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Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 6:00 pm
by Woody
Yes. Thursday, 12:30 PST Jehoshaphat, I'll see if we have enough people there to extend it so you have a chance to play. So come at 1:30, and we'll see if we can keep it going a little longer.


Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 6:06 pm
by Jesus' Princess
Jehoshaphat wrote:Can you make the game an hour later?
I might not be able to get there until closer to 1, so I may still be around :)


Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 6:21 pm
by Jehoshaphat
Bookworm what time zone are you in?


Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 6:22 pm
by bookworm
I was using Pacific time in my last post.


Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 12:15 pm
by Agent 86
i might be able to make it

Re: Chatroom Game!: TODAY AT 12:30 PM PST!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:58 pm
by Woody
Only a half hour till game time! \:D/

Re: Chatroom Game!: TODAY AT 12:30 PM PST!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:38 pm
by bookworm
Transcript! \:D/
12:25 <bookworm>: I'm here! :D
12:26 bookworm waves to Mabel
12:26 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: Hi, bookworm!
12:26 Mabel waves to bookworm.
12:26 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: Glad you could make it this time! \:D/
12:27 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: 4...
12:29 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: 3...
12:29 <JP>: Bookworm made it :)
12:29 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: 2...
12:30 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: 1...
12:30 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: 0!!!
12:30 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: Hello, and welcome to Woody's Chatroom for those who can rarely make it to chatroom games!
12:30 <bookworm>: Yay!!
12:30 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: We'll start just as I get some tea. \:D/
12:31 <JP>: let me guess, Arizona Sweet? ;)
12:31 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: Nope. Arizona Raspberry
12:31 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: And I'm back!
12:32 *** JOy joined #aio
12:32 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: Alright, now I'll explain the rules of Shootout
12:32 <JOy>: I might not be able to make it. I'm at piano lessons, and I have dishes when I get home. But we'll see.
12:33 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: Alright, Shootout is simple
12:34 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: So:
12:35 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: BOOKWORM AND JP SHOOTOUT!!!
12:35 bookworm *shoots*
12:35 <JP>: *shoots*
12:35 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: And JP wins! \:D/
12:35 <bookworm>: ?
12:36 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: Now, if we get three or more people here, I'll introduce a new version of Shootout I thought up! \:D/
12:36 <bookworm>: I shot first?
12:36 <JP>: Nice :)
12:36 <bookworm>: That's what Han said.
12:36 <bookworm>: :P
12:37 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: So lets hope Joy comes back.
12:37 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: Meanwhile....
12:37 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: We'll play Hangman!
12:37 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: You have five incorrect guesses before you lose
12:38 <bookworm>: testing
12:38 <JP>: five incorrect guess a piece or five total?
12:38 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
12:38 <JP>: Han?
12:38 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: five total
12:38 <JP>: A?
12:39 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: nope!
12:39 <JP>: E?
12:39 <bookworm>: My internet just went out >_>
12:39 <bookworm>: unbelievable
12:39 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: Nope!
12:39 <bookworm>: @JP :"Han?"
12:39 <bookworm>: I shot first
12:39 <bookworm>: in the shootout
12:40 <bookworm>: testing
