My weird chat with top

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The Original EK
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My weird chat with top

Post by EK »

[23:30] Awesomeness: what up my homedog chicken nugget grease skillet on rye bread
[23:30] A person using MSN: yo yo yo
[23:30] Awesomeness: Its the topdawg in da house tonight yo
[23:31] A person using MSN: fo shizzle
[23:31] Awesomeness: fo rizzle?
[23:31] A person using MSN: fo pickle
[23:31] Awesomeness: fo nickel
[23:32] A person using MSN: fo cheesidy
[23:32] Awesomeness: fo captain crunchedy crunch :D so NEway ... yeah
[23:33] A person using MSN: yup!
[23:33] Awesomeness: :) like my ToO avvie?
[23:34] A person using MSN: is it the kid picking his nose?
[23:34] A person using MSN: If so, I love it!
[23:34] Awesomeness: Yeah!
[23:34] A person using MSN: SWEET
[23:34] Awesomeness: and the siggy?
[23:34] A person using MSN: the buff baby?
[23:34] Awesomeness: yeah
[23:34] A person using MSN: its is sheer awesomeness as well
[23:35] Awesomeness: lol... hey how come you and shadowpaw never RPG on gowers field
[23:35] A person using MSN: We suck at it :'(
[23:36] Awesomeness: LOL sure you do...or are you just lazy?
[23:37] A person using MSN: Well mostly the lazy part
[23:38] A person using MSN: I dunno maybe this summer I'll have more time
[23:38] A person using MSN: My new job I should have my own computer so I can screw around when I don't have work to do
[23:38] Awesomeness: LOL so.... whats your new job?
[23:39] A person using MSN: I'll teach a computer class at a college here, and also like be in the labs to help people if they don't know what they are doing on computers, or they start to die or something
[23:41] Awesomeness: LOL what if they start to die off of rabid celery?
[23:41] A person using MSN: oh, well then I think I'm supposed to kill them before they die so they don't spread contamination
[23:41] A person using MSN: that stuff is dangerous
[23:42] Awesomeness: the celery or the person dieing?
[23:42] A person using MSN: the person
[23:42] A person using MSN: the celery must be contained
[23:42] Awesomeness: why dont you just kill the celery to?
[23:42] A person using MSN: Well, they might need it for scientific research
[23:43] Awesomeness: Why? they can just research howard dean!
[23:43] A person using MSN: oh... well true
[23:43] A person using MSN: I gues I'll just kill everything in taht case
[23:43] Awesomeness: wheres the case?
[23:43] A person using MSN: in the boiler room
[23:45] Awesomeness: what do they boil in boiler rooms anyway? Like are there some british people in there saying "Time for tea old chaps"?
[23:46] A person using MSN: yeah, they boil chaps, too
[23:46] Awesomeness: What a waste of good pot grime!
[23:47] A person using MSN: I know it
[23:47] A person using MSN: they should conserve better
[23:47] Awesomeness: like jared, the conservative person...of pot grime!
[23:48] A person using MSN: Jared should SO start talking about pot grime more often
[23:48] Awesomeness: Eitheir that or shoelaces.
[23:49] A person using MSN: oh, that'd be good
[23:49] A person using MSN: or maybe pimento loaf
[23:49] Awesomeness: oh that is good!
[23:49] A person using MSN: woohoo!
[23:51] Awesomeness: I wonderi f jared has conserved anything lately?
[23:51] A person using MSN: you should PM him and ask him!
[23:52] Awesomeness: NO! he might eat me! *Cowers in corner*
[23:52] A person using MSN: he only eats young women
[23:52] Awesomeness: Oh no that means hes after you top!
[23:52] A person using MSN: :-O :-O :-O
[23:52] A person using MSN: NOOOOOOO!
[23:52] A person using MSN: not if I seduce him first!
[23:53] Awesomeness: O yeah use your charm.....and mountain dew
[23:53] A person using MSN: and crab juice!
[23:54] Awesomeness: Ohh yeah....have you tried that stuff on your pet rock it works wonders!
[23:55] A person using MSN: yeh they respond well to it!
[23:56] Awesomeness: I need some pepsi blue... do they still make it?
[23:56] A person using MSN: no I think it died :'(
[23:57] Awesomeness: Whens the funeral?
[23:57] A person using MSN: dude you missed it
[23:57] A person using MSN: it was like a half hour ago
[23:58] Awesomeness: WAIT its still just ran away to mexico
[23:58] A person using MSN: :-O

[23:58] Awesomeness: For real tho they said its still on sale in mexico
[23:59] A person using MSN: oh cool
[23:59] A person using MSN: yeah some of my friends went down there, and there was like Apple pepsi and a bunch of weird things they don't sell here
[00:00] Awesomeness: Ive got to make it over the border without getting put in a sweatshop.......*EK runs to mexico* AHH help*Mexican officals glare at him* "Umm me speak no spanish?"
[00:00] A person using MSN: sweatshops are cool. Where else can you buy sweat?

