Vote for the ToO Song!

To be sung on the Mayoral Podcast!

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Pick your favorite entry!

Poll ended at Sat Apr 14, 2007 2:28 pm

Entry 1
Entry 2
Entry 3
No votes
Entry 4
No votes
Entry 5
Entry 6
Entry 7
Entry 8
Total votes: 39

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Vote for the ToO Song!

Post by EK »

Entry 1
"My Trip...

To the toO was Wonderful! But I didn't get to see hillingdale Haven cause it was Clooooosseed!

My Trip...

To the dentist was horrible! But he Put me under laughing gas, so I fell aaasleeeeeeeeeep!

My Trip...

Inside the watch...(well let's not go there)

My Trip...
To the toO Was wondeerfuuul! But to the dentist was...

Entry 2
Town of Odyssey,
A place for you and me,
And place where all my dreams began.

The Town of Odyssey,
Filled with mystery,
And plights of RPG!

Many have come and gone,
And I stand forlorn,
As those of my time have gone!

They leave hearts so broken,

And we end up pokin,
At their empty user accounts.

People like NTG,

And people like EB,
And even those like Dancer 27700

They leave behind memories,

And this town gets taken over by newbies,
And those oldies feel so lost.

There is a real life,
Full of strife,
That you can never find while you're here

True addiction,

A world of Fiction,
The Town of Odyssey.
Entry 3
When one is board
When one has nothing to do
When one needs a friend
The Too is there

When one is happy
When one is excited
When one is hyper
The Too is there

If one is new
If one is old
If one is Top
The Too is there

If one likes AIO
If one doesent like AIO
If one has no prefrence
The Too is there

If one needs a friend
If one wants a friend
If one loves friends
The Too is there

If one believes
If one doesent
If one needs Him
The Too is there

The Too is there for you
The Too is there for me
Weither your down
weither your not

May God bless
That which was started
by Sadowpaw and friends
for the purpose of praiseing Him.
Entry 4
Oh, have you ever been to the ToO, I ask you?

It's quite a fun place to be!

You can post somthin random, post somethin sad, or even post something mad.

You can, go to Gowers Field... and go and play some games.

You can even go to the Hillingdale Haven... You can even go to Finnemans Market... you can even go to the Crestwood Avenue, and go get a free signature!

Oh I ask you have you ever... ever... ever... ever been to the ToO?

Because it's quite the fun place............... to beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Entry 5
Oh the ToO!

Oh the ToO!

Oh the ToO! < drag the o in ToO along with the tune.

Oh the ToO your so much fun I cant wait to get on! Oh!

Oh the ToO!

Oh the ToO!

Oh the ToO! <same thing, drag o in ToO along with tune

Oh the ToO your so much fun I cant wait to get on!
Entry 6
Hey, You!
Welcome to the ToO!
It's pronounced two!
Hey You!
I know that you are new,
and there are lots of things to do.

You can go to City Hall,
learn the rules and all.
Move on to the steps,
and talk to all your reps.
The Newspaper's the spot,
to learn what the people say.

You can go to McCalister Park,
Finnemans Market for general talk,
Whits End's the place to talk Adventures in Odyssey,
And the Harlequin Theatre's the place for movies and TV.

Jump on to Old Gower Road,
Hillingdale Haven, it's quite insane.
Gowers field for the RPG's.
And Odyssey 105 to win all the games!

Crestwood Avenue is your next stop,
You can get some cool graphics,
Avatar, banner, and all.

But what is that last place?
The Subscription Based Content??

It's the Town of Odyssey's biggest Secret!
Entry 7
A long, long time ago...
I can still remember
How the Toosic used to make me smile.
And I knew if I had my chance
That I could make those people dance
And, maybe, i’d be happy for a while.

But December made me shiver
With every post that I’d deliver.
Bad news on thefront page;
I couldn’t take one more post.

I can’t remember if I cried
When I read about his widowed bride,
But something touched me deep inside
The day the toosic died.

So bye-bye, miss american pie.
Drove my avvie to the siggie,
But the siggie was dry.
And them good toy boys were drinkin’ posts and PM’S
Singin’, "this’ll be the day that I die.
"this’ll be the day that I die."

