Adventures in Odyssey

The Soap Opera!

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Waluigi Freak 99
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Adventures in Odyssey

Post by Waluigi Freak 99 »

A zany, on-the-fly fan-fiction I just thought up. Purposely written as a mock screenplay for a soap opera, complete with corny melodrama and RANDOMLY capitalized words. Enjoy. :D

SCENE ONE. The to-be-expected, cheery, upbeat theme music plays.

FAMILIAR VOICE: Hi, this is --

AND THEN . . .

Suddenly, everything comes to an abrupt stop. The music, CHRIS, everything. And then,

SECOND, LESS FAMILIAR OVER THE PAST FEW YEARS BUT STILL RECOGNIZABLE VOICE: Blackgaard -- Dr. Regis Blackgaard. (low) Welcome, to Adventures in Soap Operas. (famous, evil laugh)

The laugh plays as BIG, DRAMATIC MUSIC swells over it and carries us to . . .

SCENE TWO. A DRUM-ROLL opens up a scene at Whit's End. WHIT is at the computer of the IMAGINATION STATION, writing a PROGRAM.

WHIT: Okay, how can I talk to myself for the next sixteen seconds or so -- which is all the time I need to wrap this up -- before something big happens? Well, uh -- (clears throat) -- ahem. That should just about do it. Yes-sir-ee, it looks like it should be up and running. Now, LET'S SEE IF THIS THING WORKS!

*wink, wink*

WHIT is about to PRESS the BUTTON when --

CONNIE: Whit! Phone call!

WHIT: (grumpy, irritable) Oh, Connie! Perfect timing for Emma Douglass to make her yearly appearance. Well, I'll only be ten seconds, and in the meantime, don't let any of the kids touch the Imagination Station. Understand?

CONNIE: Sure, Whit.

WHIT leaves and walks over to the phone, where he bumps into


WHIT: "Mr. Whittaker" on the job, Nick. I can't talk right now; I need to take a phone call.

NICK: Whoa, man, like, what's the deal? You're acting all rude. Like, radical!

WHIT: Dated phrase. Get with the times, you -- (stops, sighs) I'm sorry, Nick. It's just -- you remember that virus I had around the 1999 season?

NICK: The one that made you throw kids out and yell? Yeah, I remember.

WHIT: Looks like I'm coming down with it again. Don't worry, the doc put me on some medication -- I'M SURE IT'S PROBABLY NOTHING AND WON'T AT ALL BOTHER ME FOR THE NEXT THIRTY MINUTE PERIOD.

*wink, wink*

WHIT picks up the phone.

WHIT: Oh, hello, Emma! (one second pause) Oh, you're not feeling too well because inexplainable exposure of a terrorist-developed impervious virus that causes human behavior to mutate dramatically and revert to unsavory portrayals of themselves years ago? Yes, that does sound familiar. As a matter of fact I --

The discussion TRAILS OFF as NICK traverses his way over to CONNIE.

NICK: Hey, Connie. What are you doing?

CONNIE: (writhing on the floor, sweating, grunting, in obvious physical discomfort) MUST -- NOT -- TOUCH -- STATION!

NICK: (to himself, yet clearly audible) What's going on? Everyone's acting --

CONNIE: (suddenly calm) Acting how?

NICK: Well Whit's got this virus --

CONNIE: (shocked) Gasp! A VIRUS! Wow! Zowies! Whit hasn't gotten sick since, well, I think it was around 1980 . . . never mind. But a VIRUS! It's funny that you mention that. Remember that episode where an UNEXPECTED character put a VIRUS in the IMAGINATION STATION? WOULDN'T IT BE WEIRD IF THAT HAPPENED AGAIN? IF SOMEONE PUT A VIRUS IN THE IMAGINATION STATION AGAIN?!?!. :shock::shock::shock::shock:

*wink, wink so hard my eyebrows hurt*

CONNIE: Hey, look, emoticons!

NICK: Yeah, uh --

WHIT interrupts, returning.

WHIT: I'm back, Connie. Now, let's see if that new program works.

