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Re: The Hunger Games

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 11:40 am
by Taps
conquestor wrote:Yeah but the end of it was slightly rushed.
Hmm, I would have to disagree. I think the ending was perfectly paced but that's just my opinion.

Re: The Hunger Games

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 11:51 am
by Whitty Whit
@Taps, yeah I know that. It's just not the way I would have preferred the book to end.

Re: The Hunger Games

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:16 pm
by Caswin
...and that's Catching Fire.
Dangit, Cinna. :(

Re: The Hunger Games

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 7:32 am
by Taps
Caswin wrote:...and that's Catching Fire.
Dangit, Cinna. :(
I know- man that was brutal. Poor Katniss.

Re: The Hunger Games

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 11:27 am
by Blitz
Cinna was really good of a character and the prep team slighly crazy

Re: The Hunger Games

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 12:45 pm
by Shennifer
3 more days, people! \:D/ and me and at least one of my roommates might see the midnight showing

Re: The Hunger Games

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 1:00 pm
by Taps
I probably won't make it opening night, I'll be in Des Moines doing other things, I am probably going to see it in theaters at one point or another though.

Re: The Hunger Games

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:03 pm
by The Kings Daughter
Taps wrote:I probably won't make it opening night, I'll be in Des Moines doing other things, I am probably going to see it in theaters at one point or another though.
Hrm, in Des Moines. Must make note of this. *whispers into earpiece*

A friend invited me and my brother to go with her(and her brother) Friday, but I don't know if I'll be caught up on school and feeling well by then. :(

Re: The Hunger Games

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:22 pm
by Jesus' Princess
Oh, that's this weekend? I guess I forgot... I'll be out of town anyways.

Re: The Hunger Games

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:31 pm
by The Kings Daughter
Jesus' Princess wrote:Oh, that's this weekend? I guess I forgot... I'll be out of town anyways.
Cheaper that way, anyway. I probably should just go later. ;)

Re: The Hunger Games

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:44 am
by Blitz
Sigh why can't we go to the theater because it is showing here

Re: The Hunger Games

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 1:23 pm
by Caswin
Oh, yeah. Mockingjay.
The cat survived, yea \:D/

Re: The Hunger Games

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:01 pm
by The Kings Daughter
Gimp now has one set of HG brushes. :-

Re: The Hunger Games

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:25 am
by Blitz
How could Prim die? Gale became so psycho

Re: The Hunger Games

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 11:41 am
by Knight Fisher
@ Conquestor Well you see.
There was a bomb. It went boom. And Prim was dead. ;) Sad.

Re: The Hunger Games

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:00 pm
by Blitz
NOT nice :x :shame:

Re: The Hunger Games

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:19 am
by The Kings Daughter
Okay, so who went to see it last night? O:)

Re: The Hunger Games

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:17 am
by American Eagle
Discussion of the series goes in this topic, but reviews of the film go here. \:D/

Re: The Hunger Games

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:24 am
by Blitz
NOOO. ](*,) :( #-o

Re: The Hunger Games

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 5:55 pm
by ~JCGJ~
snubs wrote:I started reading the Hunger Games last week, and am now about to start Mockingjay. I really liked them and I am excited to see how it ends. I think the story idea is a great concept and a great 'what if' story! When I started the first book I seriously could not put it down. The second book started a bit slow. . .but it picked up to make it worth while. There was a lot of violence, but it wasn't described in extreme detail. And though there is romance, it is/was pretty tame from other books I've read.

Oh, and apparently I am from District 2, and am a concrete finisher. :|

Some things I don't like are, Katniss' name...honestly, 'Catnip' sounds better. I don't really like Peeta's name either.. :doubt: I also found parts to be somewhat predictable.

As for the movie, I'm excited to see it. But not for reasons you may think. I'll have to wait until it gets in the dollar theater, however (because that movie..and any movie really, is not worth 10 bucks). Also, I am not expecting the movie to be will probably just be 'okay.' One is, I don't like the guy playing Cinna, and was very disappointed when I saw him. One, I don't picture him like that, and two, Cinna is probably my first to second favorite character (believe it or not). As for the rest of the cast, They seem to fit the bill. Although, I am a little shaky when it comes to Peeta and Gale, though they 'look' the part, I don't know how they will portray their characters. Oh, and Cato doesn't look at all like I pictured him. :x

I think this movie will be the most anticipated movie of the year. BUT, will it be the best? Probably not. I feel like the people will walk away after seeing it saying, "It was good, but the book were better." or "The movie was terrible." ..or they'll say, "The movie was AWESOME!" And I'm thinking they will only say the latter one because they are afraid to say they don't like it.

