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Re: The Town of Odyssey Turns Five!

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 7:57 am
by Sapphire
Okay. Here is my list. :)

1. The ToO is a place to meet wonderful AIO fans. I have made many friends here.
2. The ToO it self.
3. The smileys! :D
4. Anti-Randoms!
5. Summer Reading Contest! \:D/

(This list is in no specific order.)

Re: The Town of Odyssey Turns Five!

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 8:34 am
by Trixie Belden
I've only been here since December, but I decided to make a top 5 list as well!

1. That everyone here understands the weird obscure references to Odyssey that I make.
2. Echoing Sapphire, the smileys! They're always ready to cover for you!
3. I'll put the Anti-Randoms as well, even though I know that I will promptly be yelled at by Marvin D, Galaxy X and others for doing so! :p
4. The Missions! Always lots of fun, even though we've only had two of them so far.
5. All of you guys. Seriously, this has GOT to be one of the best, most productive, friendliest message boards out there. You guys are terrific! :grouphug:

Re: The Town of Odyssey Turns Five!

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 1:53 pm
by Peachey Keen
Yay! Happy B-day ToO! Hope you'll stay here for many years to come! \:D/ \:D/ \:D/

Re: The Town of Odyssey Turns Five!

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 2:19 pm
I too have only been here a short while, but I will make a top 5 list also.

1. The friendly people! When I first joined, people like Catspaw and AE and others really made me feel welcomed.
2. The fun! I've had a blast doing fun things (mostly in HH) with people like Trixie, Marvin, Shen, ID4J, GX and others who are probably some of my best friends on here!
3. Knowing that there are people out there who love AIO as much as I do and getting to hear their opinions. And knowing that I'm not crazy for being obsessed with a "kid's show."
4. Like Trixie said, having a place where I can randomly quote AIO episodes and people know what I'm talking about! And getting to share fun connections between Odyssey and the real world.
5. The smilies! :boohoo: :lolsign: :thewave: :hal: and every person who joined us in protesting Bernard being written off the show's favorite: :demonstration:

Thank you Shadowpaw and Catspaw, for putting such hard work into the ToO. I will do my best to still be here for the 10th anniversary! Happy 5th Birthday, ToO! :birthday:

Re: The Town of Odyssey Turns Five!

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 7:00 pm
by Shennifer
here's my top 5 lovely moments on the ToO:
1. the whole story of how I became a random
2. meeting new friends-like IN, Ben, Marvin, etc, etc.
3. Marvin coming up with a nickname for me-and saying he's gonna name his future daughter after my username
4. telling people that LizzieG is my older sister
5. telling IN about my imaginary worlds :)

Re: The Town of Odyssey Turns Five!

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 7:20 pm
by Jonathan
I'm halfway embarrased to say I completely forgot about this. Whoops.

But yay for five! \:D/

Re: The Town of Odyssey Turns Five!

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 5:27 am
by Smaug the Dragon
... me too. :anxious:

Top 5 favourite memories:

1. Finding the ToO
2. Reading the funny/thought-provoking/interesting/crazy posts
3. Realising I could join the ToO
4. Joining the ToO
5. Reading more funny/thought-provoking/interesting/crazy posts

That's pretty much my history.

Re: The Town of Odyssey Turns Five!

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 9:19 am
by TigerintheShadows
The ToO be AWESOME. Let us never forget the sheer pwnsumness.

5. Finding the ToO (and joining about five minutes later)
4. Starting the Bernard protest thread
3. Meeting Shennifer, snubs, Marvin, Trixie...the list goes on...
2. Finally being able to really discuss Odyssey with people besides my family!
1. The camaraderie among us all, I think, is perhaps the best thing about this forum. I think it's really great how we can come to this forum and debate things--like Harry Potter, Twilight, and other things--and not become infuriated with each other. We at the ToO don't have to resort to anger to express our opinions, and I like that--this place is WAY better than, say, Encyclopedia Histeria, where everyone left because of an immature poster. I'm proud to be a ToOer!

Re: The Town of Odyssey Turns Five!