Did you write the book of rules,
And do you have faith in Shadowpaw above,
If the Tooble tells you so?
Do you believe in top ’n roll,
Can music save your mortal accout,
And can you teach me how to post real fast?

Well, I know that you’re in love with him
`cause I saw you posting’ in gowers.
You both kicked off your avvies.
Man, I dig those rhythm and the toos.

I was a lonely Noobie broncin’ buck
With a pink heart avvie and a pickup sig,
But I knew I was out of posts
The day the TOOsic died.

I started postin’,
"bye-bye, miss american pie."
Drove my avvie to the siggie,
But the siggie was dry.
Them good old boys were drinkin’ posts and PM’S
And singin’, "this’ll be the day that I die.
"this’ll be the day that I die."

Now for ten posts we’ve been on our own
And posts grows fat on a rollin’ stock market,
But that’s not how it used to be.
When the EK sang for the Paw and cats,
In a coat he borrowed from Jarod dean
And a voice that came from you and me,

Oh, and while the S Paw was looking down,
The EK stole his Admin crown.
Hakebers courtroom was adjourned;
No verdict was returned.
And while Darcie read a book of TOP,
The Factions practiced in the park,
And we sang dirges in the dark
The day the music died.

I started postin’,
"bye-bye, miss american pie."
Drove my avvie to the siggie,
But the siggie was dry.
Them good old boys were drinkin’ posts and PM’S
And singin’, "this’ll be the day that I die.
"this’ll be the day that I die."

Hakeber skelter in a summer swelter.
Mr.WHit flew off with a fallout shelter,
Eight posts high and falling fast.
It landed foul on the SBC.
The players tried for a forward pass,
With the EK on the sidelines in a ban.

Now the half-time air was sweet perfume
While the ADMins played a marching tune.
We all got up to post,
Oh, but we never got the chance!
`cause the posters tried to take the field;
The Blackaard Clan refused to yield.
Do you recall what was revealed
The day the TOOsic died?

I started postin’,
"bye-bye, miss american pie."
Drove my avvie to the siggie,
But the siggie was dry.
Them good old boys were drinkin’ posts and PM’S
And singin’, "this’ll be the day that I die.
"this’ll be the day that I die."

Oh, and there we were all in one place,
A generation lost in cyberspace
With no time left to start again.
So come on: Top be nimble, Shad be quick!
Psyche flash sat on a candlestick
Cause fire is Gabriel’s only friend.

Oh, and as I watched him on the stage
My hands were clenched in fists of rage.
No Admin born on the too
Could break that Blackarrds spell.
And as the posts climbed high into the night
To light the sacrificial rite,
I saw Gabie laughing with delight
The day the TOOsic died

He was singing,

I started postin’,
"bye-bye, miss american pie."
Drove my avvie to the siggie,
But the siggie was dry.
Them good old boys were drinkin’ posts and PM’S
And singin’, "this’ll be the day that I die.
"this’ll be the day that I die."

I met a girl who sang the TOOS
And I asked her for some happy news,
But she just smiled and turned away.
I went down to the sacred store
Where I’d bought the dollies years before,
But the man there said the dollies wouldn’t play.

And in the streets: the Noobies screamed,
The lovers cried, and the poet dreamed.
But not a word was spoken;
The second church bells all were broken.
And the three men I admire most:
The Paw, the TOp, and the holy friend,
They caught the last train for the coast
The day the music died.

I started postin’,
"bye-bye, miss american pie."
Drove my avvie to the siggie,
But the siggie was dry.
Them good old boys were drinkin’ posts and PM’S
And singin’, "this’ll be the day that I die.
"this’ll be the day that I die." I started postin’,

"bye-bye, miss american pie."
Drove my avvie to the siggie,
But the siggie was dry.
Them good old boys were drinkin’ posts and PM’S
And singin’, "this’ll be the day that I die.
"this’ll be the day that I die."
Entry 8
I am the very model of a modern Mayoral Candidate,
I've information vegetable, animal and EB-date,

I know the mayors of odyssey and I quote the battles historical,
From Blackgaard to Regisville in order catagorical,

I am very well acquainted too with matters "Darcie"-catical,
I understand equations both Sonuna and Catspaw-Tatical,

About the newest no0b I am teaming with a lot of news...!
With many cheerful facts about the THUNion news!

