Almost DYING!

Have you ever almost died?

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Almost DYING!

Post by Jennifer Doyle »

You can make this as serious or joking as you want, but have you ever "almost died"? On the way home from volleyball practice, I pulled out in front of another car and had to punch the brakes. I don't know how close I was to being hit in reality... but it scared me a lot. And the 3 other girls I had in the car!
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Post by Jessicado »

I am not kidding, but I almost choked to death once on powdered clay. You are supposed to mix it with water and then drink it....but I hate drinking it because of the texture, so I just threw the powdered clay in my mouth with the intention of just swallowing it. Immediately the clay (it was bentonite clay) sucked into all the pores in my mouth and throat and I couldn't breathe. I started to panic and I couldn't get the faucet on to get a drink. I was about ready to pass out when I finally got the faucet on.

I also had a stove blow up in my face. My eyelashes still grow in blonde instead of black after that!

Not to mention Toppicado. ;)
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Post by Aram »

I've had a couple of slam on the brakes heart stopping moments..
It's scary..You stop, take a breath, then tell yourself, okay, I'm still alive :D
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Post by Zelda Jacobs »

I was at church and I tripped down the steep stairs. My mom thought for sure I had broke my neck, but I was fine. <This was several years ago.
Another time I fell down the stairs and got my neck caught in the rail. I ended up being okay. ;) And Amazingly <is that even a word. I have not broke a bone yet.
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Post by Candy »

My brother fell down a 40 foot cliff....
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Post by Jessicado »

Ooh, I have more (even though I don't remember them)!! I guess when I was an infant my mom lost me in the ocean....(a huge wave came up when she was wading with me and knocked me out of her arms...) When she finally got me I was laughing even though she was in tears.

She also dropped me on my head down some stairs when I wsa a baby which explains a lot now that I think of it....... :-k
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Post by Jonathan »

Wen, Nov 24th 2004, just a mere few hours before Thanksgiving.

I was with friends that night, and we got a case of the munchies. Our plan was to buy some frozen food and cook it once we got back to the house we were at. One or two guests were with us.

The two drivers that night was the girl who lived where we were, and one of the guests. I was in the guest's car, sitting behind the driver seat.

After failing to find any stores open (which wasn't that big of a surprise), we started for driver 1's home, via a two lane frontage road. The road was a dotted yellow line road, which was bad, b/c it was kinda hilly. Short ones, in quick succession. Or in other words, there wasn't enough visilibiliy to make passing safe.

But the driver in my car decided to do it anyway. Pulled out, and a jeep appeared at the hill we were heading for. Instead of pulling back behind driver 1, she hit the gas. The jeep swerved to the left (his right), driver one swerved to the right, and we narrowly avoided a head-on at 50-60 mph.

I hadn't said anything b/c I had kinda froze when she hit the gas, but afterwards, while she was celebrating and I was exhaling a held breath, I said something like "Well, that was close. Let's not do that again, eh?" or something else like it that would've made captian obvious proud.

We got back to the house, chewed out the driver of the car (whom we didn't see much of after that), and went inside while driver number 2 pouted.

It didn't hit me until I woke up on Thanksgiving morn that I could've been dead by then. It was a weird feeling, and I had much to be thankful for that day.
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Post by Aram »

Jonathan wrote:Wen, Nov 24th 2004, just a mere few hours before Thanksgiving.

I was with friends that night, and we got a case of the munchies. Our plan was to buy some frozen food and cook it once we got back to the house we were at. One or two guests were with us.

The two drivers that night was the girl who lived where we were, and one of the guests. I was in the guest's car, sitting behind the driver seat.

After failing to find any stores open (which wasn't that big of a surprise), we started for driver 1's home, via a two lane frontage road. The road was a dotted yellow line road, which was bad, b/c it was kinda hilly. Short ones, in quick succession. Or in other words, there wasn't enough visilibiliy to make passing safe.

