My great-aunt...

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Laura Ingalls
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My great-aunt...

Post by Laura Ingalls »

Hey all...

I've been gone since Tuesday night, if anybody noticed my absence. ;) My 90 year old great aunt called us and told us she fell and couldn't get up. The rescue squad had to climb in her bathroom window to get to her. My mom and I left ASAP to travel the 2 hours to the hospital, and have been there until this afternoon.

She broke her hip and had to have a partial hip replacement. Now she's recovering from that, but her heart is now having some trouble. So if you all could pray both for her health and recovery and for my mom and me, as we are traveling back tomorrow. We just made a quick trip home for a change of clothes. :)

Last edited by Laura Ingalls on Sun Nov 02, 2008 7:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Over the Rainbow »

I'll keep her and your family in my prayers. I pray she has a quick recovery!
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Post by violet flower »

Not good. I will be praying!!!
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Post by Laura Ingalls »

Well, I arrived back home yesterday evening - it's so good to be home! :yes:

She's doing well with her hip...she's at a rehab center now to work with the physical and occupational therapists. But now there's another problem - she's getting confused and forgetful. She was NEVER like this before, and when we got back to her last Sunday it shocked us the way she was acting.

Yesterday, a therapist was asking her a whole list of questions like, "Who was the first president of the United States?" She knew that one - George Washington. Then, "Who discovered America?" She thought and thought and finally said, "John Kennedy." :anxious: And the year is nineteen thousand and eight....

She is NOT like this normally, so it's rather scary to see her so confused. The doctor ordered a CT scan of her brain yesterday to see if a blood clot had formed after surgery and traveled there, which might explain her behavior. Haven't gotten those results back yet though.

So your continued prayers are appreciated. :)
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Post by JesusIsAlive »

Interesting answers. :anxious:

I will certainly be praying. Keep us updated. :)
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Post by Laura Ingalls »


She was released today, and my mom and I brought her to our house. She'll be staying with us for a couple of months, probably, to get back on her feet. Thankfully, her confusion has cleared up, and her mind seems clear and normal again.

Please pray for us as we all adjust to caring for her and figuring out all the logistics. She'll be staying in my room on the ground floor, so I had some rearranging to do. :)
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Post by JesusIsAlive »

That's great to hear, Laura! \:D/
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Post by Laura Ingalls »

Yet another update:

Everything has been going VERY well up to this point, and next week was the planned moving of my aunt into an independent living apartment, as she can't climb the steps to her old apartment anymore. She's done great with the therapy, and can do most everything by herself.

HOWEVER, yesterday morning she woke up very short of breath and wheezing. It scared me silly when I heard her...she has heart failure, so I knew those symptoms aren't good. The rescue squad took her to the hospital, and they've been treating her as if she has pnuemonia. She seemed to feel pretty good though...until this evening. She took a sudden turn for the worse, and they told us she might not last through the night, and moved her to the ICU. :mecry: She suddenly improved later in the evening though, so they say she may be fine now.
The night nurse said that really anything can happen though, cardiac arrest, sudden change in her breathing, etc.

So if you could please PRAY for her tonight, that she would pull through and be able to fight off the infection.

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Post by JesusIsAlive »

I will keep her in my prayers, Laura. *nods*
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Post by Laura Ingalls »

All right, this may be my last update. She's being doing...ok...not great, but seemed to be maybe getting a little better. But this morning, x-rays show the infection is getting worse, a lot of fluid has reappeared in her lungs, there's scarring, and basically that she probably won't last through the day or at most another day. :sniff:

So we're probably going to have a funeral to prepare for and go through in the next week. If you could pray for our entire family during all this, I'd appreciate it.
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Post by Angel »

I'll be praying for her, Laura. I hope she heals soon.
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Post by Laurie »

I am :pray:
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Post by Candy »

I'm definitely going to be praying Laura! :pray: :pray: :pray:
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Post by Dr. Watson »

Our great-aunt passed away tonight at 10:33 EST. Please pray for our family as we prepare for the funeral.
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Post by Jonathan »

In my prayers.
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Post by Laurie »

I am so sorry. I am :pray:
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Post by Catspaw »

I'll continue praying. :) You have my sincere sympathy, Laura and Watson.
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Post by StupendousMan »

And mine as well, my prayers are with you guys.
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Post by Dr. Watson »

Thank you all for praying. :) We had the funeral today, and it went very well. The gospel was presented clearly by my dad, which was a plus. ;)

And now we are back home again, settling down after some hectic months.
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