12:40 *** Agent_86 joined #aio
12:40 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: hI mAX!
12:40 <Agent_86>: Hey
12:40 <JP>: @bookworm you said "that's what Han said" and I was asking you who Han was
12:40 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: We're playing Hangman
12:40 <Agent_86>: ah ok
12:40 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Incorrect guesses: A, E
12:40 <Agent_86>: what letters are right???\
12:40 <bookworm>: Han Solo
12:41 <bookworm>: as in 'Han shot first'
12:41 <bookworm>: and my internet isn't working >_>
12:41 <JP>: @agent_86 none yet
12:41 <JP>: @bookworm. Oh, okay
12:41 *** Agent_86 quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF))
12:41 *** Agent_86 joined #aio
12:41 <bookworm>: Do we get a category, or no?
12:42 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: Okay, the category is:
12:42 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: ToO users
12:42 <bookworm>: O?
12:42 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: _OO_ _O__
12:42 <bookworm>: bookworm?
12:43 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: Yes!
12:43 <bookworm>: ^.^
12:43 <Agent_86>: nice bookworm
12:43 <bookworm>: Thanks :)
12:43 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: Alright, here's a harder one
12:43 <Agent_86>: i \don't see it
12:43 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
12:43 <bookworm>: The Top Crusader?
12:44 <JP>: same category?
12:44 <Agent_86>: nice
12:44 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: How did you know??!?!?
12:44 <bookworm>: w00t!
12:44 <JP>: Nice Bookworm!
12:44 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: _ _ _
12:44 <bookworm>: This reminds me of Team Phoenix's hangman event :P
12:44 <bookworm>: Joy?
12:44 <Agent_86>: give us a chance
12:44 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: bookworm, you're too good at this
12:45 <Agent_86>: yeah
12:45 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: Here's a hard one:
12:45 <JP>: no kidding. Nice job though
12:45 <bookworm>: That's what they said back then too
12:45 <bookworm>: :P
12:45 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: _ _ _ _
12:45 <JP>: Taps?
12:46 <Agent_86>: nice
12:46 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: Not Taps!
12:46 <bookworm>: a?
12:46 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: nope!
12:46 <JP>: e?
12:46 <bookworm>: Buzz?
12:46 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: nope!
12:46 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: nope!
12:46 <JP>: o?
12:46 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: And you just made me sad :(
12:46 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: nope!
12:47 <bookworm>: I?
12:47 <JP>: i?
12:47 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: _ _ I _
12:47 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: And it's still ToO users
12:48 <JP>: t?
12:48 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: Nope!
12:48 <bookworm>: That's 5
12:48 <bookworm>: for her
12:48 <bookworm>: wait...
12:48 <bookworm>: no, 4
12:48 <bookworm>: sorry
12:49 <bookworm>: Kait?
12:50 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: Nope!
12:50 <bookworm>: o.o
12:50 <JP>: this is a hard one
12:50 <Agent_86>: b?
12:50 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: MABEL AND BOOKWORM SHOOTOUT!!!
12:50 The_Master_of_the_Game *shoots* Mabel
12:51 <bookworm>: And we're both on our final guess, so we can't guess letters because we wouldn't be able to solve it then :P
12:51 Mabel *shoots* The_Master_of_the_Game.
12:51 <bookworm>: *shoots*
12:51 <bookworm>: Not fair I was typing :P
12:51 bookworm scowls at Mabel
12:52 <bookworm>: my internet is out again...
12:52 <bookworm>: *sigh*
12:52 <bookworm>: can you see this?
12:52 <bookworm>: I can't see anything you're saying, if you are...
12:53 <bookworm>: testing
12:53 <bookworm>: testing
12:53 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: And Mabel wins!:P
12:53 <Agent_86>: i have 4 guesses
12:53 The_Master_of_the_Game waves to Mabel
