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Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:58 pm
I think that medication has its role in clinical depression. It's most effective in conjunction with counseling or some sort of therapy. I'm all for seeing pastoral counseling if that's a viable option. Depression stinks bad enough without having people tell you you're sinful and that's the reason for your problems and if you'd only lean on God than all your sadness would disappear. Nope, not that easy. If people get treatment for diabetes, why not get treatment for this illness?

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 6:30 pm
by The Top Crusader
Yeah, I don't see how it's taboo to use this kind of medication when most Christians would seek medical aid for other problems...

Depression, mental illness, or whatever sickness or disease or ailment... first and foremost, prayer is important. But medicine exists for a reason.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 7:49 pm
by Rachael Blackgaard
I think sometimes we DO get depressed because we're walking far from God... and other times we feel like God is occluded from us because of our depression. I think it's really up to the person's discernment, and what they feel the Holy Spirit to be telling them.

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 8:06 pm
I've been depressed... mostly for reasons, though. There have been periods where it was for no reason, but that usually didn't last too long. There was always something that would encourage me. :)

For certain reasons, I've been depressed for over a month.... :anxious: right now I'm ok, but we shall see how things go ;)

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:51 pm
by Frank
Yah, I would agree that Jesus is the real answer. :yes: *gets depressed sometimes, but then goes on the ToO and becomes not depressed* \:D/

Sometimes I think the ToO is like my anti-depressant drug. I really should be going to God for these kinds of things, but I usually don't. It's so much easier to just retreat to my happy little world here online where everyone is loving and caring and will totally cheer me up...and I think that's great and God has truly blessed this place. But the ToO shouldn't be my first resort to fight depression. *was depressed a lot in recent days...points to title* :sad:

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:38 pm
by map
ok, here's my 2 cents worth.

I don't see anything wrong with taking anti depressants or counseling. They both have there place. I suffered severe depression when I was younger. I was not a Christian and I took anti depressants and I went to a counselor. I believe I benefited from both. Here's the thing tho, while on anti's I felt better, so I stopped dealing with the real issues because they didn't cause me so much pain. I went off the med's and I'd get episodes again, but not as bad because I could recognize them better. So I went to counseling and dealt with the issues.

Then I became a Christian and things got a lot better. I still get depressed at times, but I can give my problems to the Lord and know that He is with me. I also rely heavily on the fact that He loves me unconditionally.

My recommendation: Seek Christian counselling and Seek GOD's WORD! God is the best healer of them all! I take comfort in knowing that Jesus is my Prince of Peace. He calms my soul and makes me know that I am worthy!

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 4:22 pm
by DrBlackgaard
I've been depressed off and on over the a kid I was isolated and a lot was expected of me with no reward, as a teenager I struggled even more to fit in and understand myself and life.

But in my experience there are a few things that help depression and will probably provide more lasting answers/relief than any medication. (And I still have to stop and remember them on a regular basis because believe me I still struggle with depression that just hangs on.)

- Suround yourself with good friends and people you can count on and trust

- Take your focus off yourself... find someone who is even more depressed/in worse standing than you and invest your free time and resources in them

- Read a chapter or two in your Bible and spend a while praying every single day.. if you can't keep with it, find someone who will keep you accountable

- Counselors are good, but only if they have good vision themselves... in my experience having a good friend who knows you well and will look you in the eye and listen to you for just as long as you need it goes a lot farther than a professional counselor... $60/hr and a technical degree in counseling doesn't mean that much unless they love you and care about you like a friend. If you like the one hour a week kind of thing sit down and tell your best friend you want them to meet you at such and such a time every single week...remind them how many people hurt themselves somehow or other because of depression and tell them it's very important to you. If you don't have a best friend, find somoene you can help out... invest in their life and before long they might want to invest in yours.

- Schedule some time off and try to do something for yourself once in a while, put aside the notion that you don't deserve it.

- Invest time and effort into your own on becoming physicly strong, educated, hard working, strong Christian, well rounded, etc. You'll find whatever you invest time and resources in you'll get something back from it and you'll begin to value it.