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 5:48 pm
by jelly
*makes top 5 list*

5. Being accepted and welcomed into the community, even when I was an atrocious n00b. How awesome is that?
4. The mini Story Arc Hannahjiejie and I created not long after I joined, with the help of JIA and Catspaw. That was fun, even though it didn't last long. \:D/
3. The ELECTIONS and DEBATES. So much fun.
2. The Peanut Butter Randoms. Basically some fellow noobs got together and formed a group, which now thrives and boasts of overwhelming awesomeness.
1. The community. It doesn't matter if you listen to AIO or not, what you believe in, or how much of a n00b you are; this place just opens its arms and welcomes you into its warm embrace.

You're all awesome. W00t. \:D/

Re: The Town of Odyssey Turns Five!

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 10:15 pm
by Catspaw
Jelly wrote: 4. The mini Story Arc Hannahjiejie and I created not long after I joined, with the help of JIA and Catspaw. That was fun, even though it didn't last long. \:D/
The only contribution I recall making is not stopping you guys from your creative ways, but I'm glad you still remember it fondly. :D

I love reading people's lists and other thoughts about the ToO - it's a nice reminder of the many great things about the board and the different things that stand out to each of us. \:D/

Re: The Town of Odyssey Turns Five!

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 9:39 am
by jelly
well see, my memory's bad. :(

Re: The Town of Odyssey Turns Five!

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 1:08 pm
by Taq
Shennifer wrote:4. telling people that LizzieG is my older sister
I love seeing people's realization reactions to this fact as well. It's like Star Wars-- revealing a familial relationship makes all the difference!

Re: The Town of Odyssey Turns Five!

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 3:26 pm
by Shennifer
Taq wrote:
Shennifer wrote:4. telling people that LizzieG is my older sister
I love seeing people's realization reactions to this fact as well. It's like Star Wars-- revealing a familial relationship makes all the difference!
HAHA! indeed it does! and it was fun seeing peoples reaction too...

Re: The Town of Odyssey Turns Five!

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 7:02 pm
by DanP740
I doubt I would get much reaction if I told people that Tim is my brother, because mainly only older ToO users know who he is, and already know he is, except for people in the chatroom. :P

Re: The Town of Odyssey Turns Five!

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 8:08 pm
by jelly
DanP740 wrote:I doubt I would get much reaction if I told people that Tim is my brother, because mainly only older ToO users know who he is, and already know he is, except for people in the chatroom. :P
Woah, is Tim really your brother? Haha, I didn't know that. :lol:

Re: The Town of Odyssey Turns Five!

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 8:50 pm
by DanP740
Heh, guess I was slightly wrong. ;)

Re: The Town of Odyssey Turns Five!

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:45 pm
by Bren
Catspaw wrote:
Jelly wrote: 4. The mini Story Arc Hannahjiejie and I created not long after I joined, with the help of JIA and Catspaw. That was fun, even though it didn't last long. \:D/
The only contribution I recall making is not stopping you guys from your creative ways, but I'm glad you still remember it fondly. :D

I love reading people's lists and other thoughts about the ToO - it's a nice reminder of the many great things about the board and the different things that stand out to each of us. \:D/
It also shows how we have changed.

Re: The Town of Odyssey Turns Five!

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 7:56 pm
by BrokenButBeautiful
My five favorites! (in no order..)

5. Smilies!!! ](*,) :- :D :anxious:
4. Amazing friends I've made over the past couple years
3. RPGs. Unfortunately, real life hasn't given me time to do this recently..but back when I had time, I had a lot of fun with it.
2. Most threads in HH.
1. The Randoms...what can I say? I love them with everything in me. Sure, we may get on some people's nerves. But this group came into existance when I felt like I had no friends in the real world. The Randoms were the only true friends I had for a while and because of this, they will always have a special place in my life and my heart. I love you all, old and new. <3


Re: The Town of Odyssey Turns Five!

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:51 pm
Has it really been five years ago? It was yesterday and yet, a lifetime ago.

5. Catspaw. :inlove: Need I say more...?
4. The Police HQ. It was a good run.
3. Chatting it up with people here, you know who you are. ;)
2. Posting more than you...
1. The friendships and witty banter that I will always look back on and smile. \:D/


Re: The Town of Odyssey Turns Five!

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:54 pm
by DanP740
Howdy COT! Nice to see ya.