Bible Bowl Promotional Vid

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Bible Bowl Promotional Vid


Though it's for Beginner Bible Bowl, I thought it would give some of you an idea of what I and my fellow companions do at meets. It's a couple years old, some of the kids I recongized and have played against.

EDIT: It doesn't seem to allow for a direct link to the page, so just follow the links:

Not all the buzzers look like that. ;) Those were a set of really old ones.

Discuss! Show your youth minister! \:D/

Click on the image, you know you want to! \:D/
"I was placed in jail during the reign of Regis for double posting and spamming. :( I felt very naughty." -Danae Doyle

"This is the ToO...Not Wikipedia."-COT "I had some really good replies to that, but they were too rude, so I deleted them. Nice going, CoT. You made me be nice for once." :( -CA
"Alas, not even I could perform such a feat."-Trinny
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