CONNIE: Okay, Whit.

WHIT climbs into the station and it starts up with an AWESOME, COOL, HAWKING-ME-ROYAL POWER UP SOUND EFFECT. Suddenly, WHIT BANGS on the metal door.

WHIT: Connie, turn it off!


WHIT: I said, "Turn it off!"


WHIT: Turn the Imagination Station OFF!

CONNIE: But it's only been a few seconds!

WHIT: I don't care!


WHIT: I said "I don't care!" Something is horribly wrong!


WHIT: Something is horribly wrong!

CONNIE: :shock: Something is horribly wrong?!

WHIT: Yes, it's -- hey, emoticons!

CONNIE: Do you want me to turn the station off?

WHIT: Yes, it could be dangerous if I stay in here too long!


WHIT: I said, "It could be --" . . . never mind! Just turn it off!

CONNIE: Okay, I'm going to press the button.

There is a full fifteen second delay. The station then SLOWLY powers down and WHIT steps out.

CONNIE: Are you okay, Whit?

WHIT: Yes, yes, I think so.

CONNIE: What happened?

WHIT: Well, the program was supposed to give the user a glimpse of the contents of the average refrigerator. They would shrink to microscopic size and explore the --

CONNIE: Wait, why did you come up with that?

WHIT: Well, people are always asking me to write a program for Wooton, so -- it doesn't matter. The thing was, I wasn't a microscopic man exploring giant food -- I was the food. I was the milk, sitting in a plastic container in the back. I was the perishable generic peanut butter, offering a source of protein, and kids kept sticking their bare hands inside my jar and eating me. I was the unhealthy Cheese Doodles, loaded with fats and sugars.


I became pure nourishment! :shock:

LOUD, ROCK GUITAR MUSIC blares as we transcend into

SCENE THREE. WHIT is at the computer.

WHIT: It's really too bad that this isn't an episode where the computer talks. I have to manually search for -- oh, here's the problem!

EUGENE: (over the intercom) What is it?

WHIT: It's curious, but it seems someone has added another program and rigged it to run concurrently to the food program.

EUGENE: Uh, food program, sir?

WHIT: Yes, it would shrink the -- it was for Wooton.


WHIT: Anyway, I'll try isolating this unauthorized program -- oh!

EUGENE: What is it, Mr. Whittaker?

WHIT: The program is -- a person!

EUGENE: A person, Mr. Whittaker?

WHIT: Yes, and she has a personality; it's as if she's a real person and not a program.

EUGENE: She, Mr. Whittaker?

WHIT: Yes. She's about to say something!


WHIT: Jenny!

Dun -- dun -- DUN!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by Waluigi Freak 99 on Sun Jan 20, 2008 5:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Liz_Horton »

if i was Jayaar, i would "Die laughing"
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Post by jasonjannajerryjohn »

Waluigi Freak 99 wrote:WHIT climbs into the station and it starts up with an AWESOME, COOL, HAWKING-ME-ROYAL POWER UP SOUND EFFECT. Suddenly, WHIT BANGS on the metal door.

WHIT: Connie, turn it off!


WHIT: I said, "Turn it off!"


WHIT: Turn the Imagination Station OFF!

CONNIE: But it's only been a few seconds!

WHIT: I don't care!


WHIT: I said "I don't care!" Something is horribly wrong!


WHIT: Something is horribly wrong!

CONNIE: Something is horribly wrong?!

WHIT: Yes, it's -- hey, emoticons!

CONNIE: Do you want me to turn the station off?

WHIT: Yes, it could be dangerous if I stay in here too long!


WHIT: I said, "It could be --" . . . never mind! Just turn it off!

CONNIE: Okay, I'm going to press the button.

There is a full fifteen second delay. The station then SLOWLY powers down and WHIT steps out.
Oh my lands! That was hilarious! Especially this part.
Peri: Do you mean the TARDIS is malfunctioning again?
The Doctor: Malfunctioning? [pause] Malfunctioning? MALFUNCTIONING!?
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Post by Danielle Abigail Maxwell »

I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life time!!!!!!!!! THat was pure entertainment!!!!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!!
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Post by Angel »

Liz_Horton wrote:if i was Jayaar, i would "Die laughing"
LOL. Wow, how true.

