What did you do Today?

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Post by gimp80995 »

had a rather easy day today.

Went to work to get the next two-week schedule (as if they'll stick to it)
Went to the store for some dog food
Ate lunch at Taco Bell
Came home
Did a few things around the house
Got online early
Cooked supper
Ate supper
***after a bit online and procrastinating*** did dishes (I don't mind doing dishes......I even almost like it........it's taking them outta the dish drainer and puttin' 'em away that I don't like and put off until it HAS to be done).
Sat back down to be on the computer
Weill probably say 'night to the world 'bout 10:30 (15 mins from now)

Peace Out

God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called.

God, Grant us the peace that comes from honest dealings so that no fear of discovery will haunt our sleep May we inflict no pain, bring no shame, and seek no profit by another's loss.
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Post by Me »

Not much. Goofed around on the internet, watched a movie, went to a production meeting, and put together some more DIY filmmaking equiptment, and took about a hundred pics of it (still waiting for them to be emailed to me).
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Post by Evil Chick »

I went to work today, worked there, came home, and ate lunch. That's it. Tonight I'm going to a concert at my sister's school, though. She's going to be in a play.
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Laura Ingalls
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Post by Laura Ingalls »

This morning I got my brother's breakfast, packed his lunch, put his stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, and another thing in his backpack, put the packpack by the door, made his bed, told him goodbye, checked email, wrote email, got on here. :D

And I'll be doing the dishes, the laundry, and a little schoolwork later this morning.
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Post by Me »

School, Costco dog, production meeting, here, scholarship applications.
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Post by Jonathan »

Went to morning class, ate lunch, went to church to loan Pastor Odyssey tapes (the St. Paul series) went to bank, went to dress rehearsal, ate dinner, performed concert, ate another dinner, and am now going to bed.

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Post by Me »

Went to school, went out to breakfast, back to school, got on here, updated my site with some pics of equiptment we have been building for our latest short (doesn't look right when not in the iframe). Went to bank, mailed scholarship application, edited video for client, dinner at grandparents.

Ok, so some of this stuff hasn't happened yet, but it will in a few hours.[/url]
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Post by Evil Chick »

Went to church. Came home, ate lunch. Talked to my friend, Lisa. Went back to church, went out for ice-cream with my family, came home, went on the computer.
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Post by Bandit Squirrel »

Went to church. Ate lunch. Worked on homework. That's about all.
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Post by Evil Chick »

I got up around 11AM, went to town with my family, we got some fish for out aquarium, then we went home and ate lunch. I listened to more of my new Odyssey album (Mission:Accomplished), and then we went on a short bike ride. After that, we had a BBQ, and now we're going to watch a movie.
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Post by Me »

Went to school, took AP test, got bored, got desperate to come home and see what was going on with the mystery. Got here and nothing much had happened. Time to eat snack. Then I think I'll play some Chaos Theory and keep an eye on the monitor at the same time.
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Post by gimp80995 »

I got up early and cleaned the trunk of my car out getting it prepared for my bags that will go in it Monday.

Then I started packing up my winter clothes (that's a "safe" thing since I know I won't be looking to wear those sweatshirts before leaving, thus having to unpack everything) in a military duffel bag I have (you'd be supprized at how much you can get in one of those things).

Then, being me, I alternated between packing, doing laundry, cleaning up the room, watching TV, Postin here, Watching TV, eating, going to the store................if I had just sat down and packed, I wouldda been done ages ago..........but because I kept getting distracted (or wandering away from the task) It's now 10:08 PM and it's not done (I'm waiting on the laundry to get done). If I had caffiene I'd be better at sitting down and doing it (if I had my Adderal, I'd be better........but caffiene works) but because of this cold I have I'm not drinking caffiene cuz I don't want to get dehydrated..............tomorrow....still sick or not, I will probably drink caffiene just because I can't affoard to reach tomorrow night and still not be done.

At the store I got some things for my trip (food like cornned beef hash, tuna salad, ready-to-eat rice that just has to be heated up, trail mix, a 6-pack of bottled pop and some other stuff...........that combined with my never ending supply of instant oatmeal should keep me fed without having to spend outrageious ammounts eating on the road. I may get another 6 pack of pop and some more corned beef or such since I still have money in my food budget.

I also went looking for an insulated lunch bag..........didn't have any luck finding one........I'll have to keep looking and see if anything comes up in the next couple days.

