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Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 2:26 pm
by Andrea Meltsner

As Tirian, you are valiant, brave and loyal. While you may have a silly name, you help others in the face of adversity and always uphold what is right.

who is that again? I forgot. Wait maybe I do know....Well maybe not. Maybe I should take it again!

EDIT: I know who it is now! I take back what I said!

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 10:15 am
by Trent DeWhite
Seeing as how we now have a thread dedicated to the Narnia Personality Quiz, let's resume our discussion of the books and movies. :)

There's a new Narnia Clip, Chapter III, available at the new website. Here's what NarniaWeb had to say:

Along with the release of the new website, the production has released another production featurette, this one entitled Locations and Sets. We have loaded our image gallery with screen caps from this latest clip. You can view the clip by visiting and clicking on "Videos". You can also view all the images from the clip by clicking the image below.

The clip discusses some of the locations that the filming took place and has some beautiful shots of New Zealand and the Czech Republic. The clip also talks about creating fake snow and shows some pre-viz for the battle scenes. There’s more music from the score and we hear Donald McAlpine, Roger Ford, and Dean Wright.

You can view the video clips directly by clicking the links found below.

Small File Size
Large File Size

Windows Media:
[url=mms://]Small Size Stream[/url]
[url=mms://]Large Size Stream[/url]


Also from

Sources in the production have confirmed that Rachael Henley, the older sister of Georgie (playing young Lucy) has been chosen to play the adult Lucy in film version of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, being released December 9. More information coming soon....

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2005 11:55 pm
by Chandler
Thanks for posting the links Trent! :D
Trent DeWhite wrote:Sources in the production have confirmed that Rachael Henley, the older sister of Georgie (playing young Lucy) has been chosen to play the adult Lucy in film version of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, being released December 9. More information coming soon....
How interesting. Are they trying for an obvious resemblance between the 2 characters? :-k

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 4:31 pm
by Trent DeWhite
Chandler wrote:How interesting. Are they trying for an obvious resemblance between the 2 characters? :-k
I would tend to think so. I commend the production team if the sources were accurate in their report. It's not often you see an actor's older sibling portraying the grown-up character. =D>

Latest Headlines

"Brian Cox No Longer Aslan"

The big news of the Biola Media Conference is that Brian Cox is no longer doing the voice of Aslan! Apparently he has lost some weight and his voice has changed. Reportedly, Jason Isaacs, Timothy Dalton, Sean Bean, Gerard Butler, Ian McKellen, and Ralph Fiennes have all auditioned for the part. No choice has yet been made.

Sean Bean? Ian McKellen? Interesting . . . two LoTR actors. :-k I wouldn't mind seeing Ralph Fiennes voice acting for Aslan. But I think I'd much prefer a lesser known actor.

"Narnia Trailer Rundown"

The Biola Media Conference was held today, April 23rd and the 90% completed trailer was previewed for the attendees. The next paragraph is a complete run-down of the trailer (with lots of spoilers) from NarniaWebber glumPuddle whose sister attended the conference.

The trailer opens with Mrs. Macready telling the children the rules of the house "Don’t touch this, don’t go here, and above all don’t bother the professer." Curious Lucy touches an artifact and Mrs. Macready tells her no. Throughout the trailer, the words on the screen say something to the effect of "There are many doors in this house...and many rooms....but only one...leads to another world." We see Peter or Edmund closing their eyes and counting "1..2..3.." Lucy fingers the knob on the wardrobe. Then it begins opening. My sister said that she got chills because the sound effect for the creaking of the wardrobe door was so creepy. The door opens and a light shoots out of the wardrobe. Next is what my sister says was the highlight of the trailer: a HUGE sweeping helicopter shot of the four children walking across some kind of bridge (from the concept art that we’ve already seen with the sunset). Susan says something like "I can’t believe this" or "This is incredible." My sister couldn’t quite remember what order the images appeared in, but here’s what she saw: Tumnus and Lucy having tea, the children bowing before Aslan (yes, you totally see him!), the Witch doing some kind of dance, a few breath-taking battle shots....and above all, the final shot of the trailer is Aslan standing on a rock and roaring. I asked her if it was a real lion, and she said that it looked real, except the face looked like it had too much expression to just be a normal lion. So, she supposes that the face was CGI.

