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Post by Shadowpaw »

Yeah season 3 has been amazing. Season 1 I had long stretches where I was bored out of my mind and just would watch 5 or 6 shows in a row rather than watch it from week to week. Season 2 I watched the first 9 shows then watched the rest of the season shortly before the finale and those last batch of shows were all so great. But season 3 I can hardly wait from week to week and while I know there was some grumblings about this season not being good, even the less interesting shows were still amazing. And every episode since after "Tricia Tanaka Is Dead" has been filled with great television. Far better than any movie and we get it every week. I don't mind the slow pace of getting answers on the series, but we've certainly been getting major resolutions in the last 9 shows or so and it's only going to build up even more. People who stopped watching the show are really missing out. Last season's finale was terrific and I can only wonder how they'll top it with season 3.

It's also nice that we're guaranteed a final 48 more episodes (for those who haven't heard, the show will end in 2010 with 3 seasons remaining made up of 16 episodes each... this was confirmed on Monday). This means that we will get all of the answers... it's kind of like Harry Potter in the sense that fans knew it was going to end at 7 so no matter how many questions people had, it was always known that it will be resolved in the final book. Now the writers have the opportunity to map out the rest of the series without needing to truncate the storylines or abandoning certain ideas so they can wrap everything up (which so many serial shows have done where the build-up far outweighs the payoff (Alias, I'm looking at you!)). So yeah, season 3 has been my favorite so far... and I can't wait for tonight's episode.
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Post by Bennett »

Last Night's show was great. They didn't seem to forget the "whispering" in the forest from Season 2, which I highly doubted was "The Others". I hope the explain that more.

I was also really happy about how they introduced Jacob--as more than merely a man. I was afraid it be some evil-looking guy in a castle, with an evil laugh. Lol. Or something liket hat. But this was good--Lost has a way of keeping us asking questions the more answers they give us. Other answers I REALLY hope they don't forget to answer are:

--What are the hullicinations about (Jack's dad, Kate's Horse)
--What was the Dharma Initiative Studying?
--How is Time Travel involved?
--Why is it when the Hatch Exploded, Desmond got his powers?
--What was the Hatch (we didn't actually got to know--we got an idea, but no definite answer)?
--Why is it that the guy in last night's show never aged?
--Where is Jack's Dad's Body?
--Why did the sky turn purple?
--What happened when the sky turned purple?
--Why are these specific characters ON the island?
--Who gathered them together?
--How were they gathered together?
--Why the coincidental links between each of them?
--How did the plane really crash?
--How do the others have files on each of them? Where did they get there information?
--How did Juliet actually make it to the island?
--Why did they have to put her to sleep?
--How did they start by plane, and then end up by submarine?
--Where is the Island?
--Why can't they leave the island? What's stopping them?
--Why does the rest of the world believe they're dead?
--Who stuck that plane there?
--Why do they want to cover it up?
--What makes Transportation crash before making it to the island?
--Why does Jacob hate technology?
--Who saved Locke from dying when falling out of the window?
--What are the numbers for?
--Did the Dharma Initative come up with the numbers, or was it Jacob?
--How are the numbers powerful? Are they truly lucky?
--What is the smoke monster for?
--Who controls the smoke monster?
--What happens to those who die on the island?
--Why did the others want Walt?
--Why were there Polar Bears on the Island?
--Why did the monster kill the pilot?

Those are just some. Any others I'm missing?

I truly hope this show does not have flaws. I really hope to be able (when the show finishes) to be able and og back and watch the show, and have it so that everything makes sense.
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Post by Shadowpaw »

Yes, last night's show was terrific. Definitely one of my favorites of the series thus far, if not my favorite of all-time and I've thought that a few times this season. It's hard to believe just how much has changed since before last night's episode aired. The Jacob reveal WAS very well done. I was worried that some of the mystery of the show would vanish when Jacob was revealed (and I expected him to just be some random/wise old man), but instead they just made Jacob's identity even more obscure and interesting. I look forward to season 4 which I imagine will focus heavily on Locke's quest of helping Jacob... and it would appear that this entire time, Jacob exists and the hostiles/others know of him and his power but Ben has been issuing orders on his own, using Jacob as an excuse. It's definitely getting very supernatural on the series but it's been done in such a tasteful way that I don't mind it at all.

And things got even more interesting with the revelation that not only was Ben not born on the island nor was he a native, but he was a member of Dharma who literally went postal on them. I never saw that coming and it was extremely eerie seeing Ben standing over the bodies of his organization... he was always an interesting character but this episode solidified him as an extremely memorable villain.

