Ask Aria!

Questions and Answers with Aria Curzon (aka) Mandy Straussberg!

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Post by Ariastar87 »

Robo wrote:I got a question...

Whats MY hair colour?

haha, there are these ingenious inventions called mirrors that might help you figure that one out.... Though, I'm feeling.. brown, maybe subltle blonde highlights.... lol... But it doesn't really matter as long as you " Da-a-are to love your Ha-a-air!!! " Sorry, I couldn't resist..... O:) (editors note: I tried to right D-a-are, but it's changing it to The-a-are... I really don't understand why.. it's not a typo on my part, just letting you know.)
STRYPER wrote:I've got a better question...

how is she supposed to answer all this?? :-s
As best as I can...
Stylus Parker wrote:What is it like working as a character for AIO?
It's wonderful. I wish I could go into record more often!! We only have sessions every few months, probably because they all have to fly out from Colorado to record with the actors. But I love it, it's provided me a great chance to do what I love in an enviroment that's pleasing to God I believe, and possibly witnessing to people as well. It's so much fun, I wish I could do more live tapings!!! I seem to remember doing one before Colorado, in So. Cal somewhere, but I don't remember what for. The people are fun too. It's been a blessing in my life. Thanks!
Kris wrote:Good question...I guess we all have to be patient until she has a lot of time on her hands.

Just to avoid things getting "lost" in the move from Aria's first topic, I hope no one minds if I repost my questions from there.
Kris wrote:Nice to (sort of) "meet" you. Got some "?'s" for you.

Is Mandy's voice your normal voice?
Was it hard for you to sound younger when you played Mandy in the show about selling her doll?
Did it strike you as odd when the writers decided to "jump ahead" in Mandy's life and suddenly put her in middle school?
Are you a Christian?
Yes, Mandy's voice is my normail voice :) That's why I'm particularly curious about this big change everyone's talking about. I just can't remember, and am now wondering if my voice just changed for some random reason, or what? I still do the voice of ducky, which I've been playing since I was 8, but I do have to pitch my voice up a bit for that.
I can sounds younger pretty easily, so although I don't remember that specific episode, I'm sure I had fun doing that. I don't remember having any particular feelings regarding an age change... I think I've asked this before, but where is that place I can go online, to listen to old episodes.. I've been told there was a site. if anyone knows, please tell me! :)
I definitly am a Christian, I accepted the lord into my heart when I was two, actually. My mom says I asked her while I was watching a shirley temple video to pause it and pray with me. I do remember praying to ask him into my heart at that time. It seems a bit young, but I've remained commited to trying to deepen my faith ever since then.
Thanks for your questions!

Joni_Slade wrote:Oh, wow, welcome, Aria! It is so super cool to have you here. (I'd tell you how cute a voice you have except you probably hear that ten times a day at least.)

I have a question. Do you listen to AIO, aside from the episodes you're in? Have you listened to any of the old episodes?

As an actress, are there any sorts of roles you'd like to play that you haven't yet?

I hope you have fun here :)
Hehe, thanks, it never hurts to hear something good again and again! :)
I do listen to AIO, I especially did when I was younger, and I do now when I get the cd's/ For a long time, we missed many episodes, because the radio station we listened to it on changed stations, and we couldn't find it after that. We asked so many people too. I still don't know where it's at, but luckily they do send me the cd's after awhile... So when I can, I do. It's a great drama, especially some of those ep's I'm NOT in ;)
As far as roles go... Well, I'd really like to do some sort of t.v. series. I just think it would be fun to be on week after week, regularly. A comedy or drama, doesn't really matter to me. Something where I had to be a doctor or forensic scientist would be cool, since I don't do anything close to those things in real life, lol. I had always wanted to be on Touched by an Angel, and got close a few times, but never was cast :(.
And I'd like to do a real t.v. commercial again, haven't done one in years, that would just be fun. And a movie with Elijah Wood! ;) hehehe. Seriously though, another movie would be great, maybe a more serious role, since I've done a lot of cute ones. I'm pretty open as you can tell, haha. I want to do a movie about overcoming some great odds... I mean, how else will I get my academy award? \:D/ :D just kidding. I ALSO want to do more musical theatre, that's something I really enjoy!! It's hard gettin me to narrow it down, huh? ;) Thanks for your questions!

