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Re: New Passages and Characters

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 1:34 pm
by Ferder
The new designs are surprisingly good. They're a huge improvement on the overdone caricatures from the last few years of albums and probably the best designs for the series yet. I guess they've realized that it's a better plan to sell products that don't have ugly characters on them. It's a shame about Whit, though. Something really doesn't work with his design. Connie on the other hand...

Re: New Passages and Characters

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:05 pm
by odysseyfan1
My brother said Eugene looks like Elvis, Whit looks like a thin version of Santa and Connie looks like a wicked, rebellious teenager. (like 13 years old) And Wooton looks like dumb-dumb head.

I think they're OK.

Re: New Passages and Characters

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:29 pm
by DanP740
Ferder wrote:They're a huge improvement on the overdone caricatures from the last few years of albums
Oh, Connie's head really is 4 times the size of her body?

Btw, good to see you again.

Re: New Passages and Characters

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 6:20 pm
by Ferder
DanP740 wrote:
Ferder wrote:They're a huge improvement on the overdone caricatures from the last few years of albums
Oh, Connie's head really is 4 times the size of her body?

Btw, good to see you again.
The characters have always been depicted as cartoons (caricatures) with big heads, but what I meant by overdone is that they've been looking extra goofy in the last few albums

Re: New Passages and Characters

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:41 pm
by DanP740
Yes, the most recent albums have been rather overdone, but her head seems to have swelled to new heights...

Re: New Passages and Characters

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 4:55 pm
by Vlipvlop
I personally really like the new Whit's design. Not that I base my perspective of the character off of the album covers anyway, but he looks much better that the recent Whit, who's head was the same size as his body. :P I don't really mind the new Eugene or Connie either. I never pictured Eugene with hair in front of his eyes anyway. That would have made it seem unreal, and I imagine Odyssey as a real place with real people, not an animated cartoon.

Re: New Passages and Characters

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 7:08 pm
by Dallas R.
Vlipvlop wrote:I personally really like the new Whit's design. Not that I base my perspective of the character off of the album covers anyway, but he looks much better that the recent Whit, who's head was the same size as his body. :P I don't really mind the new Eugene or Connie either. I never pictured Eugene with hair in front of his eyes anyway. That would have made it seem unreal, and I imagine Odyssey as a real place with real people, not an animated cartoon.
And it's because of this that we all have different ideas on whether or not we like the new pictures.
I like what you said, because you pointed out that you don't mind the new pictures because you didn't picture them looking the way they used to be anyway.
For the older fans, as in those who were around since the show began, you probably picture Whit looking more like Bruce Day's pictures. Some of you like the new Whit and Eugene, because they look a bit more like they used to when Bruce drew them.
For those of us like me, who grew up with the videos,(and maybe I'm the only one who thinks this) we picture the characters looking like they have for most of the years Odyssey has existed. Some of us are opposed to the change because the characters have gone from looking the way we want them to, to looking completely wrong in our minds.
For people who never pictured the characters looking the way the used to, or the way they look now, some of you don't really care at all because the characters aren't going to look the way you want them to either way.
It's too bad we can't all just picture all the characters the same way so that we could never have to deal with character changes.

Re: New Passages and Characters

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 6:44 am
by Bob Booth
Maybe it would have been better if the cover designers decided to just leave all of the covers white and leave it to our imagination! (of course then there would be job loss and that would drastically hurt the economy)

Re: New Passages and Characters

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 6:19 pm
by Trixie Belden
Well, we could leave that wonderful logo, and maybe an image showing the outside of Whit's End, but I agree that anything would be better than those terrible graphics we have now!

Re: New Passages and Characters

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 6:29 am
by Marvin D.
Maybe they aren't terrible, but it does look a bit weird.

Re: New Passages and Characters

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:31 pm
by LizzieG
I'm usually not terribly impressed with the character artwork, but I'm going to make an exception for the new stuff. ;) I first noticed the new Eugene in someone's avatar, and was pleasantly surprised. In fact, they're all quite good. :yes:

Re: New Passages and Characters

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:51 pm
by Marvin D.
I have to agree. Eugene looks so handsome and smart and sensible. My brother said he looks like a business man. I think he looks very nice and neat, not like the old Eugene who was always in a rush. I wonder if his character has changed any. But, there's only one way to find out: keep on listening, lol.

-- February 15th, 2010, 2:14 pm --
Eugene!.JPG (19.38 KiB) Viewed 409 times
connie.JPG (13.46 KiB) Viewed 409 times
Now, who doesn't think they would make a great couple? :-