I am very good at integral and differential COT-culas,
I know the scientific names of beings Useraculas,

In short, in matter vegetable, animal and EB-date,
I am the very model of a modern Mayoral Candidate,

I know our absurd history, Carebear's and Macpaw,
I answer hard friend quizzes, I've a pretty taste for Saraidox,

I quote in elegiacs all the crimes of Gabriel,
I conics I can floor peculairities "Trent"iel,

I can sing undoubted songs from "Shadowpaw" to "Shendendoah",
I know the strange choras of gimp80995...

I can hum a fugue of which I've the the music's Frank afore,
And whistle all the airs from that infernal nonsense Hakerber,

Then I can records thread in Blackgaard clan conformity,
And tell you every detail of the illusive "Zarkouni"ty...

In short, in matters vegetable, animal and EB-date,
I am the very model of a modern Mayoral Candidate,

In fact, when I know what is meant by "Bmuntz" and "duckie",
when I can tell at sight the Brotherhood from AIX..'ie'..

When I learnt what progress has been made in modern RPG,
When I know more of Jonathan than his cousin in the Summer'y',

In short, when I've a smattering of Moderating strategy,
You'll say a better Mayoral Candidate has never sat of gee---

For my internet knowledge, though I'm non-no0bish and adventury,
Has only been brought down in the history of Sibby-ury,

But still in matters vegetable, animal and EB-date,
I am the very model of a modern Mayoral Candidate.
Entry 9
Ode to the mighty Shadowpaw,
EK and his beautiful host Sarai,
and inflatable J-mans too.

Ode to duckies and Ham,
EB's afro,
and Rachael and JD's catfights.

Ode to Jared Walsack and the TH,
to the Shadowpaw Fan Club,
and Monday's with Trent.

Ode to Bennet Charles, the evil fake mayor,
Davari Hassan, the dead terroist, who blew up Gower's,
and to Regis Blackgaard and Gabriel Dragsack,
the best villians of all!

Ode to Catspaw's creampuffs,
JF's cookies,
and Jonathan's duck-tape suit

And ode, to the best town of all,
better than Mayberry or Walnut Grove,
Ode to the Town of Odyssey!
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Post by Catspaw »

I think I have a new favourite word, thanks to song number 8! "Catspaw-Tatical" does have a nice ring to it! :)

Wow, I'm really impressed with all of these! I might just have to not vote, because there are too many that I wish I could vote for! :mad: Good job, everybody! :D I like how entry 4 parodies the "Eugene Sings!" song "Have You Ever Been to Odyssey." Very fun! \:D/

I vote that EK and Sarai sing at least the top three! O:)
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Post by EK »

Somehow Entry 2 and 8 caught my I supposed to vote? ;)
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Post by JesusIsAlive »

I liked... oh, wait... Maybe I shouldn't say... :noway:
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Post by Kairi »

If I told you, you might know which one I wrote. So, my lips are sealed. :-#
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Post by Agentpaw »

I liked entry 8 a lot! =D> And a lot of the other ones where great!

(oh, and if anyone was wondering, I sent in Entry 5 and it is supposed to be to the Jingle Bells tune. I thought I might let everyone know ;) )
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Post by Me »

ek wrote:Somehow Entry 2 and 8 caught my I supposed to vote? ;)
I'm with ek on this one... must... decide.
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Post by Taq »

How many of the entries have proposed tunes, and what are they? From what I can tell:

Entry 4--"Have You Ever Been to Odyssey"
Entry 5--"Jingle Bells"
Entry 7--"American Pie"

Are there others?
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Post by Candy »

from what I can tell, entry 1 is supposed to be in the tune of connie's song the trip of a lifetime, but I could be wrong. and six is in the tune of kj-52's song it's pronounces five-two i do believe
I'd rather live as if there were a God, and found out there isn't, then to live as if there weren't a God, and find out there is.
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Post by Ruthie »