The reason I say it will probably not be a good movie is because there are some things that really worry me. And when it comes to movies like this, they tend to be a let down. List as follows:
  • The Capital (and the people) will be too over the top and look fake and cheap.
  • The fighting will look cheesy.
  • There won't be enough action. The book didn't have a lot of fighting, which concerns me for the movie. The movie is going to have to have more fighting to keep it intense...and not just a bunch of running around.
  • It will be too romanticized. Though, there is romance in it, they need to do it just right. And I don't think they will.
  • The characters will look too perfect. I'm afraid that all the girls will look like supermodels. :roll: I don't mind a few, but c'mon, I don't want this to be another Twilight. :blah:
  • It will look too clean. I don't mean violence wise. I mean, even though the characters are dirty, they will still look clean/perfect.
  • It will have language that is unnecessary. I'm hoping it won't though. :-
  • It will be predictable. Meaning, predictable for the people who do not know the story.
  • It will look all around cheesy and fake. Like Terra Nova. >_>
These are just things I think the movie will bring. And I am trying to down grade the movie as much as possible, that way if it really is bad, it won't be surprising. Though, do not get me wrong, I really do want the movie to be good. And even if it is, I don't think it will be 'great'. I would be surprised if is. But yeah. I hope they prove me wrong, because I really love the story and I like the way they portray District 12 and the people in the's just, everything else concerns me.
I saw the movie, and I have to say, “The Hunger Games” exceeded my expectations.
I am going to attempt to give answers to your list, without ruining the movie.

The Capital (and the people) will be too over the top and look fake and cheap.
Yes, but no. The people were REALLY covered in makeup, and really weird clothing and hairstyles, but that's kind of the point. The people of the capitol are gluttons, just doing what they please. And as for the Capital itself, the did a pretty good job with it. Not exactly how I imagined it, but still pretty good.

The fighting will look cheesy. Nope. The fighting was quite good, not to overdramatic, but still INTENSE.

There won't be enough action. The book didn't have a lot of fighting, which concerns me for the movie. The movie is going to have to have more fighting to keep it intense...and not just a bunch of running around. There was actually ALOT of action. Once the Games started, I was at the edge of my seat the entire time. AND I'm pretty sure they didn't add any fight scenes that were not in the book. They did a great job with that.

It will be too romanticized. Though, there is romance in it, they need to do it just right. And I don't think they will.
Again, they did a good job with it. They didn't play it up too much, and there was NO SEX. That's right, NONE. The only "nudity" in it is when Katniss takes a bath, and it wasn't even that suggestive. GO FIGURE.

The characters will look too perfect. I'm afraid that all the girls will look like supermodels. :roll: I don't mind a few, but c'mon, I don't want this to be another Twilight. :blah: Ok, this one, I have to give to you. :boohoo: I personally don't think Katniss had enough scrapes and bruises on her, and she was fairly clean throughout. Peeta on the other hand... The did a GOOD job with making his look all bruised and dirty. BUT. IT WAS NOT "JUST ANOTHER TWILIGHT!!"

It will look too clean. I don't mean violence wise. I mean, even though the characters are dirty, they will still look clean/perfect. This ties in with the last one.

It will have language that is unnecessary. I'm hoping it won't though. :- AHA! There were only THREE (Yes, 3. Count em. 1, 2 ,3.) cuss words in the entire 2 hour, 22 minute movie. AND It was just the D word twice, and the H word once. I have to say, I was a little worried in the beginning, because one of the first thing Katniss says is the “D” word, but my worries were resolved.

It will be predictable. Meaning, predictable for the people who do not know the story. Well, that depends. Do you think the book was predictable? If not, than the movie will be just the same way, because IT FOLLOWED THE STORY ALMOST (note the "ALMOST") EXACTLY! FINALLY THEY GET IT RIGHT!!

It will look all around cheesy and fake. Like Terra Nova. >_> ............. You did NOT just call Terra Nova "cheesy" and "fake." :evil: :evil: :evil:

:D :D :D

Actually, Terra Nova was pretty cheesy, but that's what made it good. \:D/ \:D/ \:D/
But, no. The Hunger Games was actually not that cheesy, and and it was almost believable. (That is, if you didn't think the book was too cheesy, or fake)

So, in terms of sex, language, violence, cheesyness, "cleaness," following of the original storyline etc. I give it an 8.95 out of 10.
(I usually give most movies, especially those that were originally books, a 7 or below.)