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If you need answers

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 4:53 pm
by Jennifer Doyle
If it's Biblical advice you need, I can find you a Bible verse. [With some exceptions! Haha]

I'm also good at giving practical advice because I love to read and read so many people's opinions at so many things! :D But take my advice for a test drive if you wish.

$10 a question and I will do my best to set you up. Don't forget the fine print though!

I can't be held responsible for advice that you don't follow and I can't be sued because I'm online!

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:04 pm
by darcie
Hello! :hello: My question is, what is the significance of changing your name back to JD (which I do prefer, by the way), and do you have a Bible verse to support this decision of yours?

Have you read and agreed to the fine print?
*checks box for YES*


Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:30 pm
by Jennifer Doyle
Darcie wrote:Hello! :hello: My question is, what is the significance of changing your name back to JD (which I do prefer, by the way), and do you have a Bible verse to support this decision of yours?

Have you read and agreed to the fine print?
*checks box for YES*

Hm, there isn't any end times significance to my changing my name back to my [almost] original one. I just felt it was time to revert back to me, myself, and I. And put the Brotherhood on the back burner for a while. Let the accountants get ready for tax season and such.

Proverbs 10:7
The memory of the righteous will be a blessing, but the name of the wicked will rot.

:D *takes money and puts in cash register*
Come back any time!

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 2:34 am
by Hakeber BC Rathbne Doyle
Why do people find me annoying and I want a Bible Verse suporting it!

*donates $10 toy money*


Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 9:11 am
by Candy
Darcie wrote:Hello! :hello: My question is, what is the significance of changing your name back to JD (which I do prefer, by the way), and do you have a Bible verse to support this decision of yours?

Have you read and agreed to the fine print?
*checks box for YES*

What was your name b4 JD? *donates*

Re: If you need answers

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 8:27 pm
by Jennifer Doyle
I thought I could give out advice before I'd even received my B.A. in Psychology? Outrageous! Well now I'm back, highly trained and skilled! (HA...ermmm)