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Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 5:59 pm
by Elrohir
I loved how Jack kept saying "maybe" all the time.

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 6:01 pm
by Taq
Wow. I was expecting the old characters, but not a fresh love story like The Triangle. I was surprised in a very good way. I didn’t think we had a chance for romance since Wooing Wooton filled the imaginary quota.

I liked Candid Conversations as a means to catch up with Lawrence and Jared. Hearing from a mature Lawrence was neat. His voice sounded completely different, and he was a lot less hyper. The Connie/Jared phone conversation was hilarious. Jared’s nervous attitude, word choice (“monster memory eraser”), and pauses were priceless. Jared now holds a grown-up job as a CIA junior analyst in DC, but he’s still the conspiracy theorist we all know and love.

The crafting of the plot was outstanding. I liked how a later part of the episode hearkened back to the beginning scene in which Lucy walks in and stops the conversation. Whit’s one comment about Lucy looking good was appropriate and enough. The restaurant scene was also great. Lucy’s one comment about wanting more organized the rest of the show well and spawned a few funny thoughts we hear from inside the guys’ heads.

The Jimmy/Connie and Curt/Bernard conversations were funny, but the Curt/Bernard dialogue also dealt with forgiveness. The Jack/Whit dialogue was solid. I liked Whit’s role as mentor. He induced Jack to reflect by asking a question. He gave advice and let Jack make his own decision.

Does anybody here read Boundless, Focus’ webzine for young adults? This article perfectly describes Jack and Lucy’s last four years together, including Jack’s noncommittal attitude and Lucy stepping back.

Absolutely 5/5! We got connection with the past, a fresh love story, humor, clear lesson setups (the importance of marriage and forgiveness), great writing and acting, and nice musical connectives. This episode surpassed the monstrous hype. Well done, Odyssey team! I look forward to hearing part 2.

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 6:47 pm
by Amethystic
I love all the old characters in this episode! :shocking: But isn't Jared a little young for the CIA? 8-) I mean, he's only Mandy and Liz's age!(Though maybe he's on some sort of scholarship there or something :proff: ) How do you crash a flight simulator?
:borg: :robot: :virus: Like that?

Who do you think Lucy will end up with? (If she ends up with anyone!)

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 7:12 pm
by Crazy 4 Pugs
Where can I listen to this ep (and other new ones)? I thought they weren't making any new eps? Or are they just on the radio?

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 7:21 pm
by Amethystic
Where can I listen to this ep (and other new ones)? I thought they weren't making any new eps? Or are they just on the radio?
you can go 2 4 the latest AIO eps

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 9:56 pm
by Crazy 4 Pugs
Thanks. I've been doing an AIO marathon on Oneplace tonight. My dad's band is playing a restaurant until 12:30 (AM), so I've been vegging out all night.

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 10:13 pm
by Dave
I wasn't actually expecting much from this show, but I was pleasantly surprised. Well-timed humor, subtle references to previous shows (the conversation between Curt and Bernard was a highlight), and a good message about commitment in a relationship. The plot was quite basic, though. 4/5.

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 10:15 pm
by King Butter Turtle
Samitude wrote:Hmm.....I'm guessing Lucy and Jack will get together since they were almost engaged. Maybe Jimmy and Connie will get together. They certainly have a history. Perhaps Richard will come back and take Lucy away! No.....HE NEEDS CONNIE!

By the way, is Curt supposed to be black on the show? I have mentally pictured him as white all these twenty years having never seen a photograph of him. I was very surprised to see his picture with the Official Odyssey Podcast interview and to find out he is black. There's nothing wrong with it I just wish they would have told us back then so we would know. The Washingtons obviously are by their voices so I know how to mentally picture them. The same goes for Agent Borland. His voice doesn't sound like a typical black person's so I automatically thought he was white.
A black actor can play a white character. Also, how do we know agent Borland is black?

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 10:28 pm
by Jonathan
King Butter Turtle wrote:
Samitude wrote:Hmm.....I'm guessing Lucy and Jack will get together since they were almost engaged. Maybe Jimmy and Connie will get together. They certainly have a history. Perhaps Richard will come back and take Lucy away! No.....HE NEEDS CONNIE!

By the way, is Curt supposed to be black on the show? I have mentally pictured him as white all these twenty years having never seen a photograph of him. I was very surprised to see his picture with the Official Odyssey Podcast interview and to find out he is black. There's nothing wrong with it I just wish they would have told us back then so we would know. The Washingtons obviously are by their voices so I know how to mentally picture them. The same goes for Agent Borland. His voice doesn't sound like a typical black person's so I automatically thought he was white.
A black actor can play a white character. Also, how do we know agent Borland is black?
Or an even better question: does it matter?

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 11:19 am
by Smaug the Dragon

Well, after listening to that episode I have but one thing I have to say:

JARED!!! :woo!:

Uh-huh, yep. Great episode, although I think the plot was a little predictable I don't suppose it was meant to be suspensful or anything... Mmmhmmm, Jared was classic, of course. And Laurance too. 5/5. (I'm usually pretty generous with them stars.)

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 5:38 pm
by Jessicado
Lucy? Seriously, Lucy? ](*,)

I was so excited to hear from all the old characters (even Lucy), but when all the guys were in love with her.....ugh. The phone conversations with Connie were great. Hearing from the rest of the old cast was also great....but having all three guys in love with Lucy, not so great!