Itaque wrote:How many of the entries have proposed tunes, and what are they? From what I can tell:

Entry 4--"Have You Ever Been to Odyssey"
Entry 5--"Jingle Bells"
Entry 7--"American Pie"

Are there others?
I believe Entry 8 is to Gilbert and Sullivans'"I am the very model of a Modern Major General." :lol:
Hakeber BC Rathbne Doyle

Post by Hakeber BC Rathbne Doyle »

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Post by darcie »

I feel compelled to vote for one of the entries that mentions my name. :-k

"I know nothing about internet dating sites other than the ToO." - Baragon
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Post by Ruthie »

I voted for my own....hopefully that's allowed. :-
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Post by StupendousMan »

Not gonna lie, I really like 8 a lot :)
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Romans 8:28 - And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
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Post by Tyrell »

I would really like to hear someone try to sing number 7..
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John Locke wrote:I would really like to hear someone try to sing number 7..
That's why I voted for it! \:D/

But I really liked 8 and 2, too. :-k

Click on the image, you know you want to! \:D/
"I was placed in jail during the reign of Regis for double posting and spamming. :( I felt very naughty." -Danae Doyle

"This is the ToO...Not Wikipedia."-COT "I had some really good replies to that, but they were too rude, so I deleted them. Nice going, CoT. You made me be nice for once." :( -CA
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Post by Evil Chick »

Me wrote:
ek wrote:Somehow Entry 2 and 8 caught my I supposed to vote? ;)
I'm with ek on this one... must... decide.
Yeah... Same here. :-k
May Zarkouni Live Forever! :goomba:
Well, Washington has been gratuitously compensated like forever by the credit companies.
Hakeber BC Rathbne Doyle

Post by Hakeber BC Rathbne Doyle »

It's so hard to decide...
8 is the better poem,
but 2 is soo temptingly colorful
Il y a quatre-vingt-sept ans nos pères ont donné naissance sur ce continent à une nouvelle nation, conçue dans la liberté, et vouée à l’idée que tous les hommes sont créés égaux.

Maintenant nous sommes engagés dans une grande guerre civile, examinant si cette nation, ou toute nation ainsi conçue et destinée, peut longtemps survivre. Nous sommes rassemblés sur un grand champ de bataille de cette guerre. Nous sommes venus pour consacrer une partie de cette terre comme dernière demeure à ceux qui ont donné leur vie afin que cette nation puisse vivre. Ce n'est somme toute que convenance et justice que nous fassions ceci.

Mais, plus généralement, nous ne pouvons destiner... nous ne pouvons consacrer... nous ne pouvons sanctifier cette terre. Les braves, vivants et morts, qui ont lutté ici, l’ont consacrée si loin de notre pauvre pouvoir d’ajouter ou de retrancher. Le monde n’accordera pas beaucoup d’importance ni ne se souviendra longtemps de ce que nous avons dit ici, mais ce qu'ils ont fait ici ne pourra jamais être oublié. C’est à nous, les vivants, plutôt, d’être voués ici à la tâche inachevée, pour laquelle ils ont ainsi combattu ici si noblement. C’est plutôt à nous d’être ici voués à la grande tâche qui nous revient... que de ces honorés défunts nous portions une dévotion grandissante à cette cause pour laquelle ils ont donné la dernière et grande mesure de dévouement ; que nous sommes ici hautement résolu à ce que ces morts ne seront pas morts en vain ; que cette nation, sous les auspices de Dieu, verra renaître la liberté ; et que le gouvernement du peuple, par le peuple, pour le peuple, ne disparaîtra pas de la terre.

le 19 novembre 1863
Quite nice translation, and thanks for sharing! But those are Lincoln's words rather than your own, and therefore must be quoted. -Darcie
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Post by snowflake »

haha...i had fun reading those!

Thanks Lucy Pevensie for my awsome avatar and signature!!!

Yes, I know it's no longer Christmas but right after I change it it will be again so just get over it...
Hakeber BC Rathbne Doyle

Post by Hakeber BC Rathbne Doyle »

Entry 2 all the way! Entry 8 spelt my name wrong, and doesn't deserve my vote! :noway:
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