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Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 8:41 am
by Mr.Whit
Jonathan wrote:
Trent DeWhite wrote:anyhow, you can hear my full thoughts when the thirty-second episode of Unofficial Podcast releases Monday evening!
30 second?
lol lol

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 9:25 am
by Trent DeWhite
Jonathan wrote:
Trent DeWhite wrote:anyhow, you can hear my full thoughts when the thirty-second episode of Unofficial Podcast releases Monday evening!
Haha, I guess that was rather ambiguous... 32nd Podcast. \:D/

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 9:28 am
by Jonathan
Trent DeWhite wrote:
Jonathan wrote:
Trent DeWhite wrote:anyhow, you can hear my full thoughts when the thirty-second episode of Unofficial Podcast releases Monday evening!
Haha, I guess that was rather ambiguous... 32nd Podcast. \:D/
lol, ah, ok. I just figured you were going to talk really really fast or something ;)

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 7:38 pm
by H Tide
I loved this episode! It was funny, interesting, and we got to hear from the Washington’s as a family…we haven’t heard that in a while. I enjoyed the hearing each member of the Washington family adjust to life on the American frontier. The expert from Williamsburg was funny as well, though I initially thought he was an imposter. :anxious: Overall, five stars!

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 11:54 pm
by Forte
I really don't know how I felt about this episode.

On the one hand, it was funny and enjoyable. It had the humor, the wit, the slight tweaking of popular culture in the realm of pizza joint names, everything I like about Odyssey. It was just a nice episode, with no big twists or surprises or anything like that.

On the other hand, it almost felt boring in a way. I guess that, considering the "project" I'm working on, this type of storytelling just doesn't grab me enough. I don't fault the episode for it, really, seeing as how this is probably a personal problem with me, but I just couldn't get engaged in it. Really, it seemed fairly predictable, for the most part.

Maybe it's just because the Washington's stopped being interesting to me for awhile, I don't know. But my gut tells me that I'll probably not be listening to this episode very much in the future. Maybe my mind will change after a relisten, but I'm not very optimistic.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:40 am
by Arla
I felt the that the story line was pretty cool. But like other people, I feel like it was a bit of a let down considering what is going on. Five Stars just for the visual in my head of the history specialist doing the chicken dance while Mayor Faye and the Senator came in.! \:D/ I laughed out loud!

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:24 pm
by Jessicado
I liked this episode (although I still want to hear what is going to happen to Whit's End). I like the Washington's, and although Kelly has somewhat annoyed me in previous episodes, I actually didn't find her annoying in this one. I was cracking up when the dad was answering the test questions with Abraham.

I did think the same thing about them being a black family and being accurate too...Not that there was anything wrong with them playing the part, I just figured the historically accurate nut would say something.

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 7:42 am
by suzanne291
I'm guessing the AIO team didn't think it would be prudent to mention that on the show. But the Washingtons are really the only family they could have used.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 11:09 pm
by Taq
The episode had some funny moments, e.g. Marvin getting chastised for having a coin with a 9-year-old boy on it in his pocket. A different angle for a historical episode, but not an angle I particularly enjoyed.

633: License to Deprive

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 10:26 am
by JD
I liked it alot it was very interesting How Ed Wasightan said "OOOHHHHHHHHHH Man" :lolsign:
Taq wrote:The episode had some funny moments, e.g. Marvin getting chastised for having a coin with a 9-year-old boy on it in his pocket. A different angle for a historical episode, but not an angle I particularly enjoyed.
very funny :lolsign:
Trent DeWhite wrote:
Jonathan wrote:
Trent DeWhite wrote:anyhow, you can hear my full thoughts when the thirty-second episode of Unofficial Podcast releases Monday evening!
Haha, I guess that was rather ambiguous... 32nd Podcast. \:D/
HA HA 30 seconds. :lolsign:

edit: Triple post combined...please remember to use the edit button when you have more to say. Thanks! ;) ~HB

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 10:05 pm
by Dave
I thought this was a fun history episode. The Washingtons were believable, the storyline had just enough to it to keep it interesting, and I liked the message, too. This episode really shows promise for the Washington family, so it's sad that this may be their last (or penultimate) episode. 4/5.

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 8:55 pm
by Crazy 4 Pugs
It was a little bizarre (i.e. far-fetched), but it was entertaining. Kinda campy. I liked the "Dominingo's" thing.

Posted: Sun May 25, 2008 5:09 pm
by #1KellyFan
I LOVED this episode a lot! I really liked how Kelly bantered with Marvin! I also LOVED how Kelly is fitting in with the Washingtons’! My favorite line was from Kelly. Kelly: You guys are no fun! That was a pure little sister moment! Overall this episode was wonderful!

Unofficial KODY review

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:11 pm
by KODY 105
This story of the Washingtons playing a pioneer-age family doesn't fit in well with the rest of the episodes in this season. It appears to have been randomly tossed into the middle of the season. It is nice to hear from the Washingtons, but I wanted to hear some development on the best small town contest.

Just one question: do historical acting companies really push the actors this hard?

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 7:21 am
by dancer5678
I really liked it because it reminded me of how I used to wish I could have known how Laura Ingalls.

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 5:01 pm
by mydoghasfleas
it was a fun episode but i could totally tell that the guy who was playing Abraham was the same guy who played Lester in previous episodes.

Re: 633: License to Deprive

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 8:55 pm
by TigerintheShadows
I just relistened to the episode and honestly, I really like it. It's definitely one of my favorites now.

My family has a long history of being major, major American history geeks, and I am no exception. I took a two-year AP US History course in which I learned about many of the things that the Washingtons were hit with in this episode, and the episode brings back fond memories of my teacher and all of the things I learned—as a matter of fact, Abraham Darrow could have been my teacher—both of them have the same amount of appreciation for and knowledge of history, and it really means something to them as opposed to simply being something to teach or talk about. From this side of APUSH, the aesop about appreciating history meant even more to me, and I liked the fact that this episode talked about an inherently secular point, but still connected it to a Biblical lesson about contentment. We don't appreciate history nearly as much as we should, but there's so much value in knowing and understanding your legacy and appreciating your origins—and the fact that people actually did once live the way the Washingtons had to during their "boot camp".

I also really enjoyed the character interactions between the Washingtons. They feel like a real family, have done since their introduction, and they have wonderful chemistry with one another. Kelly could have easily been like a Xavier—a bit of an odd one out—but she fits right in and works well with her siblings and parents. Abraham Darrow was also very good; I like the fact that a perfectionistic stickler for accuracy, so often lampooned and parodied in modern media, was portrayed in a positive, sympathetic light from the start—even when he's ranting at the Washingtons in the beginning, the line "Don't you see what you're doing? You're mocking history! And you're mocking everyone who walks through that door when you do!" revealed a lot of passion amidst the nitpicking.

Also: "They had a deal where if you didn't get your pizza in three days, it was free!" is one of my absolute favorite Marvin lines.