My mom is telling me to get back in bed, as I'm a bit under the weather right now. I promise I will come back soon, maybe later today after I've rested a little. :)
God bless,
Last edited by Ariastar87 on Sun Dec 04, 2005 2:02 pm, edited 3 times in total.
God bless, and thanks for Listening to Adventures In Odyssey!
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Post by Oba-rai »

:anxious: Wow...I was so blind...I didn't know Fluteboy was close friend. :anxious:

On another note, I saw your website. Nice, very nice. :-D

I wasn't aware of all your other appearances in different shows and commercials. I also saw you played fiddle...I'm not sure if that's really FIDDLE or violin. I play violin, and it sure makes me feel mad when it's referred to as a fiddle. BUT anyway, it was cool to see you liked a lot of normal things. Like trampoline-ness. That, my friends, is cool.

Oh yea, EB and Fluteboy, despite me and my being a girl, can I join you? I happen to have a vendetta against people who have boyfriends who are older than them. But you MIGHT want to leave me behind...I might get carried away.. #-o
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Post by Linne »

I'm that way about my brother. He's already a heartbreaker and I'm prepared to go to any measures to protect him. (Not that he wants to be, but it happens.)

Anyway, staying on topic....Are you an only child or do you have siblings? And if so, are they older or younger, or both? :D
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Post by Catspaw »

Ariastar87 wrote:
Robo wrote:I got a question...

Whats MY hair colour?

haha, there are these ingenious inventions called mirrors that might help you figure that one out.... Though, I'm feeling.. brown, maybe subltle blonde highlights.... lol... But it doesn't really matter as long as you " Da-a-are to love your Ha-a-air!!! " Sorry, I couldn't resist..... O:) (editors note: I tried to right D-a-are, but it's changing it to The-a-are... I really don't understand why.. it's not a typo on my part, just letting you know.)
Sorry about that - we had a word filter in place to change "da" to "the" due to some previous issues over the posting style of some people, but I just removed it, so it now says what you wanted it to again! I forgot about the word filter until I read about your problem. :lol: But it's all okay now. ;)
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Post by Eugene Blackgaard »

Aria, say, If I wanted to look into getting into the voice acting industry, what would be the best way to go about it? :)

Aslo, is their a way to have voice acting for a secondary job, and still hold a primary one?
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Post by Mandy Straussberg »

Wow. I was there too. That's kind of weird. For a while, I was the only one on this board who'd been at that taping.

My favorite part had to be when Will Ryan slapped himself after the electrocution scene...

But just to be on topic, I wanted to say that, though rather obvious, I think, Mandy Straussberg is one of my favorite characters.

It's a huge blessing to have you on this board, especially so eager to answer the abundance of questions. Thanks for sharing your time with us!

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Post by Jimmy Barclay Fan »

Are you gonna be on any more episodes this year ?

how long does it take to do one show ?
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Post by FluteBoy »

FluteBoy wrote:
noname wrote:Hey Aria!!!

Let's question that I ask a lot of people is: what is the most memorable dream you've had? :-) (I started a topic on the TH about this a while back.)

And also, are you really dating a 23-year-old guy? :-) (if you don't mind me asking) If so, how's that been? Sorry if that sounds weird...I guess most of my friends (especially girls) who are 17/18 haven't gone out with people 5-6 years older. ;-)

Well, just for my 2 cents, if I had a 17/18 year old daughter, I certainly wouldn't allow her to date a 23-year-old guy. I have a 12 year old sister who will probably be dating in the not too distant future. I am fully prepared to probably maim (if not kill) several of her boyfriends in the next ten years or so, and hide the bodies where they will never be found. I'm a good brother;)
Having said that, I suppose I am simply not your average 23 year old and Aria is certainly not your average 17-almost-18 year old. I never expected this relationship to come about, but it did. In the time we've know each other it's become quite evident to both of us that there seems to be a much greater hand then ours guiding this relationship. I've come to know her family quite well and Aria and I have been more comfortable and happy with one another than either of us have ever been in our lives. We just clicked. So it's a unique situation, and not one that happens every day. I don't go searching for teenage girls to date, I swear, it's just simply happened the way it happened (and a lot of prayer was involved, I can tell you), but I'm glad it did. I thank God for every minute I have with her. And that's the simple truth.

