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Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 3:18 pm
by poWerbOy
How'd you see a French version?

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 3:23 pm
by Jennifer Doyle
So it's true that the professor is the little boy in the Magijan's Nephew?

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 4:07 pm
by Taq
I just saw the movie yesterday. (I read all the chronicles 7-8 years ago and reread The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe recently.) I loved it; it will no doubt start my list of favorite movies, as I have no such list yet. Not having sifted through this thread's entirety, my critique would be Aslan; he wasn't built up enough in the movie. In the book, Clive Staples makes Aslan the big thing; if I recall correctly, one chapter was even entitled "Aslan on the Move". That aside, I loved most other aspects. The film certainly satisfied me.

Oh, and it did push the PG rating; I told my parents not to let my 7 and 8-year-old siblings see it.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 4:25 pm
by Arwen
Jennifer Doyle wrote:So it's true that the professor is the little boy in the Magijan's Nephew?

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 10:23 pm
by xiao
Captain Jack wrote:
Me wrote:
Trent DeWhite wrote:
Jimmy Barclay wrote:working at movie theater I have noticed 4 reactions to extra ending scene during credits

1) people leave at end of movie, dont know about scene
2) people see there is an extra scene, leave anyways without watching
3) people leaving come back to watch
4) people remain seating to watch
You're missing a fifth reaction.

5) People see the extra scene and remain standing to watch. :x
That happened at both of the showings I was at. :x
It happened at my showing aswell.
And mine. That's annoying.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 11:22 pm
Barely Is wrote:
Catspaw wrote:
poWerbOy wrote:
Catspaw wrote:I was really glad that somebody had posted to stay for the extra scene, because I knew to stay sitting. :D Thanks to whoever it was - Trent, maybe. :-k
There was an extra scene!!?? What was it!?
It was just a short scene a little bit into the credits - I have to admit that I can't remember exactly what happened :anxious: but it brought more closure - it had the professor, maybe, and the wardrobe, and the door slammed shut. Somebody who has either seen it more recently or has a better memory could give a better description. :-
It was something along the lines of the Professor finding Lucyat the wardrobe, and tellingher she couldn't get back to narnia through the wardrobe, but when they were needed, they would be called back and return...something like that. :anxious:

To the wonderful credits music of "Can't Take it in" by Imogen Heap, the scene opens as Lucy slowly creeps up to the closed wardrobe. A look of anticipation is on her face as she approaches it and starts to turn the handle.

Professor: You won't get in that way I'm afraid

the camera shows the Professor in his nightgown sitting on the windowsill behind Lucy. She turns quickly with a look of disappointment

Professor: You see... I've already tried

the Professor walks up to Lucy

Lucy: Will we ever get back to Narnia?

Professor: Oh, I suppose so [he says as he takes Lucy's hand and they start to walk out of the room] but it will probably happen when you least expect. Best to keep on the look out

the Professor smiles with this last word and they walk out. The Wardrobe, which was left open a crack, begins to glow a bright white light through the crack. A roar is heard and the door closes shut. End of scene

I for one, thought this was a perfect opportunity for the Professor to say "Once a King or Queen in Narnia, always a King or Queen in Narnia." But for some reason he didn't :(

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 11:34 pm
by Catspaw
Oh, good, I was right - the door shut, and the professor was in it. ;) Thanks so much for a detailed run-down of the scene, STRYPER! Most impressive! \:D/

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 12:41 am
by Thursday Next
Since I finally got to watch it I can finally say I like it.

What I liked
I liked how they portrayed Susan. It makes you understand why she doesn't go to Narnia or rather believe in it at the end of the series. I loved the professor. Granted he's always been one of my favorite characters (even in the BBC version). I liked the White Witch better. She wasn't screaming at the top of her lungs and I hope that if they do the entire series the actress reappears in the Silver Chair and The Magician's Nephew (aka I hope the writer realises the evil woman in all three of these books is essentially the same person). I liked how they developed Edmund's Character as well. You see him reacting more to the consequences of his decisions...particularly when he meets Mr. Thummnus in the prision. Liam Neson make's a great Aslan. The Battle sequences were awsome.

What I didn't like:

My main complaint is that the movie felt rushed. There are a couple of places, such as when Edmund meets the White Witch and at the Beaver's house, that could have been expanded on. For example, non readers would have no clue why humans being in Narnia would be a threat to the White Witch. In the book the white Witch never says to Edmund that his siblings would become slaves. She tells him that Peter would become a Duke and Susan and Lucy Dutchesses because a prince must have courtiers. Even at first, in the movie she seems to recognize him as a human in the book she is trying to figure out what sort of creature Edmund is once she finds out Edmund is a human then at first she decide to kill him, but then changes her mind and then goes off on enticing him with the whole prince shtick.

The beaver's should have been expanded because it talks about the prophecies and about Aslan. When asked if he's safe, that's when you find out that Aslan is a lion.

