Death + Dogs = Heaven?

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Death + Dogs = Heaven?

Post by Bren »

So, do you think dogs go to heaven. I've heard before that they have no soul. I am not sure where I stand on the topic.
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Post by Catspaw »

I've heard arguments on both sides, but to me it comes down to one simple fact - when I am in heaven, worshiping God for his holiness and his unfailing love and his endless other perfect qualities, I don't think I will be thinking, "Yeah, this is okay, but I won't feel complete unless Lady is here." ;) (Yes, that is the real name of my childhood dog.) I have no idea whether there will be dogs or other pets in heaven, but when we are rejoicing and worshiping in the presence of our Lord and Saviour, I don't think that it will really matter to us. That's just my opinion on the topic.
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Post by Stop Wooton' Around »

I would say there will be animals in heaven but pets no. Like you said they have no soul but since there is a tree of life, I could imagine there is animals. Unless God has something better than pets.
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Post by Lee »

I totally believe that our pets will be in Heaven. (Just read Heaven by Randy Alcorn)

It's clear that animals are in Heaven, and God can do anything. Remember the story that was told to King David? About the guy who had a pet lamb that he fed from his hand and loved like a child. Does the Bible indicate that there was anything wrong with the affection the man had for his pet? God created animals to also be companions for humans. Do I believe that our pets actually "go" to Heaven when they die? No. But I do believe that God can recreate our pets. I personally look forward to meeting my grandparent's dog, Princess, in Heaven.

And of course, I could be wrong, but that's what I like to believe. As previously stated, Heaven will be wonderful no matter what.

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Post by The Top Crusader »

There is no direct biblical answer, but I choose to believe our pets are there because otherwise I would recant my faith! :x
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Post by Parker Family »

The Top Crusader wrote:There is no direct biblical answer, but I choose to believe our pets are there because otherwise I would recant my faith! :x
*Gasps* :shock:

This is a tough question... but here I go (aka. ranting ;) ):

Contrary to popular belief, I don't believe dogs go to heaven. I believe that when a dog dies, that is it. Some of you may be wondering why God would create creatures just to have them disappear for all eternity. Well the answer is because of we humans. We sinned and not only ruined it for the human species but all the other species as well. Yes, it is sad and that is why we should treasure them while we still can. Give them human rights? No, but at least treat them in a respectable way. Sorry Regis, I know its not what you wanted to hear (losing a pet is a very painful experience, I myself have lost a few... R.I.P. Grace {my dog :sniff: } ), but that is what it is. God knows how you feel and he grieves your lost. Everyday he "knows when the sparrow falls to the ground" and he knows when your dog died. Sometimes I wonder why God just doesn't destroy the human race altogether. We cause he troubles, we cause him pain. We care only about ourselves and our own wants while we neglect the needs of others and the pain they go through. It must take incredible mercy and love to forgive such awful beings. (Sorry that was really ranting)

Are there creatures in heaven? Yes, I believe there are. Will we have them as pets? I'm not sure... but if there was, I'm sure God will definitely give you one, Regis. :yes: You definitely deserve it more then I do ;)
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Post by Marvin D. »

Because there can't be any sorrow in Heaven, we won't miss our pets (I was just talking about this to Anne today, funny), so if they aren't there, we won't miss them ;) That said, I don't believe they'll be there because God made us different from everything else. He said "Let Us make man in our own image," when he created Adam, and because of that, we have a body, soul, and spirit.

Body-Unconscious existence, like a tree.
Soul-Conscious existence, like an animal, like a man, is alive and conscious of the physical world.
Spirit-God consicous existence-That's what we are.

That's the image of God we're made in. On day 5 when God made the land animals, he didn't go, "Yo, Trinity, let's make the dogs in our image." So, I don't believe dogs (or any pets) can go to Heaven.

And thinking logically, pets have no realization of who God is (do your pets pray every day and go to church on Sundays?) and never were saved, so, they'd actually go to heck :anxious:

Sorry if I'm being blunt, but that's how I see it.
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Post by himi34 »

Dogs go to heaven but cats don't ;) Jk

Well, on onE hand dogs are like stuff, frivolous.
But, on the other dogs are constant, loyal companions.

I think dogs go to heaven if there " family" not "posh"
Last edited by himi34 on Sun Jul 10, 2011 9:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Moontide »

What if someone don't want to have 15 hamsters all at the same time, just because they had 15 hamsters over their life?
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Post by Pirate Oriana »

I don't know the answer to this question (there is not verse in the Bible that lets us know that Heaven has an eternal kennel club) but here's my take on the matter. Jesus said that in the Resurrection we would be like the angles "neither married or given in marriage" (quoting from memory here, so I might not have gotten it word perfect). So, my question would be if that love between a man and wife, which is fare deeper than any we feel for our pets (I hope :- ) is no longer necessary what would make pets a must have in heaven. I mean, this is heaven we're talking about. In the presence of All Might God for all of eternity, that's what makes heaven great. I think we often fall into the idea that heaven is made for us, so that we have a really nice place to go where we die, where the only concern is how to make us happy. That's not the point, the AWESOME thing about heaven is that GOD is there! If you're a Christian and you're standing in heaven looking into the face of Jesus the Christ, who died for you and sits at the right hand of the Father; I can guarantee that if you're dog isn't there you're not going to be running around yelling, "WHAT IN YOUR NAME DID YOU DO WITH FLOPSY! YOU'RE GREAT GOD, BUT HEY, IF I CAN'T HAVE MY DOG THEN, I DON'T KNOW IF I WANT TO STAY HERE AFTER ALL!" It just ain't gonna happen.

I started a comic. \:D/ "And there's no one to stand around looking impressed"....seriously "what is the point of having you all." :x ;-)
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