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Questions and Answers with Aria Curzon (aka) Mandy Straussberg!

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Post by Kris Doyle »

STRYPER wrote:I've got a better question...

how is she supposed to answer all this?? :-s
Good question...I guess we all have to be patient until she has a lot of time on her hands.

Just to avoid things getting "lost" in the move from Aria's first topic, I hope no one minds if I repost my questions from there.
Kris wrote:Nice to (sort of) "meet" you. Got some "?'s" for you.

Is Mandy's voice your normal voice?
Was it hard for you to sound younger when you played Mandy in the show about selling her doll?
Did it strike you as odd when the writers decided to "jump ahead" in Mandy's life and suddenly put her in middle school?
Are you a Christian?
BTW, happy Thanksgiving to all (and to all a good night)!
We need to remember it's Jesus we're thanking, even if dinner makes us look like Buddha! :D
God bless you, in Jesus' name!!!! :D
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Post by Arwen »

Hi! Glad to have you here, Aria. I'll think of some questions for you soon. ;)
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Post by FluteBoy »

Hey guys,
Just letting you know that Aria is out of town for Thanksgiving, so it could be a few days before she's able to answer any questions. She also has a fairly slow computer at present, so be patient, and she'll answer the moment she can, I'm sure :D . In the meantime, for those of you in the U.S., Happy Thanksgiving! \:D/

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Post by Joni_Slade »

Oh, wow, welcome, Aria! It is so super cool to have you here. (I'd tell you how cute a voice you have except you probably hear that ten times a day at least.)

I have a question. Do you listen to AIO, aside from the episodes you're in? Have you listened to any of the old episodes?

As an actress, are there any sorts of roles you'd like to play that you haven't yet?

I hope you have fun here :)
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Post by Ariastar87 »

Like Zac said, I was out of town, so this is the soonest I could answer! I didn't even ask him to tell you all, so I'm glad he did, because I don't mean to ignore you guys! So here goes~
COWBOY OF TEXAS wrote:Well, for an avvy you could use a picture of yourself.

How did you come to be one of the AIO voice actresses?

Well, I can't even remember exactly how old I was now.. I'm thinking 8 or 9, AIO put out a call for actors to come in and audition, and my agent at the time got me in, I audtiioned, and the rest was history I guess. lol. I believe I audtioned specifically for the part of Clara, and then awhile after that they decided to give me the recurring character of Mandy, though I'm not sure how that decision came to be made. Hope that answers your question!
OrigamiKid wrote:Do you like that Mandy grew up really fast?

You know, I can't even remember noticing mandy grow up really quickly. That's weird, because a lot of people tell me that, and ask why it happened, and I honestly don't know! lol. I'm going to have a lot of questions for the writers next time I go in to record, lol.Maybe I just can't remember because it was a long time ago. If anyone can give me the specific episodes surrounding the sudden change, I'd be interested in going back and listening!
Eugenefan23 wrote:I don't know if you know anything about this, but does Nathan Carlson, who plays Richard Maxwell, plan on coming back to AIO? :anxious: I hope he does. Richard Maxwell is cool. \:D/ \:D/
I do not know unfortunately, though I will ask next time I see the writers. :)
NatetheGreat wrote: haha that's funny. My name is Nathan. lol
Hi Nathan!
Mandy, who's your fave character?
Aw, come on.. That's really hard to answer, because I like a lot of them for different reasons! Mr. Whittaker of course, Liz (because she's Mandy best friend, and Lauren Schaffel is really fun to work with) Any and all of Corey Burton's characters, hehe, and.... Bart Rathbone, lol. I just think he's really funny. And more, I'll get back to you on that

COT's Q?
Do you get paid?
yes, we get paid for the recoding, but the rest of the profits from cd sales go to Focus on The Family

Do you really like to write?
Absolutely! I can't say I write as avidly as Mandy does, but I really enjoy it. In fact, I've been thinking about starting a column in a local newspaper, hehe. I'm thinking an advice type thing. I don't know, it just seems like something I would enjoy doing. I also enjoy writing in a journal, it helps me collect ideas for things

Does your last name sound wierd, or what?
haha! You know, I've always kinda thought it does actually! So, yeah I guess so. Not the weirdest last name I've ever heard, but still kinda unique. Most people have a lot of trouble pronouncing it as well. Even my parents don't prounounce it the same way! weird huh? lo. My dad says Curzon very evenly, not too much of an ephasis on either syllable, and my mom sort of emphasises the zon part of Curzon, lol. too detailed of an answer, sorryl

