Stargate Series 3?

Gateworld announced a possible 3rd series once Sg1 ends

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Stargate Series 3?

Post by querida »

I read at Gateworld that after SG1 ends and they make the 2 movies, which will go straight to dvd, that they are think of making a 3rd Stargate. What do you think about a 3rd series? or are you tired of Stargate.....there have been 10 seasons after Atlantis's 3 seasons.

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The article (link) would greatly help...

I remember reading that though SG-1 is successful right now, it will eventually become to expensive for the company making it and lose money because every year all the actors get a pay raise.

And I like Atlantis just fine! \:D/

I thought them making another movie was just a rumor, do you have a link?

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Post by Jennifer Doyle »

I like the original StarGate but it's just hard to follow. Miss an episode and you might get totally lost. I haven't watched Atlantis at all...I might get into a third series, but I really just want to see some romance! :assault:
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Post by Movieman »

I'm a huge fan of SG-1 and a growing fan of Atlantis. I wouldn't be opposed to a third series, but it would have to take place somewhere REALLY cool, like if they opened up some kind of Stargate base on the moon or at the bottom of our ocean (the ocean reference having nothing to do with Stargate Atlantis).
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