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Re: Doctor Who Series Preview

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 5:52 pm
by SirWhit
Astronomer wrote:
I don't think Missy's dead. She was shot, but she didn't even regenerate or anything. I would assume that means she was transported somewhere, or something to that extent.
Same. The color of the beam was the same as the one she used when she teleported earlier. I think that maybe her device thing had a failsafe built into it in case of her being attacked.

Also, UNIT was a little less than competent...

Re: Doctor Who Series Preview

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 11:49 am
by Woody
After a rewatch, I definitely appreciate this finale a lot more.

Danny and Clara's storyline was heartbreakingly beautiful. Specifically these two quotes.

Clara: "Stories! I made them up! Ask anyone who knows me, I am an incredible liar."
CyberDanny: "Correct"

CyberDanny: "Where is the Doctor?"
Clara: "Do you really think I would give him up? I would never give up the Doctor. Because he's my best friend too. He is the one man I will always trust, always believe in. And he is the one man on this earth that I would never, ever lie to."

Missy was incredibly Masterful. But OSGOOD :'( I was so excited when the Doctor offered her companion status but- but. BANANAS.

Back to Missy, though. She was an incredible Master, and I don't think she's dead. I don't really understand why she was so determined to give the Doctor an army. Regardless:

"Do you have any other friends for me to play with?

"Oh, it's the daughter one, I like the daughter one, don't you? *kills Kate*"

Missy: "Really? This is it? So boring... he's just going to... squish."
Seb: "Well, you have to admit, it's quite dramatic."
Missy: "You are an Artificial Intelligence Welcome System. Kindly delete your opinions."
Seb: "Wait, is he...?"
Missy: "Is he?"
*Doctor is saved by TARDIS*
Seb: "Permission to SQUEEEEEEE!"
Missy: *kills Seb*

*whispers* "I'm going to kill you in a minute. You'll be dead as a fish on a slab any second now. Oh, but don't tell the boys. This is our special girl plan."

Missy: "Say something nice."
Osgood: "I'm much more useful to you alive than dead."
Missy: "Oh, now that is true... That is a very good point well made. I'm proud of you, sister! But did I mention... Bananas? *kills Osgood :(*"

And the Doctor. His speech was absolutely fantastic.

"I am NOT a good man. Neither am I a bad man. I am not a hero, and I'm definitely not a President. I am... An idiot! Just an idiot with a blue box, just passing throuh, helping out..."

And let's not forget Clara. Her Doctor impersonation was spot on, and I loved it. I'm hoping that mention of a certain non-gallifreyan daughter created via genetic transfer means she'll be returning soon. :)

CyberBrig was also fun.

And Danny's final sacrifice to fix the mistake he made... So Danny. I will genuinely miss his presence on the show.

But why the heck did Clara lie about it? Couldn't the Doctor have downloaded Danny from the Nethersphere? He's a Time Lord, he would know the technology. And he could probably build another bracelet, too :- Alas, Moffat was determined to kill Danny.

And one last note. On the lying. It was rather foolish that Clara lied to the Doctor. Doesn't she know that Danny is only dead because she lied to him? She should have learned her lesson!

Last quote, I promise:

Clara: "Doctor, if you have let her live, if you have EVER let this creature live, then everything that happened today is on you. And you are not letting her live again."
Doctor: "I never said I was letting her live. Just that I wasn't letting you kill her."
Missy: "Really, Doctor? Is this what it's come to? You would kill me, just to save her soul? But, Doctor, who will save yours? Say something nice."
Doctor: "You win."
Missy: "I know."

Re: Doctor Who Series Preview

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 1:47 pm
by The Kings Daughter
^ those quotes. ^_^

"he is the one man on this earth that I would never, ever lie to."

eh heheheheheh no. You lied to him too, girlie. :/

The only part that doesn't make sense to me is that she played around killing the Doctor's friends and then she's like 'Hey, will you please take this as your birthday gift? It was all for you.' O.O

Re: Doctor Who Series Preview

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 2:24 pm
by SirWhit
^ The above posts.
I think the reason that she played around with the Doctor is because she's bananas. Just simply bananas.

12's reaction after not finding Gallifrey was just...


Re: Doctor Who Series Preview

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 12:34 am
by The Kings Daughter
^ this is true.
Yes. Poor 12:/ ♥

Osgood is sad...but I like it because it's realistic. In real life, that doesn't just happen to the okay-characters, or in Moffat's case, the leaving characters. It happens to random ones we care about. People who have so much more to give to life. And so Osgood, in this case, made it feel real and relate-able and personal like Phil Coulson.

Re: Doctor Who Series Preview

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 6:36 pm
by Aeva
I still can't form coherent thoughts about this finale, other than to say it was freaking brilliant. This was by far some of Moffat's best work, and I don't say that lightly. I have been highly critical of much of his work because I have often found it to be ridiculously complicated in order to hide the flimsy plot lines. This two-part finale, however, was simply excellent. Everything about it, from the story line to the memorable quotes, was magnificent.