(ignore the last Q, lol)
well, too late, I you already asked and I already answered! lol
Brian wrote: \:D/ That movie is so awesome!!! Hulk Hogan doesn't get awesome roles like that anymore. :(
Thank you! That's very sweet of you to say. And that's true about Hulk, I think it's because of that unfortunate "hollywood Hogan" phase he went through awhile back. But hey, he now has his own reality series.... if that means anything to you , lol. :)
Bmuntz wrote:In real life did you dot your I's with hearts? ;)
Zac! I do not.. all of the time... ok, sometimes yeah, but I'm actually more likely to dot them with stars... Subtle differences between me and Mandy :)
Catspaw wrote:Don't believe him! EB is evil! :(

Yeah, okay, I'm kidding too. ;) Well, maybe I am... :-

How many of the other AIO voice actors are what you would consider "friends," as in more than just co-workers?

Are there any funny recording stories you would be able to share with us? \:D/
Well, I talk to Lauren Schaffel quite a bit, she's a lot of fun, and we've even taken acting or comedy classes together at the same places at different points in our lives. we've gone to each other's birthday parties, etc. She's very sweet. I really consider everyone in the AIO family my friends, I just don't see some of them as often. I also consider Jess Harnell, and Corey Burton friends. I see them at different places, and it's always a lot of fun. Since the voiceover community is actually pretty small, you find you make friends pretty quickly, and see a lot of the same people over and over again.

Funny stories.... I can't think of any at the moment, but if I do I will certainly share them. I have a lot of good memories, and funny moments of times at AIO. I got to hear Jess do a bunch of his different impressions in that one episode where he does Bill Cosby and Arnold .. and a few others. I just remember being in the control room area, and everyone just laughing uncontrollably. He did a lot of improv lines, he's so great. I'm just amazed at the talent of so many people I get to work with. Also, another thing I really enjoy is working with Will and watching him play his Ekulele between takes. He sings this one song whenever he sees me about Mandy, it's really cute :) I also like meeting the interns the directors and writers bring with them from Colorado. It's always fun meeting new people, especially people who enjoy something you work on. :)

Ok, well I know there are a few more questions, but I have to leave right now. I will answer the rest very soon, I promise! :) I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving, and have a lot to be thankful for :)
God Bless,
Last edited by Ariastar87 on Sat Nov 26, 2005 8:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
God bless, and thanks for Listening to Adventures In Odyssey!
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Post by Eugene Blackgaard »

Aria, say, If I wanted to look into getting into the voice acting industry, what would be the best way to go about it? :)

Aslo, is their a way to have voice acting for a secondary job, and still hold a primary one?
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Post by SivartM »

I have a question!

Does AIO need any new actors... like... say... a boy... whose voice sounds sort of like mine...
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Post by Bennett »


Heres a AIO question which will be of interest to many if answered;

How many AIO episodes did you go record for, or are you in, that have not yet aired?


What's the title of the last episode you recorded? :-k (I don't know if that's a legal question)

We appreciate you answering these questions:)

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Post by Hollywood »

Ariastar87 wrote:
Brian wrote: \:D/ That movie is so awesome!!! Hulk Hogan doesn't get awesome roles like that anymore. :(
Thank you! That's very sweet of you to say. And that's true about Hulk, I think it's because of that unfortunate "hollywood Hogan" phase he went through awhile back. But hey, he now has his own reality series.... if that means anything to you , lol. :)


It seemed like a good idea at the time.
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Post by Ariastar87 »

Hollywood wrote:
Ariastar87 wrote:
Brian wrote: \:D/ That movie is so awesome!!! Hulk Hogan doesn't get awesome roles like that anymore. :(
Thank you! That's very sweet of you to say. And that's true about Hulk, I think it's because of that unfortunate "hollywood Hogan" phase he went through awhile back. But hey, he now has his own reality series.... if that means anything to you , lol. :)


It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Oh, don't frown! I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything by it...
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Have you been in any recent movies?

Click on the image, you know you want to! \:D/
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Post by Ariastar87 »

Jimmy Barclay wrote:ARIA

What was it like doing Clara ?
And The Great Wishy Woz ?

