What is Your Funniest Memory

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What is Your Funniest Memory

Post by Katrina »

Well I have way too many to meniton but one of them I will never forget is about two years ago at Christmas. At Christmas on December 25,2005 at lunch. My older brother Jacob, and my sister in Law Jacob, came for Chrstmas and so did my friend Laura who lived in Nasuli before when my brothers lived there and is a friend of my brothers Jacob and Jared. At Christmas lunch I asked Laura to tell a funny story of herself and she couldn't think of one of herself and so I kept asking her tell me a funny story about yourself and after lunch me, Laura, Jenny, Jacob and Leila all had to clean up and so Jenny and Laura were washing the dishes when Laura dropped the silvereware and so I said O there's a funny story about Laura. And so that is the funny Christmas when Laura dropped the silverware. :lol: :rofl: Remember that Christmas when Laura dropped the silverware? :lol: :hilarious: :rofl2: :hilarious:
Another one of my funniest memories is about 6 years ago when I was about 8 and Jenny was 10 are brother Jared who was a junior in highschool. crawled through the trab door that was in beetweeen mine and Jenny's room and jumped out and scared us so bad. That was mean but its funny now :rofl2: :slapfish: =D> :lol:
Last edited by Katrina on Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:42 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by V-lady »

I've have many great memories of past Christmases, but I'm having trouble thinking of a real funny one. :-k
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Post by Alisha Richardson Wolfe »

Well this isn't a Christmas memory but it's funny. I was about 5 and my mom was pregnant with my little sister. My dad was trying to explain to me what would happen to my mom. We were in the store and dad was pointing out pregnant women as examples of what would happen to my mom. We got to the cash register and there was this man with a huge belly. I pointed at him and said really loudly, "Look daddy that man's gonna have a baby!"
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Post by Trillspots »

Well, let's see...funny non-holiday story:

The other day, we were all sitting playing Catch Phrase. We being four of my siblings, and my boyfriend. And it was my turn, and I came up on the phrase "Big Sister" so I started out and said "Having five younger siblings makes me...?" and my 8 y/o sister Sophie blurts out "GRUMPY!"

It was quite amusing.

Also, we refer to Christmas of '05 as "The year of the bad fudge" because of my multiple attempts to make decent fudge. Now, I'm a very good cook. Not trying to brag, just saying I've had a lot of experience. (Even taught a couple of cooking classes.) But for some reason, I discovered I am absolutely incapable of making fudge. I'd bought lots of supplies to make several different types, and tried multiple times that year, and every time I'd ruin another batch, because of a misread instruction, or an oversight, or overcooking the chocolate, it'd become increasingly funnier. I ended up ruining 6 batches of fudge that Christmas, and we didn't even end up having any for Posole Day on Christmas Eve. Needless to say, Fudge is one of the few things I buy pre-made now. :P

Another non-holiday story:

I have two brothers, Taylor (11) and Declan (5). Taylor is my biological brother, and Declan is my step-brother. We don't usually make that distinction, but it's necessary for this story. My Mother is from New Mexico, and is very dark complected, so Taylor and I have both inherited that from her. My Dad (step-dad, technically) is very fair and pale, as are my three step-siblings. Declan especially, is incredibly pale, blonde hair, blue eyes, etc.

About a month ago, I'm sitting downstairs and I hear this despairing cry from upstairs. "Oh NO!" I go up to see what's wrong, and Declan is standing in the Bathroom looking in the mirror. Dad had already arrived at the scene, and was asking what was wrong, and Declan was just sobbing and goes "I'm...lighter (he'd had a tan/sunburn that was wearing off) and I don't waaaannnt to be lighter!! I want to be DARKER like TAYLOR. I'm not supposed to be light. I'm soooo white." It was hilarious.

One more quick funny story. Last week, I was printing out recipes for Thanksgiving dinner, which I was solely in charge of this year. When I noticed something on the recipe for holiday green beans. The ingredient list said:

3 green beans
12 bacons

Not three cans of green beans, and 12 slices of bacon, but 12 BACONS! So the rest of the week someone would say "What do you need?" and everyone would go "12 bacons!"

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Post by V-lady »

All of ya'lls stories are hilarious!!! :rofl:
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Post by Katrina »

:-k where did you guys get the idea I wanted you to wright about your funniest Christmas memory. All I said was right you funniest memory That means it could be any time of the year. ;)
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Post by Danielle Abigail Maxwell »

Alisha Richardson Wolfe wrote:Well this isn't a Christmas memory but it's funny. I was about 5 and my mom was pregnant with my little sister. My dad was trying to explain to me what would happen to my mom. We were in the store and dad was pointing out pregnant women as examples of what would happen to my mom. We got to the cash register and there was this man with a huge belly. I pointed at him and said really loudly, "Look daddy that man's gonna have a baby!"
Funny. And even I'm not THAT, um, stupid! (Me, for goodness sakes. Me! Wait, I'm your sister....
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Post by Fenix »

It was a warm march day in Canada, the sun was out but it was still jacket weather so I was wearing a jacket but this has nothing to do with the story.
The story begins with me walking towards my class. I was very nervous for I was going to ask this girl I liked on a date. As always she was waiting for me outside the class. Ours eyes locked as I began to approach her and then all of a sudden out of the blue a good friend of mine (whom I previously told my plans to) comes up behind me and gives me a head-lock (his way of saying "Hello good sir"). We say our hellos and engage in conversation. While talking to my friend we continue the remaining steps towards my classroom and the girl of my dreams (lets call her Lizzy). We reach our destination and continue talking. As my friend and I continued to talk I noticed Lizzy slowly approaching us casually reading the bulletin boards which surrounded us. I could tell she wasn't reading a thing but was ease dropping on our every word. She made her way across the hall towards us until her and I were basically rubbing shoulders. At this point we haven't acknowledged each other for I was still entertaining the anecdotes of my friend. I had no interest at all to what he was saying. I just wanted him to get lost! As much as I tried to motion him to get lost he had no idea what I was doing. He continued talking and talking as I repeatedly gestured him to move along, mainly through my eyes and neck twitches. After another couple of minutes he begins to talk about something different. He began to inquire about the girl I was going to ask out that day (the girl I would have asked out already if he hadn't interrupted). As he began to probe with questions I naturally tried steering the conversation elsewhere. Each attempt failed miserably and with each attempt came even more questions about this mystery girl. He was totally oblivious to the fact that she was standing no more than an arm length from us. As I began to turn red and noticeably uneasy he began to clue in on his stupidity. It finally hit him, the girl we were talking about was standing beside us the entire time and heard absolutely everything we had talked about. He gave me a huge "I didn't know" smirk and skipped a long like the half witted pest that he is. I then turned towards Lizzy and with probably most flustered, unstrung look I've ever produced whimper a soft "Hi". She turned to me and paused, with a grin I'll never forget returns with "Hi, how are you?"

Every time I talk about this story with my friends we crack up. It was pretty funny.
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