Lastly, to echo what you said, I hope everything that they've left unresolved (and there's plenty of it) does make sense in the general scope of things. So many shows build up this great potential and throw it all the way with answers that don't make sense or contradict one another. I have to say I've been mightly impressed thus far though and every time I think to myself that the writers are just making stuff up, they come up with such awesome answers that all the bogus premises seem to work. I struggled a lot with season 1 because I thought it was just a bunch of weird things thrown together but the last half of season 2 and all of season 3 have given me confidence that these writers have this whole thing very well planned out (they've said as much, at least when it comes to all the major beats of the series... the character arcs not so much, but the major mythological history and events they know the answers to). I'm really going to miss the series this summer... though I plan to watch all three seasons again, knowing what we know now.
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Post by LizzieG »

I, too, really like how Lost has been able to pull off giving us some big reveals while still keeping us riveted in suspense. This is the first season that I'm actually watching it week by week instead of on DVD, and I think that it definitely surpasses second season. However, first season has a very special place in my heart, and nothing will ever beat it.

Those were some good questions - here are a few more, though I could go on and on...

-- Why was Libby in the mental institution?
-- Why did the Others kidnap some of the Tailies (including the children)?
-- Why is the island so susceptible to things (planes, boats, hot air balloons, etc.) crashing on it?
-- Who are the Others and where did they come from?
-- What happened to Michael and Walt? Did they make it back?

Anyway, last night's episode was great, but next week is the one I've been dreading for a long time. I sure hope Charlie doesn't die! :noway:
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Post by Applesauce »

I haven't been able to get this last episode out of my head ever since I first saw it Thursday morning (I watch Lost on abc.com). My mind was reeling all the way through. All the stuff about Dharma and Ben's childhood and Roger "Workman"...great stuff! I loved the bit with Young Ben and the bunny. And that's just in the flashbacks! The whole thing with Jacob was rediculous (in a good way)! And then Ben shot Locke....are you kidding me!? I did not see that coming at all!! I agree with Corey, this was definitely one of the best episodes yet this series. I cannot wait for next week's show.
Anyway, last night's episode was great, but next week is the one I've been dreading for a long time. I sure hope Charlie doesn't die! :noway:
They've been setting up for this episode all season. People would cry foul if they didn't carry through with killing off Charlie. Too bad, though. He was one of my favorites.
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Post by LizzieG »

Applesauce wrote:
Anyway, last night's episode was great, but next week is the one I've been dreading for a long time. I sure hope Charlie doesn't die! :noway:
They've been setting up for this episode all season. People would cry foul if they didn't carry through with killing off Charlie. Too bad, though. He was one of my favorites.
It just seems too obvious for him to die. After all, it seems like it would be more in-character for Lost to not kill Charlie and make this a huge misdirection.

Though it's probably just false hope :anxious:
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Post by Elrohir »

Bennett wrote:--What are the hullicinations about (Jack's dad, Kate's Horse)
I'm pretty sure "hallucinations" are manifestations of the black smoke thingy.
Bennett wrote:--Why did the others want Walt?
because the writers didn't want him to age ;)
Bennett wrote:--Why were there Polar Bears on the Island?
I thought the weird animals were brought there by Dharma to study the island's effects on them. i.e. the bear cages.
Last edited by Elrohir on Mon May 14, 2007 10:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bennett »

I think they wanted it to be obvious that he'd die. A lotta Charlie fans would be extremmely sad if they just popped him off without warning...however..if you let them know that it WILL happen, they'll be a lot less sad when the time comes. I think it was done just to satisfy both Charlie lovers and haters. This way, he's got a big storyline right before his death--which I'm hoping will become bigger.
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Post by Shadowpaw »

Elrohir wrote:I'm pretty sure "hallucinations" are manifestations of the black smoke thingy.
I think the producers kind of hinted as much, but this theory no longer works as we saw in "The Man Behind the Curtain." The image of Ben's mother manifested itself just outside his window... the black smoke (from what we know) can't penetrate the sonic barrier, so it couldn't have been his "smokey-as-mother" inside the compound.

And to follow up with what Bennett said, I can't wait for Charlie to die... he's always been my least favorite character (none of his flashbacks have been even mildly entertaining)... I'm just glad they didn't drag the whole "addiction" thing out longer than they did.
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Post by Bennett »

Someone came up with the "one item" theory. If you were stuck on an island, what would u bring? For Jack, it was his father. For Kate, it was the Horse, For Ben it was his mom. For Eko, it was his brother. For Charlie, it was his drugs. For Walt, it was the Polar Bear. For Locke, it was his dad...etc...

