The Decline of Adventures in Odyssey

Whit's wiping down the counter, Connie's mopping the floor, and the kids are sipping on their milkshakes. If you want to talk about Adventures in Odyssey the radio drama, this is the spot to do just that!
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Post by TigerintheShadows »

SoccerLOTR wrote:
TigerintheShadows wrote:Now...I don't know if it's because I'm growing up or if it's because Odyssey is growing down, so to speak, but I just don't like these new kids. I'm leaning toward the latter, because I may be growing up, but the old child characters are some of my favorites and remain as such and I can listen to those episodes without:

a) fearing that people halfway across the neighborhood can hear me,
HAHA--I know the feeling...i listen to new eps at work and panic while scrambling to turn the volume down if a co-worker comes in!
Actually, I was thinking of Barret when I wrote that. "EMILY!" "WHO SAYS I WAS PLAYING VERMINOIDS!" "NOOO! NO! MY GAME!"
"Death's got an Invisibility Cloak?" "So he can sneak up on people. Sometimes he gets bored of running at them, flapping his arms and shrieking..."
"And now the spinning. Thank you for nothing, you useless reptile."
"It unscrews the other way."
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Post by Jason Whits Son »

(In response to the original post, and secondary post reviewing albums 51 and 52 by Marvindy)
Long rant
As has been said, through the years odyssey has gone through many stages. And there are episodes that pale in comparison to others, but often it is simply a matter of opinion. (One exception being albums 33 and 34). Although when it comes to post 50 albums I think too much change has resulted in many disliking the episodes more so than if it were with old characters.
Marvindy wrote:Skip two years into the future our time, or hours their time. Whit’s aged backward, Kelly’s gone, Bernard, the Washingtons, Lucy and Jack, and all our favorite characters are gone, and a bunch of new guys come in, including a Eugene rip-off called Matthew, a guy who sounds like his tonsils are in need of repair who goes by the name of Barrett the Carrot Ferret, a melodramatic wanna-be musician, yet typical teenager with a whiny voice named Olivia, and a stuck up wanna-be detective named Emily Jones. Oh boy.
I disagree with the majority of this paragraph. For one thing, It didn't strike me as Whit getting younger. I think Andre's voice compliments Whit's age differently than before. It to me makes him sound maybe a tid bit older. As for the older characters not being around, I think of it more as they live behind the scenes in Odyssey. Also, in cases like Jack Allen, Bernard, Tom, And Bart they were in a sticky situation. Since these actors are no longer available to do the voices from either dieing or passing away, they really had only two options; 1) Try to find new voices for these characters and get complaints from fans, 2) Let them fade into the background of Odyssey bringing in new characters starting a new era of Odyssey (and still receive complaints from fans.) they as we know, more or less went with option dos. And this isn't the first time that Odyssey characters have faded and gone. Odyssey tends to do that, with different eras, characters come and go. We've seen it before. As for your descriptions of the new characters, Matthew aallthough Eugene-ish, is still his own character. In the real world people sometimes have similar qualities as other people but that doesn't make them a "rip-off" (enter name here). Barrett's nickname is only coming a bully type character Jay. Olivia isn't all that bad, and neither is Emily. I could go on with more details and rants on this pararagraph, but you get the idea. Sometimes it just seems like people dislike change so much, their ready to tear down anything despite it's quality. I'm not saying that album 51 is as good as past albums, but it's not as bad as some people make it out to be.
Marvindy wrote:Once we get through inspiration, we get a full dose of the Parkers, and find out that their family is portrayed to look like an every-day family. You know, fighting siblings, cluttered house, the works. However, it all feels staged. Compared to the Barclay kids, these ones are fake. Blah. Once they solve their clutter problem by ACTUALLY realizing that there are HUNGRY AND POOR KIDS who could actually USE THEIR STUFF (I mean, come on. You’re telling me they never had any idea that there are needy kids? Seriously!), we move on to meet our NEXT family in an all-but-forgettable adventure, Game for a Mystery. With a rip-off of Zapazoids to Verminoids, drum roll for Barrett and Emily Jones!
I for one think the Parkers and Jones' are pretty decent families. I didn't feel Clutter felt staged at all. Donating the money from the yard sale is a great idea, and I didn't get the impression at all that they "never had any idea of needy kids. As for Verminoids vs Zapazoids, we know very little about the design of either game. One could be pac-man like while the other is mario-like. Different eras of games bring different things to offer, and doesn't necessarily make it a rip off of zapazoids.

