Female Teenage Exorcists Get Their Own Reality TV Show

Yes, I am serious.

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Female Teenage Exorcists Get Their Own Reality TV Show

Post by Amethystic »

Alright, I'm not sure how many of you are familiar with Reverend Bob Larson, but he is the world's top expert on the occult and the demonic; he has performed thousands of exorcisms in his lifetime, and he's traveled around the world teaching people how to fight the devil and his demons in the name of Jesus Christ. He's made multiple TV appearances (most recently he was filming with a camera crew from Norway's #1 TV show--he's going to be exorcising a popular European death metal artist who doesn't actually believe in the supernatural) and has even filmed is own reality TV series, The Real Exorcist. Now he's in the works for producing a new reality TV series, but this time there's a catch: instead of him casting out the demons, it'll be his teenage daughter and four other girls ranging from ages fifteen to nineteen.

Yes, that's right. They're teenage girls. And they're exorcists. And they're getting their own TV series.

I tried to find an article on the subject, but I couldn't find anything that didn't have a mocking or sensationalist slant to it. Still, I'm excited to see this thing unfold. \:D/
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I love Bob Larson but the NOW WITH TEEN GIRLS aspect to it is sort of gimmicky.
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Post by Amethystic »

As I understand it, the girls have been doing the exorcism thing for quite a while, but I guess the reality TV business knows a good television series when they see it. Either way, I'm excited to see what comes of this; the pitch for these things is always a bit typical (like the intro for The Real Exorcist :P ) but the actual reality footage will be the interesting part. I'm excited to see what they do.
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Post by ric »

Considering nobody ever believes those 'Reality TV' shows anyways, what's the point of making this show? Will it be on a Christian channel, or not?
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Post by Amethystic »

Well, even on "reality" TV, some things are just too real to be faked. :- And no; it's being produced by the Canadian company Cineflex, and the producer for the show is the same producer as the guy who produced Big Brother, The Bachelor, and The Bachelorette.
Last edited by Amethystic on Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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I'd actually like to see Larson's show but have no idea where to find it. >_>
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Innnnttteeerrrressstttiiingggg...... :-k


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Post by Amethystic »

The Top Crusader wrote:I'd actually like to see Larson's show but have no idea where to find it. >_>
The Real Exorcist originally aired on the SyFy channel, I believe, but I'm not sure if they still play it. (We don't get that channel here, but we have it all on DVD. :- It's available through his website, I bet.)
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Post by ric »

Amethystic wrote:
The Top Crusader wrote:I'd actually like to see Larson's show but have no idea where to find it. >_>
The Real Exorcist originally aired on the SyFy channel, I believe, but I'm not sure if they still play it. (We don't get that channel here, but we have it all on DVD. :- It's available through his website, I bet.)
So, just out of curiosity, the show was merely entertainment, correct? I doubt SyFy would allow evangelistic material.
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Post by SoccerLOTR »

:noway: {shakes head} Wow, sorry to be the downer here, but I don't think this is in ANY way a good thing. Everything has to be made into "reality tv" nowadays...which, as ric said, nobody believes (if you've ever looked behind the scenes or given it much thought) and gets all twisted and warped. So A. this will just make Christianity look more showy and fake, B. it's just another thing for people to gape at on tv--"crazy person subdued by pretty young girls", C. this seriously looks like these people have gotten some fame into their heads and aren't putting the power with God where it belongs, D. this stuff shouldn't be advertised on TV as "entertainment" nor should it be taken lightly...and many people watching will just laugh at the "nutjobs" out there. This is a serious issue and if any of the exorcisms are real on it (you can fake just about anything on TV...even a little innuendo goes a long way if presented right), I'm sure they won't be too thrilled afterward to find that they were filmed while demon-possessed and broadcast to millions of people. Goodness, it's like we're back in the dark ages where people with psychological problems were put in chains and made into a circus freak show that people paid to see.