12:53 Mabel waves to The_Master_of_the_Game.
12:53 *** The_Master_of_the_Game is now known as Woody
12:53 <Agent_86>: #misc
12:53 <Woody>: ?
12:53 <bookworm>: Okay I'm back
12:53 <Agent_86>: sorry
12:53 <bookworm>: Could you see anything I was saying?
12:53 <Agent_86>: i guess b
12:53 <Woody>: Nope!
12:54 <bookworm>: What's the last message you see from me?
12:54 <Woody>: I can make you all speak Spanish!
12:54 <Agent_86>: how?
12:55 <bookworm>: am I out again?
12:55 <bookworm>: testing
12:55 Mabel scowls at bookworm.
12:55 <Woody>: seguir adivinando
12:55 <bookworm>: testing
12:55 <bookworm>: testing
12:55 <bookworm>: can anyone see this?
12:55 <Agent_86>: yes
12:55 <Agent_86>: ican
12:55 <Agent_86>: i can
12:55 <bookworm>: Are we still on the same word?
12:56 <Agent_86>: i think so
12:56 <Woody>: Eso está bien. Sigue adivinando!
12:56 <bookworm>: I can't tell what you've seen from me and what I haven't seen from you
12:56 <bookworm>: my internet is going in and out
12:56 <Agent_86>: what?
12:56 <Woody>: __ I _
12:57 <Agent_86>: :(
12:57 <Agent_86>: :p
12:57 <Agent_86>: ;)
12:58 *** Joy joined #aio
12:58 <Woody>: Hola Joy!
12:58 <Agent_86>: hi Joy
12:58 <Joy>: Hello. I may not be talking too often, because of dishes. But I'll pop in.
12:58 <Agent_86>: we are playing Hangman
12:58 <Woody>: Estoy usando el modo españoles de Buzz!
12:59 <bookworm>: And JP and I can't guess anymore letters because we only have one left, so we wouldn't be able to solve it after
12:59 <bookworm>: we're at a stalemate :P
12:59 <Woody>: Pero Joy todavía tiene cinco adivina!
12:59 <Agent_86>: no i have three guesse
12:59 <Joy>: Spanish?
12:59 <Agent_86>: please speak english
12:59 <Woody>: Sí
13:00 <Woody>: Bueno: (
13:00 <bookworm>: You should guess a letter or two then Maxc
13:00 <bookworm>: Max*
13:00 <JP>: My internet is going in and out too... I think it's because of a storm right now
13:00 <Woody>: Alright, I stopped using Buzz's Spanish mode
13:00 <bookworm>: You haven't missed anything :P
13:00 <Woody>: :(
13:00 <bookworm>: Still on the same word
13:01 <Joy>: So show me what letters have been guessed.
13:01 *** Woody is now known as The_Master_of_the_Game
13:01 <The_Master_of_the_Game>: Buzzs_friend
13:01 *** The_Master_of_the_Game is now known as Buzzs_friend
13:01 <Buzzs_friend>: _ _ I _
13:02 *** Buzzs_friend is now known as Woody
13:02 <Woody>: :D
13:02 <Joy>: R/
13:02 <Woody>: Nope!
13:03 <Agent_86>: g?
13:03 <Woody>: Npoe!
13:03 <bookworm>: wow...
13:03 <Woody>: *Nope!
13:03 <Woody>: Hard, right?
13:04 bookworm shrugs to Mabel
13:04 <Agent_86>: yeah
13:04 Mabel shrugs to bookworm.
13:04 <JP>: yep
13:04 <bookworm>: internet went out again! :x
13:05 <Joy>: x?
13:05 <Woody>: Nope!
13:06 <bookworm>: Remember, we only have a hald hour :P
13:06 <bookworm>: half*
13:07 <bookworm>: I'm out again, aren't I?
13:07 <bookworm>: ...
13:07 <bookworm>: *sigh*
13:07 <Woody>: As soon as this puzzle is over, I'll introduce that new version of Shootout
13:07 <Joy>: n?
13:07 Woody sues bookworm's internet provider
13:07 <Woody>: Nope!
13:07 <Joy>: T?
13:07 <Woody>: Nope!
13:07 <Joy>: Hint?
13:07 <Woody>: Inactive ToO Users
13:07 <Joy>: z
13:07 <Agent_86>: do you mean an old too user?
13:07 <Woody>: nope! And @Max Yes, and he's inactive
13:08 <Agent_86>: IDK
13:08 <bookworm>: Am I back?
13:08 <JP>: my goodness...
13:08 <Woody>: *Reveals letter*
13:09 <Woody>: And bookworm, you're back
13:09 <bookworm>: good
13:09 <Woody>: S _ I _
13:09 <bookworm>: Skid!
13:09 <bookworm>: >_>
13:09 <Woody>: Indeed
13:09 <JP>: O.o
13:09 <Woody>: You win, bookworm!
13:10 <bookworm>: Yay!
13:10 <bookworm>: finally :P
13:10 <Woody>: And now, I shall reveal my version of Shootout. It's called:
13:10 <Woody>: FIRING SQUAD!!!!
13:10 <Woody>: My version involves everyone, not just two people
13:10 <JP>: okay?
13:10 <Woody>: It's simple
13:10 <Woody>: I'll say:
13:11 <bookworm>: *blows taps*
13:11 <Woody>: Or something like that
13:12 <Woody>: And the first to type: *shoots Mabel* wins!
13:12 <Agent_86>: how do you shoot???
13:12 <bookworm>: just type it
13:12 <Agent_86>: nvm
13:12 <Woody>: So let's try it!