That was pretty good. I enjoyed it.
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Waluigi Freak 99
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Post by Waluigi Freak 99 »

Well, why not? Beats Geometry homework.

COMMERCIAL BREAK. Hey, did you know that Focus on the Family has a magazine? You probably didn't. I'd bet you didn't!



WHIT: Jenny! Jenny, is that really you?

JENNY: Yes, John, it's me.

EUGENE: (voice cracking) Mr. Whittaker I don't believe it it's Jenny your wife on the computer as a program and that's amazing and I'm at a loss for words to articulate this --

WHIT turns the intercom off.

WHIT: Jenny, you don't know how happy I am to see you! H-how did you get into the Imagination Station?

JENNY: You silly goose, I just wrote the program and -- here I am!

WHIT: I see. But how did you find time to write the program when you were busy working on saving the rec center?

JENNY: Well, I, guess, uh -- I just found the --

WHIT: And, come to the think of it, I didn't make the rec center into Whit's End until after you died. And the Imagination Station didn't come along until years afterwards!

JENNY: Um, you see --

WHIT: And you always hated these machines.

JENNY: But --

WHIT: And I just wrote this program five minutes ago!

JENNY: Um --

WHIT: And Caesar and George Washington never appeared in history together!

There is a pause. Then, we hear BEEPS and BLIPS as the computer begins COUNTING DOWN from ten.

JENNY: Whit, no!

WHIT: What's wrong, Jenny?

JENNY: Your logic -- it's deleting me!


COMPUTER: Five. Four. Three. Two.

WHIT: Jenny!

COMPUTER: *ahem* One.


WHIT: Oh, Jenny.


SCENE FIVE. WHIT is in his OFFICE with CONNIE and NICK and EUGENE and -- hey, why not? -- JACK ALLEN.

WHIT: It was just so strange. I was at the computer, and -- well, I felt a disturbance in the force; I dropped a glass I was holding. And then Jenny popped up on the screen.

EUGENE: It was most immaculately unusual.

CONNIE: I didn't touch it! I swear, I didn't touch it!

JACK: The whole thing is odd. Y'know, I've been having some strange dreams recently --

NICK: Who cares? The point is someone hacked into the Imagination Station and brought Jenny (blind girl, right?) back!

WHIT: That's another strange thing.

NICK: What?

WHIT: Didn't you hear the opening? Blackgaard came back, then Jenny came back -- just where did YOU come from?

NICK: Well, uh -- just a coincidence, Whi -- Mr. Whittaker.

WHIT: Ah, there's no such thing as a coincidence.

GRADY: Whit, that annoying klutzy Davey kid just knocked over a stool!

WHIT: Oh, that was just a coincidence, Grady. If you don't mind, we're kind of in the middle of a discussion.

GRADY: Oh, okay.

JACK: Hey, who's supervising these kids, anyway?

WHIT: Uh-oh. I'd better go check on them.

He exits.

The conversation resumes.

CONNIE: That is pretty weird, though. Everybody coming back at once.

NICK: Hey, I don't know nothing about any global virus, okay?


JACK: Global virus?!

NICK: Did I just say that?

JACK: You did.

CONNIE: (malicious yet mischievous) We've caught you!

JACK: You tripped yourself up in your own lies, Nick.

CONNIE: You've been OWNED!

EUGENE: Plugged in!

*all glance at him strangely*

EUGENE: What? I finally got the commercial.

JACK: It took you that long to get the commercial, you simple-minded -- (stops, sighs) Wait, what am I doing? Why are we lashing out at Nick, and why is Connie speaking in chatspeak?

CONNIE: I don't know.

NICK: Okay, okay, I'll confess. Y'know, I've been in that Land of the Lost Characters for a while, right?

