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It didn't work for me. :<
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Shad Lexer wrote:It didn't work for me. :<
It didn't for me at first, because I didn't capitalize the "E" in the password... :anxious:
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l33t hax \:D/
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Post by xiao »

Red Steel demo was nice... that us until it was announced pre-rendered, and the actual gameplay footage had absolutely terrible graphics. The Wii's graphics at the current time are not improved from Gamecube whatsoever, and Gamecube's graphics weren't harnessed at all.

Wii fails :<
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Post by EK »

Xiao wrote:Red Steel demo was nice... that us until it was announced pre-rendered, and the actual gameplay footage had absolutely terrible graphics. The Wii's graphics at the current time are not improved from Gamecube whatsoever, and Gamecube's graphics weren't harnessed at all.

Wii fails :<
Just becasue of graphics? Actually Wii is a step up from regular composite...its output is 480p which isnt any fancy high depth stuff, but it also wil have the best release lineup from the looks of it a $150-$200 price point and a whole library of retro games for download...and if you listen to gaming podcasts or keep up with gaming news you will konw the Nintendos booth is totally pwning Sony and Microsoft with all there HD poop...I mean how many people do you know that have an HD tv WITH HDMI inputs...not many, the first generation HDTVs didnt even have HDMI basically if your harping about graphics the PS3 will look the same as the Wii on a regular analog connection. If I get a PS3 (which is a big if because of its $500 to 700$ price point) I wont be buying an HDTV just to go with it...and bringing it back to the HDTV issue the only thing different in the $500 and $700 models isnt just the hard drvie size oh no...THE $500 DOLLAR MODEL DOSENT EVEN HAVE A HDMI OUTPUT SO YOU CANT EVEN PLAY YOUR HIGH DEPTH GAMES IN HIGH DEPTH! And dont count on IGN to give you all your "insider info" guess what IGN fails and has been accused many times of being biased toward its ADVERTISERS! And also theres the release factor we are already getting lots of info from nintendo about thrid and first party games....what are we getting from Sony close to nothing.

PS3 fails at being anything but an overpirced box of poop.
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Post by Elrohir »

Not to mention PS3's still just a rip-off of the 360 and Wii.
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Post by xiao »

Eugene Kendall wrote: Just becasue of graphics? Actually Wii is a step up from regular composite...its output is 480p which isnt any fancy high depth stuff, but it also wil have the best release lineup from the looks of it a $150-$200 price point and a whole library of retro games for download...and if you listen to gaming podcasts or keep up with gaming news you will konw the Nintendos booth is totally pwning Sony and Microsoft with all there HD poop...I mean how many people do you know that have an HD tv WITH HDMI inputs...not many, the first generation HDTVs didnt even have HDMI basically if your harping about graphics the PS3 will look the same as the Wii on a regular analog connection. If I get a PS3 (which is a big if because of its $500 to 700$ price point) I wont be buying an HDTV just to go with it...and bringing it back to the HDTV issue the only thing different in the $500 and $700 models isnt just the hard drvie size oh no...THE $500 DOLLAR MODEL DOSENT EVEN HAVE A HDMI OUTPUT SO YOU CANT EVEN PLAY YOUR HIGH DEPTH GAMES IN HIGH DEPTH! And dont count on IGN to give you all your "insider info" guess what IGN fails and has been accused many times of being biased toward its ADVERTISERS! And also theres the release factor we are already getting lots of info from nintendo about thrid and first party games....what are we getting from Sony close to nothing.
Good lord EK, you are a fanboy if I've ever seen one.

First off, I meant that Red Steel looked bad in terms of gameplay AND graphics compared to the pre-rendered video.

Nobody says it fails because of graphics, but games need more powerful systems then the pathetic Wii to process true next-gen gameplay. The Wii can pocess a fancy pointing stick thing, but other then that, it's poop. Whereas in the PS3, it can handle games that ANIMATE THEMSELVES (That's right, it's so smart it doesn't use animations) with millions of real-time objects with physics that can be broken into millions more along with stunning graphic and audio quality. Also, you say PS3 is the same old stuff but then comment that Wii was retro games.... what the carp?

