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Re: Life, life

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 1:19 pm
by Catspaw
Woohoo! \;D/

And booo! :(

I do not miss those days. Have fun, Shennifer. ;)

I helped with the three-year-olds at church this morning and it was super busy (as always!) but also a lot of fun. I love it when I have a few minutes to talk with one-on-one for a bit and hear fun stuff like how excited somebody is for her new baby brother to arrive, or how she gets to visit her "fun Grandma" (her words, not mine) ;) that afternoon.

Re: Life, life

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 4:16 pm
by Pengwin
I worked on my physics class all day for the past three days. :thud:

Re: Life, life

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2015 6:08 pm
by Catspaw
Wow, Penguin, I hope that at least means that you're done for a while! :mad:

Yesterday was great. A couple of friends came over in the afternoon and we watched stuff and ate pizza and chocolate.

Today, on the other hand.... ;) My day was fine, but then I had an appointment to get my winter tires changed over to my summer tires (for people who live in consistently warm places, winter tires are way better when it comes to cold weather, snow, and ice) so I took care of that, went to the library for a few minutes, got home, and immediately after I got out of my car I thought, "What's that hissing sound?" It was, of course, my back driver's side tire, which must have had an issue that wasn't noticed until it was a bit too late. By that time the auto service people were all gone when I called, so now tomorrow morning I'll be stuck calling to try to get in right away and getting enough air in my tire to drive back, with the hope that I won't be too late for work. Booo! :x Needless to say, I was very unimpressed.

Re: Life, life

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 6:48 am
by DanP740
Yesterday I took my last final, so I'm now all done with college! \:D/

Re: Life, life

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 7:07 am
by Pengwin
Yaayyy!! \:D/

Re: Life, life

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 11:34 am
by Jesus' Princess
DanP740 wrote:Yesterday I took my last final, so I'm now all done with college! \:D/
How did that work? I thought the semester schools didn't get out until May 2nd ish.

Congratulations \:D/

Re: Life, life

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 12:37 pm
by The Kings Daughter
DanP740 wrote:Yesterday I took my last final, so I'm now all done with college! \:D/
Congrats! \:D/

My life is full of questions right now. long have we had a Gaming Den? o.O

Re: Life, life

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 5:42 pm
by DanP740
My program (automotive) has shorter semesters than normal college.

And we've had a Gaming Den for like... the majority of the age of the ToO.

Re: Life, life

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 7:27 pm
by The Kings Daughter
See, it kind of seemed like it, and yet.. Has it always been a subforum of HT?
But then, I'm extremely good at overlooking what's right in front of me though. :P It's disheartening.

I guess it wasn't the most popular subform so I may have just overlooked it. But overlooking it for five years would be a new one.

Re: Life, life

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 7:53 pm
by DanP740
It used to be in SBC, but it was moved to the Harlequin.

Re: Life, life

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 8:37 pm
by Stop Wooton' Around
Look time no fact I had an unread Christmas message...that means its been way too long. I love the college life, particularly (mainly) the leaving all by myself part. Changed majors from Computer Science to Computer Information Technology, starting next Fall. Crunch time is upon us now for the end of this semester...gah!

But the big thing in my life, has been my trip to Costa Rica. I went there over Spring Break as part of a Service Learning/Course for college. We volunteered at an orphanage in the mornings and visited cultural sites in the afternoon. It was the most amazing week of my life. Now I have the travel bug something furious. As a result, I have made it a goal to go to a different country every Spring and Winter Break. I am preliminary planning on a trip to the Philippines come December through an organization ( which helps first clear than rebuilt areas hit by natural disasters.

Still trying to figure out my future career path, but college has been fantastic so far. Found me a good church (OdysseyFan1's church if anyone remembers him) and loving the new experiences.

Re: Life, life

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 8:55 pm
by Moontide
Welcome back Stop Wooton' Around!

What is the difference between Computer Science and Computer Information Technology?

Re: Life, life

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 1:57 am
by The Kings Daughter
DanP740 wrote:It used to be in SBC, but it was moved to the Harlequin.
Okay, so I'm not completely nuts. Awesome. Thanks. :)

Re: Life, life

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 6:58 am
by Paula
So this morning my brother comes down the stairs in(brace yourself it's not pretty)...Stripes and plaid. It would have been fine if he knew it didn't match, but he was insistent that it matched...So long story short he's now matching :)

BTW...Our house sold \:D/

Re: Life, life

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 12:50 pm
by Shennifer
Done with my last paper of the semester! \:D/

Now I just have to study for my finals this week woohoo

Re: Life, life

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 1:09 pm
by Catspaw
My life currently consists of watching hockey. I fit work and sleep in as necessary. ;) It's great, but I'm really looking forward to the second round so there are fewer games to all try to balance! :mad: For those of you judging me, a) you're probably not a Canadian ;) and b) I know it isn't super healthy, but hey, the playoffs only come around once a year, and my favourite teams keep playing late! It's not my fault! O:)

Re: Life, life

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 5:29 pm
by Pengwin
I spent the better part of yesterday working on a programming assignment that is due today only to realize, after I had finished, that I did the wrong one. >_> So I completed the right one today and it actually was much easier.

Re: Life, life

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 7:01 pm
by NatetheGreat
Penguin wrote:I spent the better part of yesterday working on a programming assignment that is due today only to realize, after I had finished, that I did the wrong one. >_> So I completed the right one today and it actually was much easier.
Ooh, programming! Are you a CS major? What are your favorite languages?

Last night four friends and I hiked three miles during dusk through the woods and over a river up to a ridge where we built a fire, sang songs, star gazed, and slept. I then woke up at 3:40am and left my four other friends to hike back to campus alone, in the dark to make an appointment with two other friends at 5:20am to go running. Just as I made it to campus, it started raining. I have to admit being a bit amused thinking about the friends I left on the ridge waking up in the rain.

Oh, and the previous night my flip flops broke walking through the mud by the river, so I ended up walking both ways barefoot. Which was good because my feet had become far too soft over the winter months. :noway: Time to toughen them back up! \:D/

Re: Life, life

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 7:55 pm
by Pengwin
NatetheGreat wrote:
Penguin wrote:I spent the better part of yesterday working on a programming assignment that is due today only to realize, after I had finished, that I did the wrong one. >_> So I completed the right one today and it actually was much easier.
Ooh, programming! Are you a CS major? What are your favorite languages?
Yes I am! :) I've only learned Java. My sister knows C++ and I've seen very little of python.

Re: Life, life

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 8:43 pm
by Marvin D.
Computer languages are the WORST. I get frustrated in five seconds once the error codes start showing up. BEGONE, FOOLISH SYNTAX ERRORS :x