Disney’s marketing plan is that they want to go to "every church in America." The last shot was actually filmed less than a month ago. Apparently, they wanted the weather to be different so they had to wait. They filmed the scene where they come back through the wardrobe. When asked why the filmmakers kept Lucy’s hair brown, the answer was simply "Director’s choice". was also able to attend the conference. Their report at has some very interesting notes from Rick Dempsey’s presentation. Visit the link above for their whole news story

• The voice casters have decided to go for a younger voice for Aslan than originally thought.

• The movie will reportedly be faithful to the book, largely due to the influence of Douglas Gresham, Lewis’ stepson. According to Rick Dempsey, "We cannot sneeze without Doug giving us permission."

• There will likely be a song with lyrics in the end credits, as in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. In addition to the soundtrack CD, there will likely be a CD of music inspired by the movie.

• If the first movie does well, it is likely that Prince Caspian, Dawn Treader, and The Silver Chair will be made as well. The others, particularly The Horse and His Boy, are less certain, unless the franchise does very well, because they would be harder to adapt for the screen. But I spoke to Rick Dempsey and he said he had recently looked at The Horse and His Boy again and thought it could be made.

• The teaser trailer will be released on May 7th.

• The trailer will accompany Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (almost certain).

• The movie will likely be rated PG or PG-13. Battle scenes will reportedly be less graphic than those in the Lord of the Rings.


Yet another excuse to go out and see Star Wars III in theatres. :D I didn't see Episodes I or II in theatres, and would love to do so for this final episode. \:D/

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 8:05 pm
by Chandler
Wow you find so much interesting information Trent! :)

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 8:12 pm
by Trent DeWhite
Regurgitation in its finest form, my dear friend. ;)

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2005 8:16 pm
by Chandler
When someone is too lazy to go look for herself it works great and makes you the hero. :inlove:

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:55 am
by Trent DeWhite
You flatter me. Really, it isn't necessary. :noway:

Not that I don't appreciate it! ;)


Latest Headlines

Sophie Winkleman to Play Adult Susan

According to NarniaFans and the PFD website, British actress Sophie Winkleman has been tapped to play the adult Susan in the upcoming The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.



More Tidbits From Biola Media Conference

Joelle from TheLonelyIsle.Net was able to attend the Biola conference and has posted her fabulous review at her blog. Below are the new points that weren’t covered in previous reviews.

• The trailer they showed us today was completed at 6:30 last night, which means that we were the first audience to ever see it!

• The guys who basically got this project off the ground were a group of guys who all graduated either from BIOLA or Masters College.

• When one of the Disney guys called Douglas Gresham and asked if Disney could make CoN, Mr. Gresham said, "Disney is the last place that Jack wanted to make Narnia into a movie." They are, I quote, "contractly obligated" to make it accurate. And I quote again, "We cannot sneeze without Doug Gresham’s permission."

• 350 actors auditioned for the voice of Aslan. When Gerard Butler came in to audtion for Aslan he asked, "this is going to be like the BBC puppet Aslan, right? Because if so I’m leaving right now."

• There are 1000 special effects shots

• It will be dubbed in 23 languages

There was also some footage shown in addition to the trailer:

• The Professor: He’ll take getting used to, he kinda looks like a leprechaun.

• Mr. Tumnus(!): I wish I had a picture of him right now to show you guys, not how I pictured him, but better. He looks so *real*, not like a guy in a costume.

• Mr. (or) Mrs. Beaver: I had to take a double take here, I thought this was a clip of a nature video or something. Wow has technology come a far way, they look exactly like real beavers!! It’s amazing! If it had not been in this context I would have sworn they were real until they started moving, then it was obvious these aren’t your everyday beavers.

• Dwarves: They look exactly like dwarves. But not like Middle Earth dwarves. You couldn’t get the two mixed up.