Then I came back home and had supper. Was "ordered" to drink some more theraflu after supper because of my coughing............I must admit the junk does make my cough go away, but I'm not terribly convinced that it's doing much good in actually curing anything, it's just making me not cough or blow my nose as much.

After supper I sorta worked at packing up some more...........then watched TV for a while..........then came back in my room to pack a little more (I have to be more disciplined at this tomorrow since tomorrow's really my last day to pack things up).

Anyway, even though I worked at it all day, I really didn't get much accomplised today............maybe tomorrow will work out better.

Peace Out

God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called.

God, Grant us the peace that comes from honest dealings so that no fear of discovery will haunt our sleep May we inflict no pain, bring no shame, and seek no profit by another's loss.
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Post by Jennifer Doyle »

6:15 -- Woke up to the sound of my alarm radio going off. It was set to the morning talk show.

6:16 -- Set my alarm for 6:30, flopped back into bed.

6:28 -- My sister comes in and says "It's 6:30! Why aren't you up?" I know it's not six thirty, because my alarm hadn't gone off. I shoo her from the room. Get up to confirm the time. I have TWO MORE MINUTES.

I flop back into bed.

Eventually I get up, do my morning routine of facing washing, dressing, packing for school, etc.

Then I drop my mom off at work, my sister off at her babysitting job, and go to school for my math final.

I bomb my final, I come home and watch the rest of Simone. Then I get online, check my myspace, etc.

I should be studying for my BIOLOGY final in 1 and 1/2 hours but I'm not.

Oh! I just got a MySpace comment!

And now I'm annoying/making Gimp mad. Wow, great day so far.

“God grant me the courage not to give up what I think is right even though I think it is hopeless.” Chester W. Nimitz
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Post by Oba-rai »

I got up ...late as usual.

My mother had breakfast on... since our dining room is currently the Valley de la muerte, we ate outside... it was nice and hot. I dozed on the grass... and it was windy, and sunny, and nice.

Then I went and figured out that Fish riddle. Fun. And I packed. And packed some more. And listened to this CD over and over again, all day. As I packed. \:D/ We moved my bed out of my room today. :(
they may be copper,
annoying little coins! but,
they might be giants.
save your pandas: vote racecar!
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Post by Aelwyn »

After lunch today (Sunday), I took a nap, and then I was on here, and then my older brother and I went to youth group and watched End of the Spear, and then I was really wound up from drinking Dr. Pepper, and now I'm here, and soon I'll go to bed and read a book. :yes:
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Post by Laura Ingalls »

First I'll say what I did yesterday....

After church in the morning, my brother and his wife came over for lunch. We opened Father's Day gifts, talked, and generally had a good time. Then we looked at over 200 pictures and 6ish videos from my brother's honeymoon. :D
Later we went to a baseball game - we have a summer league in the area that college students come and play for. It was SOOO fun, because the game was quite close. Our home team was down 9-8 in the bottom of the ninth, 1 out, 1 man on, then they got a homerun to win 10-9! Yay! \:D/
My sister slept in my room last night, so we stayed up til 1:30 talking. :-

Today I haven't done much except sleep in and be on the computer. O:)
The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance.
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Post by Aelwyn »

The only things I've done so far today is sleep late, read for a looooong time, get on here, and eat lunch. I'm going to have to get off now and clean my room, though. :(
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Post by Hope »

i had a friend over this morning and then i went to a different friends house and she just got a car but no lisence so we went around the block with her mom and then i came home and just kinda putz around the house... and i had dinner which wasnt very good. and now im on the computer
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Post by Aelwyn »

I took a nice nap today. :yes: but I'm still tired. :( Maybe I'm getting sick. :(
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Post by Mr Sarcastic Cow Man »

Fed and watered my crickets.
Fed some crickets to my geckos.
Took a practice PSAT section (made a decent score).
Read Biology and History.
Watched The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe in Spanish.
Bounced on our new trampoline for a bit. \:D/
Talked to a couple peeps over IM/VOIP.
Stretched out, did about 45 crunches, then 25 more after waiting a bit; then I kicked our bag for a while (didn't punch it 'cause of my busted hand).

Later I'll probably take a shower, and have my wonderful sister change the dressing on my hand. \:D/
Bare feet pwn. ~ Lucy
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