And I believe I should really be more specific about this. What Aria and I have is really a Courtship, and not what I would term casual "dating". I don't really approve of "dating" and I don't believe it's biblically based.
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Post by Kris Doyle »

I agree with you, Zac (FluteBoy). Courtship is way better than modern dating. God bless Zac and Aria!!!!!!!!!!!!
God bless you, in Jesus' name!!!! :D
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Post by FluteBoy »

forever_faithful wrote::anxious: Wow...I was so blind...I didn't know Fluteboy was close friend. :anxious:

On another note, I saw your website. Nice, very nice. :-D

I wasn't aware of all your other appearances in different shows and commercials. I also saw you played fiddle...I'm not sure if that's really FIDDLE or violin. I play violin, and it sure makes me feel mad when it's referred to as a fiddle. BUT anyway, it was cool to see you liked a lot of normal things. Like trampoline-ness. That, my friends, is cool.

Oh yea, EB and Fluteboy, despite me and my being a girl, can I join you? I happen to have a vendetta against people who have boyfriends who are older than them. But you MIGHT want to leave me behind...I might get carried away.. #-o
Well, from an Irish musician's POV (and from ANY traditional musician's POV, for that matter) we get really uptight if someone calls our fiddle a violin!:) Same instrument, it just all depends on what sort of music you play. A violin is for classical and jazz. Anything else (be it Irish, bluegrass, old time, country, Norwegian, Finish, German, Klezmer or what have you) it's a fiddle. Sometimes it's a vague distinction (I know alot of performers that will refer to their instrument as "my violin", but will always be quick to point out that they PLAY fiddle music.
Actually, as Tim O'Brien, the famous Bluegrass performer says, "The only difference between a fiddle and violin is that you don't spill beer on a violin." (maybe a nice red wine, but not beer).
To answer your question, Aria plays Irish fiddle mainly, but she's also learned classical pieces and wants to branch out into old time and bluegrass. So it's a very varsatile instrument, regardless of what it's called. (she's also presently hard at work on the tinwhistle and wants a set of uilleann pipes, so watch out!)
And yes, you can join us on our boyfriend bash. The more the merrier! But you have to bring your own stick.

"The Orthodox Church is evangelical, but not Protestant. It is orthodox, but not Jewish. It is catholic, but not Roman. It isn't non-denominational – it is pre-denominational. It has believed, taught, preserved, defended and died for the Faith of the Apostles since the Day of Pentecost 2000 years ago."
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Post by STRYPER »

Kris Doyle wrote:I agree with you, Zac (FluteBoy). Courtship is way better than modern dating. God bless Zac and Aria!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just a side note....

Did you know that Josh Harris just preached a message called "Courtship Smortship: What really matter in relationships"

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Post by FluteBoy »

STRYPER wrote:
Kris Doyle wrote:I agree with you, Zac (FluteBoy). Courtship is way better than modern dating. God bless Zac and Aria!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just a side note....

Did you know that Josh Harris just preached a message called "Courtship Smortship: What really matter in relationships"

I'm not familiar with there a link to any text or audio of this?
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Post by STRYPER »

Josh Harris released a book that impacted the entire evangelical world in 1996 called "I Kissed Dating Goodbye"

His message was simple: the dating culture that is assumed and practiced in this world, even Christians, is not honoring to God. There is a more godly alternative to "dating." While he mentioned courtship he would define what he meant in his next book.

My last post was sort of a little joke for those that were familier with him because he has been pegged as the "relationship courtship guy" for the last decade or so.