ALL: Yeah.

NICK: Well, I was roommates with that Regis guy, and he kept boring me with that story about Chicago and the computer. Y'know, it was cool the first time, but it gets boring after a while! So we got to talking about "I Slap Floor" --

EUGENE: Still trying to figure out what that means.

NICK: -- And I told him that it'd be cool if he actually did develop a virus to change personalities.

JACK: Oh, no; you didn't.

NICK: Weren't you listening to me?

EUGENE: But how did Blackgaard get back?

NICK: He escaped. You remember that Novabox thing? Well he planted his identity in the signals of one of the boxes and tried the brain-takeover stunt again.

CONNIE: On who?


NICK: I dunno whom it affected.


NICK: Someone's brain in Odyssey has been affected by Blackgaard and they're just now showing it. And they've released the virus for him.

EUGENE: But how did you get out?

A pause. Then, NICK notices that he is slowly fading out of existence.

NICK: Aw, man, now why'd you have to do that?

JACK: Nick, quickly, you must tell me the name of the virus before you return to the Land of Lost Characters!

NICK: It was Ru-something. Ru--

JACK: Ru- what?

NICK: Ru--

JACK: Ru- what?

NICK: Ru-- :headscratch:

CONNIE: Hey, emoticons!

JACK: Connie!

NICK: (voice getting hoarse) I remember now! It was Ru -- (he's almost gone; whispers) Ru . . . ru . . . ru . . .

NICK disappears.

JACK: Ru--what? Ru--what? Nick! NICK!
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Post by Danielle Abigail Maxwell »

Waluigi Freak 99 wrote:Well, why not? Beats Geometry homework.
Geometry HW? Sweet, I'm taking the same class!!!!!!! Except, I finished my Geo. HW in class. Gotta love Fridays and no Saddler. (sorry, had to say that. I don't feel lonely anymore)

Love it so far!!!!!!!! Can't wait for more!!!!!!!
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Post by Catspaw »

Wow, this is so fabulous! :hilarious: I love what you've written so far, and I definitely want to read more! \:D/
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Post by actinglove299 »

Thats so great!!! I can't wait to read more! \:D/
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Post by JesusIsAlive »

Awesome story so far! \:D/
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Post by Angel »

That sounds awesome! Great job, once again! \:D/
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Post by darcie »

Heehee... the second part was even better than the first. And I quite enjoy the running emoticon joke. \:D/
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Post by Waluigi Freak 99 »

COMMERCIAL BREAK. Hey, there's an Odyssey trivia game! Do you know how many questions there are? "A boatload?" No!

BACK TO THE PROGRAM. Music that sounds SUSPICIOUSLY like that of WAYLAID IN THE WINDY CITY carries us to


JACK: It's been three hours and I still can't find anything based on what Nick was talking about!

EUGENE: "About which Nick was talking", with all due respect.

CONNIE: (imitating EUGENE) "To borrow the colloquialism".

JACK: Hmm, still nothing.

EUGENE: Wait, Jack, what if Nick was talking about that virus scare back in 1995?

JACK: Ruku?

EUGENE: Yes, that's it!

JACK: Oh, no! If we've been exposed to the Ruku virus, we could have a much bigger problem on our hands than changing personalities!

CONNIE: What's Ruku?

JACK: You were there!

CONNIE: (whispers, pointing) Yes, but THEY probably weren't.


TAMIKA: Hey, what's going on?

JACK: Oh, we're about to discover a terroristic racketeering attempt.

MARVIN: Is that all?

JACK: Well, that is pretty impressive --

GRADY: Yeah, but so far Connie, Eugene, Whit and you have dealt with an egotistical megalomaniac, at one point surviving a head-on explosion; negotiated with a converted arsonist armed with a water pistol, terminated the threat of global mind control, stopped a corrupt plastics corporation, solved a 40-year-old mystery, rescued a farmer from a burning barn, been deadlocked in a computer battle over Whit's End, searched for the treasure of LeMonde, solved a bookstore robbery, been in an epic search for Whit in the Middle East, gotten to the bottom of a --

JACK: How do you know all this?

