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Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 10:25 am
by Alleycat
I knew the new actor acting Katrina must be Audrey Wasilewski(sp?) the minute I heard the unfamiliar name at the end of the show! The show felt just right, btw, except for the obvious difference in Katrina's voice.

I love that about Connie & Eugene swaping memories! :D It would be way weird! Strangely, my sister said the same! :D

Got to go, I'm working up for the privilege of an avatar. :bolt:

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 8:52 pm
by Chandler
I just read Frank's review of this show here at Frank's Breakfast Inn.
I'll admit to being surprised at the negativity but it did raise a few points for me to consider. :-k

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 9:48 pm
by Trent DeWhite
Indeed, Frank raised several good points (quotes in italics) with regards to the whole Christianity spin--or rather, lack thereof.

And so far we haven't seen God in the mix. (come to think of it...I can't really think of any definite morals in this episode...except for maybe: If you dearest friend has amnesia...then you must put yourself in whatever dangerous situation is necessary in order to restore his memory. Gotta remember that in case any of my friends are in similar predicaments.)

Indeed. I'm sure AIO will somehow manage to put a Christian spin on the final episode, but it might have come too late. Or perhaps not. We can't say for sure until we hear "A Most Extraordinary Conclusion."

It was very predictable. (In fact, I could probably predict what will happen in the conclusion: Whit will hook them all up to the IS, it won't really work and they'll be frustrated, and then Eugene-who-desperately-wants-his-life-back will sneak into Whit's End late at night and crank up the power...push the red button...there will be a super intense moment where we will hear tons of flashbacks as Eugene suddenly remembers everything that happened in his life again, and then YES! it will succeed and when everyone rushes into the basement because they're all concerned about impulsive Eugene's rash decision and he'll be all well. It will be a happy ending all around. The end.)

It certainly makes the ending extremely predictable, I must agree. There's not a shadow of doubt in my mind that Eugene is back to stay with us forever. (Huzzah!) However, while "A Most Suprising Answer" took away some of the predictability for the concluding episode, I think what took the predictability away the MOST was the preview clip heard at the end of "A Most Surprising Answer." Too much information was given away. At the very least, AIO should not have inserted the clip where Katrina says Eugene is missing.

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2005 10:59 pm
by Jonathan
You highlighted everything that stood out for me. I think I posted this earlier, but I did enjoy the review.


Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2005 1:13 am
by Chandler
Trent DeWhite wrote:Too much information was given away. At the very least, AIO should not have inserted the clip where Katrina says Eugene is missing.
That's a good point you raise.
In regard to Frank's review, please excuse this mixed metaphor before I use it... It seems like you can’t swing a dead cat these days without running into someone talking about things being predictable or clichéd. I’m not saying that AIO is excused if they do sound that way but sometimes I wonder if there’s anything left to surprise you with. Like Ecclesiastes says... “there’s nothing new under the sun.”
But Frank has a point. We expect that somehow Whit’s going to use the IS to cure Eugene and his memory will suddenly return and they’ll live happily ever after. The one glimmer of hope I have is the fact that the theme for the last ep of this 3-parter is prayer. Makes sense that Christianity will surface at some point, especially since we have Eugene saying “the time has come” in the clip for this last show. I think the solution will tie into his Christianity somehow. His faith must be a key part... which only makes sense. :p

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 6:18 am
by Katrina
I don't know too many to choose from I like most of them but three of my favorites is the Search For Whit part 1 2 and 3f I still have a lot more to choose from and I think just about anyone with Jason in it I like a lot O:)