13:12 <Woody>: FIRING SQUAD, EXECUTE JP!!!!!
13:12 <bookworm>: *shoots JP*
13:12 <Agent_86>: *shoots Jp*
13:12 <JP>: So in that case, would I shoot?
13:12 <Woody>: And bookworm wins!
13:12 <bookworm>: yourself :P
13:13 <Woody>: No, you would not, JP
13:14 <bookworm>: What's next? :)
13:15 <Woody>: So, we're going to try to play Mafia!
13:15 <Woody>: \:D/
13:15 <Agent_86>: and for role pm in the chat
13:16 <bookworm>: Sort of a Mafia Speed Round
13:16 <Woody>: Alright, so we'll have one Medic, One Sheriff, and one Mafia
13:16 <Woody>: So I'll send out your roles
13:16 <bookworm>: Better kill carefully :P
13:16 <Agent_86>: yeah
13:17 <bookworm>: ... and the internet is out AGAIN
13:18 <bookworm>: testing
13:19 <Woody>: You should all have chat PMs from me with your roles
13:19 <bookworm>: got it
13:19 <Woody>: Now, this is going to be a little different
13:19 <Woody>: If the Sheriff finds the Mafia, the Mafia dies
13:20 <Agent_86>: okay
13:20 <Joy>: Woah.
13:20 <Agent_86>: it 's faster then
13:20 <Woody>: There will be a sort of voting
13:20 <bookworm>: Extreme Mafia
13:20 <Woody>: Someone can say who they think is Mafia
13:21 <Woody>: If someone else seconds that accusation, it will be put to a vote
13:21 <Woody>: So, power roles, send me your stuff!
13:21 <Agent_86>: okay
13:22 <Agent_86>: i posted right after you said that
13:22 <Agent_86>: *snores
13:22 <Agent_86>: *
13:22 <Woody>: Be right back
13:22 <Agent_86>: kk
13:24 <Woody>: back!
13:25 <bookworm>: wait a second...
13:25 <bookworm>: if the Cop kills the Mafia, then they'll know who it is if no one dies won't they?
13:25 <bookworm>: So this is a one round game either way
13:26 <Joy>: Okay, I think I get the jist of it.
13:27 <Agent_86>: who got killed woody
13:28 <Woody>: no one yet
13:28 <Woody>: Still waiting on the Mafia
13:29 <bookworm>: Does the Medic also stop the Cop kill, if they save the Mafia?
:30 <bookworm>: are people talking?
13:30 <bookworm>: internet went out again
13:30 <bookworm>: *sigh*
13:31 <bookworm>: I can't tell if it's real silence or error silence
13:31 <bookworm>: ???
13:31 <Woody>: Alright, last night, Agent_86, a Townie, was killed. The Cop did not catch the Mafia
13:31 <Agent_86>: why oh why
13:31 <bookworm>: Now what?
13:32 <Agent_86>: *sleeps*
13:32 <JP>: Bookworm?
13:32 <Woody>: In light of what just happened
13:32 <bookworm>: yes?
13:32 <JP>: can you see this?
13:32 <bookworm>: yes
13:32 <JP>: okay, you're back
13:32 <JP>: then
13:32 <bookworm>: good
13:32 <bookworm>: *shoots Agent_86*
13:32 <JP>: Shoots agent 86*
13:32 <Agent_86>: i'm dead
13:32 <Woody>: bookworm wins!
13:32 <bookworm>: now you are :P
13:33 <Agent_86>: already
13:33 <Woody>: Alright, so does someone have a suspicion?
13:33 <bookworm>: there are three people left?
13:33 <JP>: well it was fun being here, but I have to go now
13:33 <Woody>: To nominate someone for lynching?
13:33 <JP>: see you guys later
13:33 <bookworm>: I suspect JP because she's leaving! :x
13:34 <JP>: not true :x
13:34 <bookworm>: Prove it :x
13:34 <Agent_86>: *rolls*
13:34 <Joy>: I second that! :x
13:34 <JP>: it's called responsibility :)
13:35 <Woody>: And JP, the Sheriff, was killed
13:35 <bookworm>: oops
13:35 <JP>: see?
13:35 <Woody>: And Joy, the Mafia, beat bookworm, the Doc
13:35 <JP>: Whatever, bye
13:35 *** JP quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
13:35 <bookworm>: :(
13:35 <Woody>: Thank you all for participating in Woody's Chatroom Game for those who can rarely make it to Chatroom games!
13:35 <Woody>: Unfortunately, I have to leave now. :(
13:35 <Agent_86>: no town won
13:35 <Joy>: Yay!
13:35 <bookworm>: Thanks Woody! It was great to finally make one! :D
13:36 <Joy>: Bye everyone!
13:36 <Woody>: Goodbye, and thanks again!
13:36 *** Woody quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
Thanks again Woody! :D

Re: Chatroom Game!: TODAY AT 12:30 PM PST!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:08 pm
by Woody
I enjoyed it a lot. :) I like running events.

Re: Chatroom Game!

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 5:16 pm
by Jesus' Princess
It was fun \:D/ Thanks Woody :)