Like I said those are my two major complaints, however it doesn't not detract from my enjoyment of the movie

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 2:27 pm
by Evangeline Doyle
I thought the guy who played the Professor did a great job! :)

(Just a random comment... Teehee!)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 2:54 pm
by Trent DeWhite
dawningoftime wrote:There are a couple of places, such as when Edmund meets the White Witch and at the Beaver's house, that could have been expanded on. For example, non readers would have no clue why humans being in Narnia would be a threat to the White Witch. In the book the white Witch never says to Edmund that his siblings would become slaves. She tells him that Peter would become a Duke and Susan and Lucy Dutchesses because a prince must have courtiers. Even at first, in the movie she seems to recognize him as a human in the book she is trying to figure out what sort of creature Edmund is once she finds out Edmund is a human then at first she decide to kill him, but then changes her mind and then goes off on enticing him with the whole prince shtick.
I think they made it quite clear why the Witch wanted to kill the humans. Perhaps it the reason didn't come quite as quickly as one might've expected, but first-time readers of the books would face the same issue likewise. It isn't until Mr. Beaver describes the prophecy that the Witch's agenda becomes evident. "It's a trap! She wants to kill you!" says Mr. Beaver in the film. Because the White Witch doesn't want the prophecy to be fulfilled, she attempts to kill the children.
The beaver's should have been expanded because it talks about the prophecies and about Aslan. When asked if he's safe, that's when you find out that Aslan is a lion.

I suppose he could've explained who Aslan really was, but that would be taboo in the context of film-making. You don't give away all the answers from the start. That being said, anyone who watched the trailers would've probably figured out who Aslan was anyway. :-k
Evangeline Doyle wrote:I thought the guy who played the Professor did a great job! :)

(Just a random comment... Teehee!)
Jim Broadbent did, indeed, do a masterful job with his part. \:D/

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 5:48 pm
Evangeline Doyle wrote:I thought the guy who played the Professor did a great job! :)
I would agree, though I was quite disappointed in the writing of his character. I thought he was introduced poorly and many of his classic lines were shortned/changed/ignored. However, this isn't Jim Broadbent's fault, and I thought he did an extordinary performance :D

I too was most aggrivated by the shortness of the dinner with the Beaver's. So much exposition is taken place here and they seemed to really blow through it. Though, I think it could have been a lot worse :anxious:

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 3:58 pm
by Rachael Blackgaard
Slightly offtopic, but has anyone played the video game? I'm not a huge gamer (aside from DDR and Tetris), but I'm quickly becoming addicted to it! I like the strategy levels, like Follow Aslan, where you have to shoot the lanterns, then run, then hide from the guards, then put the guards to sleep, etc. It can be hard at times, because you have to do it so fast, but it's really fun.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 4:15 pm
by Trent DeWhite
My brother received the game for Christmas, and he's addicted to the game. I've only played a couple times. It's actually not a bad game, but nothing about it wow'ed me, either. :-k

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 9:29 pm
by Aram
having seen it twice, and not yet seen the extra ( next time!)
I was impressed with how closely it followed the book, yet I noticed there were things that they skipped. Like the professo. But the Battle scenes and just the cinematography, music, location, and effects were excellent!
Can't wait for the next 6!

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 3:49 pm
by MDB17
Trent DeWhite wrote:My brother received the game for Christmas, and he's addicted to the game. I've only played a couple times. It's actually not a bad game, but nothing about it wow'ed me, either. :-k
yea i have seen it too i didn't think that much about it.

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 4:37 pm
by Frank
I want the soundtrack now! :D *Narnia bliss*

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 5:09 pm
by snowflake
i LOVE NARNIA!!! :cheerleader: 3 cheers for Narnia!!! okay, I was the movie and LOVED it. =D> they did quite a bit different from the book (the escape from the beavers house for example, and they never went after Edmund) but little Georgie Henley is SO cute!!! She was a good person for the part, as were all the actors but she was just adorable :D I really liked it...I can't wait for the next movie to come out. I have not seen the old movies but I've read the books a number of times. My dad read them out loud to us kids, then I read them myself, I've heard most of the radio theatre's and when we heard there was a movie comeing out, dad started re-reading them to us. if there's anybody out there who doesn't like Narnia...I just have to say you're kinda weird :roll: Our series goes in the order Lewis wrote them, and theological development (that's how my dad worded it :-s ) but some are in a different order (for example: The Magicians Nephew being first because it was when Narnia was created) okay, I've talked enough, i'm sure you're tired of this ](*,)

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 7:54 pm
by Trent DeWhite
Frank wrote:I want the soundtrack now! :D *Narnia bliss*
You don't have it yet? :(

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 8:11 pm
by J-man
I'm finally going to see the new movie on monday! I'm so excited.. \:D/

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 8:56 pm
by AIOfan11
Frank wrote:I want the soundtrack now! :D *Narnia bliss*
Yeah! I want it ToO (well, I need to hear it first)! *has Narnia bliss with Frank* Have you heard "In Like a Lion" by Relient K? Its really good! \:D/