
A seperate thread.

If there's something on your mind that just doesn't seem to fall into any of the other categories, well, it quite likely belongs inside Joe Finneman's marketplace. Think of it as a general store for general discussions!
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Expecting a battle
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Post by Aram »

I went a head and started this thread for one reason.

To give everyone a place, unconnected to the VT shootings, to talk about it. I know myself, am rather shaken by the whole ordeal as many of us are.

Out of respect for the fallen, many of us probably wouldn't speak exactly what is on our minds about the situation inside that thread.

Myself for example. This week is a very bloody week in American History.
The Murrah Bombing on the 19th, Columbine on the 20th, someone told me that Waco happened this week as well. And then, this on the 16th.

This may be simply a thread where I let some feelings out, but I thought I would extend the invitation to others if they wanted.

Many out here are college aged, some are in college, and then many are not. Share your thoughts, your prayers, your fears, and your memories.

Please, do not turn this into a Gun Control debate, for the issue is divisive, and do not berate the school for what they did or didn't do. Simply encourage and support one another in this time of need.

Many other's came in contact with threats and fear today. Feel free to express what you may.
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