But the driver in my car decided to do it anyway. Pulled out, and a jeep appeared at the hill we were heading for. Instead of pulling back behind driver 1, she hit the gas. The jeep swerved to the left (his right), driver one swerved to the right, and we narrowly avoided a head-on at 50-60 mph.

I hadn't said anything b/c I had kinda froze when she hit the gas, but afterwards, while she was celebrating and I was exhaling a held breath, I said something like "Well, that was close. Let's not do that again, eh?" or something else like it that would've made captian obvious proud.

We got back to the house, chewed out the driver of the car (whom we didn't see much of after that), and went inside while driver number 2 pouted.

It didn't hit me until I woke up on Thanksgiving morn that I could've been dead by then. It was a weird feeling, and I had much to be thankful for that day.
Whoa... you nearly died on my birthday.. I'm very happy you didn't.
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Post by Dr. Watson »

My mom dropped me on concrete steps when I was a mere babe. I hit the back of my rather hard, and my skull was kind of squishy for awhile (or so I'm told). Fortunately, I suffered no ill effects. I think. :anxious: But I guess I could have easily split open my skull and died, or at least have brain damage.
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Post by Jonathan »

Aram Doyle wrote:Whoa... you nearly died on my birthday.. I'm very happy you didn't.
I'm glad I didn't too :)
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Post by Thursday Next »

Five years ago I was in a car accident and seriously when my car was hit it was seconds from exploding. Fortuanatly there was someone who pulled over who happened to have a fire extingusher in their car.
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Post by LizzieG »

One day after church, I decided I wanted to make spaghetti. Keep in mind that I was very young and hadn't done any cooking before, but since my dad was there everything was fine. Right?

My mom headed off to evening service and my dad was in the shower. So it was just me, my little sister, and the stove. Bad combination.

We had one of those ovens where you have to turn the flame on before setting it on high or low (gas oven?), but I neglected to turn the knob to LITE first, so the house started filling with gas.

A little later, my dad came out of the shower, smelled the gas, and sent me and my sis outside while he opened all the doors and windows. And I hadn't even noticed the water wasn't boiling yet.

So, that was scary. While my sister and I were sitting there, I was afraid that our house would blow up. It's a good thing my dad came out when he did!


I've had a few driving close calls too, but none so close as Jonathan!

Once I was nodding off at the wheel and I would wake up each time my car went over the double line (thankfully, it was at night so there were no other cars on the road). When I was almost home, I nearly hit a mailbox!

Another time, I was being reckless and trying to beat my 90 mph record (also at night) on this straight stretch of highway. I did, but afterwards I suddenly remembered that that had been the exact place that my mom had hit a deer once...and how terrible it would've been if a deer had jumped out while I was stupidly racing down the road.
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Post by Pc Pro »

I almost dyed too many times :noway: when I was born and 6 weeks to early the Doc sayed I would die. them I walked across a road when i was 2 :anxious:
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Post by Laura Ingalls »

Dr. Watson wrote:My mom dropped me on concrete steps when I was a mere babe. I hit the back of my rather hard, and my skull was kind of squishy for awhile (or so I'm told). Fortunately, I suffered no ill effects. I think. :anxious: But I guess I could have easily split open my skull and died, or at least have brain damage.
And after that little incident, he's never been the same. :mecry:

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Post by Stubborn »

Ok, I have a few interesting stories...

First. When I was an infant, my brother dropped me. I think I started bleeding and whatever. But I turned out fine non-the-less. \:D/ And now I'm always careful not to drop lil kids. ;)

Second. When I was little (I think I was like 2 years old or so) my mother went to the store and left me with my father. My father nodded off to sleep and I wondered off into the main highway that was infront of our house. So there I was, standing in the middle of a huge 4 lane highway, and the cars were going by... Some guy came up the road and slammed the brakes a few feet infront of me. He then parked his car diagonally so that no cars could harm me, and took me to my father. He then laid into my dad and started calling him irrisponsible and stuff. :anxious: So that story has always made me cautious around roads.