And thanks. Take your time, And I look foward to getting it oneday.
Clara... Was really exciting for me. It was my first time working on AIO. I was excited because me and one of my best friends had listened to the show growing up, and were big fans ourselves, so me getting on the show was a big deal. I think it was actually my first radio show ever. It was an emotional episode, so it was quite a role to play. But I really enjoyed the time I spent recording. And meeting Phil Lollar, and everyone else who was a part of it at the time. :D
The Great Wishy Woz was so much fun!!!! I was especially excited to do a musical episode, that was great. I now feel I could've done a lot better on the one song I did.. but, can't do anything about that now #-o
I also liked watching everyone do their various munchkin like voices, and all the plays on the names and everything. That was great, and it also seems to be a popular episode with a lot of people I've met.
Hope that answers it for ya!
I was planning on answering more questions tonight, but I have to get to bed, sorry!
Soon, for everyone else, I promise :)
God bless,
God bless, and thanks for Listening to Adventures In Odyssey!
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Post by Ruthie »

Ariastar87 wrote:
Hollywood wrote:
Ariastar87 wrote:
Brian wrote: \:D/ That movie is so awesome!!! Hulk Hogan doesn't get awesome roles like that anymore. :(
Thank you! That's very sweet of you to say. And that's true about Hulk, I think it's because of that unfortunate "hollywood Hogan" phase he went through awhile back. But hey, he now has his own reality series.... if that means anything to you , lol. :)


It seemed like a good idea at the time.
Oh, don't frown! I'm sorry, I didn't mean anything by it...
:D Don't take him seriously Aria! He's fine, although, a bit strange :anxious: ;)
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Post by Jimmy Barclay Fan »

Thanks for the answers, awesome.

I think Clara needs to come visit Jack and Whit and we can see how she is doing.
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Post by Eugene Blackgaard »

She didn't answer mine. :(

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Post by Kris Doyle »

Ariastar87 wrote:The Great Wishy Woz was so much fun!!!! I was especially excited to do a musical episode, that was great. I now feel I could've done a lot better on the one song I did.. but, can't do anything about that now #-o
Which song? Do you mean your solo on "Somewhere" in part I and "Always" in part II? I didn't think there was anything wrong with the singing.

I really like "The Great Wishy Woz," btw. When I only heard the first ep (maybe part of the second) I didn't really think I'd like it because it was based on a "wizard" story, but once I heard the whole thing I realized that AIO had taken something originally bad (since the actual "Wizard of Oz" story promotes witchcraft) and turned it into a wonderful lesson about following Jesus instead of going our own ways, and about God's protection in the storms of life. I was all but in tears when I heard the ending! Thanks to you, to John Beebe (don't know if I spelled that right), and to the rest of the cast & crew for making such a wonderful KYDS' Radio adventure! :D (I think it would make a great movie, as well! Maybe as an Imagination Station adventure.)
God bless you, in Jesus' name!!!! :D
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Post by The Top Crusader »

Eugene Blackgaard wrote:Aria, say, If I wanted to look into getting into the voice acting industry, what would be the best way to go about it? :)

Aslo, is their a way to have voice acting for a secondary job, and still hold a primary one?
I also am curious about this, as I personally have a face for voice acting. ;)
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Post by Kris Doyle »

Brian wrote:
Eugene Blackgaard wrote:Aria, say, If I wanted to look into getting into the voice acting industry, what would be the best way to go about it? :)

Aslo, is their a way to have voice acting for a secondary job, and still hold a primary one?
I also am curious about this, as I personally have a face for voice acting. ;)
To Brian: To borrow Aria's wording..."Huh?"
God bless you, in Jesus' name!!!! :D
"Then Peter said unto them, 'Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.'" (Acts 2:38)
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Post by Catspaw »

Kris wrote:
Brian wrote:
Eugene Blackgaard wrote:Aria, say, If I wanted to look into getting into the voice acting industry, what would be the best way to go about it? :)

Aslo, is their a way to have voice acting for a secondary job, and still hold a primary one?
I also am curious about this, as I personally have a face for voice acting. ;)
To Brian: To borrow Aria's wording..."Huh?"
People usually say that they have a face for the radio or voice acting if they deem themselves somewhat unattractive, or at least not up to the standards of the TV industry. :) Of course, in Toppy-kin's place, it is of course not true. :inlove: Unless he's threatening somebody with a knife - then things get bad. ;)
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Post by Kris Doyle »

Okay, thanks for clearing that up, Catspaw. I thought it was just a joke Brian was making. (I wonder if I have a voice for silent film acting :D !)
God bless you, in Jesus' name!!!! :D
"Then Peter said unto them, 'Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.'" (Acts 2:38)
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