• Santa Claus: Ok, I kinda thought it would be a given that this part of the story (when ol saint nick comes by and gives everyone Christmas presents) would be the Tom Bombadil of Narnia, but no, there was quite clearly a fat guy, with a beard, and a bag of stuff and a sleigh!!

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 10:47 am
by J-man
I hope whoever they get for aslan has a deep voice. In the old narnia movies the guy has a sorta high voice, and that annoys me.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 12:09 pm
by Chandler
Trent DeWhite wrote:You flatter me. Really, it isn't necessary. :noway:

Not that I don't appreciate it! ;)
:worship: :worship:


What really annoys me is the Radio Theatre voice for Aslan. Image It ruins my enjoyment when he's speaking. :(

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 5:52 pm
by Trent DeWhite
I have not yet heard any of Focus on the Family's radio dramatizations of The Chronicles of Narnia, although I have heard one or two commericals. "Oh, children!!" I keep hearing. #-o If that, indeed, is Aslan, than I would deem his voice to be irritating, too high, and ultimately one that does not accurately portray the Aslan in my mind.
J-man wrote:I hope whoever they get for aslan has a deep voice. In the old narnia movies the guy has a sorta high voice, and that annoys me.
Are you referring to BBC's version? I actually didn't mind him, because he sort of reminded me like Christ. Recognize that, for C.S. Lewis, Aslan was a type of Christ, I think Aslan should come across as stern but loving. If the actor's voice is deep, it should also reflect a feeling of compassion and love. In my very humble opinion, of course. O:)

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 6:01 pm
by Chandler
Trent DeWhite wrote:I have not yet heard any of Focus on the Family's radio dramatizations of The Chronicles of Narnia, although I have heard one or two commericals. "Oh, children!!" I keep hearing. #-o If that, indeed, is Aslan, than I would deem his voice to be irritating, too high, and ultimately one that does not accurately portray the Aslan in my mind.
That is indeed Aslan. It's nothing against the actor... he just seems terribly miscast to me. My brother and I hear that commercial and roll our eyes while mimicking, "Chiiiiiiillllllldren." :roll:

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:04 pm
by Me
Chandler wrote:
Trent DeWhite wrote:I have not yet heard any of Focus on the Family's radio dramatizations of The Chronicles of Narnia, although I have heard one or two commericals. "Oh, children!!" I keep hearing. #-o If that, indeed, is Aslan, than I would deem his voice to be irritating, too high, and ultimately one that does not accurately portray the Aslan in my mind.
That is indeed Aslan. It's nothing against the actor... he just seems terribly miscast to me. My brother and I hear that commercial and roll our eyes while mimicking, "Chiiiiiiillllllldren." :roll:
I'm not the only one!!! Personally, it doesn't sound like a lion to me at all.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 1:02 am
by Chandler
Agreed. I don't feel "grand" when listening to him.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 1:41 am
by Shadowpaw
I eventually grew used to him, but the voice of Aslan was (and still is) the weakest aspect of the Radio Theatre CoN productions.

Which are still terrific, despite the casting choice for Aslan. It also didn't help that the "lion" sounds didn't seem to jive with the voice. But there was so much more to like about the shows that it made up for it (and as I pointed out, I grew so used to it that it no longer bothered me after Magician's Nephew really).

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 6:45 pm
by Me
I only heard a few eps, but aside from the voice of Aslan, the ones I did hear fit almost perfectly with the picture I had in my head from reading the books.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 1:04 pm
by Jonathan
Chandler wrote:
Trent DeWhite wrote:You flatter me. Really, it isn't necessary. :noway:

Not that I don't appreciate it! ;)
:worship: :worship:


What really annoys me is the Radio Theatre voice for Aslan. Image It ruins my enjoyment when he's speaking. :(
Bah. The commercial alone ruins what I had in my imagination and that alone is enough to keep me away from it.


Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 1:22 pm
by JesusFreak777
Bah. The commercial alone ruins what I had in my imagination and that alone is enough to keep me away from it.

Here here.

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:09 am
by Me
Where?! I don't see anything!

I think you meant hear hear!

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:57 pm
by JesusFreak777
Thanks for catching that ME. You are correct.