Third. When I was 5 or 6 my family and I were visiting a huge waterfall thingy. My dad and 2 older brothers went directly to where the water was falling and...I don't exactly know what they were doing there. :anxious: So my mother was left with my older sister, me and my little brother. We got into the water and started splashing each other. I was holding on to my mother's arm the whole time. After a while I let go of her arm and tried to swim on my own. In a few seconds I realized two things. 1, I couldn't swim. And 2, even if I could the current was too strong for me. So off I went down the river, calling for my mom to come and save me. Even though I was little, I remember vividly thinking, "If she doesn't reach you soon, you're going to drowned." And ever since I've been cautious around swiftly flowing rivers.

Fourth. When I was 11 or 12 I got a dreadful sickness with no cure (the doctors didn't even know what it was called). So I was deathly sick for like a month. Then I got all better. Now, that sounds really lame, but it traumatized me. Ever since I've been careful not to get sick.

There are more, but I don't want to bore you all.

Uh... I think I should mention that the last line of every paragraph isn't true. I'm the farthest thing from cautious. :-

Near death experiences have shown me how precious my life really is. But still.... "the adventurous may not live long, but the cautious do not live at all." (Or something like that) I'm going to live a short, happy life. ;)

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Post by Renata »

Last edited by Renata on Sat Jan 19, 2013 1:13 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Arwen »

I've been in a couple minor car accidents. Once my mom and I ran straight into a guardrail after sliding on some ice. We both screamed, and I thought we were going to break through the guardrail and hit the water and die. Now that I think of it, though, I don't think we would have died unless we had flipped over, and even then, we might have survived.

I didn't actually learn to swim until I was about 9 or 10, and when I was seven and thought I could swim, I went into the deep end of the pool and the life guard had to jump in and grab me.

Other than that...I was a pretty safe kid...

Oh yeah, I did leave the stove at my grandparents' house with the gas turned on. I was "babysitting" my cousin and brother then. I didn't turn it on myself, but someone must have bumped it, and, while we all smelled gas, we couldn't find the source of the smell, and we eventually got used to it. When my parents, grandparents, and aunt got back, they were all worried and immediately turned off the stove. For me that didn't seem too dangerous...only really embarrassing.
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Post by Crazy 4 Pugs »

I think the closest I've come to dying was when someone got shot in the Cleveland airport close to where Dad, my brother and I were. Not a fun experience.
Um, I guess this is where I'm supposed to say something funny or interesting.
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I've had countless close to death encounters.

There were the times I nearly committed suicide, having the gun aimed at my head, but I never pulled the trigger.... thankfully, I might add, or you wouldn't be hearing from me right now.

Then there was the time I was riding in the passenger seat of a car, and the driver decided to pass, even though he could see the oncoming vehicle... I guess he thought there was plenty of room, and he just calm and relaxed like stepped on it and went past,... and he stayed on the opposing lane to give the vehicle we were passing plenty of clearance. Usually when you're passing and you have an oncoming vehicle you try and cut it close. :-s But anyways, staring at the oncoming vehicle head on, rapidly getting closer and closer, was kinda scary, I'll say. We weren't far from the oncoming vehicle when we finally switched lanes. It was in fact, too close for comfort.
JIA (9/13/2008 10:54:27 AM): That long?!
JIA (9/13/2008 10:54:31 AM): IT WAS EONS AGO!
JIA (9/13/2008 10:54:33 AM): *falls over*
WINDSHEAR (9/13/2008 10:54:46 AM): I've already fallen over and died :noway:
WINDSHEAR (9/13/2008 10:54:47 AM): I beat you. :neener:
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Post by HarlowRoxMySox »

One time I was in a pool, coming up for air after being under for a while and for obvious reasons, needing air. But as I was coming up, something hit me! It was a person, knocking the air completely out of me. I was afraid I was going to drown, at least until I was able to somehow push myself up off the bottom of the pool and to the surface where I took a very deep and wanted breath.

Know who jumped on me? <_< My little sister.

Though I don't hold it against her :hug:
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