That's pretty much how people saw the "box" works. However, there are some great flaws in the theory.

So in that sense, the hallucinations could be that.

But then what about the other hallucinations? What about when Charlie saw his mom and Claire posing with a baby? Are u saying that that was the monster?

In response to Corey, what if the sonic barrier (as u say) only stops the black smoke when its in its black-smoke-form? What if his "hallucionation" form can go through the boundaries? I mean, it seemed to have posessed Yemi...which I believed was his actual body...and not just a hallucination. So if it posseses another creature, then I don't see how the barrier can stop him from crossing. (which then begs the argument; then why doesn't the smoke monster just come out of the body its posessing once its crossed the barrier and go wreck havoc on the small town?)

Just me spitting out ideas...
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Post by Elrohir »

Weren't the spiders manifestations of the smoke thing also?
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Post by Bennett »

Elrohir wrote:Weren't the spiders manifestations of the smoke thing also?
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Post by Elrohir »

Bennett wrote:
Elrohir wrote:Weren't the spiders manifestations of the smoke thing also?
They heard the sound that everyone always hears when the smoke monster appears. But then instead of it appearing, a swarm of spiders conveniently pop out to affect a kind of vengeful justice.
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Post by Bennett »

Elrohir wrote:
Bennett wrote:
Elrohir wrote:Weren't the spiders manifestations of the smoke thing also?
They heard the sound that everyone always hears when the smoke monster appears. But then instead of it appearing, a swarm of spiders conveniently pop out to affect a kind of vengeful justice.
Uum. Doubt it. Interesting, though.


That was an excellent episode last night. They just keep getting better.
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Post by Elrohir »

Bennett wrote:
Elrohir wrote:
Bennett wrote:
Elrohir wrote:Weren't the spiders manifestations of the smoke thing also?
They heard the sound that everyone always hears when the smoke monster appears. But then instead of it appearing, a swarm of spiders conveniently pop out to affect a kind of vengeful justice.
Uum. Doubt it. Interesting, though.
I thought it was pretty obvious when I watched that scene... I mean it was dozens spiders! all the same species that she used on her boyfriend and right at the exact moment he passed out!
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Post by Shadowpaw »

From what everyone's been saying, tonight's episode should be a landmark/historic moment in TV history. I've fortunately avoided all the spoilers (barely... it took all the self restraint I had left), but everyone's reactions and all the hype regarding whatever it is that happens tonight has been overwhelming positive and shocking. So I cannot wait until the episode airs tonight... I haven't been this excited for a TV show in a long, long time.
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Post by Bennett »

Corey wrote:From what everyone's been saying, tonight's episode should be a landmark/historic moment in TV history. I've fortunately avoided all the spoilers (barely... it took all the self restraint I had left), but everyone's reactions and all the hype regarding whatever it is that happens tonight has been overwhelming positive and shocking. So I cannot wait until the episode airs tonight... I haven't been this excited for a TV show in a long, long time.
An hour and a half left...(unless your watching that strange Canadian format)

Discussion afterwards ;)

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Post by Shadowpaw »

Unfortunately I won't be able to watch it for another 4 hours... I'm taking an evening class, which starts in 20 minutes, and I won't be home till about 9:30 MTN, so I'll miss the first airing on CTV. But I'll be able to catch the second airing on ABC which starts at 10:00... so yeah, my thoughts probably won't be posted until tomorrow... or late tonight.
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Post by Bennett »

So, I don't have time to post too much.

But yea, what exactly happened?

See, obviously that was the future. But what I CAN'T figure out is if the future is "the present" (as in 'the island' was the flashback, and we'll see Kate and Jack OFF the island next season) or if it was a "hypothetical future", (as in, because Jack didn't listen to Ben, this is what's gonna happen in the future).

If its the "Present", then yes, that was quite "the surprise". How do u get back onto an island that is impossible to get onto?

Or if its a "hypothetical future" (or a flash forward), then...where was the surprise? And how do they change the future? They can't just show us the future and say "well, that's not really what's going to happen..." but that's what "WOULDV'E" happened. Golly. Its a good thing that Jack CHANGED his mind at the last moment...or that Desmond warned them.

You see, if its the 2nd option...then well...the ending doesn't make much sense.

If its the first option--well, then its a unique way they decided to go.
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I didn't want Charlie to die. :(

Assuming he's actually dead and all. :-k

So... who's funeral? Locke's? Ben's? Someone Kate wouldn't mind not seeing again...

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