I'm not sure who said it, but I agree that sometimes it just feels like people are picking at things just to do so. Just to complain because there was so much change.
Marvindy wrote:Instant dislike of Emily is what hits me, and pretty soon with Barrett—a kid who obviously doesn’t know how to speak in a lower tone. We limp through a mystery with the unbelievable powers of Emily Jones, Puh-ri-vate eye, and her sidekick—er, partner Matthew. Laaaame. Cheeeesee.
Finally, we get a look around Odyssey in Target for a Week, as we’re introduced to the newest bullies, and get a look at how the school goes. It’s decent, but if a certain person whose name begins with a W and ends with a N and has o-o-t-o in the middle weren’t in it, it would be much better.
I do agree that Game for a Mystery was not a quality episode. But perhaps to younger listeners it appeals to them more. Target of the Week was a prime episode for me in this album, and Wooton was excellent in my opinion. Especially his little diddy at the very end. Rather than pick apart everything.. I will say that some of the episodes were somewhat weak, but it's still Odyssey. MAybe I'm just not as picky as some, but it doesn't feel to me that Odyssey has gone down the tubes at this point. It had a bumpy restart because of so much change and people not wanting to except it.
Marvindy wrote:We begin one of the worst albums of the history of AIO with the Mystery of the Clock Tower, an episode in which Connie pushes her way into the mystery, along with Eugene and his tag, Matthew, who obviously has decided that Emily’s mysteries aren’t quite as interesting (though he gets involved in them later). AIO carefully goes around the subject about Andrew stalking Alicia by calling it an “unhealthy crush” (seriously, who says that?), and the mystery ends with a plot twist which really was quite...lame, as in I kind of expected that. But all’s well that ends well.
I wouldn't go as far as to say that this is one of the worst albums in the history of AIO, but that's just me. Mystery of the Clock Tower was quite enjoyable to me. In fact, I listened to this one with an 8 year old at church and he liked it too. I wouldn't really say that AIO undermined the seriousness of stalking, but they didn't want to go into it too much. If anything, it just opens the doors for parents to discuss it further with their kids. I found the conclusion a great ending, and I didn't really expect it at all.
Marvindy wrote:Wooton’s Broken Pencil Show. The first word tells it all. Wooton. If it were Connie’s Broken Pencil Show, it might have been better. But when we hear it’s Wooton, we know we’re in for a terrible adventure. And in the half hour that follows, we hear of underarm deodorant, Captain Absolutely, squirrels, and car alarms. The moral? Never steal something made in the late 1800s or something like that. Sure, entertainment should have a point, but was that REALLY the best way to bring that across? And...with Wooton? *le sigh*

Moving away from that, we land in the middle of a school production, a nice change from the Phantom of the Opera. Make that, the Phantom of the Taft-Hartley. Barrett’s voice has nicely changed from the squealing Verminoids addict, yet his scream is quite annoying. With Emily dragging poor Matthew everywhere, it’s easy to see who’s in control as they go in on another mystery with Mr. Whatcha-Call-Him (whose accent, by the way, is the fakest) and Jay and everyone else. And at the very end when Emily tries to yell a moral, everyone goes to be on TV. Figures.
Wooton really isn't all that bad of a character. He's slightly randomish at time, but funny still. Which is one of the reasons I like him. Wooton's broken pencil show was indeed a odd way to make that point without making a point. Even though it was a different way to approach it, it was done in an entertaining way. Stage Fright was my least favorite of the album, and I don't really have much more to say about it. I guess in some respects it reminded me of Scooby Doo, but probably more tasteful to the younger age group.
Marvindy wrote:The next four episodes are normal ones, but...well...very bad? Fast as I Can. We learn how to fast. How? By praying ridicoulous prayers when we think of food, by taking cheesy Imagination Station adventures (which, I really think wouldn’t help Matthew because not a lot of time passes in there), by being happy when you’re called ugly, and by making sure that you don’t use words that have more than three syl-er...units of speech. Whate-Something like that. Crikey. Then there’s Opposite Day, probably one of the worst episodes in all history. Olivia, the sniveling, melodramatic teenager, with Amber, the girl with the worst laugh ever. And then Whit tells Olivia it’s pretty much okay to have yelled at Amber, just as long as her point was made? We do get another point of view with some other characters in the Owlnapping, and we get to hear of Vance and Coach Fang, but that too falls short for much interest. Once again we hear of Emily in Square One, as she comes of at some of her most manipulativeness and nastiness...or stuff like that. And even though she says she’s learned her lesson, she’s obviously not. Refer to the Green Ring Conspiracy.
I really wouldn't say that these are all that bad. Fast as I can was an episode about fasting. The point behind the different people was that you don't have to necessarily fast food and that doing other things can help with the thing you gave up. Also, each character learned something different out of their fast, which is another point to fasting. The other three may not be the best, but I'm not sure I would go so far as to say they are totally bad either. The Owl Napping is a quality episode, and it twas about time they did another basketball episode.