- Face one day at a time. God may call you home tomorrow and you won't have to worry about it. Consciously hand your future (and your past) to God and tell him he can do whatever he wants with it... then remind yourself of what you did whenever you think of whatever hurts.

- Realize you're not alone, there are plenty of us out here who struggle with depression.

- PM me... I need someone to talk to myself sometimes.

Not trying to make it look like I know anything, I've just struggled with it for long enough myself.

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 4:54 pm
awesome reply Drblackgaard!
I would add a few things to all of your good suggestions, too.
Get outside if you can, go walking or running. Physical activity works wonders.
Listen to non-depressing music.
Definitely spend time talking with close friends.
Don't isolate yourself. it's easy to stay home alone when you're depressed, but it's really a bad idea usually. Even getting out to a park or walking trail you'll probably be better off.
don't take yourself too seriously, or as one of my friends says, "take it lightly, brother"
Definitely pray, try to work through the tough issues with God's help and wise Christians. There's nothing wrong with asking for help.
I have a bunch of other things that have helped me as I've certainly been clinically depressed a number of times.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 11:53 pm
by Jennifer Doyle
I find it sort of frustrating when people suggest "Jesus is the real answer" for depression but for things like cancer and other illnesses, we imediately assume medical treatment is the answer, right?

I'm not saying we don't pray in those instances, I'm sure we all do, but we all still go to the doctor for medical treatment. Depression isn't always something someone can pull themselves out of with prayer or will power. A brain chemical imbalance is the root of a lot of depression and needs therapy or medication. God can heal it instantly without the help of any human, obviously, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't want to heal us through medical professionals or medications. . .

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 12:45 pm
by Rachael Blackgaard
^^I agree completely, JD. While prayer and home remedies have been helping a LOT in my situation, I feel like I might really benefit from medication-- but only if I don't go behind my mom's back to get it. I think God is taking care of me because He knows I'm honoring my mother's decision not to have me see a doctor about my problem. But someday, hopefully, He'll provide a way for me to get professional help that doesn't involve disobeying my mom. :-)

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 1:37 pm
by gimp80995
I have depression, and feel like I'm doing better without the meds or counseling than I did with them......though I know that every individual is different......this is officially my research project for Psych this semester.....traditional methods (meds, counseling, etc) vs non-traditional methods.

Peace Out


Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 1:51 pm
by Rachael Blackgaard
Neat! What have you come up with so far?

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 3:02 pm
by gimp80995
Rachael wrote:Neat! What have you come up with so far?
:anxious: :anxious: :anxious: The topic :anxious:

I'm still reading through tons of material to determine what I want to use, what I might want to use but won't have a emotional breakdown if I don't use it, and the things that absolutely positively won't be used.

Peace Out


Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 3:03 pm
by Rachael Blackgaard
Well, you're much further along in your report than I am. I don't even have a topic picked out. Actually... I don't even know what the report is about!

When is it due?

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 3:06 pm
by gimp80995
Rachael wrote: When is it due?
Uhm.....:anxious: definately before June :yes:

Peace Out


Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 3:16 pm
by Rachael Blackgaard
lol, well, mine is due in exactly 11 days, so you're still doing way better than me.

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 5:10 pm
Rachael wrote:lol, well, mine is due in exactly 11 days, so you're still doing way better than me.
for a procrastinator anyway :yes:

;) :p

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 12:31 pm
by Rachael Blackgaard
I'm currently reading the chapter the paper is due on... that has to count for something, right?

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 2:26 pm
by gimp80995
Your question (about the due date) got me currious, so I checked....I believe it's April 12th....definately sometime in April......plenty of time ;)

Peace Out


Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 2:52 pm
by Rachael Blackgaard
Well, I took the test for the chapter... made a 96. :-( I had made straight 100's on all the other tests. I still plan on 'bailing' on the other two tests, even though taking one of them would let me drop the 96%. I just don't have time, and it's not that important to me. If I make a bad grade on my final or this last writing assignment, I might take another one, but right now I just don't have the time. Spanish and Anatomy consume most of my waking concentration. :-)