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Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2012 11:52 pm
by EK
Really Jelly you would cut catwoman? Really she and JGL made that movie. I honestly cannot see any valid points being made in those being critical of this movie, Nolan was far from pulling a spiderman 3, this movie was a work of art. So go away Jelly. This movie needs to be seen and enjoyed by everyone.

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:23 am
by Caswin
Mike Lowery wrote:I honestly cannot see any valid points being made in those being critical of this movie
Offhand, can you tell me why everyone was on that plane at the beginning without looking it up?

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 8:55 am
by ric
They were there to transport Dr. Pavel. I think.

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 10:30 am
by jelly
Mike Lowery wrote:Really Jelly you would cut catwoman? Really she and JGL made that movie.
JGL, absolutely, he was like the best character in the film. Hathaway, it was like she didn't belong. If there hadn't been so many other characters crowding Gotham, she might have had more room to develop as a character.
Mike Lowery wrote:So go away Jelly.
no. :x

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 10:38 am
by EK
Caswin wrote:
Mike Lowery wrote:I honestly cannot see any valid points being made in those being critical of this movie
Offhand, can you tell me why everyone was on that plane at the beginning without looking it up?
The bomb dude was on the plane.

Tyler Durden wrote:
Mike Lowery wrote:Really Jelly you would cut catwoman? Really she and JGL made that movie.
JGL, absolutely, he was like the best character in the film. Hathaway, it was like she didn't belong. If there hadn't been so many other characters crowding Gotham, she might have had more room to develop as a character.
Mike Lowery wrote:So go away Jelly.
no. :x
Other characters? I honestly loved her character, she was certainly pivotal to a lot of the plot points in the movie.

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:54 am
by jelly
Mike Lowery wrote:
Tyler Durden wrote:
Mike Lowery wrote:Really Jelly you would cut catwoman? Really she and JGL made that movie.
JGL, absolutely, he was like the best character in the film. Hathaway, it was like she didn't belong. If there hadn't been so many other characters crowding Gotham, she might have had more room to develop as a character.
Other characters? I honestly loved her character, she was certainly pivotal to a lot of the plot points in the movie.
How? Except for
at the end when she kills(?) Bane and drops some really cheesy line about Batman's no-killing rule (which sucked because it made Bane's death all anti-climactic and disappointing), why else was she there other than sex appeal?
Also, I was really just kinda mad at
the plot twist, which was kinda just predicable and suddenly we're supposed to forget about Bane and shift our focus to this barely-developed character that doesn't even live five minutes before dying in a car crash. What was her motive, anyway? Destroying Gotham because her father wanted to? Why did she sleep with Bruce earlier on in the film? :|

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 1:46 pm
by EK
On Catwoman
First of all she set in motion the entire plot of the film by stealing Bruce Wayne's prints, master thief skills and all. Next brought Batman to Bane in the first place and betrayed him (in true Catwoman fashion) after helping him all along the way. And then she was pivotal in the final moments, blowing open the tunnel, killing bane, and during the final chase scene...AND she, as Selina Kyle, was Bruce Wayne's ultimate love interest as seen by Alfred in the final moments of the film. She fit in perfectly.
on your other point
Well, that's the nature of the league of shadows, the relationship between her and bane was amazing and while she hated her father, the ideals of the LoS were still in her, she wanted to carry out Ras' plan of destroying Gotham from the beginning, it gives the plot more motive than just Bane is a crazy terrorist. Also, did she not sleep with Wayne, then get access to the machine and the board? There was motivation behind everything...and having Talia al Ghul, the daughter of the devil, in there was the most amazing thing Nolan could've done for a Batman fan. To even make such an obscure and hard to produce villain such as Ras (and even Bane) shine in this trilogy It was awesome. I think Nolan really likes the league of shadows storyline and it definitely fits within a Batman series that's uber realistic and only encompasses like 6 name brand villains (Scarecrow, Ras, Joker, Two-Face, Bane, and Talia) over three movies. I feel the mainstream story movie (TDK) with Joker and Two-Face was done because well, it's Batman, you can't have Batman without the Joker and Two-Face...and Nolan executed it perfectly, but the LoS was the overarching theme of the trilogy so it made sense to put Talia in there. Just my two cents as a Batman fan and a movie fan in general. Everything in this movie was executed perfectly to me, even a daytime Batman was executed great in the climax of the movie. Which was weird to see to me personally...for whatever reason.
In earnest even if you aren't a comic book fan but you loved this trilogy, I recommend you guys read The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller, it's the comic that birthed the entire tone of the Nolan trilogy, and is just as much a masterpiece as this trilogy is.

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:00 pm
by Steve
I'm finally gonna go see this dang movie!! Thursday, baby!

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:19 pm
by Termite

And I'm taking my plushie Batman. For realz.