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 7:38 pm
by King Butter Turtle
Jonathan wrote:
King Butter Turtle wrote:
Samitude wrote:Hmm.....I'm guessing Lucy and Jack will get together since they were almost engaged. Maybe Jimmy and Connie will get together. They certainly have a history. Perhaps Richard will come back and take Lucy away! No.....HE NEEDS CONNIE!

By the way, is Curt supposed to be black on the show? I have mentally pictured him as white all these twenty years having never seen a photograph of him. I was very surprised to see his picture with the Official Odyssey Podcast interview and to find out he is black. There's nothing wrong with it I just wish they would have told us back then so we would know. The Washingtons obviously are by their voices so I know how to mentally picture them. The same goes for Agent Borland. His voice doesn't sound like a typical black person's so I automatically thought he was white.
A black actor can play a white character. Also, how do we know agent Borland is black?
Or an even better question: does it matter?
In these cases, your right, it doesn't matter.

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 7:41 pm
by Trent DeWhite
Mable wrote:This episode is "ear candy" for longtime fans, and we've been anticipating it for a long time! I can't wait to hear the second part and review it.
I couldn't agree more with your statement. O:)

In other news, the Unofficial Podcast's review of this episode will be posted tomorrow night! \:D/

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 9:41 am
by Laura Ingalls
This episode was well done...I really enjoyed hearing all the grown up voices. Jared being in the CIA was a little confusing, as he was supposed to be Mandy's age. It's weird the way it switched from Trent being friends and hanging around Jared, Mandy, and Liz although he's younger, to suddenly Jared's older than them all and Trent's the same age as Mandy and Liz. :-

As to the story, while some may like all the romance, that sort of thing is not my cup of tea. ;) I think it's a prime example of the ridiculousness of the dating/crushes/she's so cute/does he like me? type of thinking. But I'll not go into a long-winded CCDS post on that subject at the moment. ;)
I just didn't enjoy the plot for that reason...I was rolling my eyes a lot at the different conversations.

So while it was a well-done episode, and I enjoyed the old characters coming back, I'm rating this 3/5 just because I wouldn't particularly want to listen to it over and over again. :)

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:17 am
by firebirdsoccergrl
it was rather interesting... i can't wait for the conclution

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:34 am
by AioMan
Samitude wrote: By the way, is Curt supposed to be black on the show? I have mentally pictured him as white all these twenty years having never seen a photograph of him. I was very surprised to see his picture with the Official Odyssey Podcast interview and to find out he is black. There's nothing wrong with it I just wish they would have told us back then so we would know.
The same exact thing happened to me, until I saw his picture.

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 12:17 pm
by Mr.Whit
Bobby Manning wrote:
Samitude wrote: By the way, is Curt supposed to be black on the show? I have mentally pictured him as white all these twenty years having never seen a photograph of him. I was very surprised to see his picture with the Official Odyssey Podcast interview and to find out he is black. There's nothing wrong with it I just wish they would have told us back then so we would know.
The same exact thing happened to me, until I saw his picture.
Yeah same here

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 1:32 pm
by H Tide
I absolutely LOVED this episode. :) It was so awesome hearing the Lucy, Jimmy, Curt, and Jack again, especially after all these years. Connie's interviews with Jared and Lawrence were hilarious! Yeah, a little bit wacky, but funny all the same. I really enjoyed at the whole triangle (or rather square) between Curt, Jack, Jimmy, and Lucy. And I burst out laughing when I heard each of the guy's thoughts after Lucy's "I love you guys" statement. :lol: One thing I would've liked to hear was Lucy's thoughts on the whole situation. Hopefully we'll hear more from her in part two. Excellent episode! Five stars! \:D/

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:32 am
by Emma Grace
I very much agree with Laura Ingalls.

It was wonderful to have the reunion with the characters and all but why the need of a little soap opera? In all honesty, I am a little disappointed in Odyssey. It seems to have been promoting these crushes more and more. I did like the talk that Whit gave Jack on commitment, though.

The Candid Conversations with Connie, Lawrence, and Jared were great and funny.

I would give this a 3 to 4.

An Arrow in His Hands,
Emma Grace

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 6:02 pm
by DanP740
King Butter Turtle wrote:
Jonathan wrote:
King Butter Turtle wrote:
Samitude wrote:Hmm.....I'm guessing Lucy and Jack will get together since they were almost engaged. Maybe Jimmy and Connie will get together. They certainly have a history. Perhaps Richard will come back and take Lucy away! No.....HE NEEDS CONNIE!

By the way, is Curt supposed to be black on the show? I have mentally pictured him as white all these twenty years having never seen a photograph of him. I was very surprised to see his picture with the Official Odyssey Podcast interview and to find out he is black. There's nothing wrong with it I just wish they would have told us back then so we would know. The Washingtons obviously are by their voices so I know how to mentally picture them. The same goes for Agent Borland. His voice doesn't sound like a typical black person's so I automatically thought he was white.
A black actor can play a white character. Also, how do we know agent Borland is black?
Or an even better question: does it matter?
In these cases, your right, it doesn't matter.
And, who said anything about Borland being back.