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Re: 670: Stage Fright

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:46 pm
by Peachey Keen
I loved the "22 Trombones" song. I'm sure it's a spoof on "76 Trombones" from The Music Man, one of my fav musicals! :D

Re: 670: Stage Fright

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 9:26 pm
by Parker Family
I give it only three stars :)

Re: 670: Stage Fright

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 3:47 pm
by Christian A.
Here's my review:

This episode was pretty good. I enjoyed the mystery aspect of it. I think that this was a better mystery than Game for a Mystery last season. It was a little bit below my entertainment level, but that's because I'm two years ahead of the Odyssey age target range.

I agree with Marvin that it would have been nice to have Matthew narrate rather than Emily. I was hoping that they were going to go back and forth between the two, but that's not what happened.

I greatly enjoyed the character of Mr. Stolfitz, and how he was played by Jess Harnell. The surprise ending was great, and I wasn't really expecting it; although, it was a little weird.

It was good to have Jay in another episode. I think he is a great replacement for Rodney Rathbone if that's what he's supposed to be, and he adds some needed humor to the Emily and Matthew shows.

The return of Priscilla Peterson was interesting, but I won't go into that. Nor will I go into the relationship between Emily and Matthew that some like to speculate about.

Overall, this was a pretty entertaining episode with a good moral that was given by Chris at the end. I'll give it a 7.5/10. I forgot to give ratings to the other shows, so here they are:

The Mystery of the Clock Tower Parts I and II--9/10
Wooton's Broken Pencil Show--8/10

I'm looking forward to next week's episode which looks like it should have much more spiritual application than the episodes so far have.

Re: 670: Stage Fright

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 5:06 pm
by Leonard Meltsner
The Music Man is my favourite musical of all time, so that gave a little extra appeal on the ep for me.