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Post by Rachael Blackgaard »

Update: I talked to my mom, and she said it was just a part of growing up. :-( I know that's not what this is, but she said she goes through the same thing, and it's just a part of life, and I'd better learn how to deal with it. I guess I'll keep trying the calcium and exercise and everything else and keep praying that it works.
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Post by Kenric »

I'll continue to pray for you, Rachael. Your grieving relatives will also be in my prayers, P_K. I'll also be praying for you, Mountain Girl.
Could you all pray for me?? I have adopted a strictly organic dietary lifestyle. I am also going to start exercise. Would you all just pray that God help me not only to continue this, but to help me get closer to Him??
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Post by Rachael Blackgaard »

Are you on the Maker's Diet? My aunt tried that for a while, but now I think she just tries to eat organically-- she wants to lose weight and she's really sensitive to chemicals, so it helps her to feel better. She has a garden that she can get food from and everything. It seems to work really well for her, and I hope you have similar results.
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Post by Kenric »

Err...I don't know what the "Maker's Diet", but I assume you mean the one God, originally, planned for us? Anyways, I'm not involved with a "diet" persay. I have just realized that I'm basically eating and drinking chemicals everyday, and plus I'd like to be healthier..
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Post by Rachael Blackgaard »

It's a book by this guy... I'd encourage you to check it out.
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Post by Jonathan »

If I wasn't convinced before that prayer works, I am now.

I was planning on going home to visit my friend, but the cold stopped that plan. I was able to get an update, and she has improved significantly; the doctors say she'll be able to go home within a week^_^

And of course, continued prayer would be appreciated.
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Post by Mountain_Girl »

cool, Jonathan. I'll still be praying.

I'm changing my plans for college. I'm going to be an RN and will probably go to this one college that has a special program for nurses. The only think is that I don't know if I'll be able to get in, they might not accept me. If they don't I'll go to the community college and take the basic courses and stuff and then maybe after a year or so I'll go back to the other college. pray for the right path for me to go on. Pray that God shows me which one college to go to first. I don't know if I should go to the community college or the other one first. I don't know if I should go to the other one and see if they'll accept me.

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Post by Laura Ingalls »

Please pray for my granny and her husband. I don't know if I've mentioned him before, but he's been getting worse and worse with his memory and stuff like that. Just the other day he blacked out and my granny couldn't wake him up - then the rescue squad couldn't wake him up. At the hospital they did lots of tests, but he wouldn't stay there overnight. (He absolutely hates hospitals.)

Yesterday, people were callilng to see how he was doing - and he couldn't even remember he had been in the hospital. :anxious: Then the doctor called and said that the tests showed he had a blood clot in his brain, and that he needed to get to a hospital right away. So now they're waiting to see what needs to be done....they can't really do surgery on him, they say he's too old. (90) My granny has high blood pressure, heart trouble, etc. and this stress is not good on her either. So please pray for that situation.

I also have a cold and don't feel very good. Not the best time to feel like this, because today some relatives are coming to visit for a few days. ](*,)
The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance.
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Post by Rachael Blackgaard »

I'm finally home from the hospital! I was up a lot of the night tending for my grandmother, who had a partial thyroidectomy yesterday to remove a lump that they thought might be malignant (thankfully it wasn't!). She's doing great; they actually let her out several hours early-- and she insisted on walking all the way to the car by herself!

The nurses were either annoyed by my constantly showing up at the nurses' station to pester them about her care, or extremely impressed that I knew what Pulse O2, etc. was. I've already been offered a job there when I finish nursing school. \:D/ But since I'm doing my externships there, I expected to work there for a while, anyways.

I'm staying at my Grandmother's house for the weekend to take care of her; please pray that I'll do everything right! I'm going to be taking her vitals and giving her her meds and stuff-- nothing too major.

Also, my two week period of normalcy is approaching it's end; I'm taking vitamins and drinking lots of water and will try to exercise, but I really can't afford to fall apart right now. I would appreciate any prayers anyone wants to send my way as far as my emotional stability is concerned. :)
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Post by Laura Ingalls »

Update on my granny and her husband:

He's home from the hospital - they drilled a hole in his skull and suctioned out the blood clot. He was recovering really well from that, and then he blacked out again. So they think it has to do with his heart...they found a valve completely stopped up. There's nothing they can do about it, so he just has to live with it. He's still a little weak, but seems fine except for his memory. He asked my granny yesterday what house he was in (it's his OWN HOUSE). My mom went down there on Sunday to help out, and she'll be coming back today. He asked why she was there - he forgot all about the hospital and surgery. :(
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Post by H34TH4R »

