What did you do Today?

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Post by ajamj »

Today I worked 9.5 hours, bought the airline tix for our vacation next March, stopped at the library, popped in at my moms, played Army men, ate, showered twice, and currently am doing laundry and am the computer. Oh, and watched a part of the Seventh Heaven Season 2 dvds.
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Post by Hope »

i went running with a friend... *sits down trying to get comfortable but legs hurt to much* it will get better. im planning on running throughout the summer...
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Post by Aelwyn »

Today I baked cookies and wrapped them and took them to sell at a hardware store.
I also read a lot. :D And I cut out a split skirt and started sewing it.
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Post by Arwen »

Babysat at the YMCA, spent an hour and 45 minutes at McDonalds, cleaned my room, listened to a CD three times (I'm on my third time), ate, laughed, smiled, felt sad, prayed, straightened my hair, attempted to curl the ends of my hair, thought about the future, talked on the phone, showered, did other things in the bathroom, slept, woke up, coughed, sneezed, sighed, got goosebumps, burnt my finger, frowned at the ants on my wall, listened to the rest of "The Last Battle," let my hair get blown by a breeze, went outside barefoot, went outside with sandals on, put laundry in a hamper, listened to a voicemail message, made a phone call, went for a walk, thought about certain people, had conversations with the members of my family, sat down, stood up, read a book, ate ice cream, typed on a computer, listened to the radio, had conversations with other people, visited the ToO, wasted time on a post about what I did all day, stuck my tongue out, pulled it back in, thought about what to wear to church tomorrow, wondered about my calling, wondered if I could actually teach Sunday School someday, thought about Camp Life, longed for Camp Life, thought about my future kids, tried to remember things, and drank diet Coke.

Not necessarily in that order.
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof; is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."
-Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless
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Post by Linne »

Got up at five, left at six to go run, ran eight miles at XC practice, came home and got to play with my new iPod, and read many books! \:D/
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Rachael Blackgaard
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Post by Rachael Blackgaard »

Stayed up until 6:30 AM.

Woke up crying over something difficult I knew I had to do.

Had a rough day with my dad.

Came online.

Had a fight with someone on IM.


Did the difficult something I knew I had to do (with help).

Cried some more.

Still crying a bit, actually...
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