Actually, according to the stats, Nintendo's booth is doing two times then Microsoft's and three times worse then Sony's. Just because YOU like Nintendo doesn't mean they're winning the console war. Go look it up before you post it.

And most HDTVs have HDMI inputs. Anyone who bought an HDTV early enough to get a version without an HDMI input is obviously not a gamer, and even without the HDMI inputs, PS3 will still look a good 4.5 times better then the Wii's capable of. Not to mention the PS3's next-gen gameplay. Once again, find facts before you post random untrue ramblings about finding faults in the PS3.

Right, that's why nobody buys the 500 dollar model.

And if you think we're getting "nothing from Sony", then you obviously haven't been looking at the PS3 section of the E3 sites. Wii revealed a few solid looking remakes of Gamecube hits, but PS3 revealed massively heavy-hitters that are brand new like Resistance I-8, Assassin's Creed, Project Offset, Stranglehold, Indiana Jones and many more.

Here's an example. Red Steel is one of the highest anticipated Wii games, even top Nintendo people said that it's possibly their best:

The Presentation:
For starters, the game doesn't hit the level of detail and style found in the target renders shown a while back, or even the official trailer that we have on our own site. Colors aren't as crisp as they could be, the characters have a bit of a cut-out look to them, and the amount of graphical polish just isn't there. While some areas are destructible, such as the fish tanks, televisions and cars, others simply aren't. It's a bit odd to shoot through a paper door and see sun rays sparkle through, and then turn just moments later and have shotgun blasts do nothing to a set of bottles. If Red Steel is going to turn heads graphically, we haven't seen it happen on Nintendo hardware yet.

The Gameplay: Gun Battle
As Nintendo has said over and over, however, playing is believing. The presentation could take a backseat of the gameplay was on, but unfortunately it didn't give the feeling we were hoping for at all. The gun control is amazingly jittery, having extremely high sensitivity when not zoomed in, and the overall feel is still very clunky. If you look back to the Nintendo conference, you can actually see the high sensitivity in action, as the main Ubisoft representative that was playing even overcompensated a ton, hitting enemies at a very low rate. The idea for Wii FPS games is to eliminate the need for dual analog sticks, but Red Steel isn't solving any problems, as analog control is being mapped directly to the Wii-mote. Since the sensor bar is placed above or below the television, players point at the bar itself, not at the screen. For this reason, the game doesn't allow pinpoint accuracy with the Wii-mote, as players have to steer a cursor rather than aiming at a point on-screen, which is a far more natural approach.

We aren't saying the game needs to work like a light gun, it just needs to have an accurate one-to-one representation of where your hands are in relation to the game. If a character pops out of a hiding place, players need to be able to swing their hand over and point at him as they would the barrel of a gun, and that is definitely not the case right now. The ability to calibrate your own controller and sensitivity will be added in later, so hopefully that will solve a lot of the problems we are seeing. Again, we played this demo over and over with multiple set-ups, and each time we had the same conclusion: Red Steer is harder to control than dual analog or a PC mouse.

The Gameplay: Sword Battle
Since Red Steel focuses on not only gunplay, but also hand-to-hand fighting, we thought it necessary to go a bit in-depth with how this works and feels. First off, the swordplay portions of the game actually feel better than any of the gun areas, which is already a testament to the hybrid design. It's the control that kills it again, however, as the implementation with motion sensing isn't where it should be. Players use the nunchuck controller to block attacks with a small knife, while simultaneously using the Wii-mote for their own sword. While the nunchuck portion works relatively well (after a few times through the demo we could defeat any enemy without getting hit… nice) the actual sword play isn't there yet.

Instead of mimicking every movement of your hand (something that is done in Nintendo Baseball), Red Steel instead waits for a full action to be done with the Wii-mote, and then executes it on screen. What this means, however, is that it is simply simulating a button press. If multiple people play the sword portion, you should see multiple swipes and styles coming form the character on-screen. After all, everyone swings differently. Instead, there are only a few different swipes that will be recognized. If you swipe the Wii-mote horizontally, it will show a horizontal swipe. Attempt an upper-cut motion, however, and the action is shown as a generic up-to-down slice instead, as if you went from above your head and down. The difference here is a bit hard to explain, but it will make or break the experience. Right now motions convert to a pre-determined swipe, instead of the player actually using the Wii-mote to realistically attack with a virtual sword. The difference is huge, and it has to be tweaked.