Albums 51 and 52 may not be as big amongst fans as say album 53 or 25. But I think some of the reason is that so much has changed all at once and not many so much change. So has Odyssey gone down hill? It's more or less what you decide to get out of it.
Short summary of the rant:
Peachy Keen wrote:Umm...hello guys! This is the same thing that happened after the last hiatus. Let's give Odyssey a chance.
It's not everything people are making it to be. Reaally change can be a good thing.
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Post by Lee »

Marvindy wrote:Friends, Romans, ToOers, lend me your eyeballs. I come to criticize AIO, not to praise it. The evil in this show lives on, the good is often buried away in the old episodes. So let it be with AIO. The noble ToOers hath told you AIO was (or is) ambitious. If it were so, it was a grievous fault. And grievously hath y'all answered it. Here, under leave of nobody but myself--for I am an honorable man, so are all my other parts--, all honorable men, come I to speak at the critiscm of AIO. It was my friend, faithful and just to me. But I say it has declined, and I am an honorable man.

--From Antony's Speech from Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, the up-beat 21st century version \:D/

In case ya haven't gotten it, Ima reviewing AIO's new season: Album 51-53. Here is part one, Album 51. Be warned. Avid lovers of the season will be shocked. Thankee. And...I kinda came off...reporter-like. So yah :-

“Ahh, Whit, this is wonderful,” are the opening words we hear (well, except for Chris) as we launch back into AIO after the 2-year hiatus with Album 51, Take it From the Top. However, wonderful might be too strong of a word to describe the relaunch. Interesting, perhaps, but not quite wonderful.

We begin with what Connie describes as wonderful—the Inspiration Station. In an adventure that teaches us about inspiration (or, at least, it should have, because I sure didn’t learn a lot about inspiration, except for maybe the fact that when I feel depressed, I should not play toss with glasses), we get back into AIO, with a dull feeling that things are not as they should be. Building this feeling from around Album 49 with Wooton’s gradual change around Victoria and the kiddiness starting to slide in again after chasing Dalton Kearn, one could sense that “something was rotten in the state of Denmark”. Even when the writers tried to make Album 50 one with different feelings (romance with The Triangled Web, danger with Accidental Dilemma, comical relief with License to Deprive, and history with A Capsule Comes to Town), it fails as a superb album. However, it did have its moments (though the Whisperer was NOT one of them), and then Connie pushed the red button which transported her to the Inspiration Station while wrecking Odyssey.

Skip two years into the future our time, or hours their time. Whit’s aged backward, Kelly’s gone, Bernard, the Washingtons, Lucy and Jack, and all our favorite characters are gone, and a bunch of new guys come in, including a Eugene rip-off called Matthew, a guy who sounds like his tonsils are in need of repair who goes by the name of Barrett the Carrot Ferret, a melodramatic wanna-be musician, yet typical teenager with a whiny voice named Olivia, and a stuck up wanna-be detective named Emily Jones. Oh boy.

Once we get through inspiration, we get a full dose of the Parkers, and find out that their family is portrayed to look like an every-day family. You know, fighting siblings, cluttered house, the works. However, it all feels staged. Compared to the Barclay kids, these ones are fake. Blah. Once they solve their clutter problem by ACTUALLY realizing that there are HUNGRY AND POOR KIDS who could actually USE THEIR STUFF (I mean, come on. You’re telling me they never had any idea that there are needy kids? Seriously!), we move on to meet our NEXT family in an all-but-forgettable adventure, Game for a Mystery. With a rip-off of Zapazoids to Verminoids, drum roll for Barrett and Emily Jones!
Instant dislike of Emily is what hits me, and pretty soon with Barrett—a kid who obviously doesn’t know how to speak in a lower tone. We limp through a mystery with the unbelievable powers of Emily Jones, Puh-ri-vate eye, and her sidekick—er, partner Matthew. Laaaame. Cheeeesee.
Finally, we get a look around Odyssey in Target for a Week, as we’re introduced to the newest bullies, and get a look at how the school goes. It’s decent, but if a certain person whose name begins with a W and ends with a N and has o-o-t-o in the middle weren’t in it, it would be much better.

