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Post by Termite »

So I was just wondering what other people have done to themselves... Any broken bones, pulled muscles, sprains? You see, I have a record of twenty two significant injuries. Am I the only one who gets hurt so much? :anxious: (I can post a list later. Too lazy right now. :- )
Last edited by Termite on Sun Sep 20, 2009 3:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Amethystic »

Well, there was my *ahem* zipline incident, and right now I'm really sore because I was running all around town when I did the Amazing Race contest that the community church put on. It was fun though! \:D/
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Post by darcie »

Termite wrote:Am I the only one who gets hurt so much? :anxious:
Just you wait. Jonathan will get here and show everyone up with his injury count. ;)

I myself am naturally clutzy, so I would not even attempt to tally the number of injuries to date. But a broken leg and arm are among the many.
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Post by Termite »

Nice, Amy. *shakes head* Do I even want to know? And two broken bones? I thought I'd had it bad with one.

Bring it on, Jonathon. :noway:
Last edited by Termite on Sun Sep 20, 2009 5:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Laurie »

I broke my right ring finger five years ago, no surgery needed.
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Post by Anna><> »

I never really got injured badly, except when I tore my ankle (which still hurts now a year later), but I kind of built up injuries over time to my knees and heels from trampolining too much when I was younger.

I don't bother counting how many times I've gotten hurt though. I got stitches once from biking on wet wood. The worst part about getting hurt is how ugly you look I think. Like stitches on your chin, it looks disgusting. I covered my mirrors for a week because I couldn't look at myself.

Oh yeah, I forgot my worst injury of all. I burned both of my hands 3rd degreely.

I really haven't counted how many times I've pulled muscles and stuff, but I used to a lot.
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Post by Samurai Neil »

Let's see. Recently I injured my wrist tripping over myself, but my greatest mishap? Ah yes, I can recall it even now...

I was ten. Young, bold, daring-and just plain dumb. I went up a mini vert ramp on my bike. I landed on my face. Very fun.
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Post by J-man »

Never had a very bad injury. I'm rather careful, always have been. :)
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Post by Sonuna »

The two main times I've gotten injured were both at my old church building, with a few unexpected outliers. I have no idea why this is, probably because youth program was the main source of physical activity for minuna.

1. at about 3: reached towards a radiator pipe to pull myself, result being pretty heavy arm/hand 2nd-degree burns.

2. at about 6: was playing tag in the basement which had square concrete columns strewn about; somehow I managed to trip on about .5cm of really thin carpet and send myself flying into the corner of one of these, making a fairly deep cut right down the center of my forehead about two inches above my eye level. The one time I've had to get stitches. The scar's still visible if you look closely.

3. at about 10: was running back up from kickball in the back parking lot, up a significantly sloped hill. Again, somehow I faceplanted by tripping on absolutely nothing. Caught my face/arms in time and on softer grass, but ground my right side against pointy gravel fairly hard; again, there's a pretty large and more visible patch effect down a good surface area still.

I haven't broken a limb yet, oddly, despite having very low physical dexterity.
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Post by V-lady »

I've never broken a bone. I have, however, twisted my wrist and ankles on many occasions. I also have plenty of scars from various unfortunate incidents. ...One of them involving being stabbed by a pencil. Another involving being run over by a bike...

So yeah, no broken bones, but plenty of other rather painful experiences.
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Post by Termite »

I feel much better now knowing I'm not the only one who is injury-prone. \:D/ But now, if I may, I think I'll post my own list for you to laugh at. :-

Left foot, pulled: Stepped out of bed awkwardly and pulled the muscle right in front of my heel
Left calf, pulled: Don't know. But it bothered me for a couple of days, so it wasn't too bad
Left ankle, twisted: Rolled it off a clump of grass
Left ankle, twisted: Someone yanked my foot around
Left ankle, twisted: Got my flip flop stuck in a crack...
Left quad, torn: Diving and overstretched
Left quad, pulled: Irritated the old injury
Left hamstring, pulled: Doing a kick stretch, I think
Right quad, pulled: Not stretching and running too much
Right quad, pulled: Overstretching

Right muscle that's on the back of you arm, pulled: Overstretched
Right wrist, broken: I decided to play Tarzan on a rope swing when I ws 9
Left thumb, dislocated: Got it caught on someone's shin-guard when I was diving past
Left middle finger, jammed: Picking up a ball and going to close to the ground
Left first finger, jammed: Same as above
Right ring, sprained: Caught on another shinguard
Right middle finger, jammed: Into the ground again...
Right first finger, jammed: ....and again.

