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Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 9:46 am
by Jonathan
Solo kid wrote:I don't mind you disagreeing but Darcie just gave you a good example trust me it is not hard to understand. Your are just claiming you don't understand
I believe you are referring to this post. Read it. Then read my response. I don't understand, and with good reason.

I repeat my request--either explain your side or present an argument that makes sense.
Edit: JED who was just looking over my shoulder told me to tell you guys that anything I say or do is not related to him in anyway therefore when he gets out of jail do not relate what I say to him
I wasn't addressing him as much as I was addressing you and your completely asinine and rude defense of him.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 10:05 am
by Jaina Sal Solo
Simply because it's his personal opinion that God says that abortion is murder therefore he does not support legalizing it

I think....

This is what happens when a 13 year old tries to argue her brother's viewpoints while he is in jail with an adult....

I don't even know if I support JED on this one I have not always given thought to it....

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 10:13 am
by Baragon
Solo kid wrote: Your are just claiming you don't understand
Dim-witted and now liars? This board has become fun! \:D/

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 10:16 am
by Jaina Sal Solo
Skittles wrote:
Solo kid wrote:Simply because it's his personal opinion that God says that abortion is murder therefore he does not support legalizing it

I think....

This is what happens when a 13 year old tries to argue her brother's viewpoints while he is in jail with an adult....

I don't even know if I support JED on this one I have not always given thought to it....
His personal opinion? What about God's opinion? What about what He says is right?
Is this a theocracy? I don't think so. The government doesn't turn to God as much as they should.

I would go far illegal abortion if America was a theocracy but it's not. America is composed of very diverse people with very different beliefs.

Sorry about calling you guys dimwitted and liars I shouldn't have...

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:29 pm
by Dr. Watson
Solo kid wrote:
Skittles wrote:
Solo kid wrote:Simply because it's his personal opinion that God says that abortion is murder therefore he does not support legalizing it

I think....

This is what happens when a 13 year old tries to argue her brother's viewpoints while he is in jail with an adult....

I don't even know if I support JED on this one I have not always given thought to it....
His personal opinion? What about God's opinion? What about what He says is right?
Is this a theocracy? I don't think so. The government doesn't turn to God as much as they should.

I would go far illegal abortion if America was a theocracy but it's not. America is composed of very diverse people with very different beliefs.
So what if I think that stealing, non-baby murder, and rape is a-ok. Do you think that all laws against such things should be repealed due to my diverse and different beliefs?

Logically, you should say yes. But of course, that would be despicable.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:31 pm
by Jaina Sal Solo
No it is scientifically proven that killing an adult is taking somebody else's life because we know for a fact that life begin after you are born.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:34 pm
by Dr. Watson
But why are you forcing that belief on others?

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:37 pm
by Jaina Sal Solo
I'm not because a majority of society believes that that is true.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:42 pm
by Dr. Watson
Solo kid wrote:I'm not because a majority of society believes that that is true.
Given the monstrous amount of overflow in prisons, I would dispute that point. ;) Given the fact that daily acts of murder, theft, and rape, occur, why don't you want the criminals, who apparently believe that doing those things are all OK, to express their diverse beliefs?

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:44 pm
by Jaina Sal Solo
Smarties wrote:
Solo kid wrote:I'm not because a majority of society believes that that is true.
Given the monstrous amount of overflow in prisons, I would dispute that point. Given the fact that daily acts of murder, theft, and rape, occur, why don't you want the criminals, who apparently believe that doing those things are all OK, to express their diverse beliefs?

They know that is wrong and they are willfully going against the law. There is a difference between disagreeing with something, thinking it is fundamentally wrong, or just going against it because you want to.

Also those people are a minority.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:44 pm
by Laurie
I for one do not believe that rape and murder or any other crime is ok. It shocks me to think that anyone would think that.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:46 pm
by Jaina Sal Solo
Hey wait I don't I think you need to read the rest of the discussion before you jump to conclusions!

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 6:00 pm
by Dr. Watson
Solo kid wrote:
Smarties wrote:
Solo kid wrote:I'm not because a majority of society believes that that is true.
Given the monstrous amount of overflow in prisons, I would dispute that point. Given the fact that daily acts of murder, theft, and rape, occur, why don't you want the criminals, who apparently believe that doing those things are all OK, to express their diverse beliefs?

They know that is wrong and they are willfully going against the law. There is a difference between disagreeing with something, thinking it is fundamentally wrong, or just going against it because you want to.
You're avoiding the question. :) Why are you forcing your morals of murder, theft, and rape on criminals?

It's the same thing with abortion. You claim you don't want to force your belief that abortion is wrong on anyone else, but then are OK, with forcing your belief that murder, theft, and rape are wrong on everyone else. You are being logically inconsistent.