Then we jump back to family life in Odyssey, with our two only families who seem to live in town (remember the contest in Grandma’s Christmas Visit? Who were all the contestants?). First Eugene cuts his hair—it’s For the Birds—and we see the not-so-perfect-yet-still-too-fake life of the Parkers with Camilla’s wanting a pet. Yet, even then, something’s missing with all the new families. It still seems too formal. There’s no more extreme fighting (take Donna and Jimmy at about any time), Eva and David get along perfectly, and it’s just We pass along to Emily learning that she ain’t always right (and she forgets that lesson immediately), and then Grandma comes to visit the Parkers. Mama Lucia/Abeulita/whatcha-wanna-call-her is probably the closest thing to a real character we have, being the over-pampering, yet Spanish-scolding grandmother (“Eva, why haven’t you taught this man how to speak?”, believing Spanish is el único lenguaje para aprender.) Time passes on to little Ms. Olivia, who’s obsessed with fingernails (when she tries to learn guitar), and is the perfect Ms. Drama Queen, who makes a pretty bad teenager—squeaky voice, shopper (more on this in Opposite Day).

We close off Take it From the Top with the only DECENT episode, The Jubilee Singers (and no, it’s not only because I like music). We learn some history, a catchy new song or two, and why Red uses really weird phrases like “a june doing the jitterbug dance”...or something like that. We end the album with a less-than-satisfactory episode, and are left to wait for the Mystery of the Clock Tower, a not-so-original mystery (but that’s for next time).

Has our beloved radio drama Adventures in Odyssey gone downhill? Many disagree, saying that the Green Ring Conspiracy has brought it back up (more on that too, later), but with what we know of Album 54, it could be headed back the same way. With no good old characters to keep (except for Connie, Eugene, Whit, and Wooton—and Whit’s weird, Wooton’s out of the picture, and Connie and Eugene both have changed), lots of new kids, and a total new revamp, some might say that it’s definitely losing the original feel it had. Starting even before the relaunch, there’s been a considerable decline in the history of AIO. Will it ever be able to work its way back to the prime days of the show? Only time can tell.
And with that, I shut up for now, having ranted enough to bore you to sleep.
This post is probably not real helpful, but I LOVE THIS! \:D/

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Post by SoccerLOTR »

Jason Whits son wrote:Although when it comes to post 50 albums I think too much change has resulted in many disliking the episodes more so than if it were with old characters.
While I do agree that the huge amount of change has made the change more difficult than usual, I still have issues with it that go beyond the mere change of characters.
Jason Whits son wrote:Since these actors are no longer available to do the voices from either dieing or passing away, they really had only two options; 1) Try to find new voices for these characters and get complaints from fans, 2) Let them fade into the background of Odyssey bringing in new characters starting a new era of Odyssey (and still receive complaints from fans.) they as we know, more or less went with option dos.
I wish they had really just started a "new era of Odyssey"...y'know, basically done a restart where we keep a few old characters that lead us into a completely new series...that way we don't have expectations of what Odyssey should be like because we know it's NOT Odyssey and they can gear it toward whatever population they like without poor attempts to keep the stable vision of Odyssey that has always existed...and it would have forced them to really introduce characters. When they have so many new people all at once it is hard to take them all in individually, which to me, gives me the sense that the world no longer fully makes sense.
Jason Whits son wrote:I for one think the Parkers and Jones' are pretty decent families.
I will resist my urge to rant once more about Emily.
Jason Whits son wrote:MAybe I'm just not as picky as some,
Lol, definitely not...
Jason Whits son wrote:Wooton really isn't all that bad of a character. He's slightly randomish at time, but funny still. Which is one of the reasons I like him. Wooton's broken pencil show was indeed a odd way to make that point without making a point.
{cringe} I am once again resisting the urge to rant about Wooton.
Jason Whits son wrote:I wouldn't really say that AIO undermined the seriousness of stalking, but they didn't want to go into it too much. If anything, it just opens the doors for parents to discuss it further with their kids.
Still...they should have said SOMETHING...just one line from Whit even...or do a follow-up episode. Because really, not a lot of parents are going to sit down with their kids and have a talk about stalking after the episode...
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Post by Marvin D. »

My expectations had been brought down after having 2 less than up to standard albums. Beginning with a fight with Matthew and Emily—who is still as obnoxious as she’s always been—we quickly enter a world of intrigue and deception and mystery, all because of a plane crash. I’ve written a lot about the Green Ring Conspiracy (merely go through past blog posts on my blog or read my posts in the GRC thread on the ToO), so I’ll go quickly through it.