[00:01] Awesomeness: ummm sudan!
[00:01] Awesomeness: or wal-mart...
[00:02] A person using MSN: oh yeah
[00:03] A person using MSN: and some gas stations
[00:04] Awesomeness: Ohhh Ive got a discount card to ....El sombrero mexicano El pasa express...only valid in the UK!
[00:04] A person using MSN: SA-WEET!
[00:05] Awesomeness: Yeah I get a free enchilada and biscotti at tea time!
[00:05] A person using MSN: that is a good deal right there
[00:06] Awesomeness: I need to tell you something top...
[00:07] A person using MSN: You're my father?
[00:08] Awesomeness: no, well yeah that to, but I aint got no since I aint got no bellybutton and im your father thats why you dont have one...sorry to tell you this so late in life son
[00:09] A person using MSN: I... always wondered about that!
[00:09] Awesomeness: Yeah thats why you were teased at all those sleepovers and football games
[00:10] A person using MSN: and all the belly button beauty pagents...
[00:11] Awesomeness: ...and at the doctors office....and the jumprope with untucked shirts so sorry son *Sniff*
[00:12] A person using MSN: I was thinking of making my own bellybutton
[00:12] A person using MSN: I have a nice screw driver here that might do the job
[00:12] Awesomeness: I just used my thumb to make mine!
[00:13] A person using MSN: oh I'm not quite that pliable :(
[00:13] Awesomeness: but you can just jab it in there then wait for the scab to crust over then push the scab in
[00:14] A person using MSN: oh... hmmm...
[00:14] A person using MSN: I hadn't even thought of that
[00:14] A person using MSN: cool then I can put the scab in a box of corn flakes and see if anyone eats it!
[00:15] Awesomeness: make a bunch the scratch out all of your dandruff and make frosted flakes
[00:15] A person using MSN: DUDE!
[00:15] A person using MSN: that could work!
[00:15] A person using MSN: EXCELLENT!
[00:16] Awesomeness: for shizzle my friend
[00:16] A person using MSN: for shizzle indeed.
[00:17] Awesomeness: ok true or false....Shadowpaw eats kung pao chicken
[00:17] A person using MSN: hmm
[00:17] A person using MSN: I'm gonna say...
[00:17] A person using MSN: True
[00:17] A person using MSN: but usually soaked in ham juice
[00:18] Awesomeness: YES! shadowpaw eats ham soon he will over indulge himself thenwe can take over ToO
[00:20] A person using MSN: YES!
[00:20] A person using MSN: his ham gluttony shall be his downfall!
[00:21] Awesomeness: Do you think he went bald off of ham?
[00:21] A person using MSN: yeah too much ham irradiates the scalp and causes baldness
[00:22] Awesomeness: Eitheir that or inflated shadowpaw got the good end of the deal
[00:23] A person using MSN: yeah, but he got it through villainry of ham consumption
[00:23] Awesomeness: so because of that fact, WE WILL DEFEAT SHADOWPAW THE HAM EATER
[00:24] A person using MSN: *cheers*
[00:24] Awesomeness: Anyway...can I post this chat in a weirdest chat thread at ToO
[00:24] A person using MSN: yeah that's fine
[00:25] A person using MSN: I think it's important for the people to know the important business matters I have to take care of like this.
[00:25] Awesomeness: NEway whos that in your MSN avvie?
[00:25] A person using MSN: That is my son... your grandson.
[00:26] Awesomeness: Oh yes I vaugely remember him
[00:26] Awesomeness: Im getting old you know
[00:27] A person using MSN: Yeah that's ok
[00:27] A person using MSN: I wasn't sure if you ever met him or not
[00:27] A person using MSN: He's from my 7th wife
[00:27] Awesomeness: o i only met up to the 4th
[00:27] A person using MSN: yeah I thought so
[00:28] Awesomeness: what number are you on now?
[00:29] A person using MSN: 54th
[00:29] Awesomeness: thats not many now is it?
[00:30] A person using MSN: I know, I'm trying to be conservative
[00:30] Awesomeness: Following in jareds footsteps hmm?
[00:31] A person using MSN: yeah he's only had 39 wives
[00:32] Awesomeness: I think he maxed out a 37 but the conservative party let him have 2 more because he didnt liter.
[00:32] A person using MSN: oh I thought so.
[00:33] A person using MSN: Plus he got bonus points for marrying some admiral in the navy
[00:33] Awesomeness: Oh yeah got sworn in the military did he?
[00:33] A person using MSN: yeah
[00:34] A person using MSN: he became a war hero in the invasion of Missouri
[00:34] Awesomeness: and iraqistanambodia
[00:34] A person using MSN: them, too!
[00:34] A person using MSN: and the Mushroom Kingdom!
[00:35] Awesomeness: That wasnt jared that was ham man
[00:36] A person using MSN: Oh.................
[00:36] A person using MSN: Wow I always get them confused
[00:36] Awesomeness: Yeah the look so much alike shadowpaw tried to eat jared one time
[00:37] A person using MSN: I remember that!
[00:37] A person using MSN: SP got banned from the TH!
[00:37] Awesomeness: Yeah and jared lost his ear...wax
[00:38] A person using MSN: but then later he found that someone had made an idol of ham out of it
[00:38] Awesomeness: but shadowpaw ate that to
[00:39] A person using MSN: yeah
[00:39] A person using MSN: he eats lots of neat things :(
[00:39] Awesomeness: like boiled chaps and scab flakes
[00:40] A person using MSN: mmmmm
[00:40] A person using MSN: dude you're making me hungry
[00:40] Awesomeness: Im hungry to...but I donated my stomach
[00:41] Awesomeness: to the salvation army
[00:41] Awesomeness: goodwill got half
[00:41] A person using MSN: oh well thats to a good cause
[00:42] Awesomeness: yeah it was put in the electronics section though
[00:42] A person using MSN: oh... hmmm
[00:42] A person using MSN: I thought they kept them with the toys
[00:43] Awesomeness: they kept the other half with that
[00:44] A person using MSN: oh I get it
[00:44] A person using MSN: I'll have to see if its still there
[00:44] Awesomeness: I think shadowpaw bought it...and ate it...eitheir that or its dried up by now
[00:45] A person using MSN: yeah.... oh well
[00:45] A person using MSN: it was good while it lasted
[00:45] Awesomeness: ohh if its stil there we can add it to the scab flakes
[00:46] A person using MSN: YES!!
[00:46] Awesomeness: Itll be like that specail k cereal where they have dried fruit...we can have dried organs
[00:46] A person using MSN: wow that would be tasty, and healthy at the same time!
[00:47] Awesomeness: Itll have a good serving of protein and whatever else I ate before I donated it
[00:47] A person using MSN: yeah so you can't lose really with that!
[00:49] Awesomeness: Yeah itll be like a wonderball "I wonder wonder wonder whats in my stomach scab cereal"!
[00:49] A person using MSN: lol
[00:49] A person using MSN: dude I would buy like 10 boxes a day
[00:49] Awesomeness: Too bad I cant eat it :(
[00:49] A person using MSN: you could...
[00:50] A person using MSN: but it would just sorta... fall onto the floor
[00:50] Awesomeness: or you know Id have a automatic accident
[00:50] A person using MSN: oooh yeah
[00:50] A person using MSN: well that could be cool
[00:51] Awesomeness: ohh ohh I can recycle it you know suck on it then spit it out and eat it again
[00:51] A person using MSN: you could eat it over the side of a building
[00:51] Awesomeness: yeah thats a good idea to
[00:52] Awesomeness: Oh I got it I eat it off a side of a buidling the guy at the bottom catches it in his mouth sucks on it and spits it back up and the process repeats
[00:52] A person using MSN: yeah it could be on tv or something
[00:53] A person using MSN: I know I'd watch!
[00:53] Awesomeness: Youd be so proud of your father!
[00:54] Awesomeness: well im gunna sign off MSN right about now...Cya at ToO if you come, goodbye son
[00:54] A person using MSN: Goodbye, my father!
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Post by Catspaw »

