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Re: QnA Evolution

Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2012 3:04 pm
by 31899
I would like to introduce to Christian A. and conquestor to
On another note: conquestor, you obviously don't understand the work of Marx and Engels, for they were about eliminating all class, and creating equality, you know, that thing that we as Christians are supposed to encourage. Also if you had read and understood any of Marx work you would know that dictatorship and communism are not necessarily companions as you so blindly stated, and communist and socialist thought generally believes in rehabilitation, not murder.

I would also like to note that arguing theory is a waste of time.


Re: QnA Evolution

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:01 pm
by Christian A.
Here's the quote, since you so badly need it: ;)
The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex; The Works of Charles Darwin, D. Appleton and Company, New York. wrote:“At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time, the anthropomorphous apes. . . will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilized state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the Negro or Australian and the gorilla.”

Re: QnA Evolution

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 5:08 pm
by 31899
All that is saying is that people will inevitably war and the weaker group will die. Also you appear to have left a portion out.

Back Seat Modding time: Please remember to use proper ToO quote parentheses.


Re: QnA Evolution

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 5:36 pm
by TigerintheShadows
I think he was using that to point out what evolutionists thought regarding blacks and Aborigines, which was due to a mistake on my part, and having read the quote, I concede the point.

Speaking of points, Christian, 31899 also has a good one. You can't just state something blandly as fact without a source to back it up. I did that, unfortunately, because I didn't phrase myself properly, but the point still stands.

Re: QnA Evolution

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 6:34 am
by Christian A.
I did say,
Christian A. wrote:I don't have an exact quote, but I can probably find it if you want it.
But I will try to post the quotes with my statements of fact in the future.

Re: QnA Evolution

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:54 am
by Blitz
I have read a little of Marx and Engels works and I quote.
Let the ruling classes tremble at a communistic revolution. the proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.
Communist Manifesto
YOu must therefore confess that by individual you mean no other person than the bourgeois than the middle-class owner of property. This person must indeed be swept out of the way and made impossible
Stalin and the others killed over millions to succeed. Oh and Communism believes there is no God. There equality is a different sort everyone is 'perfect like a god'. He believed that humans would evolve because of evolution to the final sinless perfect state with no leadership.

Re: QnA Evolution

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 12:03 pm
by 31899
Blitz wrote:I have read a little of Marx and Engels works and I quote.
Let the ruling classes tremble at a communistic revolution. the proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.
Communist Manifesto
YOu must therefore confess that by individual you mean no other person than the bourgeois than the middle-class owner of property. This person must indeed be swept out of the way and made impossible
Stalin and the others killed over millions to succeed. Oh and Communism believes there is no God. There equality is a different sort everyone is 'perfect like a god'. He believed that humans would evolve because of evolution to the final sinless perfect state with no leadership.
You are completely right, how could I have been so wrong and misunderstood[/sarcasm]

Actual Comment
Please continue to swelter in your ignorance and fear, and continue to quote things completely irrelevant to the points you are trying to make. In addition it is completely a good idea to make unbacked-up, false comments, such as
Blitz wrote:Oh and Communism believes there is no God.
(Also many [including Marx] would not recognise the U.S.S.R., and many other states that have claimed to be or claim to be communist, as communist). I can not change what you fear or how you think, but until you are able to use logic and have the cognitive ability to understand academic documents (and use quotation bubbles properly), this discussion is absolutely pointless and I will cease my commenting.

Re: QnA Evolution

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 12:24 pm
by Blitz
I quote what I forgot to quote Marx most famous saying
Religion is the Opiate of the People

Re: QnA Evolution

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 12:25 pm
by Knight Fisher
Blitz wrote:I quote what I forgot to quote Marx most famous saying
Religion is the Opiate of the People
Context and proceeding and following paragraphs please.

Re: QnA Evolution

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 12:32 pm
by Blitz
It mean religion should be removed if you want the perfect society. because is causes division. Which is why communist kill Christians

Re: QnA Evolution

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 1:00 pm
by Knight Fisher
Blitz wrote:It mean religion should be removed if you want the perfect society. because is causes division. Which is why communist kill Christians
Context and proceeding and following paragraphs please.

Re: QnA Evolution

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 1:09 pm
by bookworm
A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right wrote:The foundation of irreligious criticism is: Man makes religion, religion does not make man. Religion is, indeed, the self-consciousness and self-esteem of man who has either not yet won through to himself, or has already lost himself again. But man is no abstract being squatting outside the world. Man is the world of man – state, society. This state and this society produce religion, which is an inverted consciousness of the world, because they are an inverted world. Religion is the general theory of this world, its encyclopaedic compendium, its logic in popular form, its spiritual point d’honneur, its enthusiasm, its moral sanction, its solemn complement, and its universal basis of consolation and justification. It is the fantastic realization of the human essence since the human essence has not acquired any true reality. The struggle against religion is, therefore, indirectly the struggle against that world whose spiritual aroma is religion.

Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.

The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions. The criticism of religion is, therefore, in embryo, the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the halo.

Re: QnA Evolution

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2012 1:25 pm
by Knight Fisher
Thank you Bookworm.