We have a boatload of characters, which is somewhat overkill. There’s Buck, Skint, the Stiletto, Monty, Agent Tanner, Detective Polehaus, Archie Haggler, and many others. At times, it’s hard to keep them straight. However, AIO manages to bring up its standards after the last albums with the suspense/mystery. Despite the fact that it was a mystery album, sometimes, it seemed too simplified, and phrases that normally aren’t used were used, such as Monty referring to the “bad guys”, which isn’t usually done except by younger kids.

Despite that, Monty and Jason bring back some of the previous memories of the shows, and we finally get to hear of some characters that aren’t from the relaunch. Jay is one of the better characters, being a bully who—unlike Rodney—actually has some feelings for people, while still belittling those he can.
My major dislike was Wooton (and Penny). Penny is actually okay until Wooton comes around, and then she becomes as bad as he. Wooton made it through the whole season without doing anything worth wile, which really disappointed me. Granted, he didn’t have to preach at us, but in all of that, there wasn’t even one time that he could have said something to remember? Wooton’s character has gone down a lot from the one we knew in The Popsicle Kid.

Another problem I had with it was Trask’s religion. Connie went to one of the meetings, and we saw that it was...interesting. Yet, nothing was said on the subject, whether it was reprimanding it or at least explaining it. I was also surprised Wooton didn’t do any checking on whether or not Penny was a Christian, like he did with Victoria.

Even though I may not have liked Buck and Emily or Penny and Wooton, the Green Ring Conspiracy’s brought back just a little bit of the days of Odyssey, along with better episodes (compared to The Inspiration Station and Opposite Day). Connie and Eugene changed a little bit and sounded somewhat more like the ones from the previous albums, also. Some changes were good, while others were not.

Time will tell whether Odyssey continues to improve or not. But with Penny and Wooton returning, at least a few of the episodes will probably be less entertaining. But still, we can just wait and see what happens with those clashing cymbals.
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Post by Knight Fisher »

SoccerLOTR wrote:
Jason Whits son wrote:Although when it comes to post 50 albums I think too much change has resulted in many disliking the episodes more so than if it were with old characters.
While I do agree that the huge amount of change has made the change more difficult than usual, I still have issues with it that go beyond the mere change of characters.
Jason Whits son wrote:Since these actors are no longer available to do the voices from either dieing or passing away, they really had only two options; 1) Try to find new voices for these characters and get complaints from fans, 2) Let them fade into the background of Odyssey bringing in new characters starting a new era of Odyssey (and still receive complaints from fans.) they as we know, more or less went with option dos.
I wish they had really just started a "new era of Odyssey"...y'know, basically done a restart where we keep a few old characters that lead us into a completely new series...that way we don't have expectations of what Odyssey should be like because we know it's NOT Odyssey and they can gear it toward whatever population they like without poor attempts to keep the stable vision of Odyssey that has always existed...and it would have forced them to really introduce characters. When they have so many new people all at once it is hard to take them all in individually, which to me, gives me the sense that the world no longer fully makes sense.
Jason Whits son wrote:I for one think the Parkers and Jones' are pretty decent families.
I will resist my urge to rant once more about Emily.
Jason Whits son wrote:MAybe I'm just not as picky as some,
Lol, definitely not...
Jason Whits son wrote:Wooton really isn't all that bad of a character. He's slightly randomish at time, but funny still. Which is one of the reasons I like him. Wooton's broken pencil show was indeed a odd way to make that point without making a point.
{cringe} I am once again resisting the urge to rant about Wooton.
Jason Whits son wrote:I wouldn't really say that AIO undermined the seriousness of stalking, but they didn't want to go into it too much. If anything, it just opens the doors for parents to discuss it further with their kids.
Still...they should have said SOMETHING...just one line from Whit even...or do a follow-up episode. Because really, not a lot of parents are going to sit down with their kids and have a talk about stalking after the episode...
Woah my goodness are we twins? She stole exactly what I was going to say. :shock: (I still thought SoccerLoTR was a guy for ages.)

