I had about twenty dollars for the whole week and there was this "Poor" kid that wanted 5$ of course I gave it to him and he kept asking for more and people were being mean to him so I gave him more and soon I was out and had to get some more from my grandpa and at the end I figured out that he had 60$ to begin with....I was scammed boy did I feel stupid
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Post by Linne »

Where to begin!'s a good one.

I was staffing at camp last summer. There was a keyboard there, with the headphones you could plug in so you were the only one who could hear the music. Well, I sat down one time and put the headphones on, and proceeded to play one of my, hem, louder songs. Then the staff dirctor came over and was like: "Could you keep it down a little? We're trying to work." Then, to my great dismay, I realized I was wearing the 'phones, but hadn't plugged them in! Man, I still blush when I think about it!
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Post by Jonathan »

Heh. Headphones, that reminds me. At the first church I did sound for, I was back there during one service, and one of the mics up front wasn't coming through the speakers. So, I put on my headphones, put that channel on solo, and procedded to turn up the sound. Nothing happend. I turned it up more. Nothing happened. I increased the input. Nothing happened. I finally realized that the channel was muted, and without thinking it, pressed the little button that read mute.

I literally tore the headphones from my head in pain. Then realized that there was still a good amount of feedback flying through the speakers, and quickly turned the input back down. I think everyone understood, but I wasn't too pleased. At the time; now I think it's funny.

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Post by The Top Crusader »

There is a woman where I work, whos grandaughter who is like... 5 months old or something, has cancer pretty bad, and it's a really bad situation. Anyway, we had a card at the desk we all pass when we come in to work... when the girl came in who relieves me, she just saw the card and thought "Oh, she has a new grand baby", and wrote "CONGRATULATIONS!" in it! :shock: So, yeah... that's not entirely funny, but it is certainly a "stupid thing". But she noticed what she did right away, and whited it out... so, it's not like as horrible as it sounds. :anxious:
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Post by Me »

Jonathan wrote:I have a stupid thing my brother did that still makes me laugh.

It was at a friend's of mine graduation party. We were getting ready to leave, so my brother went to the bathroom. He was in there a long long time. Finally he opened the door, and with a sheepish look on his face, asked for a plunger. Getting one, he retreated in the bathroom, and was once again in there for a long long time. I finally decided to see what was going on, so I went over, knocked on the door, and asked if he was ok. I then looked down, and saw a river coming out from under the door. I opened it, only to see him bent over the counter laughing, kinda. At this point my friend rounded the corner, and seeing the mess went "*gasp* Joe! What did you do!?!?"

Maybe you needed to be there, but I thought it was halirious, and still do.

That's hilarious wether you were there or not. Imagine doing that at someone else's house!!! :D

They always blame the sound guy.... :boohoo:
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Post by gimp80995 »

Jonathan wrote:Heh. Headphones, that reminds me. At the first church I did sound for, I was back there during one service, and one of the mics up front wasn't coming through the speakers. So, I put on my headphones, put that channel on solo, and procedded to turn up the sound. Nothing happend. I turned it up more. Nothing happened. I increased the input. Nothing happened. I finally realized that the channel was muted, and without thinking it, pressed the little button that read mute.

I literally tore the headphones from my head in pain. Then realized that there was still a good amount of feedback flying through the speakers, and quickly turned the input back down. I think everyone understood, but I wasn't too pleased. At the time; now I think it's funny.

That sounds like my first experince doing least I had an excuse being new to it..........the "old" guys who nomrally do it have that feed back all the time.

When it happened to me they were sitting close by in case I had any questions..........I looked up and said "wow.....I'm good........first day and I'm already doing it just like you guys do :P " They eventually laughed at my joke.

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Post by Evil Chick »

The Top Crusader wrote:There is a woman where I work, whos grandaughter who is like... 5 months old or something, has cancer pretty bad, and it's a really bad situation. Anyway, we had a card at the desk we all pass when we come in to work... when the girl came in who relieves me, she just saw the card and thought "Oh, she has a new grand baby", and wrote "CONGRATULATIONS!" in it! :shock: So, yeah... that's not entirely funny, but it is certainly a "stupid thing". But she noticed what she did right away, and whited it out... so, it's not like as horrible as it sounds. :anxious:
lol! That's pretty embarrassing!
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Post by Jessicado »

With my last car, I had been working on it and then went about things as normal. I noticed the car was hard to start to when I would put my foot on the gas, it didn't accelerate very well.......but I just kinda observed it and then forgot about it. Well after a couple of days, it kept getting worse and worse so finally I called my dad, and he said it might be low transmission fluid. I checked and it was low, so I put some in, but in the next few errands it got awful. I would have to practically slam the pedal to the floor in order to get the car to move. Once the car was moving and I had to stop at a stoplight, it was was just the initial momentum or something I guess.......I picked up my sister and we went to Fred Meyers to get a CD I wanted, and when we came out the car was so bad the tires were squealing and the engine was revving out of control and the car still didn't move. My sister had to get out and push the car to get it to move. I drove her to my parent's house and told my dad the problem. He went to the car and undid the parking break..... :oops:
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