I dont know why but lately i have been really bad everywhere i go in youth group i talk the whole lesson and always get moved at home i have been a rebel but still helping my mum with the baby whenever. I dont know why but i feel like i wanna be bad please pray that god helps me get back to normal.
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Post by EK »

I have recently came down with strep throat and the flu, please pray for me.
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Rachael Blackgaard
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Post by Rachael Blackgaard »

Yay, strep throat AND the flu. What a FUN combination! :-( Just don't give it to me again-- Last time I had strep throat, I had a weird reaction to the shot. ;-)

Get well soon, EK.
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Post by uz »

Eon Spitfire EK V2 wrote:Dude, I don't usually do this, but i'm feeling a little weird right now...and i've been puking and stuff...please pray for me you guys.
me2 :pray:
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Post by Mountain_Girl »

yeah I'm not feeling to good myself.

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Post by hubcap »

Eon Spitfire EK V2 wrote:I have recently came down with strep throat and the flu, please pray for me.
I had that exact same combo a few weeks ago! Have fun :anxious: ...

*vaguely remembers that there is a rule against double posting...*

I have two really big prayer request.

The first:
I found out last night that one of my best friends is struggling with a pornagraphy addiction. (I also found out that the more he spends time with me...the less he thinks about that...) He is a really strong christian, but he is being weighted down by this problem. He is asking that everyone (not here...but just everyone) prays that he learns how to overcome and the real difference between right and wrong.

The second:
For the last month, a group of my closest friends (including the guy with the porn addiction) have been having a lot of problems. There are six of us: three guys and three girls. one of the guys, my closest friend ever, is dating one of the girls. It happens to be that I got them hooked up. The girl, who I have known all of my life, has been really possesive of him. So I told her about it, and let me tell you she didn't like it! She took everything I said and turned it right back at me! though, she said it a lot nastier and more harshly. Ever since then, I haven't been able to talk to this guy with out the knifes of her eyes, and everyone is feeling the tension and no one is able to have a pleasant conversation anymore.

Please pray for me and my friends as we go through this hard time.
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Post by Elrohir »

Please pray for me. I have been frequently falling into sin and I really need to learn self-control.
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Post by The Top Crusader »

Apparently my youngest nephew has lots of fluid in his ears and basically can't hear hardly at all... so they are going to put tubes in soon so it will drain. Prayers would be appreciated!
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Post by Kris Doyle »

Prayer request one/praise report!
A lot of the men from our church (Fresh Anointing Apostolic Church) have been practically working their arms off to help build a new church building. God has provided truly amazing deals on material and work by putting us in contact with people who really want to help! The lower level (which will be the only level for now--the new sanctuary is even down there) is getting closer to being finished...most of the drywall (if not all) is even hung now! I'm really excited and want to thank Jesus for all He's doing! \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ The thing is, we really, really want to be in the new building for services by Easter (hopefully a week or so before!) so please pray that God works everything out in the few remaining weeks so wee can be in the new building by then if that's in His will. :pray: We've also had one leak in the roof that (as of Wednesday night) they hadn't been able to locate. Please pray God either shows them the leak and helps them to stop it up, or stops it up anyway (even if they don't find it). Also, pray that no more leaks start, and that they can fix a (different) leak that had started coming in at the door.

Prayer request two/praise report!
I want to thank God for healing my leg so far. It's not completely healed; my foot is still swollen, and I have to walk with crutches to keep weight off it...but I'm thankful God used His supernatural power (and provided the doctors with the right knowledge/medicines) to bring the infection and swelling waaay down from what it was a week ago Monday. Back then, I could hardly stand on my left foot because it was so swollen and hurt so much. Also, it was very red, and had broken out, and I had flu-like symptoms (which might have been related to that). Now it's a lot better than it was, and I thank God for that. But I still have some swelling (though a lot less) and sometimes minor pain compared to what I had before. Please ask God to keep healing me until I'm 100% better! :D That will be so awesome! Thanks, everyone. God bless! :angelfly: O:)
God bless you, in Jesus' name!!!! :D
"Then Peter said unto them, 'Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.'" (Acts 2:38)
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Post by H34TH4R »

Yesterday i burned my arm really bad and it still stings i just scraped a blister out of the center of it and stings really bad. Its like a size of an apple!!
pray it heals soon,

I just got back from the doctors they rapped it in gauze stuff and it feels better now.
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