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Re: Texting

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 3:18 pm
by American Eagle
swatcaptin wrote:I hate texting why did they make texting IT KILLS 1000 people EVERY DAY stupid teenagers!
It kills people? With like arthritis, or what? :-k

Re: Texting

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 3:20 pm
by Anna><>
American Eagle wrote:
swatcaptin wrote:I hate texting why did they make texting IT KILLS 1000 people EVERY DAY stupid teenagers!
It kills people? With like arthritis, or what? :-k
Or people driving and texting at the same time?

Re: Texting

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:45 am
by StrongNChrist
swatcaptin wrote:I hate texting why did they make texting IT KILLS 1000 people EVERY DAY stupid teenagers!
Do you have proof of that? Something to back up what you say? :-s

Texting doesn't really kill people. It's people getting distracted that makes them get killed. And that can happen with more then just texting. That can happen by changing a radio station, talking on the phone, looking for something in your bag, or just having friends in the car distracting you.

Personally, I love texting, though I don't touch my cellphone while I drive. But I really dislike it when people shorten their words (like instead of "later" it's "l8er")

Re: Texting

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:14 am
by ique
it doesn't have to be backed... it's just true. it makes you have cancer, it makes cars crash, in fact it makes people stupid because they can't do good english anymore after texting to much, and even makes peoples vocal skills go down too because they text more then they talk, it also causes more teen pregnansies because you dont always know who your texting

Re: Texting

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 8:52 am
by StrongNChrist
ique wrote:it doesn't have to be backed... it's just true. it makes you have cancer, it makes cars crash, in fact it makes people stupid because they can't do good english anymore after texting to much, and even makes peoples vocal skills go down too because they text more then they talk, it also causes more teen pregnansies because you dont always know who your texting
There is some truth to what you're saying but that doesn't mean texting is bad. Because not everyone is like that. You're generalizing, putting everyone who texts in the same group.
The fact that cellphones - not just texting - gives you cancer has never been proven nor disproven. They only suspect that it causes cancer because of the active radiowaves.
Texting does sometimes make cars crash, if people text while driving. But so does other things. Like changing a radio station. Putting on makeup while driving. Having friends in the car who's distracting the driver. Speeding...
Some people do use short cuts but not everybody. I know a lot of people who don't like it when shortcuts are used in texting. I myself find it rather annoying since I don't know most of the shortcuts and it only leaves me more confused. And just to throw out, I love texting. I do text a lot when I can. And I'm also a grammar freak. So texting for me has never made me have trouble with English.
Again, some people do text more then they talk but that can go with more then just texting. IM'ing...or emailing...and sometimes that's the only way to keep in contact with people. Doesn't really mean their vocal skills go down though....or I'd have horrible vocal skills since during high school I barely talked to anybody.
And on causing teenage prenancies....sure, some people might have that happen but it all depends on the maturity. And if texting is bad because of that internet is far worse. Most people - at least most people I know - know who they are texting. Internet it's a lot easier to fake who you are.

And actually yes, when someone makes a statement that texting kills 1000 people a day it does have to be proven. So I still want proof of that please

Re: Texting

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 9:29 am
by swatcaptin
American Eagle wrote:
swatcaptin wrote:I hate texting why did they make texting IT KILLS 1000 people EVERY DAY stupid teenagers!
It kills people? With like arthritis, or what? :-k
I mean like... so i live in stupid oklahoma you see and okies are bad drivers already BUT more and more teens get drivers license and cell phones and as you can see they talk or text and not pay attention to the road and they get them selves killed!!! It's like driving drunk!!!

Re: Texting

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 9:38 am
by Termite
That's where common sense should come in and you know better to not text and drive. ;) I enjoy texting; it's a faster way to reach someone then playing phone tag. Even if they're talking on the phone, when you text them (or maybe it's more depending on the phone?) it'll beep and interupt your coversation so you can see what it says. You just have to use discretion for when to use it... And that does not involve driving, unless it's important, and then you pull over. Simple. :shrugs:

Re: Texting

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 10:14 am
by Whitty Whit
I like texting, but it just bugs me when I see people text all the time. Texting in itself is not inherently evil, just that people tend to misuse it. I text. But I don't become addicted to it. (at least i like to think i don't)

Re: Texting

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 4:20 pm
by The Top Crusader
Yeah, I don't even TRY to text and drive, I know my limitations. ;)

Re: Texting

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2010 6:52 pm
by Anna><>
I've never texted and driven but I have tried to change songs on my iPod and that almost ended badly therefore I won't text and drive. I think that texting and driving is super dangerous, and if I get a text I just try to pull over as soon as I can and then reply.
What annoys me out of my mind is when I see 8 year olds texting!!!!! I'm like, cell phones weren't even invented when I was 8!!!!!!! And I want to steal the phone away from them and smash it. (Well actually, cell phones probably were around when I was 8, but nobody had them...)

