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Re: Life, life

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 9:24 am
by DanP740
I just played electric guitar in the church worship team for the first time. \:D/

Re: Life, life

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 7:43 pm
by NatetheGreat
Sounds fun, DanP!

We had an awesome time ice skating with the camp group today. Still haven't quite figured out how to stop, though.

Re: Life, life

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:58 am
by Lizzy88
Easy. You skate to the edge of the pond or the rink and run into it. At least, that's how it works for me... rollerskating...

Re: Life, life

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 3:35 pm
by Bren
I got back from PEAK youth conference Saturday night. It was a very uplifting time as usual. :yes: But the heat was horrible.

Re: Life, life

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 6:02 pm
by Catspaw
Yesterday I went to see Ant-Man with some friends (which was tons of fun!) and got an Oreo shake at Burger King. So yummy! I hope they're as good in the States as in Canada, because it was seriously delicious. Today I got to sleep in and then spent some time learning how to do some stuff at the church library so I can take on a summer project to help my mom out, since she's an avid volunteer there but I have more time in the summer than she does.

Re: Life, life

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 10:00 am
by Caitie
Catspaw, I think Oreo anything, especially ice cream related, is yummy \:D/ Although, I've never seen one at a Burger King :shock: Only McDonald's and Dairy Queen

I got to go to Kennywood on Monday and it was so stinking awesome!! :D I forgot how much I love roller coasters and thrill rides up until now. I went to Dollywood in Gatlinburg, Tennessee this June, but they didn't have as many rides as Kennywood does. I did get a headache off of two of the rides though. The Phantom's Revenge roller coaster reaches up to 85 mph, and that is not good for head, neck, and back when all they have is a lap bar ;) Still had great fun, though \:D/

Re: Life, life

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 9:52 am
by Lizzy88
What was your favorite ride?

Re: Life, life

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 8:31 pm
by Catspaw
My sister and brother-in-law came to visit today, which was nice. Everybody has been busy so we haven't seen much of them lately, and we had a great time together! :D

Re: Life, life

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 8:41 pm
by Caitie
Lizzy88 wrote:What was your favorite ride?
A launch coaster called 'Skyrocket' :mrgreen:

Re: Life, life

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 8:33 pm
by DanP740
I just spent the last week working at camp, and on Saturday I had my 21st birthday. I was still at camp, so I got to have dinner with some of my favorite people there and then have a crazy huge bonfire. \:D/

Re: Life, life

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 1:31 pm
by Shennifer
Having a pretty great vacation with my family and my sister! I'm all done with my summer school, so this is a nice reward

Re: Life, life

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:39 am
by Pengwin
My life is without Windows 10 at the moment. :(

Re: Life, life

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 2:37 pm
by Pianoman
(I don't mean to make Penguin jealous...but Windows 10 is downloading on my computer right now!!! \:D/ *dances*)

This week is show week. So my family and I are at the local show (or fair) where we are showing our animals. My little sister and I have a total of two animals there. Today, I got first place! Out of one though... ;) Tomorrow I will show again, but hopefully against more cows. On Friday will be another show. :yes: So...I'm pretty busy, and super tired as well.

Re: Life, life

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 2:35 pm
by Catspaw
Congratulations, Isaiah! Winning by default is still winning - you were the only one prepared to enter, apparently! Good luck the rest of the week!

I had a great day yesterday hanging out with my best friend and her two little boys. They managed to discover a package of styrofoam cups (in a room with a locked door) and rip them to pieces, so they got a lecture from my friend and then she went to barbecue and phone her truck driver husband about the latest fun part of her day ;) while I supervised clean up time. I love those boys, but it never ceases to amaze me what they think up! :lol: After they went to bed we watched three episodes of "Road to Avonlea," one of our favourite older TV shows! Good times. :D

Re: Life, life

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 7:04 pm
by Pianoman
Thank Catspaw! ;) My family have seen the entire Road to Avonlea series... You gotta love Aunt Hetty! :D

So, show week is finally over, and I got first all three times I showed! I wasn't against anyone though... However, something cool really happened today. The last class for each breed of cows is when the judge picks the "Grand Champion" of that breed, meaning, the best looking cow. Today, my little sister and her little calf won Grand Champion! :D The breed had a total of 4 animals in it, but, still, it was a great accomplishment. :mrgreen:

Re: Life, life

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 7:46 pm
by snubs
Isaiah the Ox wrote:So, show week is finally over, and I got first all three times I showed! I wasn't against anyone though... However, something cool really happened today. The last class for each breed of cows is when the judge picks the "Grand Champion" of that breed, meaning, the best looking cow. Today, my little sister and her little calf won Grand Champion! :D The breed had a total of 4 animals in it, but, still, it was a great accomplishment. :mrgreen:
Oh, wow. That's super cool. =D Do you have a picture of this little 'Grand Champion' calf?

Re: Life, life

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2015 11:16 pm
by Catspaw
Isaiah the Ox wrote:Thank Catspaw! ;) My family have seen the entire Road to Avonlea series... You gotta love Aunt Hetty! :D

So, show week is finally over, and I got first all three times I showed! I wasn't against anyone though... However, something cool really happened today. The last class for each breed of cows is when the judge picks the "Grand Champion" of that breed, meaning, the best looking cow. Today, my little sister and her little calf won Grand Champion! :D The breed had a total of 4 animals in it, but, still, it was a great accomplishment. :mrgreen:
Yep, Aunt Hetty has always been a favourite at our house too! ;)

Congratulations to your sister! That's great. :D

Tonight I was at my cousin's wedding. It was a smaller wedding, since both the bride and groom come from small families. The ceremony was outside and the reception was inside. It rained and there was even some hail a couple hours before the wedding, but it all cleared up and there were blue skies for the wedding! It was a lot of fun! There was tons of good food, plus it's always nice to have a chance to catch up with some family members that we see less often.

Re: Life, life

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 6:12 am
by Pianoman
snubs wrote:Oh, wow. That's super cool. =D Do you have a picture of this little 'Grand Champion' calf?
It was. :mrgreen: My sister was especially happy, because the Reserve Grand Champion, was a calf that had won first place all week, and this last day she beat her. Here is my sister's Milking Shorthorn (the breed's name) calf. Her name is SweetDreams, and she was born in late March of this year. With her, are the ribbons that she won.
Catspaw wrote:Congratulations to your sister! That's great. :D
Thank you. :D

Re: Life, life

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 12:01 pm
by Amethystic
Last weekend my boss/mentor/good friend was getting married in Victoria, and so a couple days before the wedding me and about a dozen friends (who were also invited to the wedding) drove out of Alberta and all the way across British Columbia so that we could be in attendance on that momentous day. \:D/ Not only was the ceremony beautiful, the reception was also a ton of fun too, with good food and great friends and a whole lot of dancing. It was one of those rare opportunities one has to feel unapologetically happy, to rejoice with unbridled celebration. People should really get married more often. :yes:

Re: Life, life

Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 1:37 pm
by Pengwin
I finally got Windows 10! \:D/ I kept getting errors with Windows Update, but I finally fixed it last night.