Re: QnA Evolution

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:04 am
by 31899
Blitz wrote:It mean religion should be removed if you want the perfect society. because is causes division. Which is why communist kill Christians
Like I have said before, true communism doesn't generally believe in/use murder or commit acts of genocide. Also, if you understood the context you would realise that what they are saying is that religion is a symptom of a larger disease, not that they want to kill anyone who has a religious belief. Also, you seem to have missed that it is directed at all religions, not just Christianity ;).


Re: QnA Evolution

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 12:56 pm
by Blitz
But Communism is for a strange reason all ways killing and I agree with some of your points but I still say Communism kills. It also kills from the collective farms. (by the way I thought this was on evolution) 20,000 people died in one year on the farms.

Re: QnA Evolution

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 2:36 pm
by Steve
Communism is based of the wont of man to avoid God. Since man is imperfect (Which is his fault [I refer you to Genesis Chapter 3 if you think I'm wrong]) he cannot want to love a holy God on his own. Communism is simply an attempt to avoid responsibility and having to admit humanity is flawed. Oh! And we're off-topic because this thread is about evolution. Not Communism.

Re: QnA Evolution

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 7:48 pm
by TigerintheShadows
This is true, but it's not like the evolution thing was ever getting anywhere.
Blitz wrote:But Communism is for a strange reason all ways killing
Thing about communism and socialism is that they don't work if not everybody agrees with them. You have to have unanimity for those political systems to work; otherwise you'd have something of an uprising on your hands.
Blitz wrote:Which is why communist kill Christians
Religion isn't exclusive to Christianity. ;) The reason why some people have the conception that communism is all about purging is that Communism has had a history of horrible leadership, Stalin perhaps being the most prominent. It's not that Communism entails killing people; it's just that its leaders resorted to it in order to retain control.

And at some point, Nazism was brought up with the persecuting of Jews and their evolutionary status being at its roots; I don't think that this is true, though. The Nazis hated the Jews, sure, but they also hated Gypsies, Jehovah's Witnesses, the physically and mentally disabled, Africans, Asians, and basically anybody who wasn't a member of the supposedly genetically superior Aryans. We tend to think of the Jews because they got the worst end of that stick, as they were the most densely populated people group out of all of those persecuted at that time in Germany, but even Christians were sent to concentration camps, and it was more of a "tainted blood" thing than a "lower evolution" thing.

Re: QnA Evolution

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:57 pm
by Whitty Whit
Ginny Weasley wrote:This is true, but it's not like the evolution thing was ever getting anywhere.
Blitz wrote:But Communism is for a strange reason all ways killing
Thing about communism and socialism is that they don't work if not everybody agrees with them. You have to have unanimity for those political systems to work; otherwise you'd have something of an uprising on your hands.
Blitz wrote:Which is why communist kill Christians
Religion isn't exclusive to Christianity. ;) The reason why some people have the conception that communism is all about purging is that Communism has had a history of horrible leadership, Stalin perhaps being the most prominent. It's not that Communism entails killing people; it's just that its leaders resorted to it in order to retain control.

And at some point, Nazism was brought up with the persecuting of Jews and their evolutionary status being at its roots; I don't think that this is true, though. The Nazis hated the Jews, sure, but they also hated Gypsies, Jehovah's Witnesses, the physically and mentally disabled, Africans, Asians, and basically anybody who wasn't a member of the supposedly genetically superior Aryans. We tend to think of the Jews because they got the worst end of that stick, as they were the most densely populated people group out of all of those persecuted at that time in Germany, but even Christians were sent to concentration camps, and it was more of a "tainted blood" thing than a "lower evolution" thing.
Sure they don't necessarily go exclusively after Christians. But the thing is. communists don't like anybody that opposes them. And not all communists resort to killing people to retain control. They will kill people for almost no reason at all. And the main reason Christianity gets such a bad rap is because it is the only correct faith. I will expound if people wish me to.

Re: QnA Evolution

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 6:55 am
by TigerintheShadows
Whitty Whit wrote:But the thing is. communists don't like anybody that opposes them.
Ginny Weasley wrote:Thing about communism and socialism is that they don't work if not everybody agrees with them. You have to have unanimity for those political systems to work; otherwise you'd have something of an uprising on your hands.
Whitty Whit wrote:They will kill people for almost no reason at all
Again, that's more of the person following the philosophy than the philosophy itself. People who kill other people for almost no reason have followed every philosophy, even the ones that teach the opposite. The problem with communism, again, is that it needs unanimity to retain control, and because most of the people following it have gotten pretty paranoid, they resort to the purging. It's not that it teaches killing those who oppose you; the people following it were just like that to begin with.

Re: QnA Evolution

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 10:17 am
by 31899
I significantly agree with Ginny (sorry for addressing you in the third person). Also when one see a country killing off people that claims to be communist, that person should seriously think about whether or not that country is actually a communist country. Communism gets a bad reputation from poor leadership and improper use, but there have been instances where communist like groups have existed and worked very well. These were before the word communist even existed, but they include the early church and many native peoples of North America before contact.