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Re: Jeremiah 29:11

Posted: Sun May 12, 2013 11:58 am
by Josef1004
John Chrysostom wrote:To clarify my own position I wasn't saying God didn't want good for us just that the verse didn't apply for us anymore than the verses later in Jeremiah about sending sword, famine and plague against others applies to us today. The verse in Romans is given to us in the proper context and says to us today that God wants good for us not the verse in Jeremiah, we can look at the Jeremiah verse and look at the history of God's promises but why stretch the context to include us when it doesn't?
Because it sounds more poetic and prophetic.

Re: Jeremiah 29:11

Posted: Thu May 16, 2013 3:33 pm
by bookworm
We should take verses out of context if it sounds better than one in context?