Red Steel is one of the most anticipated games on the system, and we want to see it tighten up and seriously deliver. As it stands right now, we can't recommend the game to anyone due to the shaky controls and lack of polish.
And Elrohir.... a rip off of the 360 and the Wii? You obviously aren't a gamer. The Wii is a whole 'nother story, and sadly, a much more pixelated and shakey one. The 360 is a more powerful Xbox, which is a ripoff of the Playstation 2 (and the Gamecube is as well), and the PS2 is a improved version of the PS1. So therefore, if anything, each one of these consoles is ripping off of Sony. Wii is the most different one of all of them, but lots of the hardware is taken from Gamecube, which is taken from PS2. You lose.
Last edited by xiao on Fri May 12, 2006 5:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by EK »

One statement just blows the top off of can get a Core Xbox 360 and a Wii for the price of the PS2...which would you want....the freakishly expensive sucky "cant get the cell processor technology to work" system or the sytem that actually does have good processing PLUS a system that has innovations and that dosent rely on graphics to actually be good.... and about the E3 thing why dont you go look it up before correcting me on what im right about...loser.
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Post by uz »

Me thinks its best to move this to town hall >_>
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Post by The Top Crusader »

Thus far, Wii simply has the most games I've any interest in... though PS3 is apparently having a FFVII remake with the FFXII engine or something... that does indeed sound cool.

But my goodness, I struggle to make rent, and I'm going to have to scrimp to get a Wii... no way am I getting a PS3 in the near future.

...and I just don't like 360 because though my Nintendo fanboyism has room for Sony somewhere in there, I just don't like Xbox (disregard the fact I have a regular Xbox, a PS2, and no GC... :anxious: )
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Post by Elrohir »

Xiao wrote:And Elrohir.... a rip off of the 360 and the Wii? You obviously aren't a gamer. The Wii is a whole 'nother story, and sadly, a much more pixelated and shakey one. The 360 is a more powerful Xbox, which is a ripoff of the Playstation 2 (and the Gamecube is as well), and the PS2 is a improved version of the PS1. So therefore, if anything, each one of these consoles is ripping off of Sony. Wii is the most different one of all of them, but lots of the hardware is taken from Gamecube, which is taken from PS2. You lose.
That's sort of what I meant. Sony just copied everthing the 360 and Wii are able to do and made it better and more expensive. How creative of them... So, I'd get a PS3 if I had the money and if it has any good games. Otherwise Wii + Smash Bros. Brawl has me sold.
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Post by xiao »

Elrohir wrote:
Xiao wrote:And Elrohir.... a rip off of the 360 and the Wii? You obviously aren't a gamer. The Wii is a whole 'nother story, and sadly, a much more pixelated and shakey one. The 360 is a more powerful Xbox, which is a ripoff of the Playstation 2 (and the Gamecube is as well), and the PS2 is a improved version of the PS1. So therefore, if anything, each one of these consoles is ripping off of Sony. Wii is the most different one of all of them, but lots of the hardware is taken from Gamecube, which is taken from PS2. You lose.
That's sort of what I meant. Sony just copied everthing the 360 and Wii are able to do and made it better and more expensive. How creative of them... So, I'd get a PS3 if I had the money and if it has any good games. Otherwise Wii + Smash Bros. Brawl has me sold.

It has better games then any next-gen systems available yet. Price is the only problem.

And my point was PS3 isn't ripping off anything, it's improving on what it designed, which everyone else copied.

Fanboy wrote:One statement just blows the top off of can get a Core Xbox 360 and a Wii for the price of the PS2...which would you want....the freakishly expensive sucky "cant get the cell processor technology to work" system or the sytem that actually does have good processing PLUS a system that has innovations and that dosent rely on graphics to actually be good.... and about the E3 thing why dont you go look it up before correcting me on what im right about...loser.
First off.... Core Xbox 360s suck. Remember now, my friend, this isn't a contest of PS2 vs. Wii... it's PS3 vs. Wii, so why are you bringing up PS2. Plus one of those sentances was just so hilarious that I had to sig it. I'm not talking about the graphics; stop going back to that. I said NEXT-GEN GAMEPLAY. Read the post first. Wii is hardly next gen. With terrible prossessing power and a shakey, sensor-based controller.