And Marv I somewhat agree.
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Post by SoccerLOTR »

Knight Fisher wrote:Woah my goodness are we twins? She stole exactly what I was going to say. :shock:

OH MY GOODNESS!! And you don't have your age on your profile either...that can't be a coincidence! I always KNEW I wasn't alone in this world...somewhere, there was a like-minded individual that I was separated from at birth...And reunited over Odyssey! How random is THAT?! :roll:
Knight Fisher wrote:(I still thought SoccerLoTR was a guy for ages.)
Lol, no worries...that seems to be a common trend... :-
It was good knowing you StrongNChrist; you taught me a lot. I'll meet you someday for real in God's presence.

Which Jesus do you follow? If Ephesians says to imitate Christ, why do you look so much like the world?~Todd Agnew

Do not be anxious about anything...~Phil 4:6-7

If more of us valued food, cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.~Tolkien

Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.~J Adams

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Post by Steve »

SoccerLOTR wrote:
Knight Fisher wrote:Woah my goodness are we twins? She stole exactly what I was going to say. :shock:

OH MY GOODNESS!! And you don't have your age on your profile either...that can't be a coincidence! I always KNEW I wasn't alone in this world...somewhere, there was a like-minded individual that I was separated from at birth...And reunited over Odyssey! How random is THAT?! :roll:
Knight Fisher wrote:(I still thought SoccerLoTR was a guy for ages.)
Lol, no worries...that seems to be a common trend... :-
Definately. AE thought I was a girl when I first joined. \:D/
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Post by American Eagle »

Steve wrote:
SoccerLOTR wrote:
Knight Fisher wrote:Woah my goodness are we twins? She stole exactly what I was going to say. :shock:

OH MY GOODNESS!! And you don't have your age on your profile either...that can't be a coincidence! I always KNEW I wasn't alone in this world...somewhere, there was a like-minded individual that I was separated from at birth...And reunited over Odyssey! How random is THAT?! :roll:
Knight Fisher wrote:(I still thought SoccerLoTR was a guy for ages.)
Lol, no worries...that seems to be a common trend... :-
Definately. AE thought I was a girl when I first joined. \:D/
The name "Steve" wasn't a dead give-away, I guess. \:D/

lol... I know you weren't always named that.
he/him | attorney | spartan | christian | bleeding heart type

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Post by Marvin D. »

American Eagle wrote:
Steve wrote:
SoccerLOTR wrote:
Knight Fisher wrote:Woah my goodness are we twins? She stole exactly what I was going to say. :shock:

OH MY GOODNESS!! And you don't have your age on your profile either...that can't be a coincidence! I always KNEW I wasn't alone in this world...somewhere, there was a like-minded individual that I was separated from at birth...And reunited over Odyssey! How random is THAT?! :roll:
Knight Fisher wrote:(I still thought SoccerLoTR was a guy for ages.)
Lol, no worries...that seems to be a common trend... :-
Definately. AE thought I was a girl when I first joined. \:D/
The name "Steve" wasn't a dead give-away, I guess. \:D/

lol... I know you weren't always named that.
The Chairman was a guy :noway:
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Post by AIO Psyche »

Seems to me, the major problem with AIO as we see it now, is this simple fact: The show has become about the lesson.

In the past, parricularly the 90s (when the show was at it's best), AIO was about story. Character development. You cared about their stories, their struggles, their lives. And you also had a lesson or moral perfectly balanced with the story.

However, it seems to me that story has taken a backseat, and the lesson is front and center. And that simply isn't working. Regardless of how important the lesson is, if there is no story, then it simply is, to be blunt, boring and pointless. I've kept quiet about my feelings towards the relaunch, but here it is; It's painfully obvious the difference in quality compared to the past. That's not me being 'nostalgic' or just hating new things. It's just the truth. And anyone who can't see a difference in quality are clearly drinking the AIO fanboy juice.

I love AIO. This is what I grew up on. And to see the show continually be dumbed down and simplified, coupled with the sacrifice of story, is very very sad to me.

If AIO simply wants to put out good lessons and good values to kids, then they can send out a magazine or a blog with a short lesson. But AIO is a show, with a plot and actors. And the drop in quality cannot be denied.