You people really scare me. That was so hilarious! :rofl2:

(And is "person using MSN" really Top's username?) :-s
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Post by Jessicado »

Yup. Sounds like a splendid convo with the almight Top.

Top changes his username quite often......
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Post by The Top Crusader »

Catspaw wrote:You people really scare me. That was so hilarious! :rofl2:

(And is "person using MSN" really Top's username?) :-s
It was a while ago... I dunno why it didn't change for him... but yeah, that is me in the convo.
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Post by EK »

...yeah and you can obviously tell my username

And remember kids always eat your stomach scab flakes
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Post by Elf of Rivendell »

...I see. EK, stop lying about your age. :)
sorrowing you must go, and yet you are not without hope

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Post by EK »

no im still 14...tops 7
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Post by Sunday »

That was soooo very unfair. I'm sitting in a super quiet university library, crying and shaking. One of you should go to jail for not posting the warning: May cause extreme giggling and/or screaming laughter. Other side effects may include gagging, banging one's head on the wall, and general nausea.
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Post by Frank »

you guys think you're so funny.
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Post by EK »

Not think...we are
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Post by Frank »

ha ha ha ha ha...not.
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Post by EK »

frank you are so unbreakable huh?
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Post by Shad Lexer »

Breaks Frank

Kidding... O:)
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Post by EK »

...ummm yeah....I think I made frank laugh once...onetime...
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Post by Frank »

once upon a midnight bleary...ha ha.
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Post by EK »

....ummmm...yah....*tickles franks*
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The Top Crusader
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Post by The Top Crusader »

I don't see why everyone thinks a serious discourse between a father and son is so funny to begin with... I'm with Frank. :noway:
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Post by EK »

Yeah son im glad we had this talk
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Post by Frank »

The Top Crusader wrote:I don't see why everyone thinks a serious discourse between a father and son is so funny to begin with... I'm with Frank. :noway:
Thank you....'m much abliged. *pokes EK with a shoe horn*
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Post by EK »

Whats a shoe horn?
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