And what do you mean "look it up"? I was the one who told you to look it up, which, if you actually had done, you would have realized your point to be utterly null and less of a point then a stub! Your pathetic arguing skills are no match for this intriguing, yet confusing to some, amazing new lingo known as "Logic". Not to mention the fact you end your post with "loser" shows immense immaturity and inabillity to argue like a proper englishman, wot wot.

You LOSE, good day sir.

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Post by EK »

Xiao wrote:
Elrohir wrote:
Xiao wrote:And Elrohir.... a rip off of the 360 and the Wii? You obviously aren't a gamer. The Wii is a whole 'nother story, and sadly, a much more pixelated and shakey one. The 360 is a more powerful Xbox, which is a ripoff of the Playstation 2 (and the Gamecube is as well), and the PS2 is a improved version of the PS1. So therefore, if anything, each one of these consoles is ripping off of Sony. Wii is the most different one of all of them, but lots of the hardware is taken from Gamecube, which is taken from PS2. You lose.
That's sort of what I meant. Sony just copied everthing the 360 and Wii are able to do and made it better and more expensive. How creative of them... So, I'd get a PS3 if I had the money and if it has any good games. Otherwise Wii + Smash Bros. Brawl has me sold.

It has better games then any next-gen systems available yet. Price is the only problem.

And my point was PS3 isn't ripping off anything, it's improving on what it designed, which everyone else copied.

Fanboy wrote:One statement just blows the top off of can get a Core Xbox 360 and a Wii for the price of the PS2...which would you want....the freakishly expensive sucky "cant get the cell processor technology to work" system or the sytem that actually does have good processing PLUS a system that has innovations and that dosent rely on graphics to actually be good.... and about the E3 thing why dont you go look it up before correcting me on what im right about...loser.
First off.... Core Xbox 360s suck. Remember now, my friend, this isn't a contest of PS2 vs. Wii... it's PS3 vs. Wii, so why are you bringing up PS2. Plus one of those sentances was just so hilarious that I had to sig it. I'm not talking about the graphics; stop going back to that. I said NEXT-GEN GAMEPLAY. Read the post first. Wii is hardly next gen. With terrible prossessing power and a shakey, sensor-based controller.

And what do you mean "look it up"? I was the one who told you to look it up, which, if you actually had done, you would have realized your point to be utterly null and less of a point then a stub! Your pathetic arguing skills are no match for this intriguing, yet confusing to some, amazing new lingo known as "Logic". Not to mention the fact you end your post with "loser" shows immense immaturity and inabillity to argue like a proper englishman, wot wot.

You LOSE, good day sir.

May I correct myself I meant Xbox 360+Wii is the same as a PS3..sorry...also that above post was just a few paragraphs full of debatable. :roll:
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Post by Bmuntz »

People seem to think that Nintendo was the best at E3. A poll at gamespot that asked who made the biggest impact at E3 Nintendo had 42% of the 94,000 some votes. Microsoft was next with 31% and then Sony with 25%. And this quote from a video blog at Gamespot "What happens when E3 opens up every day? People rush to the Nintendo booth. A whole lot of people."
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Post by EK »

Bmuntz wrote:People seem to think that Nintendo was the best at E3. A poll at gamespot that asked who made the biggest impact at E3 Nintendo had 42% of the 94,000 some votes. Microsoft was next with 31% and then Sony with 25%. And this quote from a video blog at Gamespot "What happens when E3 opens up every day? People rush to the Nintendo booth. A whole lot of people."
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Post by Elrohir »

Xiao wrote: Your pathetic arguing skills are no match for this intriguing, yet confusing to some, amazing new lingo known as "Logic". Not to mention the fact you end your post with "loser" shows immense immaturity and inabillity to argue like a proper englishman, wot wot.

You LOSE, good day sir.

I find it funny that you told Fanboy he's "immense"ly immature for using the word "loser" when you put "You LOSE" at the end of your posts. BTW, Fanboy isn't the one telling people they have "pathetic arguing skills".
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