For the record, I'm also somewhat against some of the other "reality" shows where people bare their souls on public television...yes, get help, but it's not the world's business to find entertainment in your issues. If the shows were less showy I wouldn't mind so much, but they often do/show things for "shock value" to make the public interested--rather than having only people watching who might be struggling with similar problems. I think it is ridiculous and intrusive the way things are treated nowadays. :shame:
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Post by Amethystic »

ric wrote:So, just out of curiosity, the show was merely entertainment, correct? I doubt SyFy would allow evangelistic material.
Their purpose was to provide entertainment, but the show also served another purpose: it gave the world a direct view into the world of the supernatural--and a godly take on the supernatural, instead of all that dumb psychic stuff. After all, if demons are real, and the only way to get them out is to invoke the power of Jesus' name, then that means that God is real too. And people are seeing this stuff and calling into the ministry to get help--help that isn't nearly as accessible as it should be.
SoccerLOTR wrote::noway: {shakes head} Wow, sorry to be the downer here, but I don't think this is in ANY way a good thing. Everything has to be made into "reality tv" nowadays...which, as ric said, nobody believes (if you've ever looked behind the scenes or given it much thought) and gets all twisted and warped. So A. this will just make Christianity look more showy and fake, B. it's just another thing for people to gape at on tv--"crazy person subdued by pretty young girls", C. this seriously looks like these people have gotten some fame into their heads and aren't putting the power with God where it belongs, D. this stuff shouldn't be advertised on TV as "entertainment" nor should it be taken lightly...and many people watching will just laugh at the "nutjobs" out there. This is a serious issue and if any of the exorcisms are real on it (you can fake just about anything on TV...even a little innuendo goes a long way if presented right), I'm sure they won't be too thrilled afterward to find that they were filmed while demon-possessed and broadcast to millions of people. Goodness, it's like we're back in the dark ages where people with psychological problems were put in chains and made into a circus freak show that people paid to see.

For the record, I'm also somewhat against some of the other "reality" shows where people bare their souls on public television...yes, get help, but it's not the world's business to find entertainment in your issues. If the shows were less showy I wouldn't mind so much, but they often do/show things for "shock value" to make the public interested--rather than having only people watching who might be struggling with similar problems. I think it is ridiculous and intrusive the way things are treated nowadays. :shame:
Well, I'm speaking from my own opinions and experiences here, but I find that Bob Larson's TV appearances to be far from the forced, gimmicky drama that's usually on TV nowadays. These are real people--normal, non-psychotic, troubled people--manifesting on camera, participating by choice because they're getting the help they can't get anywhere else. (I would like to point out that there are also multiple local groups and private session opportunities, so it's not like you're refused the help if you don't agree to go on camera.) If this is God's power at work--and I absolutely believe it is--then isn't this the sort of thing we want people to see on TV, as opposed to always seeing the world's twisted New Age version of the supernatural? The spiritual deliverance ministry maybe be comparatively small in North America (most churches won't even let this stuff in their doors) but overseas in places like Africa and Eastern Europe, Christians are completely sold out on this movement; their cultures are so openly demonized that it's not even a matter of "Are demons real?" to them--it's about how they can take them down in the name of Jesus. Amazing things are happening in those countries because of that.

So yeah, some people will scoff and treat this like some sort of freak sideshow, but there are people out there who will see this how and say, "Hey, I have that same problem!" and they'll know who they can call to get the help that they need.
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Post by Parker Family »

I haven't heard about Reverend Bob Larson so I won't really comment on him, but I'll try to give the facts that I know.

I don't think demon possession should be taken lightly; its really scary stuff. About making it into a TV show, I'm not really sure is it right or wrong; but I'm don't think teenagers should be doing it. Its not that simple as say a few words and *poof* the demon is gone; instead, it may a really long time. A pastor (who was our neighbor and was an "exorcists") had to fast a few days before he went to the person who was demon possessed and casted the demon out. He had to battle with the demon word to word for hours. The demon would keep saying "No, this person is mine, I got to him before Jesus did," but he would keep telling it to get out "in the name of Jesus." Finally, the demon will have to leave. I don't think teenagers should do this (especially since its dangerous and most teenagers are still emotion and mentally unstable); it could really harm them.
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Post by John Chrysostom »

I agree with Parker, exorcisms are dangerous and serious things. To make light of it by making it into a TV show seems unwise and the use of teenage girls seems extremely unwise and dangerous.
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Post by Amethystic »

Parker Family wrote:I haven't heard about Reverend Bob Larson so I won't really comment on him, but I'll try to give the facts that I know.