I'm not saying AIO is terrible or unbearable. I am saying that it's not nearly as good as it used to be.
Last edited by AIO Psyche on Fri Jul 29, 2011 11:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SoccerLOTR »

Hmm...that's an interesting way to look at it. Particularly since I havne't even been impressed with a lot of their lessons. You'd expect with a focus on the lesson that the lesson would be pretty good...but instead it just feels cheesy and overdramatic...and other potential lessons in the episode are completely blown over. Maybe they do try to fit a story around the lesson and forget about the character development...but either way, it is severely lacking in some areas.
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Post by AIO Psyche »

SoccerLOTR wrote: Maybe they do try to fit a story around the lesson and forget about the character development...but either way, it is severely lacking in some areas.
I completely agree with this. Perfect way to put it. They come up with a lesson/moral, then wrap what seems to be a generic, interchangale plot around it. It's honestly seems lazy.

I would have to say that one of the best album of the 90s, 'The Search For Whit' is an example of character development and writing at it's finest. If you stack that up beside any of the last 3 albums, there simply isn't a comparisson.
Last edited by AIO Psyche on Fri Jul 29, 2011 6:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TigerintheShadows »

Honestly, if you're going to just teach them lessons, you might as well just make it like a PBS Kids show and be done with it--because if you're not taking the time to make the story worth listening to for all demographics, it's embarrassing to listen to. It's sort of like if you're fourteen and you're caught watching Barney or something. Not that the Odyssey episodes are that bad in terms of lack of maturity, but it runs on the same principle.
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Post by AIO Psyche »

TigerintheShadows wrote:Honestly, if you're going to just teach them lessons, you might as well just make it like a PBS Kids show and be done with it--because if you're not taking the time to make the story worth listening to for all demographics, it's embarrassing to listen to. It's sort of like if you're fourteen and you're caught watching Barney or something. Not that the Odyssey episodes are that bad in terms of lack of maturity, but it runs on the same principle.

And honestly, the recent episodes aren't too far from the Barney maturity level.

Wooten is just embarissing now. He contributes nothing whatsoever to a single episode he is in, and is there soley to spout some random line, which isn't even funny.
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Post by Marvin D. »

AIO Psyche wrote:Wooten is just embarissing now. He contributes nothing whatsoever to a single episode he is in, and is there soley to spout some random line, which isn't even funny.
This is what I have been saying. He makes so many jokes they aren't even funny anymore, just like "Har. Har." (which is totally sarcastic) >.>
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Post by ric »

Please! Stop saying what we've already heard 200 times and we all agree with anyways! Yes, AIO is in decline, and it can't be helped. The End. Bye Bye.

Also, those of you who think 53 saved Odyssey... you're dead wrong. Sorry. It really wasn't that good. I mean, it was 100 times better than 51, but still not that good. :-
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Post by AIO Psyche »

ric wrote:Also, those of you who think 53 saved Odyssey... you're dead wrong. Sorry. It really wasn't that good. I mean, it was 100 times better than 51, but still not that good. :-
Absolutely. I wasn't all that impressed by TGRC. I man yes, it was better than the last two albums, but not that great. It was unbelievable, uninteresting, and nothing really happened. It was a boat load of pointless talking, with a villain that is less sinister and scary than Wooten.

And I swear, if I ever got the chance, I would sock Emily in the mouth.

I know that's harsh to say, but I would rather listen to fingernails on a chalk board than take her whiney, snotty, rude voice. She is so unbelievably annoying, I can't even believe that she got the job.

And the worst part? It's the writers fault. They created the character, they dictate what she says and does. And I can't stand her.
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Post by American Eagle »

ric wrote:Yes, AIO is in decline, and it can't be helped. The End. Bye Bye.
That's garbage. Odyssey is in an incline, 51 was NOT the worst episode in Odyssey's history, 53 was ONE OF THE BEST.

Why do you have to be so negative? >_>

Haters gonna hate, I guess.
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Post by Jason Whits Son »

American Eagle wrote:
ric wrote:Yes, AIO is in decline, and it can't be helped. The End. Bye Bye.
That's garbage. Odyssey is in an incline, 51 was NOT the worst episode in Odyssey's history, 53 was ONE OF THE BEST.

Why do you have to be so negative? >_>

Haters gonna hate, I guess.

QFT. GRC for the win.
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