701: Unbecoming Jay

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701: Unbecoming Jay

Post by Laura Ingalls »

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Post by Joy »

I thought this was extremely funny! Though, I found the scene where they all made up, quite stupid. The scenes with Jay were hilarious, as they always are! I don't have much to say, besides that.
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Post by Dallas R. »

Hmm. I'm not sure what to think of today's episode. I mean, personally, I liked the story, and laughed quite a few times. Jay was amazing, and Barret did a pretty good job too. I related to the episode, which doesn't happen as often anymore now that I am many years out of the age range, and the episodes have been a bit toned down.

But actually, my relating to this episode is sort of what scares me. When we all started asking for a few more mature episodes, I didn't realize they would still use the younger kids in Odyssey to portray these messages. I think this Barret and Priscilla thing is getting a little too close to dating. The Most Amazing Loser was on the line, but this one really makes it seem like Barret and Priscilla are a couple. Unless they use this on a future episode about how silly it is for junior high kids to date, I don't know if I like where they're going with this.

Overall though, I thought it really was good, and I am becoming more and more impressed with the season with each new episode. I can't believe it's almost over already. 3.4/4

Oh, and random side note, when Jay is sneaking around behind Barret and Cindy, he comes out and says "Hey guys" and it really reminded me of Bart Rathbone. Just thought that was funny.
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Post by whittaker96 »

Well, we did ask for more mature episodes, and we did ask for showing the lesson better. Both wishes were granted in today's episode, and honestly, I'm gonna take a different side to this mature episode thing, which I'll get to do in a moment. Notes on "Unbecoming Jay"...
-Jay, you had your BEST. AND. FUNNIEST. EPISODE. EVER. First time I have actually "LOLed" since "The Triangled Web" and "Buddy Guard." Honestly, at first I thought some of the Jay dialogue was kinda corny, but in this album, he has grown on me to become one of my favorite new characters. I like the human element that he adds to the typical "I'm Rodney Rathbone, and I'm a bully" angle.
-Whit continues to impress. I loved his advice and the warmer approach that Andre is finally beginning to bring.
Oh, and random side note, when Jay is sneaking around behind Barret and Cindy, he comes out and says "Hey guys" and it really reminded me of Bart Rathbone. Just thought that was funny.
-ME TOO! Perhaps Dr. Julius Schnitzelbonker used the Rathbones in an experiment that completely went wrong, as his experiments often do, and they transformed into Jay! And that's where they disappeared off to! Just a thought...
-This episode is an excellent counterpart to Opposite Day when it comes to music. They both used previously recorded music; however, Unbecoming Jay pulled it off perfectly. For me, I really enjoyed the music as it was nice to hear some of the themes again, but using them appropriately; something Opposite Day failed to do.
-Ah, Barrett, Priscilla, and Cindy. The teen dating thing has once again been brought up. Personally, I agree with most of you that most teens are not mature enough to deal with all the effects of dating. However, some are, but most of them are not the ones listening to this episode. I think the lesson for today's episode can be applied and should be applied to all kinds of friendships. The "friend is seen hanging out with another friend, other friend gets jealous" is a very common situation, and just wondering, who else should the Odyssey team have used to portray this situation besides Matthew and Emily? Oh wait, that already happened in Square One. Those are the main two pairs that have developed so far and we've already had a lot of Matthew & Emily. I can relate to this episode, and I think the target group can also relate. There ARE such a thing as platonic relationships, and a relationship where one person has a crush doesn't mean they're both in a relationship relationship.
-Cindy has a much better laugh than Amber. Just sayin'...
-Jimmy Barclay should show Jay just how much more awesome Zappezoids are.
-Jay was great in the credits. And I loved how Chris hung up on Jay....
-The lines were good, the characters added new dimensions to themselves, and the lesson was developed wonderfully. 93/100
-I have no idea on who I'm gonna vote for Best Episode: Anger Mismanagement, Never for Nothing, or Unbecoming Jay...
~Whit Hertford for the role of Jay Smouse, best actor
~Andre Stojka for the role of John Whittaker, best actor
~Abigail Revasch for the role of Cindy, best actress/guest actress
-BEST LINE: "Then I'll tell everyone about your Verminoid action figure collection, with matching footie pajamas and bedspread." "NOOO...YOU WOULDN'T." "And your Elvis jumpsuit collection." "So beneath the shy mousy exterior lies an extortionist criminal. I respect that. If I'd known that earlier, we could have a great week." "No, probably not." -Jay and Cindy
EDIT: My sister and I both agree that while we've enjoyed this episode and numerous others since the relaunch, some of the characters don't really seem to be asking God for help on certain things. Instead they do what we think is right...but anyways, just a thought.
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Post by Moontide »

I think that they did good job at showing the awkwardness of the conversations, plus I finally figured out what the title was talking about. It wasn't talking about trying to become not Jay at all, but the fact the Jay was unbecoming.
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Post by Bob »

First things first, about the fact that the "relationship" (you know which one) is prominently featured in this episode. While I know that those intense juvenile relationships are usually just silly and unproductive, and can be downright dangerous at worst, the fact is that they happen, and there isn't much point in sugercoating things and pretending that it doesn't exist and nobody is ever like that in real life. Perhaps there should be an episode that covers the entire issue of "preteen romance" (or even teen romance, any age before the concept of such a "bond" becomes practical), but for now there isn't one. The fact that such an episode does not yet exist doesn't mean that the plot device can't be used (occasionally) as a tool to convey an effective message.

Overall, I thought it was pretty good, and I can sympathize with the plot. The thing that interests me the most is how downright hostile Jay is in this episode, if you really stop and think about it. I know that basically everybody here, myself included, likes him, but the fact is that in this episode, he's really kind of like the devil, doing his best to stir up strife between his acquaintances -- and absolutely shameless in doing so. I'd be interested to know if any of y'all have thoughts on that.

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Post by TigerintheShadows »

I heard the first ten minutes or so...then I skipped to the end because I was pressed for computer time. ;)

Overall, a decent episode. Honestly, Barrett/Priscilla doesn't seem like a "couple" at the moment, even though a mutual crush wouldn't necessarily surprise me. The fact that they're interpreted like this kind of reminds me of Odyssey Middle School in regards to Trent/Mandy. ;)
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Post by The Kings Daughter »


I didn't even get bothered by "Barrett/Priscilla" relationship. ;)

And someone finally interrupted Chris again! :inlove:

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Post by Catspaw »

I was too busy this week and now I've waited too long to review with great detail. I did like this episode. When I first heard the title, I thought that it would have two means - that Jay was unbecoming, as somebody noted above, and also that he was working to become less unbecoming. It turns out that I was only half right. ;) I do enjoy Jay as a character. I thought this was a nice episode about how doing the right thing doesn't always turn out the way that we think it should. It's easy to think that if you do something nice, then everything should all work out perfectly, but that really isn't how life works at all. ;) I wasn't bothered by the Barrett/Priscilla stuff. They're friends. There's nothing wrong with that. Two nice kids should be able to enjoy spending time together and care about each other without everybody worrying about dating, in my opinion. Some people do meet their future spouse at a young age and make that connection early on in life. Some people make good friends in their youth that remain their good friends for a long time. Some people don't. Only time will tell what happens next with Barrett and Priscilla, but I don't think that there's anything to worry about.

EDIT: TKD's post reminded me that I loved it when Chris was interrupted as well, especially the part where she "accidentally" lost the call. :lol:
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Post by Woody »

Best of Album 54, no contest!
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