The salute to the Brigadier and the fact that Danny sacrificed his life with Clara to send the boy home were breathtaking moments. And 12's reaction to realizing that Missy lied, as one of you already pointed out, was incredible. I was genuinely and deeply moved by "Death in Heaven," and that doesn't happen too often.

Hats off to you, Moffat!

Re: Doctor Who Series Preview

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 8:14 pm
by Knight Fisher
Christmas Special coming up. \:D/ The preview looked interesting. Hopefully Clara gets a better departure than the Ponds in Angels Take Manhattan.

Re: Doctor Who Series Preview

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 8:16 pm
by Woody
Except we don't actually know if she's leaving. The same source that reported she was leaving now says she's staying til mid-Series 9. :p

Re: Doctor Who Series Preview

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 10:16 pm
by Aeva
Sooo, Christmas special, anyone?! \:D/ *mind = blown*

Re: Doctor Who Series Preview

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 12:24 am
by Woody

And yes, my mind is blown as well. I never saw that coming. Give me a bit to process all this...
DANNY DANNY DANNY DANNY! I'm so glad we got another scene with him. Danny is easily my favorite male character of New Who(besides the Doctor, of course. And let's just hope the Doctor stays male. This female Master stuff be scarin' me.)

Anyways, seriously. I never saw that end coming. I thought it was the end for Clara. And then... ONE. LAST. DREAM. :D I danced. No joke, I did. I'm just so glad Moffat didn't break my heart by having the real Clara be old, too. That would have been cruel, to get our hopes up like that.

My favorite quotes:

"Don't make me use these three words! My. Little. Pony."

"I didn't die saving the world. I died saving Clara. The rest of you just got lucky."

Clara: "Am I young again?"
Doctor: "I don't know"

Seriously, I love the 12/Clara chemistry. They're rivaling 10/Donna right now. It's so funny how 12 is always casually insulting Clara. xD
Merry Christmas, everyone! I cannot WAIT for Series 9.

Re: Doctor Who Series Preview

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 8:39 pm
by SirWhit
I hope Shona comes back.

Re: Doctor Who Series Preview

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 1:04 pm
by Aeva
Yeah, I totally can't wait for Series 9 either!! \:D/ I mean,
"The Magician's Apprentice"?!?! \:D/ Brilliant title.
Absolutely amazing. I'm so stoked these dancing smileys aren't quite cutting it anymore haha. \:D/

Re: Doctor Who Series Preview

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 3:38 pm
by Woody
I'm really hoping "The Magician's Apprentice" has something to do with Capaldi's magicianish outfit. \:D/

Re: Doctor Who Series Preview

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 12:37 pm
by Doll
Whale, I finally got caught up in Who, and made my roommate think I was dying after I watched the finale. xD (It was quiet hours, so I had to fangirl quietly. xD)

OHMYGOODNESS. I love this show so much. It breaks my heart, but I love all the depth of emotion that it has.

Re: Doctor Who Series Preview

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 7:07 pm
by Woody
This thread needs a bump.

So who's excited for Series 9?

BBC America posted a teaser the other day(don't get too excited, it's just a cool video of the TARDIS)

Re: Doctor Who Series Preview

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 10:34 am
by SirWhit
Oh wow so much spoilers :P

Re: Doctor Who Series Preview

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 1:48 pm
by Woody
I know, right? I'm so upset that they spoiled the surprise of the TARDIS returning for Series 9! :x

Re: Doctor Who Series Preview

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 5:05 pm
by Doll
*gasp* A TARDIS.

In other news, my mother got me a fleece blanket kit featuring The Pandorica opens!

(Le post for Woody so he can post again.)

Re: Doctor Who Series Preview

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 5:22 pm
by Woody
Well, this little gem premiered at Comic-Con last week. \:D/

Zygons, and Daleks, and Hollow-Faced People, oh my!

I have a theory, regarding that mysterious woman at the end(played by Maisie Williams). A particular piece of her (incredibly short) dialogue stuck out to me:

"What took you so long, Old Man?"

Now, I suppose this could just refer to Capaldi's grey hair, or to the Doctor's two thousand some odd years, but I kinda think there's something hidden in that title. Ever heard someone refer to their father as their "old man"? Well, let's see then. The Doctor's Daughter... anyone remember Jenny, the Doctor's Non-Gallifreyan Daughter created by a genetic transfer? She was mentioned in last season's finale, if you remember. Could this be a foreshadowing of her return? Most certainly. I can see her having a special dynamic with the 12th Doctor, as he has a bit of a hatred toward soldiers... Anyone remember Jenny's profession? ;)

The only hurdle is that when Jenny regenerated at the end of her episode, she kept the same face... Perhaps that's just some fluke that happened, since it was her first regeneration... which she technically wasn't supposed to be capable of?

I dunno... Something about this character just seems so very Jenny. Particularly her tone of voice... I suppose it could just be wishful thinking, but I certainly hope not! :D

Re: Doctor Who Series Preview

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 6:48 pm
by Pengwin
That's a really good theory and I hope that it is so. Some people think she's a younger Clara which I hope is not true.