Back, sprained: Doing a heck of a long throw-in, and snapping my back awkwardly
Back... something: Was tackled from behind, flipped about three feet into the air and landed on my back with enough force to keep me from rolling it off and softening to the landing.
Head: Diving into the post
Head: Someone decided to be smart and try to shoot when the keeper was a foot in front of them with the ball. >_<

Then there's the fact that me knees are just scars. :anxious: No skin, just scars. And then all the bruises I've gotten, several of which were several inches (one about six) in diameter and laster for about three months.
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Post by EK »

I sprained my ankle dancing to some James Brown right into a puddle of grease at work. \:D/
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Post by Anna><> »

The funniest injury was skinning my stomach on the gym floor in school. It wouldn't have been worth it, but fortunately that was my team's winning move.
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Post by Oba-rai »

Tyler wrote:I sprained my ankle dancing to some James Brown right into a puddle of grease at work. \:D/
IRL I am laughing maniacally. :lol:
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Post by Pirate Oriana »

Let's see

My head: fell out of a bunk bed when I was younger
My head: spinning around in my living room, fell and bashed my head on the brick fireplace
My head: this girl that lived across the street from me hit me in the head with a shovel, twice.
My head: trying to ride my in my clothes hamper down the steps....I would advise against this.
My face: I was on my scooter and I...uh...ran into a parked car. :anxious:
My back: taking the trash out on a really windy day, the door flew open and I, being small and rater light, pulled off the step. After hanging on to the handle for a little while I lost my grip and felt right on my back on the sidewalk.
My...everything: I though our glass door was closed and I was trying to lean against it, but it was open and I took our stone steps face first.
My hand: I was trying to cut something with a knife and sliced into my hand instead, leaving a nice scar.
My nose: I got a wiffle ball slamed into my nose by the oldest guy in my school, which inspired my dad nickname me Whiffle Nose.
My left shin: Some kid threw a softball, it hit the slope of a hill, popped up and hit me in the shin. Gave me a pretty good sized goose egg.
My left shin: I was the catcher at a ball game some kid threw his bat behind me and it hit me in the leg.
My left big toe: I got a chunk of paint from the bottom of the public swimming pool shoved under the nail, which the doctor riped from my toe, (not all of it mind you, just enough to get the paint out) I could have had a shot to numb it, but my mom said that might hurt worse, and I HATE the feeling of numbness.

I started a comic. \:D/ "And there's no one to stand around looking impressed"....seriously "what is the point of having you all." :x ;-)
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Post by overcomer91 »

umm lets see. I have had 8 broken finger(most of it was fingers that have been broken many times), a broken toe, stiches in my head, Tendanitis in my knee, a screwed up collar bone most liekly a very strained muscele, and countless sprained wrist and ankle. LOL yeah I am a what you call clutz so I am used to getting hurt.
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Post by Joyfully »

I haven't had any really bad injuries...yet. I'm surprised though O_o
the worse thing that has happen to me was when our dog bit my finger, that was kinda gross. O_o
and another time when I was real small and tried riding one of our dogs, he didn't like it and kinda attaked me. =P
and I've fallen down hay holes, down full hayracks, scraped myself on gravel, nothing nearly as bad compared to most people though.

I haven't ever been in the hospital for anything for me, not even to get born. :P ;)
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Post by Ingress Neverwhere »

When I was about five or so I tripped running into the kitchen from the living room and landed on my mouth, ended up bruising my two front teeth (seriously; there are x-rays somewhere in my dentist's office to prove it).

When I was ten I fractured my right wrist falling off of my brother's skateboard.

My index finger has a bad track record with doors - I've had it shut in a car door, a regular door and the hinge of a door.

I broke my big toe tripping over the controller cord of our Nintendo system.

I've lost count of the number of scratches I've gotten from our cats over the years.

And I don't know why, but I seem to be awfully accident prone when I'm at work. I trip over imaginary spots on the floor. If I'm not running a book cart into a wall or a shelf or the edge of a counter I'm bumping into the corner of the counter with my hip. And I've gotten more paper cuts in the past five years there than I have in my entire life (and a word to the wise, never play tug of war with paper. It can never end well).

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Post by Eugene »

The worst injury that I've ever had is probably a sprained wrist once or twice. Other than that I've had the occaisional stubbed toe or some other minor injury (but not very many of them).

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Post by SivartM »

Well, I fractured my arm once when I was little, but the highlight of my small injury history was New Year's Eve 2007 when I dropped a log on my right ring finger and broke the tip of my finger, bled profusely, went to the hospital, got stitches, threw up from the pain medication, had this cloth thing wrapped around my finger for months, and was left with a scar and a strange bump under my fingernail. \:D/
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