I don't think demon possession should be taken lightly; its really scary stuff. About making it into a TV show, I'm not really sure is it right or wrong; but I'm don't think teenagers should be doing it. Its not that simple as say a few words and *poof* the demon is gone; instead, it may a really long time. A pastor (who was our neighbor and was an "exorcists") had to fast a few days before he went to the person who was demon possessed and casted the demon out. He had to battle with the demon word to word for hours. The demon would keep saying "No, this person is mine, I got to him before Jesus did," but he would keep telling it to get out "in the name of Jesus." Finally, the demon will have to leave. I don't think teenagers should do this (especially since its dangerous and most teenagers are still emotion and mentally unstable); it could really harm them.
Well if there's anyone who takes demonic power seriously, it's Bob Larson; as I said before, he's performed thousands of exorcisms, and nobody on earth knows more about exorcism than he does. And yes, fasting is a helpful preparation, but it is not a prerequisite--you can exercise the authority of Christ any day, any time, whether you've been fasting for a week or you just got off of work and a buddy of yours needs a little spiritual confrontation. And though exorcisms do often take a long time, there are far more effective ways to cast out demons than what was just described--did the pastor try to identify the legal right that the demon had to the man? The renunciation of sins and generational curses is usually necessary to get the demon out. If you don't remove the spirit's right to the person, they still have something to cling onto and they won't leave.

And yes, most teenagers probably aren't properly equipped for this type of ministry, but all of these girls have been trained by Bob Larson and have been performing exorcisms for a while--especially Brynne Larson, Bob's daughter, who has grown up around this stuff her entire life, and she performed her first public exorcism in Africa when she was thirteen. These girls know what they are doing, and they know how to protect themselves (both spiritually and physically, I might add--three out of five of them are black belts in karate!).

As for filming this stuff, why not? People film sermons, and youth rallies, and mission work overseas--why not spiritual deliverance? It's just as important, if not more so, as any of that stuff mentioned. People need to know the truth and get free, and if we don't show them that this stuff is real and effective, how else are they going to learn about it? The church certainly doesn't preach about it. (Interesting fact: approximately one third of the synoptic Gospels talks about confrontations with the demonic, and yet only about 1% of teachings in the church address the issue. I sense some disproportion here.)
Last edited by Amethystic on Thu Aug 18, 2011 2:01 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Parker Family »

Amethystic wrote:
Parker Family wrote:I haven't heard about Reverend Bob Larson so I won't really comment on him, but I'll try to give the facts that I know.

I don't think demon possession should be taken lightly; its really scary stuff. About making it into a TV show, I'm not really sure is it right or wrong; but I'm don't think teenagers should be doing it. Its not that simple as say a few words and *poof* the demon is gone; instead, it may a really long time. A pastor (who was our neighbor and was an "exorcists") had to fast a few days before he went to the person who was demon possessed and casted the demon out. He had to battle with the demon word to word for hours. The demon would keep saying "No, this person is mine, I got to him before Jesus did," but he would keep telling it to get out "in the name of Jesus." Finally, the demon will have to leave. I don't think teenagers should do this (especially since its dangerous and most teenagers are still emotion and mentally unstable); it could really harm them.
Well if there's anyone who takes demonic power seriously, it's Bob Larson; as I said before, he's performed thousands of exorcisms, and nobody on earth knows more about exorcism than he does. And yes, fasting is a helpful preparation, but it is not a prerequisite--you can exercise the authority of Christ any day, any time, whether you've been fasting for a week or you just got off of work and a buddy of yours needs a little spiritual confrontation. And though exorcisms do often take a long time, there are far more effective ways to cast out demons than what was just described--did the pastor try to identify the legal right that the demon had to the man? The renunciation of sins and generational curses is usually necessary to get the demon out. If you don't remove the spirit's right to the person, they still have something to cling onto and they won't leave.

And yes, most teenagers probably aren't properly equipped for this type of ministry, but all of these girls have been trained by Bob Larson and have been performing exorcisms for a while--especially Brynne Larson, Bob's daughter, who has grown up around this stuff her entire life, and she performed her first public exorcism in Africa when she was thirteen. These girls know what they are doing, and they know how to protect themselves (both spiritually and physically, I might add--three out of five of them are black belts in karate!).