TAMIKA: We just own all the albums.

CONNIE: Albums?

MARVIN: (to himself) Hmm . . . it would appear as though they are unaware to the blatantly obvious postulate that dictates that we are conversing yet concurrently serving as participants in a fictional radio drama.

JACK: Marvin? You don't sound quite like yourself . . .

MARVIN: I mean, uh . . . oink! (abruptly) Sorry, we have to go!

They shuffle out.

EUGENE: Strange behavior.


*wink, wink*

CONNIE: But we need to get back to the pressing matter.

JACK: Yes. We have to find a way to stop this Ruku scheme.

EUGENE: Who do you suppose is behind it all?

JACK: I have no idea. What, with all these old characters coming back . . . I'd assume it's Blackgaard, but of course Mr. Freak --

Mr. WALUIGI Freak, if you please.

JACK: Fine. Mr. WALUIGI Freak, if you please, doesn't have that planned out.

EUGENE: But this is a soap opera. Of course the outcome will be stereotypical and anticipated. Mr. Maxwell and Mistress Lucy are probably going to burst through the door right about now.

Suddenly, the DOOR BURSTS OPEN!

VOICE: Freeze! (he fires a GUNSHOT WILDLY)

CONNIE: Now, you see, who does things like that?

JELLYFISH: (well, actually, you're not supposed to know who he is, but his voice would be pretty distinct if this was radio) I want the plans!

JACK: What plans?

JELLYFISH: The plans!

JACK: What plans?

JELLYFISH: The plans!

JACK: What plans?

JELLYFISH: The plans! :x


Everyone turns, expecting her to finish.

CONNIE: There's Richard Maxwell!

Dun DUN!

RICHARD breaks into the room in a DRAMATIC FASHION! He knocks the door off the hinges and everything!

RICHARD: Hey! What are you doing?

JELLYFISH: Oh, well, I'm, uh, delivering, an, um, pizza.

RICHARD: Oh, cool. Well, you can get back to -- wait a minute! Where's the breadsticks?

JELLYFISH: Uh, I forgot them.

RICHARD: You're no genuine pizza guy . . . (rips off his mask) Myran!


JELLYFISH: Um, uh, uh . . . I can beat you up!

RICHARD: I have a zapper thingy.



CONNIE: Wow, Richard, you saved us!

RICHARD: It was nothing.

EUGENE: Have you returned to thwart Blackgaard?

RICHARD: No, actually, I just got a job in Odyssey delivering newspapers.

JACK: Newspapers?

RICHARD: Yeah. Oh, here you go. (hands JACK a paper) Yeah, um, I'm sorry about your door.

JACK: You can pay for it, of course?

RICHARD: Well, actually, you see, I'm kinda in a -- (runs)

JACK: Ah, well. Let's see what's in the paper. Oh, looks like the events of a few hours ago. (skims the pages, then GASPS) My goodness!


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Post by Catspaw »

CONNIE: Wow, Richard, you saved us!
^ My favourite line! :lol: Another great section! I loved the part with the kids having all the albums!
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Post by Angel »

That was good! I think Connie is hilarious in this part.
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Post by J-man »

One thought:

...I hate marquees.
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Post by JesusIsAlive »

Can't wait to see more! \:D/
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Post by Pseudonym »

:hilarious: That was great! I can't wait to see the next part! :hilarious:
So you lost your trust,
And you never should have.
No, you never should have.
But don't break your back
If you ever see this,
But don't answer that.
In a bullet proof vest
With the windows all closed,
I'll be doing my best
I'll see you soon.
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Post by Danielle Abigail Maxwell »

You didn't....
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Post by Pseudonym »

Marisol Delko Caine wrote:You didn't....
Who didn't what? :-s
So you lost your trust,
And you never should have.
No, you never should have.
But don't break your back
If you ever see this,
But don't answer that.
In a bullet proof vest
With the windows all closed,
I'll be doing my best
I'll see you soon.
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