But he really did preach a message like that and you can find it here if you wish. Though, it isn't the best introduction to Josh's material if you are seriously interested...
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Post by FluteBoy »

STRYPER wrote:Josh Harris released a book that impacted the entire evangelical world in 1996 called "I Kissed Dating Goodbye"

His message was simple: the dating culture that is assumed and practiced in this world, even Christians, is not honoring to God. There is a more godly alternative to "dating." While he mentioned courtship he would define what he meant in his next book.

My last post was sort of a little joke for those that were familier with him because he has been pegged as the "relationship courtship guy" for the last decade or so.

But he really did preach a message like that and you can find it here if you wish. Though, it isn't the best introduction to Josh's material if you are seriously interested...
Oh yeah, I have that book. I just forgot the guy's name. Show's how long it's been since I read it, I guess.
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Post by Joni_Slade »

Ariastar87 wrote:That's why I'm particularly curious about this big change everyone's talking about. I just can't remember, and am now wondering if my voice just changed for some random reason, or what?
It was more that Mandy's behavior changed. In epidode 397, "Tornado!", Mandy had to have been, like, five or so. She didn't go to school yet and she acted like quite a little kid in the way she wanted to do what her older brother was doing. But ever since that episode--even in the next one, episode 398!--Mandy is in the same class as the other kids--Jared, Dwayne, Sarah, Alex, Liz--despite the fact that Alex is her older brother's best friend.

But Mandy's age leap is nothing compared to Trent's. Jared says that his little brother is two in "The Pushover". But later Trent and Mandy are supposed to be the same age. (I suppose Jared and Trent must have another little brother--it's the only explanation.)

Thanks for sharing your acting aspirations! I hope we get a chance to see you in a serious role on TV or in a movie (with Elijah Wood:) sometime. Best wishes with everything! And I hope you're feeling better.
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Post by Jonathan »

Eugene Blackgaard wrote:My good man, I have the same policy with my sisters. If you ever want to go on a boyfriend killing spree with me, call me up! ;)
I had that policy with my sister, except I know the guy she's interested in and know that he'll behave...
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Post by Kris Doyle »

Jonathan wrote:
Eugene Blackgaard wrote:My good man, I have the same policy with my sisters. If you ever want to go on a boyfriend killing spree with me, call me up! ;)
I had that policy with my sister, except I know the guy she's interested in and know that he'll behave...
Yeah, kinda like FluteBoy and Aria.
God bless you, in Jesus' name!!!! :D
"Then Peter said unto them, 'Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.'" (Acts 2:38)
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Post by H34TH4R »

Kris Doyle wrote:
Jonathan wrote:
Eugene Blackgaard wrote:My good man, I have the same policy with my sisters. If you ever want to go on a boyfriend killing spree with me, call me up! ;)
I had that policy with my sister, except I know the guy she's interested in and know that he'll behave...
Yeah, kinda like FluteBoy and Aria.
did you guys realise there 6 years apart!! thats like me dating a 17 year old!
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Post by Bennett »

UK SKATER wrote:
Kris Doyle wrote:
Jonathan wrote:
Eugene Blackgaard wrote:My good man, I have the same policy with my sisters. If you ever want to go on a boyfriend killing spree with me, call me up! ;)
I had that policy with my sister, except I know the guy she's interested in and know that he'll behave...
Yeah, kinda like FluteBoy and Aria.
did you guys realise there 6 years apart!! thats like me dating a 17 year old!
A little maturity here.

The older you get, the more the mental, spiritual maturity levels throughout ages compress and became closer to the extent that the ones you love may seem to be the same age. Parents which are 6 years apart, or more, for example, are rarely regarded as making a weird decision in their younger years. Afterall, they once dated with that age-span before.

Oh well, statistics prove that people tend to eventually catch up in age over time...

Euh, wait...:anxious:

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Post by Eugene Blackgaard »

One very godly pastor at our church, who is indespensible to ourt ministy, and has a wonderful relationship with his wife and 2 daughters, is 10 years older than his wife. :)

And yes, they married late in life. ;)
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In the darkness the Motherhood silently bakes cake and knits sweaters with love in every stitch.
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