As for filming this stuff, why not? People film sermons, and youth rallies, and mission work overseas--why not spiritual deliverance? It's just as important, if not more so, as any of that stuff mentioned. People need to know the truth and get free, and if we don't show them that this stuff is real and effective, how else are they going to learn about it? The church certainly doesn't preach about it. (Interesting fact: approximately one third of the synoptic Gospels talks about confrontations with the demonic, and yet only about 1% of teachings in the church address the issue. I sense some disproportion here.)
Like I said, I don't know that much about Bob Larson so won't really comment on him. However, I do know that most teenagers are still trying to find there place in the world and still are trying not emotional and spiritual ready (myself included). Not trying to brag, but I might know more about this then an average adult Christian; and even then, I know very well that I'm not ready. Demons can attack the exorcist using the exorcist's weakness and therefore, if the exorcist isn't spiritually ready, not only does it keep the demon from leaving, but also hurts the exorcist himself.

About fasting, I think the pastor next door (who moved away last year) fasted every time before he casted out a demon; he would pray and fast the whole day and then he would go do his job.

When filming on this subject, I think it is important to know why the person is filming it. For entertainment? Glory? I'm completely opposed to reasons such as that; especially since the Western Culture is so secular. There is no reason to show it to them. On the contrary, to teach pastors on such topics, then I'm all for it.
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Post by Termite »

Just because you're not ready doesn't mean they aren't. This is what you need to remember: you can't judge anyone's spiritual maturity by the stereotype 'most people'. That doesn't work when it comes to faith.

That's him, Parker- not everyone.

Yes, it's secular. Good. Give 'em the real stuff instead of "Ghost Hunters" from the Sci-Fi channel. :yes:
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Post by Parker Family »

Termite wrote:Just because you're not ready doesn't mean they aren't. This is what you need to remember: you can't judge anyone's spiritual maturity by the stereotype 'most people'. That doesn't work when it comes to faith.
Well, your right, but that wasn't really what I meant. I meant in general teenagers aren't prepared and it could be dangerous for them.
Termite wrote:That's him, Parker- not everyone.
Yes, I know it was just him *tells myself to be cleared on issues next time* #-o

I don't know enough to say that the girls shouldn't do it, all I'm saying is its dangerous stuff and not everyone should attempt it.
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Post by Steve »

Termite wrote:Yes, it's secular. Good. Give 'em the real stuff instead of "Ghost Hunters" from the Sci-Fi channel. :yes:
Ha ha! I watched that show (or at least a very similar one) with some friends at a youth conference and we could not stop making fun of that show! It was so stupid! \:D/

Other than that, seeing as how I know nothing about Bob Larson, I won't comment much on the show. Though I'm not sure I'd want the job of being the poor sap who has to go around looking for demon possessed people to be on the show.
he/him | a little stinker.
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Post by odysseyfan1 »

Um, OK. It sounds cool. \:D/ But, um, shouldn't reality TV shows be...you know...REAL??? :x
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Post by SoccerLOTR »

Amethystic wrote:Well if there's anyone who takes demonic power seriously, it's Bob Larson; as I said before, he's performed thousands of exorcisms, and nobody on earth knows more about exorcism than he does.
That's quite a statement to make. Nobody on earth? Perhaps no one as publicly, but the earth is pretty big and has a lot outside of common knowledge. Not to mention...thousands? I think we are putting way too much stock in a mere man here and not enough glory is going to God here.
Amethystic wrote:And though exorcisms do often take a long time, there are far more effective ways to cast out demons than what was just described--did the pastor try to identify the legal right that the demon had to the man? The renunciation of sins and generational curses is usually necessary to get the demon out. If you don't remove the spirit's right to the person, they still have something to cling onto and they won't leave.
Show me where in the Bible it explains this. Show me in the Bible ANYWHERE it describes Bob Larson's techniques and theories. And he says most of the corruption in the world is caused by demons? How 'bout sin? Personal responsibility for faults and needing forgiveness from God? Where does all that come in?

I decided to do some research on him and his "ministry" and found he lacks credibility, doesn't work according to Biblical standards, charges ridiculous sums for his services, and might have some moral issues himself. I strongly encourage you to read at least the first of these links because it does a good job summarizing the analysis on Bob Larson.

And this article you should also read a few of the comments at the bottom...
http://endtimespropheticwords.wordpress ... recession/
Ayn Rand wrote:I agree with Parker, exorcisms are dangerous and serious things. To make light of it by making it into a TV show seems unwise and the use of teenage girls seems extremely unwise and dangerous.
It was good knowing you StrongNChrist; you taught me a lot. I'll meet you someday for real in God's presence.

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