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Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 10:42 pm
by EK
Hah at the top of that article if you actually read it, it says this.
We found that the Xbox 360 actually had better graphics in the majority of the games we compared.
Owned by yourself? Yes.

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 10:43 pm
by Trent DeWhite
Yeah, I saw those articles. Overall, the 360 was graphically superior...

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 10:54 pm
by Azariah Ben Yaakov
Frodo Baggins wrote:
Hah at the top of that article if you actually read it, it says this.
We found that the Xbox 360 actually had better graphics in the majority of the games we compared.
Owned by yourself? Yes.
As far as crisper graphics yeah. But the ps3 was brighter :p I like bright things

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2007 11:01 pm
by EK
The Playstation 3 is way overpriced for the features it offers. Of course it's got the Blu-Ray player and that makes it a bit more expensive but we don't know who will win the format war so why put it in your system and make cost more if you don't know that it will be cost effective in the next year?

Xbox 360 is a gamers gaming system- PS3 is just expensive eye candy.

Also Ryan- you are contradicting yourself- now you say the Xbox 360 has better graphics...

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 10:48 am
by The Top Crusader
My understanding is that, technically, the PS3 has the capacity for better graphics, but that doesn't mean that developers are going to actually utilize that, and, its not like the 360 graphics are horrible.

I would definitely go with the 360, since you have the awesomest of all things, the Wii, already. ;)

For one, it's cheaper! \:D/ Plus, more and more PS3 "exclusives" are being announced to be on the 360 also... because the PS3 is not selling... they are losing more and more support, and there is no reason to buy a system that is going to end up dead by the end of this gaming cycle.

Now, its too early to say there is a clear winner in the new format war... if Blu-Ray wins out, then yeah, the fact that the PS3 can play those is nice... but from what I've heard the HD DVD is winning the war. Sony put all their chips in the Blu-Ray basket and as of now it looks like that is going to fail them.

I do however, offer another alternative... buy another Wii and send it to me! \:D/

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 1:28 pm
by uz
I can't wait til I can see final fantasy series ported to xbox360 or wii \:D/

I mean its gonna happen if PS3 doesn't have enough sales...

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2007 1:45 pm
by The Top Crusader
Yeah, I heard that the newest one... FFXIII I think, is probably going to be on 360 also. I'm not 100% sure if that's true or not, I forget my source. But I could see it happening, and come FFXIV or whatever, it might start out on another console entirely...

But they lost the exclusive on Devil May Cry 4, and I think I heard Metal Gear Solid 4 as well but again, that may just be rumor.