You claim:
Solo kid wrote:They know that is wrong and they are willfully going against the law.
So why are you against making an abortion ban? Then it would be law, and doctors who performed abortions know that it is wrong and would be wilfully going against the law!

More logical inconsistancy on your part.

You also plead majority rule on issues like murder, theft, and rape. This tells me that you ARE okay with forcing your beliefs on others because you think its fine as long as you have majority rule.

More logical inconsistancy on your part.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:13 pm
by Dakota Bud
he is going to make the U.S.A go in to a vary bad country

](*,) :x :mad: :sickly: :bang: :help: :brave: :mad2: :mad4: :sick:

Hey, please don't use so many smilies. I got rid of the duplicates, so you are down to ten, as opposed to 30. ~H

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:22 pm
by Danielle Abigail Maxwell
Romans 13: 1-3 "1Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you."

Okay... so... God doesn't pick people who will do bad. Those who do right, you shouldn't be afraid.. those who do wrong, be afraid... I guess. If you aren't breaking the law, you should have no worries about Obama. In some sense.

He isn't going to destroy the US. He isn't going to be that bad of a president. He was chosen by God. You may not think that, but, God knows what he is doing. We can't really question God about his ways. Period. We can question, but we'll just be running in the opposite direction...

Obama is trying to put this country back together. No matter who got into office, they would have had a full plate on their hands, and well.... being president now was pretty much suicide, so, McCain would have been in the SAME EXACT position as Obama is about to be come January. Nothing will get fixed fast. It will take years. Everyone is different. Obama can be good and bad. McCain can be good and bad. Palin and Biden, good and bad. Everyone is bad to the core. Isn't this a sinful world?

Okay, I'm good.... disect at will...

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:46 pm
by Baragon
Danielle Abigail Maxwell wrote: God doesn't pick people who will do bad.
I could go all throughout history and show that God does allow for bad people to come into power... \:D/
Danielle Abigail Maxwell wrote:He isn't going to be that bad of a president.
I'll leave history to decide on that. Either way, I do indeed hope he does well.

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 7:53 pm
by Jonathan
I agree with Watson 100%.

Solo, there are only two options when it comes to abortion: 1. You don't believe it's murder and want it to remain legal or 2. You believe it's murder and want it outlawed. There is no middle ground to be found in the realm of logic. If you believe it's murder it goes against common decency to want it to remain legal, and I am amazed one's conscience can allow such sentiments.
Sour Patch Kids wrote:
Danielle Abigail Maxwell wrote: God doesn't pick people who will do bad.
I could go all throughout history and show that God does allow for bad people to come into power... \:D/
Took the words out of my mouth :)

Danielle, if God appoints every leader, then Hitler and Stalin, among many, many others (as those are only the two of the most obvious examples) were paradoxical.
Danielle Abigail Maxwell wrote:He isn't going to be that bad of a president.
I'll leave history to decide on that. Either way, I do indeed hope he does well.
Agreed again.

Just as it may not be right for us conservatives to make judgments on his job performance (though it's ok to make judgments based on what he said he'll do) before he's taken office, so it is wrong for you to be sure what his job performance shall be before he has taken office.

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:01 am
by SivartM
The difference between abortion and murdering a born human being is that born human beings are... born. There is no dispute among anyone whether or not they are alive. However, abortion is more of a religious issue, because a Christian could argue that God is putting a child together in the womb and it's alive from conception, and an atheist could argue that if it's not a fully formed baby then it's not alive.
Almost every crime has to do with people who have already been born. Killing people is wrong because they were without a doubt alive before they were killed. Raping is wrong because the person who was raped was wihout a doubt alive. Stealing is wrong because you are stealing from someone who is without a doubt alive. And nobody wants to be killed, raped, or stolen from.
So, yes, they are different kinds of crimes. While abortion is terrible, we should stop worrying about turning our government into the "hand of God" and focus on converting people.

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 9:33 am
by Jonathan
SivartM wrote:we should stop worrying about turning our government into the "hand of God"
You'd have a great point if murder was simply a religious concern and we had said that, or were advocating that people worship on Sunday under threat of punishment (so would Solo, come to think of it). But it isn't, and we didn't, so you don't.

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 10:40 am
by hubcap
I am going to say right now that I think this entire debate is ridiculous. I stand with Jonathan and Dr Watson (I think- just from my skimming through). I have no idea how you can say that abortion isn't murder. Honestly? When you have been pregnant or around pregnant people, you know (250% sure) that a pre-born child is alive. And, if you don't know that, without being around these people, you are a sad person who needs to study anatomy/biology more.

We, as a nation, need to be more consistent, like Dr Watson said. If murder, rape, and theft is illegal.... murder should be illegal, too. (Oh, wait. I said that already.) So. There is my two cents.