Re: Texting

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:44 pm
by BrokenButBeautiful
I text as much as I can. But I don't text in school too much (a couple texts a day maybe, unless it's something really important, which I have had very important texts in the middle of school before), I never text in church, or in a movie, or at meals. I'm not really addicted to texting. It's being able to always talk to people I would miss like crazy otherwise, like my twin, my boyfriend, and my best friend who lives on the other side of the country. I don't text many people beyond those 3. And I still talk to all of them on the phone too.


Re: Texting

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 11:54 am
by The Kings Daughter
It's true that because people text and drive, sad consequences do follow. But I don't think that really means texting is bad, per say.
I just think it means we should be extra mindful of how we use it. We can misuse anything we have. It's our responsibility to use it rightly, and maybe get our parents help deciding what the limits should be.

Personally, I tend to stay away from some of that stuff because I feel that if I were to do it, I'd want to do it all the time.
Which I don't want to do.

I also thing maybe we shouldn't have so many of these types of topics.

I'm not saying we shouldn't debate something, but this debate isn't purposeful. Nothing good is coming from it.

Re: Texting

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 10:26 am
by TigerintheShadows
Sure there is! We've got lots and lots of arguing! \:D/

Seriously, though--I'm a very opinionated person; usually I'm the one with the really optimistic/perky opinion. I love expressing my ideas through debate, so long as it doesn't turn into a CAPS LOCK FLAME WAR like it does on other forums. That's why the ToO is amazingly awesome. \:D/

Re: Texting

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 9:20 pm
by Danielle Abigail Maxwell
The trouble with texting is, yes, driving while texting. It is a very big distraction. But yes, so it changing the station and talking on the phone. A reason why in Washington State and Oregon if you are under 18, and you even have a cell phone in your hand, no matter if it is HOLDING it, you just got yourself a big ticket. If you're over 18, you can't talk or text while driving.

It's a bigger fine when you're under 18 and driving... don't ask me... it should be under 25, since that's the age you aren't "mature" in the sense of the brain anyway....

But with texting in general... I would find it easier to get into contact with my friends, Shay and Delisa at least, because they don't answer their phones (or CAN'T because of stupid minutes). I could also chat with Regis and Court... but... I don't have texting. And won't be getting it, even though I just got a new phone... I was disappointed. I guess $40 a month for my sister and I to have unlimited seems a waste to my parents... I guess I can live without the texting. Just means my phone is more shoved in a corner because NO ONE calls me, period...

If I could have it, I'd dig it... it does make couch potatoes out of my friends (Delisa, Shay, Brit...) when we're in cell service. It'll probably do it to my sister because she can text on her iTouch... and she has internet at home... grr.... They are all always texting when they can. I'm like "HELLO! HUMAN BEING HERE!!!" At least my house is out of cell service... sweet peace! Now just to combat the laptop and Sims usage... M*A*S*H marathons and Ten Things I Hate About You movie watchings... lol.

Re: Texting

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 3:11 pm
by Dakota
I saw a sign it says "Go to church to know Jesus, Text while driving to meet him."

Re: Texting

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:13 am
swatcaptin wrote:I hate texting why did they make texting IT KILLS 1000 people EVERY DAY stupid teenagers!
I hate it too. They should ban it FOREVER!



Re: Texting

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:23 pm
by Helovesus
yes, I text. it isn't terrible. it's when people use it wrong that it's bad, just like knives. if you are texting areound people ask them it they mind like me? I have almost no problem when people text when I'm around them.

Re: Texting

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 1:13 pm
swatcaptin wrote:
American Eagle wrote:
swatcaptin wrote:I hate texting why did they make texting IT KILLS 1000 people EVERY DAY stupid teenagers!
It kills people? With like arthritis, or what? :-k
I mean like... so i live in stupid oklahoma you see and okies are bad drivers already BUT more and more teens get drivers license and cell phones and as you can see they talk or text and not pay attention to the road and they get them selves killed!!! It's like driving drunk!!!
It stinks that that happens but I would still text. (If I had a phone :( . ) But I would not do it when I'm driving cause thats just stpuid

Re: Texting

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:11 pm
by Helovesus
^^ i agree

Re: Texting

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 1:03 am
by Jennifer Doyle
In my current pay period, between the 12th of July and now (Aug 1st) (so what's that, 15 days?), I have sent/received 4351 text messages.

My personal best is 7200ish in a month.