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 9:43 pm
by American Eagle
Since this is the thread for all the current Batman stuff, Christian Bale is an absolute hero. >_>

He went to visit a bunch of the shooting victims today, after calling the hospital ahead and asking them to keep all the media away. ... g-victims/

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:06 pm
by jelly
There was a list circulating around facebook trying to encourage this into happening, I think it's pretty awesome that it did.

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 11:22 pm
by EK
Heh I saw that, I didn't share it because I thought it was another one of those facebook things that never happens. But it's pretty amazing that it did happen. Awesome of Bale to do, it raises him up a level in my mind, especially after that tape of him on the set of TDK leaked made him seem like a uhhh not so nice guy.

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:04 pm
by Shennifer
I saw this today with my dad and my sister. I was riveted to the screen the entire time.
I felt the hopeless feelings as Bane his cohorts did what they didBane seemed to defeat Batman and crush his spirit. But for the good side, I loved the few who tried to do what was right, and succeeded. I even liked that in the end, Selina Kyle didn't leave after initially getting the 'clean slate' program and blowing up the wall to let the cops through to help or something.
Batman being alive was...well, I thought he actually died, and Alfred seeing him at the end wasn't real. And it made me think of Inception somehow, of being left hanging about the details. But, I did like it overall and even the hint of John Blake's legal name being Robin.
The whole Miss Tate suddenly being revealed to be one of the villains surprised me, but I did think the story was good.
On a lesser note, it was a bit off-putting to see actors who were also in Inception (JGL, Marion Cotillard, Tom Hardy-though only briefly seeing his face)

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:13 pm
by Termite
Did anyone else start screeching in laughter when Crane popped up on the judge's seat?

Cause I could feel the dirty looks from around me. \:D/

I'm not one for in-depth reviews... and I'm too lazy to use a spoiler box. I LOVED THIS. It was INCREDIBLE. Fitting finish for the Batman trilogy.

I'm really glad I had my plushie Batman though; I was about wringing his neck the entire time while peeking through the ears on his cowl.

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 5:34 pm
by ric
Rose Tyler wrote:On a lesser note, it was a bit off-putting to see actors who were also in Inception (JGL, Marion Cotillard, Tom Hardy-though only briefly seeing his face)
Why would that be off-putting? Christopher Nolan uses only the best.

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:00 pm
by Aeva
What a fabulous film. :inlove: I loved everything about it, even the ending. I thought I would only be able to think of The Princess Diaries every time Anne Hathaway was on the screen, but I honestly didn't even think of them once. She did a great job, imho, as did Tom Hardy.
The one bit that made me cringe was when the doctor in the pit put Bruce's spine back in order. Gahhh, I could almost feel the agony. That was worse than the Joker sticking his knife into people's mouths.
In conclusion, I experienced a Jelly moment, which I feel compelled to share with you all. \:D/
Although I expected this film to be psychologically moving, I did not expect to get a spiritual lesson, but I did. During the scenes in which Bruce tries to climb out of the pit twice before he succeeds, it suddenly occurred to me that we sometimes live out our walks of faith like this. We run into an obstacle, and we can hear God saying, "Go on, climb. You can make it." So we decide to climb, but, instead of completely trusting Him, we climb with a rope because we can't shake those niggling doubts that we might not make it, that we might fall. It's so difficult to step out in faith and climb without a rope, even though that truly is how we should be climbing.
Okay, serious moment over. Let's talk about how hot Christian Bale is. :grineyes:

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:16 pm
by jelly
Loki wrote:In conclusion, I experienced a Jelly moment, which I feel compelled to share with you all. \:D/
Although I expected this film to be psychologically moving, I did not expect to get a spiritual lesson, but I did. During the scenes in which Bruce tries to climb out of the pit twice before he succeeds, it suddenly occurred to me that we sometimes live out our walks of faith like this. We run into an obstacle, and we can hear God saying, "Go on, climb. You can make it." So we decide to climb, but, instead of completely trusting Him, we climb with a rope because we can't shake those niggling doubts that we might not make it, that we might fall. It's so difficult to step out in faith and climb without a rope, even though that truly is how we should be climbing.
This was literally the best part of the whole film, for realz. \:D/ I love that you caught that.

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:34 pm
by The Top Crusader
I like the Glenn Beck is demanding royalties for the film. \:D/

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:06 pm
by jelly
This 'ultimate' trailer just gave me the chills, it's that good.

I actually can't wait to do a Dark Knight Trilogy marathon once Rises has been released on DVD.

Re: The Dark Knight Rises

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 6:14 pm
by bookworm
Opposite actions by two people involved in the tragedy:

A man who witnessed it is suing the theater for having an unguarded door, and is considering suing the shooter's doctors for not monitoring his mental condition as well as suing Warner Bros for releasing violent movies that might have inspired the shooter.

One of the actual shooting victims forgives the shooter and wants to meet and pray with him.